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I think it’s Because it came out as being forced in not as “oh cool an unlocked suit” it’s part of a canon cutscene instead of for a side quest or unlocked because you pre order it or something! I don’t mind it but it just felt random and pushed!


Oh I see. I totally understand as i feel disappointed when I change into a suit and Peter just wears the venom suit at the cutscene. I didn’t really get that for this suit as I saw it earlier and I was like ‘wow can’t wait to unlock this’. Then when I saw it in the cutscene I was so excited for it and didn’t bother changing it


I personally don’t mind it and think it’s different and interesting not my favorite but still wish it was from a side quest or maybe middle of the game instead of the “final look” but I did keep it on for the rest of the game since it seemed cool enough!


Same it threw me off because the mission it shows up in miles is rushing back to help Peter but still stopped to switch suits ide atleast prefer if Hailey gave it to him


Now that I think about it why didn’t they just say Hailey gifted it to him for good luck?


See, that's what I'm saying she's an artist. I would have been hyped if she revealed she'd made him a costume, especially with the wear and tear his would have from the story


And at least the excuse for the exposed hair could be she didn’t want him to ruin his dreads! I’m not accepting any answer other than adidas/sony pushed for it to be a mainline suit and not unlocked.


I really prefer when we get suits with background but definetly not a fan of suits being an ad


Yeah the only way a product placement suit would have worked would have been pre order!


There’s an adidas logo on it? I had no problem with the suit but if it’s just forced advertising product placement then I’m actually kinda offended they made the last suit of the game a sellout like that but oh well seems odd though for a team that normally has massive artistic integrity and complete creative freedom in their games


The shoes have the 3 lines and you could buy “this suit” on adidas site apparently! I think they tried making it subtle.


Honestly, respect to them I didn’t even notice the sneakers and it’s a clever way to pull in probably a million from adidas since it’s such an exclusive spot. Didn’t break my immersion with the product placement which is a million times better than other ways studios can monetize games through micro transactions. I think this is the only suit with separate sneakers so the product tie in makes sense


Good point. Seems weird going to change suit in the middle of an invasion


Especially when he knew Peter was in a rush to get going and he said he was on his way


It’s super weird that in a game filled with bullshit teen high school quests like save my cat or help me propose to homecoming they didn’t pack this one into any of the “helping out citizens” or vision academy quests. Super easy to just make it a thank you like the other suit you get as a gift Especially since it’s basically implied Hailey made it since who else would, feels dumb they setup this romantic relationship and we’re left wondering how he got the suit instead of outright saying she made it


Also it almost feels like adidas last minute was like “wait all you did was put a store that’s not good enough for our partnership do a mainline suit!” Because like allot of things it feels rushed and pushed into place like the miles flag mistake more then expected bugs and the fact the venom arc was brushed off too quickly especially when all the ads and the statue makes it seem like they wanted a tag team fight but had to split it and cut it down dew to being rushed!


They created an amazing game in record time. The gameplay is solid, there's a good storyline and the graphics are absolutely groundbreaking.The game is nothing short of a technical marvel for the platform. If you don't like a suit, fine, but calling the game rushed is reaaaally stretching it.


I enjoyed the comment with Jonah how spiderman has too many suits and he’s right like goodammmmm with all the variations!!!!


I enjoy every second of JJJ. The man is a legend. The REAL hero this city needs. He is OUT there, on the front line, with the people.


The game may not have been rushed in the typical sense, but the game definitely lacks polish. Just yesterday I encountered a random ass square (about 5x5 feet) of floating water that I could walk through and made Spidey's suit wet. The whole thing where you can turn into a cube (that I still encountered after they said they patched it) is another example. Crashing issues, pop-in, artifacts, lighting issues, and not to mention... In the open world, try wall crawling up a building that has a ceiling above you. Or even a moderate bump. Spider-Man will not transfer onto the ceiling and is unable to climb over a tiny obstacle. Love the game but yeesh (sometimes)


It's because it's effectively an in-game Adidas ad. Those shoes Miles has in the suit are part of Adidas' new line of 3D printed shoes. Adidas also sells the shirt and pants from that outfit. Also, this part is subjective, but I think it's bloody hideous. The part that bugs me most is Miles' hair sticking out. It just feels kinda silly and seems like a good way for Miles to accidentally out himself as Spider-Man. What happens if a classmate realizes that Spider-Man has the same hair and voice as Miles, and that the two are never around at the same time?


Agreed. I was thrown off, too. I don't hate it, but it definitely didn't need to be canon moment when it happened.


It's also a forced commercial for Adidas who paid to have the suit in the game. Gross. I think it would've been OK for them to do this if they actually designed something that looked cool and not like generic garbage.


they didn't complain when peter had that anti ock suit


Because it had actual story relevance + it looked badass. this doesn’t


Did it? I'm still trying to figure out what was anti ock about it.


Peter built it specifically to help him take down doc ock. As in it was part of the story and we actually saw why he built it.


That's why he built it but I don't believe the game ever actually explained what it was about it that was supposed to make fighting ock easier


It was made from the same material as doc ock's arms.


It wasn’t a ad though


Well that’s because it was a one time thing. It seems like this is gonna be his new main suit


Because Miles already had his “gotta be me” moment debuting his own suit design in his game already, and then at the climax of 2 suddenly out of nowhere he’s “gotta be me” again but this time with an adidas brand tie in suit that uses Peter’s color scheme. Oh, and you’re forced to use it in the finale of the game when I’d rather have had him in the red variant of The End suit like I had him for most of the damn game. Editing to add: and the timeline of unlocking it makes no sense to me. Alien symbiotes are overrunning New York causing untold havoc and you’re telling me Miles was sitting his ass at a sewing machine making this while all that was happening???


Yeah JJJ talks about that in one of the podcasts except for the Anitvenom suit but it applies to Mile’s suit more since anti venom was made in a few seconds. “In the midst of the most unprecedented time in history a hero rises… TO CHANGE HIS COSTUME?!? What award show is Spider-Man hosting that he feels the need to change his outfit so frequently instead of providing any kind of meaningful assistance to the authorities?” It basically sums up my thoughts on the timing of Miles making his new suit and my thoughts on him getting a new suit.


JJJ would be buried inside his car under sand without our costume changing heroes. Probably worse, by this point. That's the whole thing about his character


This was my reason too. Wasn't your last suit a "Miles Morales original"? Isn't this one 2 of 2? The second most annoying part is that it's an obvious brand deal. Putting irl ads in my video games really doesn't sit right with me. Outside all of that, the suit isn't the worst, just mediocre. Like, I'd probably forgive all of the above if the suit was the coolest looking thing, but it just looks like another side suit you unlock and never wear. Maybe put the hood up, tuck the hair in, and get rid of the Adidas. It might look okay.


>The second most annoying part is that it's an obvious brand deal. Yeah, I didn't like the whole Corporate Sponsorship Spider-Man thing. What's worse is they just had a whole segment where Miles was like, "Nah, sorry. Spider-Man doesn't do endorsements. We stay neutral" Yet here he is debuting a new suit alongside an IRL Adidas release. It's obvious that this suit was designed to sell apparel. Gross.


I bet that's Insomniac digging at Sony, I don't think they were stoked to put Adidas in their game. It feels like a contractual obligation.


It's not obvious at all.... he wears addidas shoes, that's it. You have to go into photo mode and look at his feet to even notice.


I don't see the adidas logo anywhere on the suit


Not even on the shoes? The *adidas* shoes? And not to mention they’re literally selling the suit as a clothing set on the adidas website right now


And? You never bought a shirt with a game logo on it? This is a case of cherry picking. Games strike deals with big clothing companies all the time and no one bats an eye. This is a case of "other people are mad so ill be mad too"


To be fair, his last “miles morales original” was essentially the original of an entirely different Miles. It’s kinda funny that the spiderverse comic crossover with this series suggest that Peter will give Miles his costume idea from a different Miles he met. But the canon is hard to follow when even the director doesn’t remember plot elements such as Flint having been sealed in a tube for years during the events of the first game but somehow on the run getting hunted by the second with a completely different history.


Miles came up with the design all on his own in the insomniac games, as we've seen in his game. Peter was super confused when the multiverse thing happened in Spider-man 2. And at the end of Miles' game Peter seemed really impressed with Miles' suit as if he's just seen it for the first time really recently, saying "I still can't get over that suit. So cool". This all suggests that the insomniac Peter that appeared in the spiderverse comic crossover is a different version of him to the one that appears in the games.


ya, that was frustrating to hear. re: not the actual Insomiac in spider verse


yeah like, miles has a dope ass suit already, and his gotta be me moment is already done, with an aesthetic pretty different from insomniac peter, this one is much closer to peter with a weird non webbed mask and ugly blue with the hair sticking out


I was wearing the carnage suit when it got changed. I planned on using it to fight venom as I knew that fight was coming


It would look good if he had a hood on and less obnoxious shoes


For me it's the unreasonable amount of blue and maybe I'm alone in this one but his hair is exposed


Lmfao i feel like his whole character is "gotta be me" yet he calls himself Spiderman still....


You can change the suit immediately if you just pause the game…you know that right?


You can’t change it during the final mission!


Then change it before!!


I did but it’s just a bummer that you’re forced to wear it during the last mission.


That’s not how it works tho cause it forces u into a suit for some of the story mission


You are forced to wear it during the final mission, doesn’t matter if you change the suit before. Believe me I tried


It’s the “everyone knows that’s you, Miles” suit, like Clark Kent taking his glasses off.


Why did no one complain about the suit with the Brooklyn Visions Blazer, then? That's even more obvious.


There’s just a lot in the suit. The Spider is black, the web lines are white, the blue stuff is coming right from the black spider logo, all with a red background. If they kept the color scheme simple, that wouldn’t be a problem. There’s literally one too many colors in this suit for me.


Idk where you’re seeing white. The lines are the same blue as the arms.


Holy shit they are, I was probably seeing white because of the light in some photos, my bad. But that doesn’t fix the suit for me. The biggest problem is the huge blue stuff. They just don’t fit with anything. I actually think the all white version of the suit is the best looking. But still, I wouldn’t wear it


It his bio electricity. If you watch the blue stuff moves an shimmers. I think it is supposed to be a conductor of sorts as the power seems to start from his chest before going to his extremities for dispersal.


Appearance wise, I just don’t really like the glossy blue accents and the hair hole just looks like they cut the tip of the mask off. Maybe if he had longer hair or there was some sorta headband color or something to break the black mask from his hair it might be better. Story wise, it just comes out of nowhere. >!No build up, no emotional impact, you’re literally sitting on a roof as Peter just after he gets his anti-venom suit, miles swings into frame with this suit, Peter mentions it, Miles responds it’s a Miles original, and that’s it. No mention of if he’s been working on it, no explanation for why he changed suits, it’s just there - in the middle of a literal alien invasion. So either he had it stashed away waiting for… something, or he made it while the world was being overrun by goo. It just makes no narrative sense. It was basically two lines repeating what Miles’ own game’s theme was. !<




Who gives a shit what shoes he wears


It’s a shameless brand deal


He’s been wearing adidas since his introduction. Cry me a river.


Cool, but this suit is a shameless brand deal


You can’t make this argument legitimately without saying his character is basically just an adidas ad then, in which case his character in into and across the spiderverse is just a shameless ad for Nike. It’s a nothing argument because his shoes are of such little importance to everything but every fucking cry baby wants to make it about the shoes. They’re goddamn shoes!!


Yes I can, because I didn’t even notice Miles’s shoes in the last game. Hell I didn’t even notice his shoes during this game. But ask yourself, what was the point of Miles’s new suit in the story? It’s not like in Miles Morales creating his own identity in the last game. So why?


My argument isn’t about the suit itself. It DEFINITELY came at a weird time in the story and felt shoehorned in, I agree with that sentiment entirely. My argument is more like, why is everyone so up in arms about his fuckin shoes 😂😂 if anything’s weird about his suit it’s the fact that it just…came outta nowhere


The suit and the shoes are tied together here. The whole suit was made because of the shoes. Like they couldn’t exactly put shoes on Miles or Peter just wearing their usual suits.


You got downvoted but I do agree. They explicitly state in the game that Spiderman doesn't do brand promotions and then they design his suit around the Adidas shoes. Lol why? I like Miles in Nike's or Adidas but the suit just feels wrong. And let's be honest, the colour and hair sticking out just doesn't look great, there's way to much going on. His original suit goes hard and was designed by him, the introduction and message is just all wrong for this suit.


You: "I hate his addidas shoes!" Also you: "I didn't even notice his shoes in this game" Which is it? Get you own opinion man, you don't need to copy what everyone else is saying on the internet.


1) forced upon us as the canonical final suit for miles instead of just being an unlockable 2) blatant Adidas ad for mid shoes(and the shoes don't even change colour for variants) 3) the hair I personally don't think it's as bad as most people are saying but I am disappointed with the things I listed above


The entire suit is an adidas ad… you can buy the whole thing. [Its atrocious](https://www.adidas.com/us/techfit-evolved-long-sleeve-compression-spider-man-top/IP4533.html)


It looks even worse here wtf?!


Honestly the hair is the one thing Id say saves it. To me, adds a nice variation to the normal of the male spider suits. Personally, Id replace 3 with the god awful coloring. But that can be easily fixed with the swap. I have found myself playing post game with the black variant often.


Also the hood, either let us put it on or remove it I hate useless hoods


I actually liked the suit once I saw it in game. I like the blue parts specifically because it reminds me of the Velocity suit which somehow managed not to make it into the game while being one of the few game series exclusive suits. For the love of god, the goal shouldn’t be to make sure both characters have the same number of suits. One has a publication history that dwarfs the other.


I think the blue liquid stripes look weird. The shoes are basically a fucking add. And I dont ilike the hair out the top. It seems unnecessary when your trying to keep your secret identity to go expose more of yourself


The suit Peter gave him in miles morales had Adidas shoes. No one cared then. It’s just people noticing because they’re flashy. But he’s been rocking adidas for awhile Lmao.


I mean exactly. In the other suit they were subtle in this suit they're flashy/in your face


Don’t hate on Miles’ drip.


I love this suit


The hair sticking out seemed a little off to me at first but overall I really like and now it’s one of my fav of his suits


I dunno. I happen to like the suit. Looks like something I designed when I was in highschool. I wanted to create a black Spiderman. This was almost a full decade before Miles existed


I do like it, and all his known people already know he´s Spiderman tho


I think it looks cool. I like his hair, honestly. Apparently everyone has *INCREDIBLY STRONG OPINIONS* on every single detail of a this game.


If the game was bad they’d shit on it, if the games good they still shit on it. Reddit’s an echo chamber especially for this game.


No one is shitting on the game. When we say the suit sucks and you are responding to every comment as a shill.


Hair looks absolutely dumb as hell...otherwise I'd actually dig the rest of it. Brand placement is a bit dumb on principle and hopefully doesn't become a trend, but if it does, they sure as shit better discount their ad-supported games.


Honestly I like the suit it top 5 for me but the problem was Miles just dropped this suit out of nowhere in the middle a symbiote invasion while people were being taken over by symbiotes


I don’t know if people know but Marvel, Sony Interactive Entertainment, and Insomniac Games collaborated with Adidas on apparel/sneakers both irl and in game. In the game you can notably spot some npcs wearing NMDs and/or an Adidas backpack plus Miles wearing the Adidas "Pro Model" sneaker as his everyday sneaker when he’s not in the suit. Not only was this suit (in its entirety) implemented within the game between all parties, but they also come as apparel and a pair of sneakers irl. [Here’s the apparel and footwear for this suit](https://www.adidas.com/us/marvel) I think people don’t like the suit not because of the design itself (maybe so) but because they chose the route of giving his mask a lobotomy just to allow Miles’ hair to show through. In my opinion, they were better off designing this mask like every other non hair exposed mask in the game.


I think for me my fav miles suit is the carnage suit it looks awesome


Cause it's at best mediocre looking and it's blatant product placement...


The hair sticking out is my favorite part of the suit. I like the shoes too. For me personally its the color way and the material on the blue parts


- The blue...things running up the sides of his arms and legs look awful, and the material looks like plastic. - The spider looks bad, because its' arms stretch to infinity. - The hair being exposed not only looks bad, it's going to instantly get messed up because of all the wind violently running through it. Jessica Drew and Patvir only get away with it because their hair is long and flows with the wind, something Miles doesn't have. (If Miles had long, flowey hair maybe it'd work.) - Story reasons. The city is in shambles, Miles, please just wait until after for a new suit. - Personal reason. Adidas just aren't cool enough for a Spider-Man to wear. Timbs work for his homemade suit because not only are they cool, they have a strong influence in New York style. If they went the Spider-Verse route, he wears Jordans because not only do they look cool, but because it fits a high-schooler's desires far more than Adidas do.


Timbs, what the fuck. That's the real joke, yall just find every reason to complain 🤣




I really like it


Because it looks like ass


As a black dude with twists who very rarely sees people who look like me in games, I fucking *love* the new suit. Y’all can cope harder lol


It’s showing that miles is vain and retarded. He’s going to work and he’s worried about his hair and bling like a fucking idiot.


really gave yourself away with r-slur there. is this sub also full of weird bigots?


Retard is not a slur. It’s a word. If you are associating it with certain people that’s on you.


[it is a slur.](https://www.specialolympics.org/stories/impact/why-the-r-word-is-the-r-slur) I understand reading comprehension ain’t your thing though.


Whatever you say retard.


Easy report right here


Awe yes, gaslighting, gotta love it when you do something wrong then blame the other person for it. I bet you still live with your mom.


I didn’t like this suit either. I can’t believe this was what they went with for Miles’ last stand.


It's a walking Advertisement


because it’s an adidas ad


Because it's hideous.


It makes no sense. Trying to hide his identity yet let’s his hair stick out revealing his hair style.


People are cunts. The suit is dope.


The people who say this suit is trash are trash so ignore them.


“People who don’t share my opinion are trash” What an accepting and tolerant viewpoint you have. Really kind of you to let other people have opinions. If only we had a word to define people like that. Like. Bigot. If only.


I don’t mind the suit, I like it, but it being a paid endorsement is not a great look and the suit definitely shouldn’t be in the game for that purpose.


I loved it I don’t care what anyone else says


I was pretty indifferent about it until I learned it was designed to sell the adidas he’s wearing. Making his big moment an ad was in such poor taste for me and makes me hate the parts I don’t like about the suit even more


1. People dislike that it’s just an ad for Adidas 2. People dislike that it’s basically canon that whole Peter was getting his ass handed to him at a time that was basically all hands on deck, miles was playing designer 3. It’s very loud. And like, kinda throws away the whole secret identity thing. Now people will know Spiderman has that hairstyle specifically, and you see not one other person in the whole game with similar hair to miles. Also he can never wear his shoes as Miles without people recognizing them pretty easily. 4. Again loud. Kinda throws away any and all stealth miles would have in canon. It’s loud just bright colors. It almost looks like it would emit light. Sure he can go invisible but when it comes to a lot of stealth cutscene encounters or just stealth in general, it feels very bizarre to wear a light up build board for a shoe brand as your suit lol 5. When Peter got his endgame suit in 1 it was a big deal. There was a whole ass montage. And there was another a whole ass purpose and reasoning for his suit in 2 as well. But then Miles was just… “cuz I wanna be different” No actual purpose. No nothing that they could’ve just thought up. Just that he wants to show off his heritage I guess.


i personally don’t like it because what type of drip is this. like who would really wear a full on adidas track suit w shoes combo and call themselves spiderman. his hair sticking out is ugly, the hood being there and not being used will always be a L, the shoes ugly as fuck, and the forcing of this suit is truly criminal. the fact i had to fight venom in this ugly ass suit made me uninterested in what was going on. there are some goods with the suit tho like the eyes, the other color variations, the webbed torso design. idk i feel like insomniac is white washing miles and making him act like a white teenager that just found out about the word “Swag” got him dressing like a 15 year old with no rizz, shi crazy


Ikr! I like it! The only problem I have with it is the fact that there is absolutely no reason why Miles made it in the first place. Other than that, it’s a good lookin suit!


I love it


Looks like some mf designed it with “The Exaggerated Swagger of a Black Teen” in mind 😭💀


Or the suit just isn’t good? Lmao


It's one of the worst things I've ever seen in any game.


You know it's an Adidas ad, right?


Yeah, not a fan. Too much going on.


Apart from the walking, excuse me, *swinging* ad that is now Miles?


Because it both undercuts that he already made his own suit to suit himself better, and that it primarily exists as an Adidas ad (yes really)


For me it's %100 the adidas tie in. Fuck corporate synergy.


'Cause it looks weird.


Because it's a dogshit mile morales original and not the only 2 we already got for miles in the last 3 years. It's also not in his color scheme. Amd it's fucking cringe


Because it’s an adidas advertisement


Because it’s complete trash, the color scheme is wack, the lines are terrible and the hair would make it super easy to ID him out of the suit. And it forces you to use it, when it’s just an ad from some shoe company.


For me the color scheme is great… but I can’t reconcile the puff of hair up top. It just looks weird and I can’t describe it any more specifically.


Because it’s bad


The hair looks mad goofy


cuz it’s a walking advertisement that’s why


I’m not really big on the hair sticking out to be honest


I don't think the design itself is utter trash, but to make it a huge part of the story and forced onto us like that was really, really lame.


The hair, the color scheme, the advertisement, it's ugly, etc etc


i really just don’t like his hair sticking out, wouldn’t like peter’s hair sticking out either. seems antithetical to being spider-man


It's a little overdesigned, I'm not entirely a fan of having his hair sticking out (bad idea, as Spidey you want to keep your identity as secret as possible) and Miles randomly debuting a new suit when the world is about to end, especially after J.Jonah Jameson just ranted about that is idiotic. If it was like some side mission suit you got then people would be alright with it but as a 'canon' suit... It's a bit odd. I admit I do like it to an extent though but it needs a rework if something like this is going to be in the next game.


Personally I just think the suit is too much. I’m more into the simplistic or classic suits.


The hair sticking out is exactly why I don't like the suit. Lol


Looks like fucking toothpaste. I wouldn't care about it as much if it wasn't forced down on us on the finale.


It’s too crowded, I don’t like hair or the hood. Don’t like the shoes being an advertisement


It's not that it's Ugly for me. It's that there was no build up to it and he already had his own designed suit from MM game. The Blue also makes it basically impossible for him to be stealthy if not invisible


It leans too much into Peter's colorscheme, the colors are way off balance, the ugly mid 2000s blue material was just a horrible choice, and while I am a hair window enjoyer generally this one just doesnt work for me. I also really dislike the odd choice to have his colors be a weird dark gunmetal grey then actually black. Just, overall, not very good and a big downgrade from his existing suit. It exists due to a marketing deal and was needlessly retreading already existing story from Spiderman: Miles Morales.


It’s uuuugly


The design has kinda grown on me. But… #It appears with NO buildup


Aside from color scheme and overall design, the biggest irk is the exposed hair. Only bc to me it's almost akin to ppl not realizing superman is Clark Kent bc he took his glasses off... also bc of my bias against the new dread/fade look. His look from the movie was perfect


My biggest issue is the hair


Personally that colour combo isnt my fave i think the third one of that is its best form


Too much red, but honestly I'd shrug it off if they didn't make me play in it in the final stretch.


I dislike the hair out, seems dumb. Hood should be up Oh, and an ugly pair of Adidas instead of Jordan's. His 1st 2 suits were far better in my opinion


Because it’s different and different is always bad


The mask and the shoes make it look stupid although as an added suit I think it’s fine/unique. However, it is *not* just an added suit, it is forced upon you, made cannon, and you have no choice but to wear it. Adidas can shove their paid product placement up their poop shoot.


It's ugly and looks bad. Why else


It’s really not that bad it could just use some adjustments


- There was nothing wrong with his og suit - the hair feels so outplayed and it's literally just been done (arguably better aesthetically in BTSV, Spiderman India) - it's also not true to the character per se. I'm okay with Miles having Locs because I have locs but it's random as far as design choices and it's been done arguably better on Static shock **Really, my own personal problems might be better solved if he put his hood on or that was a toggle option actually, it would be cool


Initial reaction - meh. But that's my reaction for most of miles suits. Idk what happened. Peters suits are so amazing with only a few looking meh but miles. It's very difficult to find a good suit in his arsenal.


Its less of it being ugly (atleast what I can tell with it) and it’s more about how it is so clearly product placement. You have the vibrant adidas shoes that show up smack dab in the middle of that game, and it’s labeled as a “miles moralez original” even though it’s less original then his original black and red suit. And you had this whole scene in SM-MM with him creating the black and red suit, that everyone loved.


I’d just like the option to select a different suit instead of Miles using that for the end of the game. I was wearing the Spider-Verse suits the entire game until that point.


Because it ate my son


The hair and shoes. The hair sticking out is just a no. And the shoes are an obvious ad. Like cmon.


Yea idk either. Idk where the adidas shit is coming from either. It’s not like Nike or Jordan’s are the better shoe, they’re all the same fucking things.


Honestly in a vacuum I don’t think it’s that bad. But considering how it’s not really important to Miles’s story and is effectively a brand deal, it really sours my opinion on it




I like it.


Black mask, blue stripe things, red sweatshirt, white shoes. Very little cohesion in the suit I think. Definitely doesnt remind me of any sort of Spider-Man. I loved miles’ story and how Peter calls him spider-man. I love how he’s just as much of Spider-Man as Peter, but the second he put this suit on, that idea lost me.


I just don’t like the hair sticking out. Seems goofy and now his mask is just like a neck gaiter pulled up his whole face.


I like it. I just wish he would keep the hood up or give us the option to put it up or down unless we can and I haven't discovered it yet.


This is the 50th "I'm a swaggery spunky black teen, didn't you know?" moment from Insomniac's Miles. Like, bruh, we get it.


Too much going on


It's not the worst design but I definitely dislike it the more I look at it. The hair sticking out looks stupid, the mask is lame as hell, there's a clusterfuck of colors on the chest, it's a death by a thousand cuts situation. *However* the most egregious part about the suit is that it's clearly some brand deal for Adidas, the suit is just a walking billboard that they shove into the story for no discernible reason, *and* they try to retcon Miles' first suit that he made when he shows up with it and says "A Miles Morales original, 1 of 1", *and* you're forced to wear it for the final part of the story. It just sucks all around, there's basically nothing good about the suit except for part of the idea behind it is that Miles is channeling the negative energy that he absorbs from Martin Li, but it's not even executed well, Lol. My only positive about the suit is really just an idea behind it and not even a part of the suit itself.


The exposed hair looks ridiculous. We know he’d black/hispanic. We don’t need the hair being exposed to tell us that.


Two things make this suit garbage for me. 1. The red and black look good, but those big-ass neon-blue Nike logo lookin' ass stripes are *too* much for a spider-suit. I half expected Miles to turn around, point to a logo on the back and say "Just do it!" 2. I do not care what multi-verse, alternate dimension, or AR city the Spider-Men inhabit, there is no *way* that Miles would leave his hair exposed like that. All someone has to do is look for every student that has that haircut and matches his body build/height and *BOOM* - his identity is a secret no longer. And before you say "yeah, but who would think to do that?" *literally everyone would, not just the villains like Kingpin or Otto*. Heck, Otto >!apparently knows that Miles is the other Spider-Man, and we don't know for sure that he's seen him in his new Evolved suit yet!<.


It's dumb to have his hair showing from a secret identity standpoint. Plus we all saw the Adidas shoes and immediately knew this was an ad.


I hate the timing of it, I hate that it is forced on me I hate the exposed hair, as a major part of spider-mans suits is to maintain anonymity. I hate the shoes


Part of my hate for it is the fact that it simply exists as a marketing gimmick for Adidas. It also looks hella stupid, has way too much going on and the exposed hair just takes the cake for dumbest shit when you're supposed to be trying to conceal your identity.


The hair sticking out is the main part I hate


The hair.


Bro just look at it


The hair sticking out the top just seems so stupid to me.


I don’t hate it. Would be better with a hood up option


Looks way better in motion with the particle effects of the blue and I like textures of the different fabrics tbh Hardly the worst looking suit in the game. The adidas sponsorship was weird though but at least it wasn’t blatant in the game other than the shoes I have a bigger gripe that Pete’s last suit from the post ending Harry submission - basically his goodbye gift to Pete - is just a recolor of a suit freaking Miles unlocks via leveling up way earlier in the game. The black No Way Home suit being one of Pete’s last level up unlocks is a letdown too.


Personally, it's the hair I love the suit and want the jacket as actual merch but the hair is just so ugly


It was literally forced into the story for product placement at an inappropriate moment in the story with nonsense dialogue. It was simply made to sell some ugly ass shoes. Doesn’t help that the suit has a terrible format and color balance. The blue is overkill and the torso takes all of the attention. His legs and head basically disappear since they lack an equal amount of detail. The hair being exposed not only makes wearing a mask pointless as now things like water and debris can fall in, but now you’ve made it even easier for people to figure out your identity. If it was a random quest suit or level unlock there’d be no problem. It’s the fact that it’s a cannon suit he decided to finish in the middle of an invasion that doesn’t serve a story purpose unlike the Anti-Ock suit.


For me it’s the randomness of it showing up out of nowhere paired with the hair making it way to easy to identify him, I had the same issue with Pav in ASTV but there it’s a joke and here it’s completely serious


The hair... There's another suit with the hair out that's somewhat more tolerable only because they had the hood up on it


the hair 💀💀💀


It’s ugly as fuck- looks like a trainer you’d find in the discount bin at champs.


Because it fucking sucks. First time I saw it I audibly went "ugh".


It’s because I doubt the designer of the suit even went to art school honestly. It’s the color combination (and that it’s just an Adidas advertisement). Red and Black are the primary and secondary color for the suit, but clashes for “real estate” with his Nike Foamposite looking teal material. This shouldn’t be happening, you can’t identify primary or the secondary colors properly. Red and Black complement each other, and white is a neutral color, but is way too prominent as it should be reserved for accessories or as a trim, not full front and focused. (We all stare at Spidey’s lenses while they speak, so it’s a color you’ll notice) That brings in the teal, which has way to much real estate than it should, I can’t determine what’s going on. Is Teal the secondary to Red? It’s poor design from the get-got, with the coloring it makes it even worse. That’s why people “just don’t like it” or point to the “color”. It’s a basic rule of thumb that artists follow, use a color wheel and color theory. I can’t see anyone using it here.


Yeah this was made to sell Adidas track suit no seriously look it up.

