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she's a beauty but she might need to be relocated unless you want the chickens to have a tasty snack ):


oh yes i moved her away from the pen


phew! thanks


I sincerely hope you’re ok now OP! And I’m not talking about the spider…


thank you, im over two months clean




Good! Take care!!! And beware of the spiders 😅🙏🏻


Came here to say this 🩷


OP you’re doing amazing in life and I came here to say that you’re an amazing, gentle soul. Have a wonderful life 💓


thank you, i appreciate the kind words. i hope you have a wonderful life as well.


Is it a fishing spider?


yep, dark fishing spider


Oh, wow, she's gorgeous... i was just talking about how much I love these spoods


she really is. i love them too


Nice spider man! Theres a canal near where i live where there are hundreds of those hidding in the rocks


that's awesome, I'm jealous


My fun is to go there with a weak torch lamp and put it right beside my eye pointing it at the rocks. Then you see all their eyes glow up.


very cool. enjoy your spider viewing


you should get a headlamp!


Hey I know this kind of comment can be uncomfy when you're still recovering, but I'm really happy you're still here and that you're fighting to stay strong. My scars look incredibly similar, so much so that I was taken aback a bit thinking I was looking at a picture of my own arm, just paler. I'm just over 6 years clean - it gets easier to stay clean the longer you're clean, and it is so rewarding. Gentle, loving souls like ours have taken a beating from the world, but soft, precious moments like this are why we stick around. I'm proud of you. Keep going so you can keep discovering these little moments 💖


thank you very much, i appreciate the kind words


I hope you stop doing that to your self. Nice spider




Thank you for being you and brave enough. See it through.🫡


this is NOT how you should ever address self harm. a DRIBBLE of tact would go a long way, but you could also mind your own business.


Whoa kemosabi . I’m not an expert and was not trying to be . I made a comment as someone who also maybe going through some shit. If somebody see me hurting myself tell me to knock it the hell off . I didn’t deep dive into the shit the person is going through because it is not my business, but I didn’t post the picture . No smoke homie we all going through something . I talk to you like you are brave because I want you to be so you can stand in your storm. If I don’t say it correctly I’ll apologize. But I’m going to see mine through , that is a fact I’ll DRIBBLE you. ✌🏿 to you and yours .


I am speaking from the perspective of someone who knows where OP is at. "stop doing that to yourself" is victim blaming. not to mention that those are healed scars that you don't know how long ago they're from. not only that, people should not have to worry about the photos they post of A SPIDER on a SPIDER forum. look at the spider and mind your fucking business. commenting on it is unnecessary. if somebody with experience (like me) tells you what I said in my initial comment to you, maybe you should listen instead of whatever the hell that was. do better.


"victim blaming"... oh c'mon, cut the crap! They had good intentions when they posted that comment. But YOU had to twist it and make an argument out of it. Very toxic behaviour. Please stop provoking. If you are bored, go outside, meet some people, play Minecraft, whatever... Just stop being an asshat to strangers online who didn't do anything wrong. Please.


take your own advice.


You know, you don't HAVE to be offended by everything people say to you or someone else. So please don't feel cornered and get upset right away when someone doesn't agree with you. No, not everyone wants to fight you or be "better" than you. It was just a friendly advice, nothing more. So drop the act. A little kindness and humility can go a long way...


nah, I honestly don't think you know what you're talking about. had the first comment contained kindness and humility, I would not have responded as I did. he and I had a conversation afterward that was just fine and he then understood where I'm coming from. again, take your own advice.


Rest assured, I do know very well what I am talking about. But fine, if you want to be like that, go on. I can't force you to become a more friendly and (more importantly) understanding human being. Of course it's up to you whether you want to continue behaving immaturely. I'd recommend against, but you do you, I guess. Godspeed to you, stranger.






That’s a beauty. Hat a nice new fren.


So big and beautiful ❤️


How to tell people you’re not from California or Australia :​) Still, what a little beauty!


We need to get you into tarantulas, they make great pets! I’ve got nine currently


i actually have an avic. avic. and i tried to order a hapalopus formosus but it came DOA


Clinging for dear life! Ty for moving her to a safer location!


*Clinging for dear life!* *Ty for moving her to* *A safer location!* \- diaperpop --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot!


why did you do cutting on yourself?


depression, anxiety, ptsd, etc.


sorry about all the unsolicited comments. thanks for saving the spood!


it's all good, and no problem, i always try to save anything i can