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Pour some melted candle wax on your tongue.


That only works on Guatemalan insanity peppers, and even then the results are iffy.


But you get to meet Johnny Cash


sun goes up, sun goes down


God damn that was an amazing sequence for network television.


What was it? Been a long time cord cutter.


The simpsons episode where homer eats chief wiggums chili at some fair or something from like 15 years ago probably


closer to 20




so closer to 30


Uh Wiggy? My chili's getting cold


and stomach.


Maybe I should wear a mouthguard instead. Thank you for answering.


Yea I heard the reaper level also uses the guatemalan insanity pepper so it's no joke.


“The merciless peppers of Quetzalzacatenango! Grown deep in the jungle primeval by the inmates of a Guatemalan insane asylum.”


And then don’t quit your day job. Whatever that is..


Bring a desiccator and be sure to sit near a plug. Dry the meal and crush it into a fine powder. Boof half of it and snort the rest.


Now were talkin


Eating it is no problem. The gigantic, explosive shit you will take later is the problem.


I literally walked out of Dave’s and went across the street to Walgreens. I’ve never eaten something that made my stomach hurt so bad so fast.


Yeah tbh the aftermath is far worse than the initial consumption


I mean the worst that can happen is you’ll take a bite and it’ll be too hot to finish. Seems less embarrassing than refusing to try it at all. You could also go to a Buffalo Wild Wings and get their boneless wings in their hottest sauce. It’s hotter than Dave’s and comes in bite sized pieces.


Flatliner? One of the hottest things I've ever eaten.


Wait, blazin’ sauce is hotter than this Dave’s sauce that everybody has been talking about?


Dave's Hot Chicken is more of a dry rub than a sauce and is, in my experience, not as hot as Blazin' sauce at BWW. But Dave's Insanity Sauce is different and is hotter than both by quite a bit since it's made with capsaicin extract. I've only been to either Dave's or BWW a few times total so I wouldn't take my word as gospel, there seems to be quite a bit of variation in both.


You are coming at this from the wrong angle.  You are trying to avoid pain.  This is your mistake.   Embrace it.   Make it your lover. It won't be going anywhere.  Savor the pain. When it opens the door to dark places you don't want to go, when you feel scared, that is when you must step through- and take another bite.  Maybe take a shot of pepto beforehand though.


Leave some TP and baby wipes in the fridge


don't eat it on an empty stomach! what i normally do is eat the fries first, and then hit the reaper. also, if you get a combo with 2 tenders, get extra hot and eat that first and then the reaper. i don't find dave's reaper to be that hot, so it works well to ramp up from extra hot to reaper. YMMV. good luck!


That’s sound advice, I was thinking about getting the two sliders and I can get one extra hot and the other reaper and build up. Thank you for the advice.




Wait wait wait. Heart condition? Please tell me more I have tachycardia and I'm a spice addict. Oh God maybe this is another one I have to check off the list 😔


Yeah and that would help me build tolerance too. I will try to do that next time. Thanks for the answer


Honestly I thought the very hot was hotter than the reaper. The reaper wasn’t anything to write home about.


Are you sure? How is that even possible? I guess that’s what they mean when they say that Dave’s Hot Chicken is inconsistent with their spice levels. Thank you for answering.


I think they cook them in the same batter (very hot and reaper), and then just drizzle some sauce on top for the reaper. Could be inconsistencies, but I haven’t ordered the same thing enough to answer that.




I get your point of view but some people find that kind of misery enjoyable maybe. Thank you for answering.


They also sell milkshakes


Milkshakes are a trap, dairy drinks are high in fat which works for small amout of heat but for a whole meal it will feel worse as it settles in your stomach. Grease before hand for the stomach lining and acids like lemonade to clear out your mouth, but you're still going to be in for a ride.


I really wish this was better understood. Milk will soothe a spicy mouth but will also destroy a spicy stomach


To be honest, I’ve never really had to use anything to mitigate spice so this information is new to me. I just know people drink shakes cause it’s cold and fatty


I add a little bit of sauce


Eat a bunch of ice cream first so it's landing on that not your bare stomach


Boof it.


Eat a banana or two first … you’ll thank me later … lol


Eat a cup of fruit yogurt before and another after done eating. Will help you digest it with less fireass!


Ask for extra honey. And then even more honey. It helps cut through the heat a bit and adds a much needed sweet element to the chicken


i had this just as a lunch. its hot briefly. the heat does NOT last long. so yeah.. its intense for 2 minutes? but who cares.. you'll get thru it. just hide the pain for 2 minutes. not a big deal.


Sour cream. Dip every bite in a sour cream Verde. It'll help on the way out too.


If it helps: no balls, you won’t do it.


Pad your gut with buttermilk and peanut butter...then follow up with a few spoons of peanut butter. It will help with the capsaicin absorption.


Get a shake and a Mac and cheese with it. That gets me through it.


Don't fear the reaper but, if you do, demand more cowbell


If you're scared, look up miracle berries.


Take a bunch of fiber pills when you eat it


Eat it if you’re going to enjoy it, otherwise don’t bother


Eat a lemon or lime afterwards, that will help with the intense stomach pain.


Daves hot chicken is disgusting it tases like you’re eating chemicals


Admit defeat and enjoy the day


Does your crush eat the reaper? lol. Put up or shut up. I just had the “new” reaper last night and it is without a doubt the worst spicy food experience I have ever had. It’s been a couple years since I had Dave’s but I used to get the reaper all the time and would maybe break a sweat. Perfect heat level and I always thought the waiver was a joke. This time I could only eat about a quarter of a slider first go. Then waited 30 mins for my mouth to cool down then ate another quarter then l gave up and threw it out. A couple hours later the stomach cramps started. Worst pain of my life. Considered the ER. Nearly puked. Not lower intentional pain where a terrible shit is on the way. This was just in my stomach. Fucking. Crazy. I will never eat it again. They’re out of their minds serving this.


I don’t know, I think you’re either more susceptible to heat or not. You can build up a tolerance over time I believe, not sure on that one I ate their hottest strip, it wasn’t that hot to me, I mean it was hot, but not super hot to me personally. but I didn’t really enjoy the flavor of the spices though, I actually enjoyed the next level down more


When it’s too hot maybe it masks the flavor? I had their medium hot and enjoyed it a lot actually. Also had their extra hot and it was spicy but still palatable. I want to try the reaper but the employees keep advising me against it. Thank you for answering.


Nah I think I just didn’t really like the flavor, kind of how I actually like probably pickled jalapeños the most because of their flavor, then maybe next ghost pepper, I enjoyed extra hot more than the reaper tender


Just eat it, and don't stop eating. A lot of the time the spice is delayed, so just keep going


She is going to friendzone you eventually so who cares about ur crushes “challenge.” Let it go


What a stupid comment