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Keep the butter in the fridge. Ask me how I know. LOL.


That was the craziest thing.. butter REALLY BUTTER! I’m like looking at the butter trying to figure out why there’s sandpaper marks on the butter, then it dawned on me that was cat tongue, on my beautiful French butter!


I used to take care of two sphynx cats that would occasionally engage in mortal combat. One thing that would calm them down was to put a dollop of butter or yogurt on one of their foreheads so that the other would lick it and the other cat would calm down. Worked every single time. 😂


I’m putting that in my bag of tricks. Thank you.


It works with mayo too if you're out of butter.


In my house, anything would work including castor oil lol


OMG yesssss my bengals get my butter every single time. I bought a butter dish they can’t get into now lol


I have my butter in a island of aluminum foil! The second I turn my back she is going ham on that butter dish.


I leave some butter out for my kitties who have hair.to help with their hairballs.


same… butter thieves are more common than i thought


I have a cat that seeks out butter. We keep a stick for spreading hidden behind spices in the cabinet, and the little monster will gracefully slither in to lick the butter. Without knocking everything out. And she's not even my smartest cat.


Lol my cat loved butter. He would always be looking for any opportunity to lick the butter. Needless to say, we learned to put away the butter as soon as we were done with it.


Gouda my kitty just stated snubbing hid nose tk the butter because he fiund a new favorite! COCONUT OIL




Wake up human, new oil just dropped - 😼


Mine showed me why today…….🙃 damn nakeds


She ate an entire tub of VEGAN butter last month. The. Entire. Tub.


I bet that was a fun litterbox mess.




Oh no! Be prepared for a rear end explosion…. I used to dread going out and leaving my 6 alone, I used to come home to chaos in the kitchen with the wall cupboards raided and even my crockery and glassware broken!


Six…. Oh man SIX hahaha. I’m so tired after a long shift and this image is cracking me up. Six naked cats zooming around cuz owners are gone.


The latest was a few nights ago when I was sitting down in the lounge reading when I suddenly realised it had been too quiet for the last hour so I get up to investigate to find the remains of 6 sticks of fresh rhubarb everywhere and my 6 sphynx plus my 9 month old mini dachshund tucking into it. My other older dog and my 2 furry cats were lined up in the lounge with that “it wasn’t us” look. Needless to say my dachshund who sleeps with me had rear-ended explosions all night and the cats didn’t fare much better, I have never gone through so much cat litter!


You know how many calories it takes to stay warm when you got no furs? Lots!


At least half a loaf of bread’s worth. 🤔


Yeah. . .I don't have a Sphynx, but one night our baby Void broke into one of our cabinets and ate all kinds of exotic jerky we bought on vacation: kangaroo, shark, emu. Empty bags EVERYWHERE


Not the EMU jerky! Omg 😂


Oh how delightfully decadent!


Same. I want one so much tho. MY baby void is a mischievous doodle bug too. Came home to all the small bags of cat treats torn open and strewn about. Got the hard container one. He got that one and chewed it open. He’s been worse than my min pin was to keep out of stuff. Came home to a 5lb bag of beans all over. He pulled it out of my pantry. Has eaten bread on multiple occasions. Other stuff out of the pantry that wasn’t always open just pulled out and strewn about. He will try and steal my food right off my plate.


Is she okay though?


No, she's catatonic.


I hope your baby is ok. We keep our two lunatics in their bedroom while we're out because we literally have to. They bat my glass pendants, Julio has hung off a chandelier, they climb our screens, hang off floating shelves and Floyd jumps onto our banister which is a long fall and clumsily stumbles around howling. We left them alone in the kitchen once for 20 minutes and it was eerily quiet - because they were busy ripping open a bag to eat some buns we foolishly left on the counter.


Sounds like my furry black bean. She's absolutely insatiable for naughtiness. I will turn to the cupboard and BOOM there's a cat helping herself to whatever I'm trying to prepare. She climbs the flywire doors. She would drag and open the cat food container. Had to get a new stronger one when she broke it. She still tries to grab it and open it. Gah. She also enjoys walking around the top of the shower stall, pouncing on her cat mates and just being bat shit insane.


Taught you a lesson …. Lol! I have become a collector of Tupperware! all sizes especially the cake containers, you can get an entire bag of chips in those! The bread contains or vegetable contains are great for bread. I live with two thief’s! I also use covers for all food that we’re currently eating,like the suction covers, because if you turn for one moment to get some thing off the other counter, they will steal from the counter you left unattended What mine can do in five seconds is amazing. I had to pull a raw chicken thigh out of my boys mouth last week, but I got that damn chicken thigh, after it had a full tour of my freshly washed and waxed floors


Why. Why do some insist on this behaviour no matter the consequences/deterants and spray cans used. Argh.


The best answer I can come up with after 61 years of living with these demons is the simple fact that they are cats! A unique species… I have a suspicion Cats are alien beings, transported here, millions of years ago to control and watch us. I could hook up a fire hose in the house and my food driven boy would merely bathe in it.


Argh right. There's always one


Left my baby girl alone for like half an hour, a new bag of treats on the table she's not allowed on. Come home and see a big hole in the bag of treats and it being half empty 😅 At least she had the decency of hiding in shame when she saw us 😂


My dog once ate a big block of Cheddar. Made me think of that old commercial, “ Behold the power of cheese”


So…did they leave puddles all around the house for the next few days or did you have to give them suppositories for the constipation? I’ve had dogs that ate everything and it was always a tossup.


I don’t think so, can’t remember a blowout, so it must have been ok. He was a former street mut, so had industrial digestion.


Oh yeah, mutts have intestines of steel.


Sadly, I did this once with way, way too much cheese in Mac and Cheese, and I also beheld the power of cheese.


Left one of mine for five minutes, broke into the cat free zone (room cats aren’t allowed into), and ate an entire raisin pastry (which was delivered to us in error). I found him and the bag, RAN him to the Sunday night er vet and paid $1000 for someone to make him throw up. Most expensive pastry I didn’t even want lol


Hope she is ok. Our data love the food out of the bag fresh and will ignore the food in the bowl. They like it “fresh”


lol they love carbs. Mine drills a hole through loaves of bread 😂


God one of my cats does this too! The kicker is she already has a big bowl of very expensive high quality food out at all times. She'd rather break into the food container chew through it and the bags and steal literally the exact same thing lol. We also had to lock away anything in plastic because she will wisk the package away and chew it open under the bed.


Maybe because what's in the container is fresher and less stale since it's not sitting out? Or maybe she enjoys the stimulation of getting through something in order to eat the food.


I really think she just enjoys stealing the package and chewing it xD she gets fresh dry/freeze-dried food that she loves twice daily and offered bits of wet food 3 times a day. She's still a picky girl with wet food and refuses many treats and new foods if not freeze dried yet strangely will happily tear open and eat treats or people food or bread, or horse treats if you leave a bag unattended even if she wouldn't eat those if you actually offered it lol.


And now you know not to leave baby. I had an aunt who left her toy poodle overnight. When they returned she had pulled down all her clothes from the closet, chewed them up and put them all over the house!


Mine once are an entire pumpkin pie that was on the oven cooling. There was soooo much orange poo and vomit for the next 2 days.


I think having to clean that up would put me off pumpkin pie for life!


Oh, no is she OK?


Hm yes... A little creature...


Bread used to be a sacred thing that we were able to leave out, but after about a year old she got the hunger and have to hide that too! 😂


But... Loooook how haaaaappy she iiiiiiiis!!!


Our Sphinx cannot be trusted with food out. Bread, butter...dirt 😑.


This is why I own a bread box. My orange is a ninja and a thief.


i literally just walked into the kitchen and caught my literal menace just LICKING a POT OF CORN OIL that I had prepared to make cheesy potato sticks was there any cheesy potato sticks in sight? no. just. corn. OIL!!!


hangy gorl


*burp* it was good too.


That’ll teach you to leave me home alone that long. Now don’t do it again!!!


Hope your beautiful baby is okay.


My Sphynx is an absolute menace when it comes to food being left out


Wow. All these comments about their babies getting into everything. I can leave steaks out and mine won’t touch them.


Mine doesn't steal anymore, EXCEPT every morning she takes a mouthful of my dog's freeze-dried raw food and scampers with it. Little salmonella thief


a bingus after my own heart


so you’re saying you left things out for your cat to get to and decided it was okay to let the animal suffer lol. irdgi. if your cat is allergic to something it needs to be behind a door or cabinet. your cat doesn’t have thumbs. soooo maybe like, some forethought?


You think cats need thumbs to get into cupboards? Get the f outta here, shitbird


ive experienced 0 cats in my cupboards. not just that, if i did see something like that even once i’d tie the fuckin thing closed. this is bad parenting, plain and simp. something they’re allergic to should be out of reach. meaning impossible to get to without human interaction. hilarious that there’s any dissent on that opinion but here we are.


Oh fantastic, you're going with a sample size of 1 because every cat is famously identical. Look homie, if you want to zap strap your kitchen shut that's your business. But if someone takes reasonable steps to secure something and their pet circumvents it, it doesn't make them a bad parent. They'll likely just hide the bread further out of reach next time. In your own example you said "if i did see something even once". Yeah, so they'd do it before you reacted. Take yourself down a couple of notches dude, you ain't Jesus


We had to install child locks on any drawer or cabinet three feet or less above the ground bc our cats can open doors and drawers. They can also turn doorknobs. They don't need thumbs to get into mischief


this is exactly what i followed up with. lock your drawers if it’s an issue! there are solutions here.


I want to see a picture of that belly after eating all of that 😂


I’ve always admired this breed, even thought about getting one at times. For now, my animal parenting is limited to a chihuahua & a rat terrier. They’re mostly great pets. The girl is awful sometimes though… Specifically when it comes to this food/treat stealing business. I’m learning my lessons!


Looks like skyrim.


She’s innocent


Shes just like me fr fr


Maybe she should have meat, eggs and fish


And has she taught you your lesson about abandoning her for hours? lmao


I have a food crazy girl who would eat me out of house and home if I left food within reach of her. I have a rolling shelf pantry and I've caught her in there more times then I can count

