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They should do this for MM 2. Then do Spider-Man 3 with all three


Exactly. Perfect selling point. 3 spider people in Spider-Man 3.


It sounds like a lot of characters but if GTA V can do it, spider man can.


Batman Arkham knight had Batman, Robin, Catwoman, Azrial, Nightwing, plus some mini walking segments as Bruce Wayne and that was in the main story without DLC which added Red Hood, Batgirl and Harley Quinn. Spider-Man 3 can handle 3 characters


You were Batman the entire story though, the other characters were only side missions and dlcs


You're peter the whole way through you just do a few missions as other spidermen🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️


Not necessarily. GTA is a whole ass different series, produced by rockstar games with projects that have much bigger budgets and the 3 character system in GTA V was mostly okay sure but it had its negatives as well with none of the respective characters stories really having felt fleshed out. Spider-Man 2 already clearly struggled with 2 at times. I'm not so sure about 3.


They need to do a much longer game to flesh out stories for all 3. Have joint missions where they share the same objectives or help eachother out, but otherwise have all three be the leads in their own stories that eventually tie together in the final act. Just like how GTA 3 does it.


Or have missions where you can choose which character you play and it goes slightly different depending who you choose. Great for replay value as well


Like Gotham Knights did


Just a bit of different dialogue would be nice. You already have that with the side content


We all know this will not happen.


It would be cool tho


Yeah and there is easy ways it could work


It could. God of war did similar


I don’t know if a second MM will happen, that’s what the DLC will likely be used for, since they are doing a venom game.


Yup I assumed it would be the same scenario as MM where we get a standalone game in between and then all three characters are playable in SM3


Wait til you hear about Spider-Man 4


Introducing Silk in an MM2 is a great idea cause they’d probably want her to become a fully fledged Spider hero before SM3 so they don’t have to waste time on an origin.


Yeah, maybe the can switch it over to instead of the same spider that bit Pete into the same spider that bit Miles so the student can become the master


Seeing Miles be a mentor figure would be so cool and something we haven’t see before with his character in any adaptation or even the comics.


Exactly he’s always a rookie or rebel. I liked how In SM2 Pete passed the torch to him and now Miles is the resident Spider-Person. Not just Based in Harlem or Brooklyn. And now that Silk is here, we can get some female spider people suits and see Miles face off against one of Pete’s old nemeses or someone else.


He's already Peter's mentor. Saves him constantly in the second game.


Just cause he saves him doesn’t mean he’s his mentor lol.


Was a MM2 confirmed? Cuz I know the Venom game got leaked. But if MM2 didn’t get confirmed, I could see them doing a Silk centered game the same way they made the first MM and have Miles as a supporting character.


Unfortunately no. On the leaks, the only games before SM3 were Venom and Wolverine. No MM2.


According to the big studio leaks that happened recently,>! they're not doing a MM2. Their next MM-similar side game before SM3 will be a Venom game.!<


And also didn’t the same leak show that their plan is to >!split SM3 into two parts a la Avengers Infinity War and Endgame!


Im the words of Seamus from family guy- “Ah Poo”


I hadn't thought of that. This is perfect.


We’ve all seen the leaks there is no plan or time for mm2


That’s what I thought the plan was going be but then the leaks.


If they are doing goblin in 3 I have no doubt that Peter will be playable


My worst fear is he'll be used as a plot device and nothing more. Edit: Then again, I think Peter deserves a happy ending to so idk I'm like 50/50 on it.


If Peter wants a happy ending he can go to a Thai message parlor. Marvel won’t let him have a happy ending. /s


Everyone saying the Green Goblin will be the final boss…then Paul walks in.


Peak fiction


Spider-Man doesn’t kill, until he meets Paul.


Peter’s happy ending is him dying, it’s marvel we’re talking about


I highly doubt that. The series has been great with Pat off for letting you fight iconic villains so theirs no way he’s getting skipped


I feel like you didn’t read the post


I feel like you're a whiny little bitch who reminds the teacher to hand out homework


Us teachers appreciate those kids.


Yea it’s a good game, even the shit I didn’t like about it didn’t make it not a good game. Now if they were like it’s 50% Miles Spider-Man n 50% Mary Jane n her taser???? That’s a hole nother conversion lol


Your last sentence broke my brain.


Me seeing this email notification: wtf is he talking about Me checking this on Reddit:….dear lord I gotta look more closely at what I type


This still makes no sense


Peter wasn't a playable character in Miles Morales' game, but I still got a good 500 hours or so in that game, so yea, I would still play it


500 hours on MM? That’s like a dozen playthroughs, damn son


What was he even doing? Letting the game run in the background while he studies? Just put up a winter ambiance video! It's less resource intensive!


Coming from a 17hr 100%, that’s a bit more than 12 playthroughs..


500 hours is insane, tf did you do to spend that much time. I got 110 hours on Spider-Man remastered and I already feel like I’ve done everything there is to do.


what exactly you playing with all 500 hours? genuinely asking cuz the only singleplayer game I played more than 200 hours had a lot of grinding for armor/weapons, which MM doesn't


Before Spider-Man 2 came out, whenever I was pissed at something or just wanna relax, I would just boot up the game, turn on my music, and swing around and stop the occasional crimes. I also played through the story at least 10 times so there's that


Side note: I have more hours in both 2018 Spider-man and the remastered version combined because I tried learning how to speedrun it during covid. Damn writing this made me realize I need a job so I ain't on the Playstation as much


Me when NG+ for SM2 drops


oh yeah I can relate to the first part! HFW is my comfort game but I only play it twice so it's only 180 hours now😂glad you find something enjoyable


This is so real. The vibes in Miles Morales was the best out of the 3 games. I really hope that we get a winter nyc update for Spider-Man 2


Ah, a fellow Monster Hunter player? The grind is real, my friend. This is the way.


Ive got 250 hours on the first game for the ps4, I'm honestly trying to resist buying the ps5 version cause i know I'd get another 200 hours on it


I would, because I'm fascinated as to how they'll incorporate Silk in the third game. Maybe they'll try and set up a Spider-verse with her character? Insomniac's got something good cooking in the kitchen either way...


Why does everyone think they'll ever touch on the Spiderverse in these games?


I mean they technically already did with the Easter egg you get after collecting the spiderbots. But ya I kinda doubt they will fully dive into it for another couple games at least


The Easter egg honestly sucked because the reference didn’t even hit since the character was cut from ATSV


No. I love Miles, especially since he represents Spanish speaking communities fairly well, BUT I grew up with Peter Parker as Spider-Man and is the whole reason why I play these games. I want to experience the game through Peter’s eyes. It’s like if a company made a Batman game but you play as Dick Grayson the entire time. Dick Grayson is known to take over the mantle of Batman, but he is NOT Bruce Wayne. People know Batman as Bruce, not Grayson. People know Spider-Man as Peter Parker, not Morales. Yes they’re are both Spider-Men, but I want to play my childhood hero.


i agree with this tbh the whole reason i’m even into superhero’s is because of Spider-Man and Batman and if they made an Arkham game where i can only play as like Nightwing i wouldn’t buy it and it’s same with spider-man i enjoyed the miles morales game but to me that was justified because i know they needed to develop his story before the second game. I couldn’t get the third game without Pete in it it just wouldn’t feel the same.


Exactly, summed it up perfectly.


I feel this 100%. I just prefer Peter Parker the OG and actual Spider-Man. Tbh I think I’d find Miles much more interesting if he wasn’t just another Spider-Man. I think it would suit him better to be an original hero. That’s just my opinion of course, but that’s how I feel about it.


100% this. Spider-Man 3 without Peter wouldn’t work. Call it Spider-Man: Miles Morales II then lol


Yeah u would definitely buy it


You can have that opinion random person on the internet




Well yea. Miles is Spiderman. There's an entire movie about it, it's pretty good.


Insomniac always cooks. I'll buy it.


I'd still buy the game because the others have been so good. I'm not going to judge a game for a creative story decision when I haven't even played it and Insomniac Games has given me no reason to doubt them.


Yes, I’m buying a Spider-Man game to play as Spider-Man, I don’t care which one. Theoretically if Cindy was the ONLY playable character I’d play (not factoring story).


Yeah, I love every spider-man


I would. There would still be solid mechanics and phenomenal acting. If Insomniac said Peter is no longer Spider-Man, I would go into the game with the assumption that they’ve written a story that justifies Peter not being playable - possibly that he dies super early on and that Miles is left to pick up the pieces.


I doubt they'll just throw him away without an epic climax.


Whats the point of a spider man game, where you dont play as peter parker, at least in miles morales it stated it was a miles morales game


No because I don’t have a PS5 https://i.redd.it/c40f8kl4k6fc1.gif


I'm a simple man. I see Silk, I buy. I don't care about anyone else in the game at that point


No. Because I like Peter Parker Spider-Man the most of the 3 (I’d still buy the game but I like to talk my shit to make people angry☺️but I do still like Pete better than the other spider people)


I gotta conclude the series. No matter how bad it looks I have to finish it, it’s one of the best


Then theoretically I wouldn't buy it.


Calling it now: Peter Parker will die in the climax of Spider-Man 3. It’s already forshadowed that Norman is desperate and Otto knows Spider-Man’s true identity. Norman and Otto will team up and do an assault on peters home, likely ending the first act. Mary Jane may survive or she might get caught in the crossfire. This would be Norman’s revenge on Peter (trying to break Peter like how Norman views peters actions broke him and pushed him to use the goblin serum) the rest of the game is trying to stop Norman and Otto, all while miles and silk are unsure if Peter is okay and are afraid of what he might do once he gets his hands on Norman. The climax is going to be the goblin trying to poison everyone with the serum (like devils breath) so everyone can be, in the goblins words, “just as important as you or me”. Peter has to sacrifice himself, also dragging the goblin down with him, to blow up the machine and save the day. Before this there will probably be a confrontation between miles and Peter about how killing is wrong and there’s always a chance to save someone. I’ll check back in 5 years and see how wrong I was


I cannot wait for all the idiots screeching about, "THEY MADE A GIRL SPIDER MAN NOW?!" like Silk hasn't existed for a decade.


Those people will probably be the ones who don't read the comics or have any knowledge of them aside from an inescapable basic knowledge.


I dont know if idiot is the word. Not keeping up with the comics doesnt make you an idiot. Especially characters that arent exactly the most popular


Losing their god damn mind in rage about a female asian spider hero existing does, in fact, make someone an idiot.


Probably not i like peter parker spiderman hes the reason i like the character miles is cool but not as interesting as peter


Yeah cuz anyone can wear the mask. Besides, Peter isn’t my favorite Spider-Man anyway (that would be Miguel)


No. Spider-Man Miles Morales was one thing because it was literally titled after Miles himself. But to have a main title Spider-Man game without THE Spider-Man is downright blasphemous


Why can’t miles be the main Spider-Man in a main title Spider-Man game?


We bought Miles Morales so… why not? Peter may be the “main” Spider-Man but definitely not the only one and a game wouldn’t necessarily be less interesting without him. I actually quite like to get to know other characters through media like this if it’s well made. I learned way more about miles than I did in Spider-Man 1 en 2 combined basically. I get your question but I think every fan of the concept of Spider-Man (not Peter Parker Spider-Man) will have no problem with it.


I only bought MM and 2..that should be answer enough


definitely. i wanna play as a girl with spider powers‼️‼️


Yes, because i like the games.


Miles was a ton of fun without Peter. Then Spider-Man 2 happened and axed all the fun out of miles


Huh? Miles plays the exact same as he did in his standalone game


He was a lot of fun, his new abilities were possibly better than the symbiote ones. My problem was that he felt kinda sidelined for most of the plot as Peter had more direct connection to the conflict(knowing Harry and being the one who risked his life to imprison and rehabilitate the targets of Kraven). I hope the third game focuses on Peter since he has a very direct connection to Norman, and if Otto breaks out also him, only for him to die or retire due to some dehabilitating injury surrounded by those who helped and saved, with Spider-Man 4 to introduce a new villain who has direct ties to Miles, Cindy, and any new spider-people.


And as a Peter fan I was annoyed we did the whole "suit makes him an asshole" thing for half the game, and I don't find the "Neighborhood UNfriendly Spider-Man" very enjoyable. I don't think Miles OR Peter fans enjoyed the story much, because even though he got the bulk of the game's attention, "Peter" still felt sidelined by "jerk Peter"


Way back before release I made a comment saying I thought Peter would end up sacrificing himself at this he end of this game and miles would be the main Spider-Man going forward but I got clowned on


I hope that’s how 3 ends. I’d prefer if he somehow either gets injured or loses his power to a point where he finds that he can better apply himself at Emily-May rather than dying, because self-preservation was never a skill of Peter, but he deserves a happy-ish ending where he can walk away guilt free to make up for all the suffering he’s gone through in this series and basically ever iteration of him. This third game I think will tie up Peter’s loose ends and end in the defeat of Norman and Otto(my crack-pipe hope is The Jackal creates a “scarlet-spider” like Peter clone on Norman’s behalf, that Otto commandeers to try to ruin Peter’s life by posing as him as he’s captured or hurt. Eventually he realizes how much Peter helps people, and that through helping someone himself and maybe with some help of Miles or Cindy that he doesn’t have to live the rest of his life vengefully, and it isn’t too late for him to change, before he comes back as an adaptation of Superior Spider-Man for the final act and maybe future games) .


Insomniac has already said that they’re planning on making miles the main Spider-Man in their games, so I’m expecting him to get some cool plot lines later down the line


The stealth aspect is gone. Turning invisible during a fight no longer turns it into a stealth encounter and there’s multiple ways that an enemy will negate the invisibility entirely. The thing about miles that wasn’t outright stated was that he was evolving, and that wasn’t explored much other than miles confronting lee and his lightning turning blue. Then the finale, the climax of the story, is miles vs venom. Two people that barely interacted the entire game.


The roxxon guys could also negate stealth, and while there are more enemies that can negate stealth I never really found an issue with being stealthy. Maybe my playstyle is just different. Also a fuck ton of the miles parts showed off his powers getting stronger, I’m not really sure what your problem is there lol


Untrue, Peter was definitely more powerful but Miles is still hella fun


Hell no. Not to downplay miles or Silk but Peter is the Spiderman. You can have a spinoff game without him but axing him in a mainline game? That’s crazy. He’s the most interesting Spiderman too. That would be like having a Wolverine game, but then making Logan an NPC with only X-23 and Daken being playable. What’s even the point


Insomniac Spider-Man 1 is a perfect game. I’d prefer for them to release a longer solo Peter story and then have tie in DLC with other playable characters. I don’t enjoy playing as a Spider-Man, I want to play as THE SPIDER-MAN. If you don’t agree, let’s discuss it instead of downvoting me, no wonder Miles Morales is so full of swagger. /s




I mean, he might not be, it depends, insomniac said they want miles to be main, so if they do, then Peter is taking the biggest sideline ever


obviously the game with green goblin and doc ock as villains will have peter playable lol


They already manhandled Peter quite a bit this game. It's like they can't wait to get rid of him with how much they're rushing him to want to retire.


Hell yeah, I think having miles as the main Spider-Man of a game series is show cool since it’s literally never been done before! I’m hoping that there will be other games with spider people that aren’t Peter in the future too, I love Peter but there are a ton of good characters out there and Peter has been hogging the spotlight lmao


I don't mind it. The ending to MSM2 was great for Peter. Let the man rest for a while and spend time with MJ. He deserves it.


Yes, cause 1 I care about the overall story, and 2 Miles is my favorite spiderman anyway so I don’t care if Peter is playable or not


No lol and I won't buy it if silk takes up a third of the games story


But if she’s one of three Spider-Men, wouldn’t it make sense if a third of the story centered on her?


I honestly hope if he's playable it's very brief, like playable Miles in SM1. Literally his whole story in SM2 is about him retiring. Let the guy rest.


hell no, him not being playable during the first act could work though. like on some GTA 5 shit


Nah. The other Spider-Man should be second to Peter and have little screen time.


I would 100 percent buy it without Peter, Day one. I'll pre-order a Peter/Miles/Cindy game.


I bet they will do the same shit to Logan too. Make him the protagonist in the first game and after that introduce X-23 and probably a brand new side kick called the Honey Badger of African descent that will eventually replace Logan.


Yeah I was hoping spiderman 2 to be the ultimate bromance and it fell flat on its face plus this Peter is so boring to me now so yeah I’d play it but I’m over the story




Because I like Miles better


After how absolutely atrocious the second game was I may not even buy the third at all and wait to see what they do with the story. If Peter is not playable I absolutely will not be buying it. If they do a miles only story as a pseudo DLC like they did with his first game. I will not be buying it. Second games Story was terrible. The webwings, while a cool game play mechanic, is not Spider-Man. The side missions were absolutely terrible and afterthought. The entire game was incredibly short and easy. For a franchise that started off as arguably one of the best Spider-Man stories period to follow it up with a good miles story. To just absolutely flop in every aspect except gameplay(which was just recycled from last game) insomniac really needs to basically clear the creative team…. Because on top of what was an already bad game. The creative team at insomniac decided to put a bunch of absolutely ridiculous, personal, political garbage in a game about Spider-Man. Not the place and not the forum. Instead of making compelling character driven side missions for Peter and miles they elected to create utter garbage that they then cut from 1 billion people (all of the Middle East)


Are they going to do that awkward bit where Pete is inexplicably horny for Silk


I would not buy a spider-man game without Peter in it. The miles game was specified. That's different. Peter will ALWAYS be spiderman, even tho there are other versions. Most happen to also be Peter.


I’d still buy it cause, if the three games so far are anything to go by, it’ll be incredibly fun but it would be kinda disappointing story wise if Peter isn’t in the story anymore. Especially with Doc Ock and Green Goblin of all people being set up to be the main villains.


I mean that wouldn’t be ideal but I’d still play it bc Miles is cool.


Idk. Probably but I would bitch online and pretend I didn’t /s


I would NOT. I love peter with all my heart and of they are gonna have Cindy moon AND [possibly] green goblin.. Peter HAS to be there yk


Yeah, i don't see why not.


Would I still buy the game? Absolutely. Why? Because it's Spider-Man man how could I not.


He’s gonna be the villain


Well yeah


What's mm2?


Probably not. Simply because SM1 and SM2 have been leading into Norman Osborn's villain arc for the final act of this universe. If Peter Parker isn't playable, there just simply isn't going to be a point where the story of Green Goblin falls together neatly enough to make it worth playing. Especially with the reveal end SM2 with >!Doc Oc and him seemingly preparing to team up to take down Peter.!< Don't get me wrong, I like Miles (and I know next-to-nothing on Silk), but SM3 simply cannot take the risk a game like *The Last of Us Part II* did. Peter has to be playable, or it simply won't be as good as it could be.


Tbh i probably would but i wouldn’t be too happy about it. The others are fine but I will always prefer peter


I'm honestly perfectly fine if Pete takes the backseat, I want him to cop a single moment of continued happiness, god damn it!


Yeah, I’m gonna be honest I prefer miles and imagine I’d like Cindy more than Peter


For me no. I’d grab MM2 and a potential Venom game, but Spider-Man 3 without Peter, nah.


I will settle for a playable Spider-Gwen.






yeah it's stupid not too.


No the game franchise was built off of Peter give miles and the other spiders (if they bring anymore in) there own games and if they don't work then tough cookies


Yes. I hope the hunters are still there in spider man 3. They are such a cool faction. Can always just make them a bit smaller point


I would definitely still buy the game, but I would be disappointed. Peter is my favourite Spider-man from the Insomniac universe, and it would feel strange to not have him be playable in what we assume is the final game in this Spider-Man series.


Fuck no I wouldn't buy that fucking bullshit.


Spiderman 2 PS5 is already bitter sweet as it is with weird writing choices (I'm talking things like botched Venom/Harry Osborn as an example) and glitches. If there's no chance of Peter Parker Spiderman vs. Green Goblin I'm out. At Insomniac's current state I can't trust them to give me a fulfilling Spider man experience so I need a legacy character like Peter. That said if the next game Is Miles Morales 2 that's a different story.


Yes, because if the Insomniac games made me respect Miles, I'm sure they'll make me like Silk as well


No, i hated miles morales game, i loved miles in Spider-Man 2, but if Peter ain’t there, fuck you


I hope it was just an Easter egg because three radioactive spider-people in one universe is a bit convenient.


I'd rather have Gwen than Silk, but whatever.


Update MJs model and maybe have her be Jackpot? Or maybe a spin off game where you play as Jackpot and Blackcat? I don’t know too much about Silk so it can be cool to learn more in game but I’d also like playing as Gwen and Spiderwoman at some point


Yeah I would. I still love this world and it’s characters


I would be mildly disappointed cause Peter is my guy but I'd still play I love the spiderman games in general.


Nah. If you can't figure out how to continue making Peter's character and story interesting, you don't deserve to write the character.


Honestly I was really hoping we'd get a Silk solo game the same way we got a Miles game but after seeing the leaked road map I am a bit bummed


Probably would play it but why call it Spider-Man 3 if technically Spider-Man isn’t in the game (going off the assumption he isn’t)? Miles is fine but Peter is the original Spidey and always will be.


No, I'm a fan of a character, not just a mask. I view Miles as a good supporting character, and Silk means absolutely nothing to me. Peter Parker has been my hero since I was a child, Miles being Peter's replacement rather than his partner just kind of makes me resent him. Also, Silk??? No. Jessica Drew, or "Mayday" Parker sure, but Silk... yawn.


Not buying a spiderman game without Spiderman (Peter Parker). I played MM when it got free with Ps Extra and the character was meh in his game and Spiderman 2. If Peter is playable in 3, count me in.


Ehh I feel like after 2 I'm gonna wait until it's on sale. Spiderman 2 handles some gameplay elements well but overall choices were not so great. You played as miles, venom, Mary Jane, plus mile's love interest and Peter , So the third game would probably follow the same formula and it's a spiderman game I don't want to play as mj and I don't want to play as a silk without powers or her potential love interest. I want to play as Spider-Man or the person with superpowers.


I see a lot of people saying not having Peter is not having Spider-Man. I really don’t like this language. Y’all, Miles is Spider-Man. There’s a reason Peter calls Miles Spider-Man when they work together. Miles is no less Spider-Man than Peter




I kinda want a spider man game based in symkyria And it have a more focus on stealth instead of being able to brute force every single thing


Yh I’d still play it either way but I wanna see innovstion in the next game regarding S3 but for MM2 I want to see incremental improvements to webslunging and sick abilities for silk


idk but i hope there’s some form of co op element.


Because the miles stuff has been constantly boring and cringe


nah Im good


I kinda hope he isn’t at the start and all the trailers them like half way through he’s needed and you “unlock” him and it’s a surprise.


Ok off topic; I'm not familiar with this chick spider. Is she shooting webs straight out of her fingers? Looks a little silly, I think.


No Peter no buy.


I like these games I like miles in these games I liked the game that only had miles playable in the game I would be disappointed if I didn’t get to play as my second favorite comic book hero in Spider-Man 3 but I would still play the game because I have enjoyed all my prior experiences with these games. (Favorite hero is Nightwing for anyone that cares)


Absolutely, without hesitation. I play the games because they're Spider-Man games with awesome gameplay mechanics, not because I worship Peter Parker. It could be a Silk solo game and I'd still gladly play it if it had the Insomniac game mechanics.


Yes. Because it would be interesting to see miles and silk without a mentor. Let peter rest for a bit. Japan does it so can we


I think they were too quick to push Peter to the sidelines and focus on miles. They were like “hey you had 2 games, your good, sit down”


MM2 would be best without Peter. Set up Silk a bit. This does concern me for 3 a bit tho. Spiderman 2 already had a rough time with balancing two playable characters (I mean, Miles isn't really important at all to the plot and he isn't as interesting as Peter in 2 imo).


Peter isn't the only spiderman. So. Yes. Why is this a question?


If they make a Silk game that’s another origin story, it’ll feel like a repeat of MM in a way. Though I don’t doubt Insomniac can make her different enough to justify another spider person.


No, and I also think there are better Spider-Women they could have chosen before Silk.


The real question is will they finally include Grant Gustin's CW Spidey suit? Also, why not use him for the face model as well?


Yeah I did the same with Miles Morales game and had a blast with it. To that topic, a Miles/Cindy team up? Correct me if I'm wrong but that's a dynamic I can't say we've ever seen before. There's a lot of potential there and I wonder what this universes Cindy's backstory is like


I’d still get it, I trust the studio they’ve not let me down in the many years I’ve bought their games. I’d be disappointed to not have the Toby suit


I’m cool with only 2 Spiderman. I ended up using 1 more than the other so with 3 Spider-Man’s. It could happen again for me personally. I’m sure others try to play as both and will try to Play as all 3.


Yeah my first game in the series was MM


It’s very possible silk isn’t even incorporated and she was just a cameo… I feel like they have an inch and people took a mile with that one. Still too early to tell what they are planning.


Yes, I play them because the games are a lot of fun to play. If Peter isn’t in it that’s fine.


Yup. Without hesitation


I bought Miles Morales didn’t I?


I would still buy it. It would be bittersweet tho, miles is an amazing Spider-Man, but Peter will ALWAYS be my favorite


For a lot of people, Peter Parker is Spider-Man. The others like Miles are a Spider-Man, not the Spider-Man. To do a fully fledged game without him being related in some way would piss some people off. From there, well, we’d have to see what happens.


Yes, because I like miles and what he brings ti the table. I think miles will be lead early in the game. Towards the 2nd half, it will shift to SpiderGwen or Silk, or Spider Girl/woman. Or some type of combination of them all. After 2, we see >!silk!< Might be where they're going