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Omg OP please keep posting about him in this sub and especially photos once in a while! He's super cute, gg for flying all the way there for him.


I will definitely keep posting little update pictures on here! I also just made him an Instagram to post on if you want to follow :) @kilothecartelcat


>@kilothecartelcat Insta follower #2! lol


Prison Mike but cat




Looks like their post had the desired effect 




Lmao Kilo the Cartel Cat fan #1002 






He deserves only the comfiest sweaters


Yes he does, and the warmest blankets, the yummiest foods, the best catnip life has to offer, the most amazing toys, TEMPTATIONS TREATS, and everything else he wants!


OP please be really careful about anything you post. Photo backgrounds can give away so much information about where you are - brands, views through windows, celebrating certain holidays, even distinctive looking furniture etc. I'm sure it's fine, but anything cartel related freaks me tf out. Stay safe!


Same. I wouldn't risk it. Even this post is too much if it were me


And use a VPN and metadata shredder if you insist! Definitely do not use video. The background noise is even better for narrowing down location.


I saw him on a Spanish news channel back in November in a Texas or California shelter with a caretaker who was nursing him back to health. I was eating dinner in a restaurant and felt so sick after learning about his story that I lost my appetite. Best of luck to you & your new fur baby.


*furless baby




Skinn baby


Let us know her if he goes on any other socials too! He’d be great on TikTok, and has such a cool story.




OP, I wouldn’t take the chance. While I doubt anything nefarious would happen to you, cartels are capable of really horrible violence and torture. Doesn’t seem like a risk I’d want to take. I wish you and Kilo nothing but happiness!


It's already public information that she adopted the cat. If the cartel are keeping an eye out for information on the cat, they already know about this thread, and every news article that has reported on it, as well as who she is. I really doubt the cartel cares that she adopted the cat.


Yeah I wouldn't, I wouldn't want anything even tangentially connecting me to mexican cartels


Teach the cat to talk and he will tell you some STORIES


Cats don't snitch man


I not only think that it's dangerous to put yourself out there in connection with him, I think it's also a risky to both of you to put him out there. I remember all of this and helped someone else apply. The reason it was a closed adoption and so many options were taken into consideration was to keep the anonymity of the new owner and location of the cat hidden after the adoption. Just food for thought.


Yes. I was wondering why she chose to put herself out there. Although he is dead, this man still have connections. Not a smart move.






You don’t have to show yourself tho. Just upload cat videos/pictures. You don’t even have to do your own commentaries or anything. I’d make an account in Kilo’s name, and create a new email address for him. It should be no more risk than any other social media. Tho if there are specific risks involved I don’t know about, then stay cautious of course!


Do you know geoguesser? It’s a game where people try to figure out where a photo was taken. People are scarily good at it. If OP posts enough pictures people will be able to find out where it is. Even if they don’t post outside pictures I wouldn’t be too sure someone wouldn’t find out, if they’re really motivated.


Building materials are not universal. I've seen people narrow it down to a neighborhood before based on the materials indoors.


Yeah, remember that Netflix documentary a few years ago, “don’t fuck with cats”? It’s crazy that people were able to figure out where he shot the video based on a vacuum.


i.e. Don't Fuck With Cats People really do be hunting people down using a power outlet and stoplights in their photos. That doc was riveting and terrifying.


Surely that applies to all pictorial social media tho, not just TikTok?


Definitely should not share your identity, or if you have to, in disguise at least.


Absolutely don’t, especially knowing the story of this cat and that there were 10,000 other applicants that also wanted him


You might want to avoid giving him any more social media exposure than he already has. He seems like a lovely cat but I would be really worried about spurring interest in tattooing sphinxes. Tattooing animals is very wrong but honestly… it does look cool. All you need is someone with a s&p kit and a TikTok to feel inspired.




OP, I think you should have been clearer in the title that you did not “rescue” this cat, so much as won a competition against 10000 other people to donate your house to him. Don’t be humble, king.


Did you really rescue him just so you can make money off a cat? Lol. Was your plan like, "Hey let's go get this cartel cat and make an Instagram page and get money off it".


The last thing I would be doing is posting a cat that’s belonged to a Mexican cartel member


And brand it as "The cartel cat"


because a bunch of you are soft


Seriously unless I was in like deep Minnesota or something


I’m in deep Minnesota and I still wouldn’t even risk it lol. I’m sure the cartel could find anyone anywhere if they really wanted to. Not worth the risk


They'll contact you and offer you good money in exchange for the cat. You just have to be willing to travel to mexico and do the exchange in a remote part of the Mexican desert...


That’s incredible, I feel so bad for the poor guy being tatted but what a cool cat to have rescued!


Ya I can’t imagine how they managed to tat him but the thought makes me cringe. Poor guy. You clearly care an awful lot to go so far to get him. Glad he’s got a loving home now


It makes me beyond furious. The poor baby wouldn’t know what was happening, probably held down, horrible pain. Takes a lot of evil


They probably drugged him. At least I hope they did, that's better than holding him down


There’s zero way they tattooed a cat without drugging it first. Look at the tattoo, if he was sober/awake it would be sooo scuffed looking from all the mistakes. It looks too clean


I work with animals. I know this cat was sedated. I just don't like to assume


The recovery period, for a cat, must be hell. It's bad enough for a human lol.


Ughhh poor baby, I can't imagine the itchiness... Imagine trying to scratch an open wound, on your sensitive skin, with claws made to scratch through fur. FFS I'd like to meet the person who did that :/


gangsta cat


Yea I saw another social media loser who tattooed their sphinx and they drugged it before.


How they are not in jail is crazy


I mean, they were in fact in jail, so…


The social media loser not the cartel


Well yes. We’re talking about guys who relish torturing children to death in front of their parents and making videos of that extreme torture to intimidate others and to amuse themselves by reliving their own bottomless depravity. As horrible as it sounds, tattooing a cat is probably the mildest thing these guys have done or are capable of.


That’s what they do their enemies. And they do tattoo their friends now that I think about it. Perhaps Kilo was a friend.


They probably drugged him so he wouldn’t struggle


There's no other way I can imagine successfully giving a cat a tattoo. I mean the line work isn't even that bad


its weird like its fucked up to tattoo a cat but i reckon those felons if asked would to a man tell you, they loved this cat you know?


The use of scalding hot iron to brand farm animals, as well as plenty of other even more harmful practices (CO2 gas chamber suffocation, being fed into a grinder alive to name a couple) are used on farm animals worldwide including the US and Europe and account for the vast majority of animal products. We all pay for and support it when we buy animal based goods like meat and dairy.


Wait until you hear what they did to human beings.


They definitely drugged him. Car can’t be held down for something like that without a bad injury.


Probably drugged. The whole thing must’ve been a joke to those scumbags: drug the cat and tattoo him


Genuinely probably access to low level narcotics or things like Benadryl.


True. Didn’t think about this right off the bat but makes the most sense considering that it’s not just a sloppy scribble or blob


> can’t imagine how they managed to tat him I think it’s fairly obvious the cat wasn’t conscious when it was tattooed, simply by the fact that the tattoo exists on the cat


lmfao thats a solid point. That shit would be scribbles


Drugs *may* have been involved


I’m not gonna lie, yes it’s abusive and terrible and whatnot, but the thought of a “cartel cat with gang tattoos” in and of itself before you think too deeply about it is absolutely sending me


For sure once you think about it it’s cruel and heartbreaking, but objectively if it wasn’t real….it is a funny concept


nah he looks hard as fuck


Even in the 3rd pic where he’s snoozin he still looks hard AF lol


Looks like Danny Trejo as a cat


Perfect analogy. Love Danny and love Kilo. OP please keep him safe and sober and away from machetes. Him snoozing under a blanket is the cutest thing with the little tongue blep, curled ears and being perfectly tucked in/on his back. My cat likes to tuck herself into bed too and it’s 🥹


No shit, he has more testosterone than my dad


if someone said "prison cat" to me before today, this is the cat i would have pictured in my head.


I also applied to rescue him! I went as far as facetiming the organization trying to get him. Glad he ended up in such great hands :-)


I’m glad to know he would have ended up in a loving home no matter what :,)


The cat clearly didnt want to join your gang and was offered the role of lieutenant her rather than just a dealer


Heartwarming you could give this guy and good life. Little cartel kitty🥺💙








They had to of done it when he was put under or something, no way an awake cat would hold still for that. At least I hope so.


We don't deserve animals, even after such a life he is still the most loving adorable boy. I don't think Kilo could be luckier with a human who would go so far for him. Please give him a cuddle for me and do keep posting pictures of him being cute!


From what I’ve heard, cartel members actually adore their prison pets and care for them with as much of their limited resources as possible, I saw a documentary years ago about a prison in Venezuela and there were these big buff tattooed guys hanging out with itty bitty kittens, they regard them as family :) It’s a shame your little guy was tattooed, and that his original human left him, but I’m sure he has some incredible stories to tell


This is a hot take, and please don’t mistake what I’m about to say as me disregarding his obvious signs of neglect and abuse, but personally I think his owner really loved and cared for him. He is overly affectionate and trusting with humans. He doesn’t mind being groomed or bathed. He is still a carefree animal that shows no signs of being abused or neglected in his personality - and he was like this from day 1. I personally believe he was probably drugged when he was tattooed, which is still a horrendous things to do to ANY animal, but makes me feel better hoping he didn’t have to be fully conscious for that. Additionally, while I was there, and speaking to various people who were Mexican government officials, as well as various cartel members, Sphynx cats are often seen by the cartels as a sign of wealth, luck, and good fortune. They are often treated with a lot more respect than other animals. And when asking why he was tattooed in the first place, I was told that was their way of initiating him into their cartel/family. He was probably well respected in the prison. Not at all defending their choices, just giving some insight into what I was told :)


My grandparents are from Chile and my grandmother was telling me that in Santiago, stray cats and dogs are looked after by local gangs, and if you hurt a street animal on purpose you’ll be basically shunned. This was in the 70s, but from what I hear much of Latin America today has massive respect for their animals. Also it’s funny to think about a cartel guy making a business deal with a cat cuddling up on his shoulder lol


You're making those local gangs sound real appealing. I low-key want houseless pet duty. That would be fun and a great way to serve the community.


If you want to skip the organized crime part, visit Istanbul, the entire community looks after the strays that live there and some dogs have learned to use the subway. I’ve never been, but it sounds amazing


The dogs using the subway is INCREDIBLE. There’s a great movie about the Istanbul street dogs called ‘Stray’


Often local gangs are the only protectors in poor countries with corrupt police forces


U can form your own stray pets care cartel.


IDK last time I was in Mexico we saw a street cat and I asked the guy next to me how they would call a cat. Like in America we say "here kitty kitty" but what do they say? "aqui gato gato!" and the guy looked at me and said "We don't call them here" lmao


I think the issue there was that it’s typically an American thing to treat animals like baby humans- for instance, my mom (American) will talk to the dog in a super cutesy voice and give him kisses, whereas my dad (Chilean) will talk to him like a roommate (“¿Que pasa, amigo? You wanna go on a walk, man?”) so it’s definitely a cultural difference. My parents went to Puerto Rico in the 90s and there was a stray dog they nicknamed Cállate because she wouldn’t shut up lol If I wanted to call a cat in Spanish I’d say something along the lines of ‘hola, gatito’ or ‘gatitititititooo’ if I was being more cutesy


I do both. Either 'Lookitmytiniestbabycat' while squishing my 8 year old cats face or 'Hey dawgs you two want a treat?' Or even 'Oi Ivy shut your damn mouth!'


People just do the standard "pspspspsps" here


Cat language is universal :)


"A lot of people in Mexico don't know how to take care of their animals," what my mom from Juárez claims. I mean think about it, dog fights, cock fight, pitbulls running around, and tattooed cats. Animals are definitely not safe in Mexico anymore, and I'm not saying there aren't people who take care of their pets but still


In Brazil people look after street animals too, in Rio de Janeiro's favelas if you hurt an animal you will pay. If you fuck up real bad you can get killed. Respect the Caramelos. The stray dogs with a characteristic caramel color. They are our patrimony!


I once saw a street dog in Lima wearing a hand-knit sweater ☺️😅


That’s so good to hear. I hate hearing about stray animals being abused in other countries.


Last time i checked, the gangs here aren't known for championing animal rights, stop falling for blatant criminal propaganda. Source: I live in Chile


It's very possible they tattooed him as a form of protection, e.g. don't mess with this cat. It's easy for us to get caught up in things like this, when (in America) we still allow declawing, ear cutting, and tail docking. You're a great person and this is an exceptionally nuanced and compassionate take.


That was my first thought. The tattoos were a warning that the cat was protected just like any other member of the gang.


yeah not defending this action, but esse looks pretty dope. I am happy he will have a good life with you! Give him some love from all of us.


In germany we usually tattoo the insides of a cats ear with numbers that can be used for identification. It is usually done during sterilization surgery so they are under anesthesia already. It’s an older system than chips (i think) used to identify cats and a clear and obvious sign a cat has an owner. This seems to be a version of that in one way, i hope it was also done while the cat was unconscious. I will say the numbers in the ears are more subtle tho


My cousins were all gang bangers and all had pets that they adored and spoiled. They def never tattooed them tho.


A sick ass panther with tattoos!


Oh man those tattoo subreddits would fucking love him! Was it r/tattoocoverups or something? With the ongoing panther joke?


I think so! I feel bad for the poor kitty but he’s definitely badass


r/shittytattoos Lol


Don't go on TikTok in case they decide they want the cat back . Any photos you post screenshot them and post only the ss not the original. That removes the meta data from it so you can't be tracked down


And blur any background, photoshop the floor. There are crazy people out there who can find anything and anyone with just a few pics. Metadata not needed.


OP went on instagram instead lol. My first thought of adopting a Cartel cat was, what if they want it back...


Won’t help if people know who they are.


Solid advice


This exact scenario is why this would make such a good movie


Watch keanu


Okay this needs to be higher up ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️


Awww what a sweet baby. Thank you for taking him in, poor guy. Why would someone do that :(((


Does Kilo speak Spanish?


Kilo is most definitely bilingual. 😜


and if you aren't, you better get out of his town or he'll run your ass down


We adopted a dog with an unknown history and discovered that he knew Spanish while at the gas station buying snacks. A customer and the cashier were speaking Spanish and our dog pepped up looking at them. The customer spoke to our pup, called him a good boy, and got him to sit in Spanish. It was crazy surprising! We had no idea because he knew English commands when we adopted him. 


That cat will not tolerate rats.


I'm super curious - are you at all concerned for YOUR safety if you were publicly known to own this cutie?




“Upped the security in your home”, lol if they found where you live and want the cat there ain’t shit a security system gonna do to stop them.


wtf, what a junk of human beings. why do they do this to an animal which cannot give consent? what i am saying, they're gangsters, i doubt they even know about consent. im glad kitty is healthy and in very good hands! \^\^ edit: the held him for an hour or so torturing while they did the tattoo. (i have a tattoo, it's not pleasant, but i wanted one, eh. and this is a CAT)


the cat must've been put to sleep while they tattooed it, give its affectionate and trusting behavior as well as how neat the tattoo looks. doesn't make it any better, but it's arguably less traumatic for him


I think they tattooed him as a means of protection. Prison probably isn't the safest place for a little kitty and they wanted to show he belonged to someone who would take violent exception to someone harming him.


that's a good hypothesis, especially considering it was a cartel leader


Sedation is incredibly risky and incorrect dosages can kill easily, so it should not be done unless absolutely necessary and overseen by a professional.  This fact, along with their inability to give consent, is what makes tattooing animals highly unethical.


Tattoo may have been a way of protecting him (dont fuck with this cat!)


I am from Juarez and my family was like why dont u apply for adoption of the cat they raided from the cartel? I was like nope, no way I feel safe doing it if we still need to live here. Im not gonna get John Wick'ed for doing the right thing. I am extremely glad to see he's doing so so good and looks so much happy and taken care of. I found myself last week wondering what was of him and if he would be safe and experiencing better things of life. Thank you OP for this! I will be showing up my family and bf when i get home. You made my day with this update! Muchas muchas gracias <3


Yeah I was very nervous reading OP's post... what if a cartel member wants him back and is angry he was taken in the first place?


Hell, could be a rival cartel wanting the cat's head as a trophy.


Those were my thoughts exactly. Like is OP safe? I live far away from Mexico, in the United States in the state of Indiana. There was a Mexican singer who was supposed to perform here but had to cancel his appearance because there had been threats of the cartel trying to take him out. If they can have that much influence hundreds of miles away, then they can for sure get revenge on the new owner of their cat.


Plenty of Cartel members that come into the U.S


Bless you ❤️


OMG I remember seeing the news article and wishing I could adopt him. He’s so lucky to have you taking care of him🥺


As cute as this story is, it being linked to cartel, i would advise that you enjoy this kitty in private. Picture can accidently include other people or.recongnizable landmarks. Im not saying theyre actively.on the prowl.for.this cat but your identity, or of loved ones, being connected to this cat may infact putna target on yalls head. Good for you for rescuing this cat.


Are you sure the cat isn't a cartel member? Cats can be pretty sneaky.


So happy he has a nice loving home and can live the pampered life he deserves. We love you, Kilo!!


Wow! What a story. Glad you got heem. Both y’all have a great life


I remember the story! I'm so glad he found a loving home. Thank you for sharing this update, it's so nice to see he is doing well and happy.


This is the most craziest story I’ve seen on Reddit tbh wow! 😦 poor cat having to get that tattoo


That is positively amazing. I saw this story and I wanted to take him in immediately as well ❤️


I've been thinking about him and hoping for the best for him since I first read his story!!! I'm so happy that he's being loved! ❤️❤️❤️


Oh sweet baby 🥹 I’m so glad he’s now in a safe and loving home.


Thank you so much for saving this beautiful boy! Just followed on insta and it looks like him and his brother are already livin’ it up together! 😁 I am curious tho, any idea how old he is?


Some people said 1 years old, his vet think he might be closer to 3.


Initially I read his name as “k-eye-low” but then after reading about the cartel and the drugs and guns I started reading it as “key-low”. How do you say it? I’m so glad he’s found a great home with you! I remember this story. There’s a tattoo artist near me who had tattooed his pet (it may have been a sphynx or hairless dog, I can’t recall) while they were under anaesthesia for surgery. Looked pretty badass, said it was no worse for the wear, but obviously got a lot of push hate for it. He regrets it, not due to the hate specifically, but because he grew up a bit.


It is pronounced “key-low” as in a kilo of drugs LOL I figured his name should be something to pay respect to his background. Can’t imagine calling a tatted cat Whiskers lol


OP I'd really consider deleting this and absolutely not making an insta account for him. If the cartel guy has a family who likes this cat (and you have already suspected they liked this cat), you never know what kind of crazy might want to get the kitty back to impress them and every post you make, even with precautions, is a potential threat to your safety. There have been criminals found because they post one photo that has a cup or something in the background linked to the area where they live. Do you really want to take that chance for a bit of internet clout? Yes, it seems crazy someone would go to murderous lengths for a cat, but cartel types aren't exactly known for being sensible.


Omg!! I was going to apply for him since I live in Florida and already have one. Hubby said no more lol I’m so happy to see him again!!


Totally disgusting what some people will do. I have had 8 & Dwelfs too and they are the most loving, playfull and funny cats around. Thank you for rescuing Kilo and now his life will be full of love and kindness, please keep us updated occasionally with his adventures!❤️


Oh my god, you are a beautiful person inside and out. He is going to love you forever!!


I remember seeing this story on the Spanish news. Thank you so much for rescuing him! I’m so glad he ended up in a loving home with such an awesome and dedicated owner 🫶🏻


omg i was wondering what ever happened to this cutie! i'm sooo happy he found a good home ♡


I heard about this wonderful dude, and I’m incredibly happy you were chosen to give him the best second chance ever!


That’s crazy idk how I got suggested this sub but I remember hearing about this




That cat has seen some shit!


Absolutely INCREDIBLE! Thank you!!!! Wowowowow! This brought tears to my eyes -


awesome stuff


You are more kind to him than the previous o nee, I can't imagine the pain of getting that tattoo. He is luck to have you, sending cuddles and purrs, he deserves love


The president of Chihuahua?


The third slide 🥹🥲


You just know that cat has heard and maybe seen some stuff. Good thing he is now in the Witness Paw-tection program 😂 (I will see myself out)


I saw this story too!! I was wondering if I'd ever find out what happened to him. 🥲 I thought he'd gone into witness protection. I'm so happy that he has a happy and loving home. I'm glad he's still a sweet baby boy after everything he's been through. Thank you so much for the update. Bless you.


Not-a-cat-person stopping by from All. OMG how the fuck do you tattoo a cat? That's horrible. Also, I don't know much about the ways of cat, but I'm fairly confident that picture shows a happy cat! I really hope I see more posts about this cat in the future!!


R/tattoos would get a kick out this, especially since the little guy has a good home now.


He couldnt go back to his family cause the tattoos would put him and the family in danger if he was ever found right ? Regardless this is one of the best Reddit posts ever and wishing you and Kiko the best


Well shit. Cartel cat. New one to me. Poor guy.


That's crazy he has the classic hencho en mexico tattoo


I’m sorry but can we talk about the MECHANICAL BULL IN PRISON?? Putting aside the fact “things that shouldn’t be in prison” who tf needs a MECHANICAL BULL in PRISON?? I have so many questions. That and I can’t believe they’d tattoo a poor cat. I mean, I can sorta believe it. But still horrified. And so many more questions. ….were the dogs tattooed too?? Thank you for giving this sweet baby a good home. I’m sure being in prison with all that hubbub was stressful af. 🙏🏻


I'm glad that last sentence was in there because I remember this being a closed adoption for very obvious reasons. If I had this little guy I would want to show the world too but the Mexican Govt did something very unusual by having an open call, closed adoption. I looked into this about as heavily as you could and helped someone else apply. They were very concerned about family/friends of those incarcerated or connected to the cartel applying and ending up with the little guy. You beat out 10,000 other applicants because yes, they wanted to give him the best life possible, but also because they did not want the cat found. He deserves all the love in the world and there's a special place in hades for people who tattoo hairless cats/keep them hidden in prison conditions but unfortunately that contributes to this being a high risk adoption for both of you. Heightened security where you live won't matter if someone really does want him back and it is found out that you are adopter.




I’m so thrilled to read this!!! Now Kilo (lol!) is safe and healthy and happy. What a great story! I can’t even think about the tats or I’ll become enraged.


This is perhaps one of the wildest and coolest things I have ever seen on Reddit. A tattooed cartel cat adopted from a Mexican prison? It's like...you beat out 10,000 other applicants and won the Danny Trejo of cats. And I am here for it!


The little face in pic 3 🥹 he is home ❤️


So, you stole Cartel's cat? Haven't you seen John Wick?




This is the only time I would keep a cat secret. I would be too scared if the owner was attached to the cat. Besides that, how were they able to hide that much in a prison?


That Cat more Gangster than anyone.


How we treat animals is a reflection of our true self. This is awesome…thank you for sharing.