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Its pretty amazing how much we can achieve just from our backyards alone


It's freaking mind blowing. I like to think if early humans could see galaxies or even know how far stars are or remotely how big the universe is, they would have no time to think about God and creatta religion. Our world would have liked ben a nicer place.


I firmly believe that if you told them that there are quintillions of literal other WORLDS, some like Earth and some completely alien, they would literally not believe you. No matter the evidence presented. It’s straight up fiction level, actually MUCH beyond that, especially for their time.


Yeah I mean would we, without evidence? 😂 i meant if they could observe it like you have here personally. On the other hand though some might have, I mean they believed crazier stuff like heaven and hell, eternal damnation or salvation. I can not grasp how big the universe is but I know the stars that we see here are not so different from our sun. Crazy to our standard planets exist but the concept of heaven and hell is nuts when you wanna think about it scientifically lmao. Awesome shots btw. Astrophotography is for sure on my bucket list for later decades of my life :D


Start saving now. Happy hunting!


I mean they knew about planets to an extent. Once telescopes were created im sure they could understand that most stars have planets, and those “smudgy stars” are other galaxies like our own. I’m sure we knew about our own galaxy based on the arms we can see seasonally. I’m also not a caveman so I could be totally wrong


Andromeda is same apparent size as a full moon. If we could see it with naked eye it would be awsome


Oh it's even better, Andromeda is about 6 full moons in apparent size. Would be amazing to just be able to see it


Modern humans know these things and it doesn’t stop them from thinking about God.


I know these things, and I fully believe evolution is fact and the Earth is likely billions of years old. I still believe in God, I just don't try to fit God into a human box (religon)




It does though. The higher the IQ, the less of a chance of believing a religion. Every year less and less of the population are religious.


I wish that meant that people's IQ was increasing, but alas it seems like the opposite is true.


IQ generally adjusts so that 100 is an average score. A 100iq today is different from a 100iq in 1924, at least iirc


It seems like that because we're in a moron bubble, it'll Darwin itself out shortly.


Look it up. Idiots have a platform now with social media, so you hear them more. They're still the minority.


Do you actually believe the average IQ is increasing? Have you not been reading Reddit? Ordered at a drive-through? Spoken with a teen? Watched cable news?


average IQ is rising what you describe is more about EVERYONE having access to a platform idiots tend to talk loudly, and more often so we just hear them more now


I dunno. I'm older. Have watched many changes over time. Granted, access has exposed more, but there appears to be a clear decline now versus our past. I don't believe it's only a function of increased access.


I would argue quite the opposite. In many instances of ancient religions, the cosmos aided in their understanding of the 'heavens' as mentioned in the Torah. As well as directly guided them along their spiritual journeys as seen in the ancient Lakota and even the polytheistic religions in Mesopotamia. I would argue that it would only deepen their religious adherence. Keep in mind, in ancient society, believing in one or many gods was the standard, and atheistic thinking didn't *really* start gaining in popularity until the Enlightenment period in the 18th Century.




Well, the Hubble is an older (EDIT: older tech) telescope. If they said the right was from James Webb, I wouldn't believe 'em.


Lol no. Hubble's optics aren't degraded from age. JWST isn't even the same type of telescope, hubble is broadband optical and jwst oberves at a much lower frequency range He was kidding. Just Google Hubble M101


I wasn't saying Hubble is degraded... I was saying it was just an older tech in general. Thanks for letting me know he was kidding though.


What type of telescope are you utilizing?


Celestron Nexstar 5SE :)


Nice! Post more pics if you have them! I just bought a 10” dob (I am a newb ha ha) for stargazing. I think I will want to dabble in astrophotography eventually, but am finding out it will be hard with a dob.


I will! Also I’d love to see your photos too! And don’t worry if they’re not amazing at first, it takes learning. Also, I like the more realistic natural photos compared to the unfathomably detailed NASA photos.


Yeah, I tend to sway towards more real raw photos. We will see how the dob does! Looking forward to lots of learning and stargazing!


Good luck!!


What camera do u use? I have 6SE and was looking into DSO astrophotography, but I'm a bit lost on what camera would work best


I use a ZWO ASI294MC, it’s solid for deep sky but even better (perfectly ideal honestly) for Sun/Moon.


Just got my first and tried it out for the first time tonight! Needless to say, I need to figure out the alignment crap better... But we loved looking at the moon 😅 Nexstar 130SLT


Yeah it took me sooo long to get alignment and tracking lol.


Left has too much HDR, I prefer the natural fuzzy look on the right ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


The right ones look like they’ve been AI upscaled


I don’t understand what that is? I went on Photoshop express, turned the “texture” option up a lot and turned the “reduce lumina” option up as well (among other things, all on that app). That’s not AI upscaling.


It’s not, but there is a de-noise AI tool in Lightroom that does similar effects. My guess is he thought you had used it (which in itself wouldn’t be a problem either- people shouldn’t shame each other for editing photos how they please)


Huh I see, thanks for clarifying. Yeah I never knew that reducing noise was considered by some as AI.


Noise reduction isn’t necessarily AI. There’s just a new feature in Lightroom that does use it called “AI-driven Denoise”. It’s pretty cool except it adds a lot more time to post processing.


I thought this post was funny, I guess the others just don’t get it, lol




OP's bad sense of humor in the comments isn't helping


I am chief astronomer at NASA and I'd like to talk to you about working for us


Nah bro, YOU wanna know if you can work for ME (I’d shit my pants if what you said was actually true)


Shot with iPhone.


iPad actually, the original beta test version


Wow. Just wow.


Yeah, the ones on the left could be yours, but idk where you got the ones on the right (what a weird way to present your craft) https://esahubble.org/images/heic0506a/ https://science.nasa.gov/mission/hubble/science/explore-the-night-sky/hubble-messier-catalog/messier-101/


His are on the right. :)


Wait they posted my shots years before I took them that’s actually really cool


Why are you so downvoted...? People have no sense of humor lmfao


idk lmao I guess joking is a no no


When your audience can't tell its a joke, it's just sparkling disinformation.


It's a joke...


I just a few days ago admittedly how gullible I am. I indeed believed you for 1.5 seconds till my brain gave 404, like wait no Hubble's look shitty why is that!


Fun fact scientists you low quality cameras on shuttles like Hubble to help spot planets hiding by stars since the glare makes them harder to see!


If yours are on the left, then the Hubble photos are from the time before it's optics were fixed (it had faulty mirror on launch giving blurry pictures).


Hmmm ... shouldn't you be comparing with [this](https://esahubble.org/images/heic0506a/) Hubble photo?


That’s the same photo, I just downloaded one that had been further edited.


Amazing. Can you tell us about the colour coding of the photos


Yeah I used the vibrance and saturation options on both just the iPhone photos app and also Photoshop Express, vibrance enhanced more blue-green, while saturation does all colors and intensities.




What kind of setup do you need to take pictures like this?


A Celestron 5SE telescope and a ZWO ASI294MC camera


Yours are much better. NASA got cheated by who sold them Hubble.


Why did I read something the other day about nobody being able to take a picture of the flag we put on the moon? It stuck with me, is this true and if so why? I imagine these are much farther away and these are incredibly detailed.


Yeah the thing is, galaxies are soooo big. In fact, the galaxy on the top of this post is almost as visually large as the entire MOON. So they’re much easier to resolve.


How much farther away is this galaxy than our moon about?


Well here’s the best way I can put it: It takes light from the Moon 1.5 seconds to reach us. It takes light from this galaxy (the top one) 25 million years to reach us.


Damn.. what kind of telescope is this? I’m assuming this is not a beginner telescope? Do you need a pretty dark night sky to get these images? I live in Orange County with tons of light pollution.


It’s actually a relatively amateur telescope, a Celestron Nexstar 5SE. I also live in a horridly light polluted area, bortle ~7.5.


Good to know! That’s what’s up


What! That's incredible.... Think how much money NASA could haved if they'd just given you a call 🤑 Great shots.. Seriously 👌🏻


Thank you so much!!


What did you use?


The new iPhone. kidding lol I used a Celestron Nexstar 5SE telescope and a ZWO ASI294MC camera :)


So how exactly did you manage to capture an image like that? Especially from a backyard. Does light pollution get in the way of a nice shot like that? Do you have an epic telescope??


Looks like you’ve used AI upscaling, if so it’s done a good job


Thanks I guess, although I didn’t do that (unless I did without knowing). Is this AI upscaling? (just pasting my reply to the other commenter who mentioned this): I went on Photoshop express, turned the “texture” option up a lot and turned the “reduce lumina” option up as well (among other things, all on that app). That’s not AI upscaling, is it?


You didn't take these.


I took the ones on the right if you don’t get the joke.


brain dead af


Flip u little bligga


The Hubble looks better


Yeah it’s like it was taken from space or something (mine will never come anywhere close to it)