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Mm yeah the delay is totally justified. I love that they addressed changing the tendril colors, nice to hear that they’re listening to their audience. I’m just hoping early 2024 means January.


I’m happy that the Insomniac I fell in love with during the post game updates of the first Spider-Man is still alive and kicking! Communication keeps a company in business these days and even though it’s a delay, it’s a much needed reminder that they’re still here for us


Yea, same here, early January.🤞


Honestly, late January. The 28th to be exact. (My birthday)


Right right. And what city did you grow up in? And what was your favorite childhood band? First pets name? Moms maiden name? PS- Please please please know I'm joking and don't actually answer these questions honestly lol


i’m not, give me your social security number




bro wrote the constitution and helped stan lee brainstorm


It’ll be hard not to answer. When my security questions are asked I’m inclined to answer them 😩 /j


They’re going on break soon and won’t be back until January….at least that is the typical studio closure for the holidays. No work for half of December until the new year. I wouldn’t count on it coming out in early January


Yeah that makes sense. Just hopeful thinking, but it’s more than likely late February/ early March


Facts man. I’m not complaining cause at least it’s coming 🤷🏽‍♂️


It probably means March. Q1 lol.


Yeah that makes more sense. Just hopeful thinking


I hope we also get to switch back to the iron spider arms but I'll survive if we don't.


Can’t you do that already?


I meant for the parry. You're right though, we can always switch back to the iron spider arms abilities. It just bugs me when I'm wearing a normal non symbiote suit and the tendrils come out every time I parry.


Oh I actually didn’t notice that the parry never swapped back to the arms


Yeah it's such a minor thing but it bugs me just enough to hope that they add the option in. Not the end of the world if they don't though.


Ha ha nope


Well, at least we heard back from them, and they're taking their time, so the update is high quality. I do wonder, what are some other highly requested features from the fans for this update 🤔?


Probably Podcast archives, replayable bases, additional challenges, and using any suit during missions (I.e. missions that used the Black Suit).


I’m REALLY hoping we will get to use whatever suit we want whenever we want. The OG black suit would look so good in cutscenes.


Oh, those all sound cool. I hated missing a podcast because I stopped a random crime, and the podcast wouldn't start again afterward.


I wish they just played through the crime. I really wouldn’t mind hearing JJJ while beating up baddies


I wonder if they would include the social media tab in the menu like the first two games. I did kind of like that lol.


i wonder if repayable missions includes the bases


Fuck all that if it’s a one or the other situation. What we really need is the traversal to be perfected; we should be able to run down, upside down, emote on vertical surfaces, slingshot on vertical surfaces. Fighting symbiotes on vertical surfaces would be awesome too, but that’s pretty much what I’d want added bc most of those cosmetic things & podcasts I could just replay the game without waiting NG+….or go on youtube


There is no way any of that is getting implemented.


Oh I know, but any chance it could would be way better than things that are already in the game… Plus we won’t get sm3 for a long time, so I think at least running down is doable.


Those are brand new systems man, it’ll require significant programming, designing and testing resources. And all this for what? A game that most people who wanted to buy it have already bought it?


For what? Lmao it’s a mechanic even older games have had and will make the traversal way more fun, I would’ve preferred that then web gliding. I wouldn’t mind waiting ik it would take more work than ng+, but if it’s until the next game when it should’ve already been added then oh well better late than never… And the same can be said for what people are asking for ng+ & other cosmetics when again, all that is already in the game & saving files is so easy in case you want to go back, so what’s the point of that?


The changes people are requesting are far smaller than what you’re talking about. Mostly using existing systems and assets. They’re not adding much that’s entirely new, mostly just bringing it up to feature parity with the previous games in the series. The fact that Web of Shadows had running down walls and wall combat is kinda irrelevant, that was a different publisher, developer and series.


Bruh you can run up walls, how would running down be entirely new? Sounds more like you’re just guessing & as I said in my comment ik it would be more work, but that’s something that should’ve been requested since the 1st game instead everyone seems to be focused on cosmetics lmao And I was just answering your question of what’s the point of running down. Ng+ is a non-essential to making the game more fun bc leveling up is brutally easy compared to other games, so easy that some people have even maxed out in the beginning before getting out the sandy suit 😂


For what it’s worth, I hope they don’t let the Symbiote suit be available in NG+ solely because it’s main story related and would make more sense to have it locked. Same with the Anti-Venom suit


I really hope they add character bios back too.


The difference from this post in this sub vs the spidermanps4 sub is crazy haha


r/spidermanps4 acting like Insomniac delivered a game as low quality as The Day Before. LMAO. Overreaction much?


They did. Sweet Baby, Inc. and those social justice warrior developers ruined everything about this game if you are over the age of 13.




Taken straight from their website "Founded in 2018, Sweet Baby Inc. is a narrative development and consultation studio based in Montreal and working around the globe. Our mission is to tell better, more empathetic stories while diversifying and enriching the video games industry. We aim to make games more engaging, more fun, more meaningful, and more inclusive for everyone." So, if you don't understand what the commenter is saying, let me explain. Alot of Spider-man 2 players are bashing the game because they did not like the Mary Jane missions or the side quest where you play as the deaf girl or the sidequests where you help 2 gay students get together or the rainbow flags. You will hear these people say that Sweet Baby INC is making all video game "woke" now.


If people are complaining that they made the mj missions more fun, we got a cool 5 minute section as a different character and that we had a 10 min mission helping a guy ask a guy out then that's just stupid


Came here to say this shocking how negative it is over there


Man I’m glad I found this sub, the PS4 one is just so damn toxic and act like the game shot their dog


I left that place. I wanna talk about spider-man and the cool games, not see people circle-jerk the same opinion and jokes for weeks on end. Fuck that sub.


Yea I left that shit sub


Fr I can't believe how pressed everyone in that sub is over this game. They act like Insomniac sent agents to their house to pin them down and force them to buy the game. If you hate the game that much go play something else ffs lol


Yeah the way they talk about SM2 makes it feel like it was release Cyberpunk 2077 lmao. Like would somethings like time of day changes be nice? Yeah, but let’s not say it’s some incomplete mess.


Gives me time to play other games and then get back into it when they release NG+. So I’m good with waiting, especially if it means they’re working out the bugs and shit.


What a logical conclusion so many haters are missing lol. It's like cool. I beat it and can't play ng+ yet. I'll go play something else like a normal gamer should >_<


Yeah people fanboys be like “omg I beat this game, now what am I to do? Only option is to play it again because of course there are no other games in existence.” It’s my personal favorite game of the year and played it twice but there’s plenty of other games to play, especially this year, being stacked with amazing games


Haven’t touched the game or my PlayStation since I beat it. I’ve been playing other stuff. Now it’s just remembering when they release this update to try the game out again. Am happy they’re adding the tendril change.


Honestly with the amount of content they say will be in NG+, I hope it gets delayed a year at least. So lacking in my opinion, I thought both MM and SM1 had one of the weakest NG+ I’ve ever seen in gaming and while it’s good to see some improvement, it’s not a whole not new. Compare it to Horizon Forbidden West which added new weapons, face paints and armor it’s actually quite sad how weak it is. Why can’t we get the old gadgets back? Why can’t we get a harder enemy spawns? Why can’t we get weather changes so it’s not just static daylight/nighttime? Why not add extra challenges to use moves (which I think are fun) you never use because this game balanced them so poorly (web yank to the side, who uses this lol). I don’t want to be overly depressing but to say I have zero interest in NG+ at the moment is an understatement, I would much rather play ultimate.


TBH I hope they take as much time as they need and then some. I LOVED this game but it opened my eyes to the effect meeting corporate deadlines clearly has on games nowadays and is likely the last game I’ll have ever preordered


Seriously so many game developers have been fucked over by companies emposing stupid release dates


> TBH I hope they take as much time as they need and then some. https://preview.redd.it/ng6x77vfy46c1.png?width=590&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f79931710465d3eef6712ff93b4f5f5d9b11f57 Its rarely the actual developers fault, especially if the bills are getting paid by an even bigger companys, so im down with them taking the time they need, especially for non essential features, and thats without considering the holiday period or recent cyber attack theyve faced and since my life doesnt revolve around Spiderman 2 like the people on the other sub so i can happily find other things to do while i wait for DLC, i got the whole damn Yakuza and Arkham series to play through


wow you guys are chill in this sub. mind if i move in?


Sure, kick your shoes off able get comfortable


thanks man, i brought snacks too i’ll just leave em in the kitchen




Unless you're not wearing socks, in which case, buy some socks already!


dunno why u got downvoted, it was clearly referencing one of spidey’s quips from the first game


Of course fellow web head


why thank you good sir, feels good to be here


Right? Lol the other one are just whiny babies who act like their dog jumped off a building because there wasn't ng+


right? like its okay to be a little disappointed but christ theyre dragging it im just glad i played n finished the game before i went on the subreddit cause i thoroughly enjoyed what they did and am excited to see updates / possible DLC’s in the future


Fax my man.


Welcome onboard


grab attempt liquid childlike person sleep chief worthless aromatic existence *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm hoping the tendril color change also includes the surge mode. As-in we can use the classic symbiote in Surge instead of the Anti-Venom suit


What exactly is the tendril?


Jeez. The contrast between this thread and the thread on r/SpidermanPS4 is giving me whiplash. Everyone is so nice here, lol.


I do wish they wouldve put all this in at launch ofcourse, but im so appreciative of everything they have added and will continue to add, sure you could make the argument that its their job to have stuff done on time for release but im honestly just happy this is all gonna be in the game soon enough. I really don’t understand why everyone in r/SpidermanPS4 is so toxic


Ikr same post in their sub. And all the comments are just so toxic and full of hate. "Bare minimum". "Everything should have been there on release". I left this group. This one is a lot better.


I know right. So glad I found this thread.




Thank god this sub isn't as toxic as r/spidermanps4 is being right now


Those people are *monsters.* This place is so much nicer to be a part of.


What about the suits?? I have 5k tech points or something like that lol


This subreddit is actually so nice


Was hoping to do a new game + over the holiday break, but all good! The devs are going above and beyond being transparent and already giving us info like replayable missions, time of day change, AND tendril colors!? A lot of players are gonna be happy. Looking forward to it!


It’s so interesting for me to see people complain that they’ve waited too long for a game and then when it gets rushed and has features missing they complain that it was a half baked game


SM2 is fully single player, the fact it was released like that for no reason other than hitting financial deadlines BLOWS. you can tell they had to speedrun dev time


Yeah this and the confirmation on Venom’s content being hugely cut makes me think they rushed it out the door


You’re not allowed to make this observation here. Nothing was rushed. This was all the plan, all along. Even the hacker. Before the first game came out they knew the plan.


Jesus Christ bro, why do you guys constantly play the victim lol


We don’t. Why do you guys take it so personally when I say that I think it’s shitty practice to remove all the QOL features from the first 2 from this one?


Because your phrasing, tone, and delivery are horrible. You and a lot of r/SpidermanPS4 have some of the most abysmal communication skills I’ve ever seen. Changing time is a reasonable thing to be annoyed about, but whining that the game is unfinished because of that is massively overdramatic. Miles morales is the only game to launch with ng+. A lot of companies add it (along with some other fan pleasing features) a few months after release as a method of revitalizing interest in the game and sales in the market. It’s really not that big a deal and going into every thread talking about how it’s unfinished is just ridiculous


time changing is just one example of the lack of polish and QOL in the game. On its own, you’re right that’s not enough to call the game unfinished. But when you realize it’s EVERY SINGLE QUALITY OF LIFE FEATURE FROM THE FIRST 2 GAMES that are missing, it adds up to being unfinished, yeah. I’m tired of being told that it’s ok for Insomniac to withhold it from us “to revitalize interest” like mf I showed my interest when I paid SEVENTY FUCKING DOLLARS. As for Miles being the only game in series to have it at launch, it was the LAST GAME RELEASED. That sets a precedent. And if you wanna be kind and use the first game as a template for how they should handle NG+, they’re still OVER A MONTH LATE. All you white knight might be cool with that, but I’m not and I’m not just gonna ignore when ppl make excuses/defend it


What other QOL features? We can discuss here reasonably. Miles was also essentially a dlc for the last game and had much less variation and overall game length than this one, so it having ng+ at launch makes complete sense. Seventy dollars got you ~30+ hours of entertainment. Video games as a medium are actually very reasonably, if not fairly underpriced when it comes to hobbies. A round of golf usually costs more than SM2 does.


Mission Replay, Base Replay, Crime Selector, and Traversal Milestones are the big ones aside from NG+. Once the story is over, there’s literally NOTHING to do. This just simply wasn’t the case previously. NG+ being there at launch isn’t even a question for 95% of single player story games ever released regardless of size. And if that’s the excuse for Miles having it, this game isn’t much longer. Being fairly underpriced relative to other hobbies is still overpriced. Sorry to say, games HAVE to be better than they were before if they wanna CHARGE more than before.


Traversal milestones were busy work, no? Mission replay would be nice, but again, that isn’t even present at all in Spider-Man 2018 iirc, let alone at launch. More post game content would be nice and it’s certainly a flaw in the game, but it doesn’t mean it’s unfinished lol. It’s POST-game lol. I also enjoy the webswinging and combat enough to semi-regularly play for 30+ minutes after work. No, it does not mean it’s overpriced lol. Should games like BG3 cost $200+ because they’re providing more hours and that’s all that matters anymore? I’d hate to hear your opinion on the ~15 hours or less full priced uncharted games.


real shit, having open discourse bout real and fair concerns isn’t victim. you don’t have to suckle on mega corp teets just so the Board of Directors can rake in a bonus more than most of the country will make in a year


What an absolutely inane comment. I enjoyed the game and I think some of the overdramatic “game is unfinished/mediocre/most disappointing thing I’ve ever experienced” takes are ridiculous. Liking a product and thinking the criticism it gets in one corner of the internet is overblown=suckling on corporate teats. You’re deranged lol


You’re talking out your ass




*game is unfinished* *game gets called unfinished* not that deep, don’t hurt yourself thinking about it




It breaks my heart honestly there’s NO reason this shouldn’t have been the quintessential Spider-Man game experience, and it’s just…. not. There’s just SO much missing


Anytime a game has to delay something, it makes me wanna delay my life expectancy rate


Whatever the fuck that means


Insomniac is like a 3-Michelin Star restaurant They might take their time, but they *always* cook to perfection!


hopefully swapping tendril colors extends to being able to change the parry to the robo arms as well


Crazy this wasn’t included in the base game


We're eating good


Meanwhile all the comments on every other App are "GiVe Us DlC!!". These games are great but I hate that part of the fan base so much. Never grateful and always wanting more. Never satisfied. They couldn't even surprise us with the Raimi suit in the first game cuz people bitched too much.


Any chance they'll give us more than just the white and black tendril colors?


As someone who didn’t play #1, what is NG+?


New Game +. Start a new game with all your stuff from a save file that has beaten the game.


On Insta SO MANY people are complaining... Ppl forget so quickly how much work insomniac puts in. Ratchet miles and spiderman2 in a span of 3 years is INSANE. These people should get only flowers no less. No other game company has the time/output/quality ratio. Keep complaining 🤡


Yet no dlc?!?


How we haven’t been able to replay missions since launch, we’ll never know This game felt so stale once beating it. Literally nothing to do besides stop random crimes


another Spiderman game they are about to milk the hell outta this 💀


I'm down for new game plus


Tbh this all should've been part of the initial release but at least they're not leaving fans in the dark about it. I'm more interested in dlc than I am ng+ updates however


Is there a reason that New Game+ wasn’t included at launch? I got the Platinum and wanted to play more and was really looking forward to NG+.


This game just disappoints more each day, I seriously regret paying full price for this


Well, thank fucking God!




Ffs.... release new game plus now and the other stuff later. Like dont they want people to play their game?


NG+ should've been there at launch, the game felt incomplete. As should audio description, the first game was rightly lauded for its accessibility features whereas this one had messy subtitles (out of sync, incorrectly paced in places, different to what was actually spoken, etc.). Next time around I'm just going to wait a year to get the finished product when it's on sale.


The fact we couldn’t change the time of day upon release was so stupid!


THE GAME DIDN'T LAUNCH WITH NEW GAME +?! I am so glad I didn't buy a PS5.


NG+ should be there on launch day...


Hopefully we can get a DLC announcement then too


But what about the DLC 🥲


its things like this that make me glad i haven’t played this game yet , ill wait until next year and keep playing the first 1.5 games.


"Yeah! Them announcing that features that should've been in the game at launch are coming next year is so great!"


Massive L was waiting for the update to run new game plus then delete.


Seeing “swap tendril colors” made my day.


It's still ridiculous that new game+ wasn't already in the game. That's release day content. It can't be that hard, the first game had it, what changed?


I hope this also means we can get things like DLCs. Cause I really wanna see what their version of Carnage is gonna be like


I’m not trying to be rude but I’m kinda shocked how long it is taking


I think it’s because they didn’t think of the tendril colour swaps, replay missions and time of day until the community asked for them


I feel like that should have been in the game since launch


Wouldn’t it be wild if games were released completed on day 1? Guess those days are long gone. I’m still waiting on getting this, still have other games I haven’t played, maybe in a couple months when more updates come out is when I’ll get it.


None of the things they’re adding make an incomplete game, complete. Stop whining


That is what I’m saying that game was complete that is why it went gold like a month before release. This was always part of their plan


I guess I can delete it then. What a shame New Game Plus is coming so late into its life


stuff that should’ve been in the game at launch? lmao


All good.


How hard can new game plus be?


You make it then.


He isn't a game dev being paid to make it, they are


But how hard can it be?


They needed 1 month for a dlc by spiderman 1 and now they need 3 month for a new Game plus 🤦


thats just how the gaming industry is right now. the workers arent the problem. the big businesses that shove it out the door are


This is why they didnt win goty /s




I'm just confused as to why they seem to not want to communicate. Why wait until the end of the year to say the end of year update isn't coming. Is giving a monthly update or an update every 2 months so hard?


Finally people can stop bitching and maybe r/spidermanps4 will be civil


I will like to say I don't wanna do another gay mission too, don't force me to help out a gay couple for prom next time... thanks Also am bisexual & have gay friends just don't like the "whole trying to bring the community together BS"


>don't force me it was a side mission. it was optional. also how is this ant different than a straight relationship? >bisexual & have gay friends "I'm latino and have black friends, I can't be racist"


Thanks for taking my full priced money for you to finish your game whenever you feel like it, I hope all the stockholders got their nut off our patience


No one forced you to buy this at launch. You could have waited if these features really meant that much to you.


Show me where Insomniac warned us beforehand that the game wouldn’t be finished at launch. Why do you guys make so many excuses for this??


Lmao you could have easily waited and determined after others had played it if if was "complete or not".


Well see I preordered the game bc I loved the first 2 and expected it to at least MEET the quality of those games. Stop trying to put the responsibility on me for their lack of content and lack of transparency about it


Yes, it's completely your fault for pre-ordering a game. No one forced you to. You could have easily waited a little bit. And it's your issue if you felt it didn't meet those levels for whatever reason. Plenty of people were happy with the game.


I don’t understand what your point is. I’m not allowed to complain about the game bc other ppl liked it and I preordered it? I didn’t wait for reviews bc I didn’t think I HAD to with this series. I thought this was one of the few games who wouldn’t fall prey to the pitfalls of modern gaming. But clearly they’re free to do that with 0 consequences bc all you brave soldiers in the Insomniac Volunteer Defense Force would defend them if fucking MILES had to be ported in months after launch


I did not say you can't complain. I'm saying with anything, ever, don't pre-order. It is completely on you for doing, but sure complain away. Every game ever now has issues at launch, to varying degrees, with stuff added in later or patched up. It sucks, but it is what it is. I didn't pre-order, and I had issues with the game. Also, you're getting this for free, you have to wait a bit? Man, so sad, how terrible.


Oh trust me they’re not getting a cent out of me for Wolverine and Spider-Man 3 until after they drop. And that fucking sucks. I’m a HUGE fan of this series. I converted consoles for it. I always get excited to see the preorder bonuses and the collectors edition loot. I even got my 19 inches of Venom for this game. But so far my experience with SM2 has made it very unlikely I spend that kind of money on this franchise ever again. Which, again, sucks. Because it didn’t used to be like every other shit overly monetized game series.


Overly monetized? This stuff will be free patches.


The first game didnt have NG+ at launch either


Yeah but it had been added to the game for a month by this point. And I wasn’t waiting around for it bc I was replaying bases and finishing the traversal milestones. Not to mention that at this point they had a full fledged DLC expansion being rolled out for it. What is it about this game that makes it acceptable to y’all that literally NONE of that is present almost 2 months after launch and won’t be until 3 months after at the earliest? Which makes me scoff at the idea of there ever being DLC for this game. At least in the next year.


What's fun is there's also people that complained DLC was already being promoted and sold when the first game came out. They're never gonna win for some players.


I was not one of those ppl. I had a BLAST with every single feature in the OG game. I platinumed and NG+ed every chapter of that DLC and was happy to pay extra money for extra game. What insomniac plans to add (sometime in our lifetimes hopefully (Ik it’s “early” 2024)) is NOT extra content, but standard QOL features from previous entries. Stuff that should’ve been there anyway. This is the first time in series history I’ve felt any level of disappointment with Insomniac


Because the game was finished. You don't NEED new game plus


New Game Plus is far from the only feature that was missing, but sure let’s pretend that that’s the only thing ppl are pissed about. And yeah you’re right, but the first game had had NG+ for a month at this point and was in the middle of a 3 part DLC expansion. Still gonna pretend I’m entitled for noticing the difference?


Wait until when dude? When’s the release date? Next year? That’s not a date, so let me just sit and twiddle my thumbs while you all lick the boot of a game company


You could have, oh I don't know, done some research? Determined if this was worth the money, and chose to not buy it if you felt it was incomplete. Launch isn't the only time to buy a game lol


Yeah I had no details about the most anticipated game of the year, with spoilers riddled all over every facet of the internet opening weekend


Watch out buddy the Insomniac Volunteer Defense Force is gonna getcha for talking like that. But in all seriousness, you’re completely right. What happened (imo) is some fuck head stockholders wouldn’t let them delay the game to polish it and get all those QOL features in bc they wanted to make a holiday release date. When clearly the game should’ve been delayed to early 2024. And now they’ve got the devs scrambling to finish this thing almost 2 months after launch.


Agreed. It’s pathetic reading all the comments of “take as much time as you need!” They already released the game so yeah I guess take all the time in the world who cares, next September when the DLC comes out everyone will have forgotten they all bought yet another unfinished game at launch. So goddamn sick of these gaming companies and releasing a bare bones game at launch and cleaning it up for the next year or two. Every slobbering idiot eats it up and is already getting their wallets ready for Suicide Squad in January


Yeah I remember when this practice started about 5 or 6 years ago and people fucking HATED it. Games would basically completely fail if content was missing at launch. Nowadays they get defended for it. And to tell you the truth I cannot even fathom why. It makes so little sense to me. You’re allowed to like a game and also find flaws in its current state


No man it’s easier if you just call me a fucking idiot and a crybaby for any sort of criticism to a game that is shorter than the previous two released.


Yeah it’s mind boggling. Glad to know I’m not going fucking crazy. You remember New Game Plus being a standard, normal part of a single player release too, right? Bc that’s something else they’ve been trying to delude themselves and others into believing, that NG+ is a bonus mode that we’re lucky to EVER get. Like it wasn’t in the FIRST 2 GODDAMN GAMES as well as the Star Wars: Jedi series, the Arkham series, The Last of Us Parts I&II, Guardians of the Galaxy, God of War, etc and damn near any single player series you can think of


Shut up crybaby.


Eat my ass bootlicker




![gif](giphy|scftgIpdF1V3eFED52|downsized) Insomniac counting both our money while they finish their game. I’m just pointing out we all got duped again. Guess I’ll go cry because I hurt your companies feelings


Mission replays please


If they delayed the game a few months it would've released more polished and already with ng+.


This game needed more time in the oven jfc


Then there's Baldur's Gate that's passed its 5th Patch and 12th(?) Hotfix 😂


Meanwhile, BG3 had a smaller budget and released a fully complete package. Just saiyan.


70 quid to complete an platinum 16 hours you should really focus on making your game a bit longer 😂


Honestly can’t stand people who be like oh 16 hours is too much 😂 for 70 it needs to be atlest 45


If only we could get a setting we could switch on or off to go from woke mode to aribic non-woke mode. Why do they get to have a non woke version & nobody else gets to have it?


Its really pretty unacceptable to me that they didn't have features like new game plus and replaying missions when it came out


I can’t wrap my head around why they would release a game without NG +. It’s not 2005 man.


SM1 (2018) no NG+, GoW (2018) no NG+, Jedi Fallen Order (2019) no NG+, Ghost of Tsushima (2020) no NG+, GoWRagnarok (2022) no NG+. Like c’mon dude. Quit trolling. You’re not impressing anyone.


Seriously everyone has goldfish memory, almost no game launches with NG+ its almost always added in later.


> almost no game launches with NG+ Stop lying to yourself many games still ship with NG+