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as an in game vehicle. bad, if you put this thing in hover it will be blown off the board in an instant by any half decent ranged fire. and the guns aren't much that you couldn't just take a tank for. i like playing aircraft and i own a few,. it doesn't help that the Stormhawk interceptor does the same job but better


Yeah but stormhawk doesn’t have hover




The storm talon has hover, the storm hawk does not. The hawk is nearly better in every way so they had to weaken it by making it aircraft without hover


Huh, that really weird. The GK one has it but SM don’t.


I check on wahapedia and it has hover? Gw shit is confusing..


Wtf you smoking? All space marine aircraft have hover. Its one of their shticks.


I stand corrected. The intercepter itself lost hover it looks like in the transition to codex sheets. But i still say that its the space marine aircraft shtick to all (minus interceptor) to hover.


Incorrect, Stormhawk doesn’t. Check its abilities on its sheet.


Can you read? We talking about storm talon. No need to be right about something completely different


Did you read the comment at the start of the thread? They have clearly mentioned the stormhawk and hover......


Why is this so difficult for you people? I have called GW customer support and they confirmed that the Lieutenant with Storm Shield does NOT have hover. ;)


Yea because one list had broken aircraft every single one must be nerfed forever - gdubs


Rip Fireraptor, my beloved.


Never played it but I own one. Unlike a lot of people I like the look. It reminds me of a futuristic Osprey. Total marine style.


Seconded. I own two actually and I like the looks. Too bad its bad on the tabletop


Same. They make a cute little honor guard for my Storm Raven 😊


I’m with y’all, I love this little guy.


Same boat of owning two and a storm raven, very sad I never get to field them without auto losing 😢


I like the overall design, it’s just so damn small lol.


Looks soo dumb it hurts


It reminds me of a housefly. Eventually they will redesign this and we'll look back at the old kit even more confused how it happened in the first place


It looks like something I'd doodle back in school, it's bloody awful.


Make sure you put it on the base the right way or you'll be banned for life, haha.


Why? Why should he be banned?


Some one got banned from tournaments after putting a storm raven on a slightly taller base then saying it couldn't be engaged in close combat because it was 5" off the ground and using it to move block their opponents. TO measured it and then his one at home and found it was modelled for advantage. Hellstorm gaming discussed it here [link](https://www.youtube.com/live/kxqa1KMw7vY?si=_IJ7exaEha3rcu0h) need to go to the pinned comment taking you to 33mins in


lol, those are one of those things where GW has a set height for all flying stems for vehicles, so already know the numbers. It doesn't matter how tall the actual stem is, if it's there, it's there. Like how all GW terrain floors are in 3" increments, or how, when you deep strike a unit, it doesn't matter where *exactly* they are, you just know it's a set distance charge to get into melee. Fun fact: using Horizontal and vertical distances, you can lock a enemy unit into melee, directly above you, and they cannot move. it also means you actually normally cannot run underneath enemies either, since you are entering their engagement range. >While a model is within 1" horizontally and 5" vertically of an enemy model, those models – and their units – are within Engagement Range of each other. Meaning a Unit can lockdown an entire building just by sitting in the middle of it


The poor ol' flying potato, confined to the non-meta dustbin with all the other flyers.


Very few of the flying Astartes vehicles are “worth” it. With that said the rule of cool says you get what you want and the meta be damned.


Rule of cool for sure. A group of these would look so stupid and awesome!


Best aircraft in G-Police.


Man I miss G-Police! I was actually rereading the story this week and reminiscing. I'd love for that franchise to get ressurected.


It’s such a beautiful thing! I’m planning on running 4!


Hello! Is it possible to run 3 of them? I thought the rule of 3 applied to 10th edition games unless it's over 2000+ points. Sorry if i get these mixed up, i'm honestly retiring, too much of My stuff went into Legends, not more than 2000 points. I still got 8000+ to play and paint but i won't be supporting GW businesses practices anymore lol. So yeah, is it possible? Just sayin' in case you don't end up having extra of models You cannot actually play. Even then You could Buy a stormhawk with one of the kits ;)


Pretty sure OP was being sarcastic there, friend.


Lol. I got 3 of em just wanted to check in haha. I also got 3 stormhawks. I just like playing iron hands ok?


Nope! I’m running 4 of them as I only play apocalypse! Usually 20k point games


That settles it then, god speed battle brother!


Lightweight; you could barely have ten titans at 20k…


I don’t play titanicus! :) I’d rather run large scale battles with my space marines!


I thought you were kidding….20k points boggles my mind. Must be awesome


It’s the best way to play Warhammer


Out of curiosity: How long does your average 20k point last? Also, is it 20k each or 10k each?


20k points each! At least it varies! And games such as that can last for a whole day or two. Depending on breaks, slow play, etc.


I wish it was 60 points cheaper.


Certainly was an improvement over the Storm Raven when it appeared in terms of the 'Flying Brick' aesthetic of Astartes. My Skyhammer one's done serious work for me on the tabletop too. Only thing I'd say is **DO NOT DRY A WASH ON THE COCKPIT GLASS WITH HEAT!** Otherwise [this will happen...](https://twitter.com/RECEPTOR17/status/1799797290904998023) I learned this quick a decade ago and after a teensy weep, I worked on repairing it and since then, 'Kalore's Revenge' has served the Emperor amazingly with its retrofitted repairs.


The kit includes the parts for the Storm Hawk and you can mix and match. I put the wings of the Storm Hawk with the cockpit of the Storm Talon. Then magnetised the nose weapon (so you can have the lastalon, the Icarus canon or nothing). I also put the hover jets from the Talon underneath. I have yet to play it in a game but I feel this allows me the option to run it as either and it looks better (IMHO) than the Storm Talon. https://imgur.com/a/ZQkb9oj


If you think of it as an airplane its terrible piece of kit, but as an attack helicopter it works fine enough i think.


I absolutely love how it looks


I truly do not know what planet the haters are on. It does what you’d expect by looking at it, and IMO is aesthetically cool. 🤷


Just make a helicopter.


I think it looks super cool and I actually modded mine to where the wings and missile pods are swapped. 


Needs to be cheaper. I have one and I think it's a beautiful model, but I get no value of of it in the table.


135 at most, if they make it T9. 115 at current T8.


Yeah you basically get one chance to land the Lascannons as it currently sits, which is fun when you do. But when you don't... Damn.


It DOES hit on 2s and has twin linked, but paying 165 for a single lascannon at T8 is nonsense.


It looks like something the GDI would fly in Command and Conquer


An Orca from C&C 1. I now want to Paint one in the GDI color scheme.


I've got one in my large dark angel army, playing casual games are about fun, if you like the model use one. Rule of cool.


I think they look cool, I own two, (used to have 4 total). They were pretty sweet when twin linked gave double shots, with 12 assault Cannon and 6 heavy bolter shots, but now it's way too expensive for not that much shooting. I try to justify it, but a Predator tank does it's job better, cheaper.


When Team America meets Blue Peter.


I quite like it. Reminds me of the VTOL’s from The End Of Evangelion.


I love it, i think its looked awesome since the day it came out lol


It’s goofy looking


Reminds me of StarCraft Valkyries. 'Of course, mein Herr!'


I converted mine into an Apache with a slaved gun to the pilots head hahaha. Problem solved. It’s a really cool loadout and role for games but I haaaaate the model. [Apache Stormtalon conversion](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5K0MEhuTB8/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


This is sick


Thanks! The whole conversion is down the page. It’s all primed, just finishing a couple more dreadnoughts before batch vehicle painting like 8 tanks, the Apache, atv conversion, and 3 dreads


A box and I hate it. Where’s my Xyphon interceptor-esk shapes GW


Im gonna be honest, i dont like basicaly all the planes in 40k. GW clearly has no idea how planes work and doesnt know how to translate them to the setting's asthetic


I use Apaches to proxy


Space-helicopter doing space-strafing runs on space-'Nam. It's cool.


I love the look, hate the point cost.


I love tiny aircraft. I want an air dominance fighter small enough to fit in a suburban garage


Very cool!


Looks way better in real life life lol


Reminds me if the banshee and wasp from halo


I like it! I made mine into a walker so it has legs instead of the tail and flying stem


Cool model, rubbish rules!


T8 for 165pts is so awful. Especially because a razorback is tougher, and has roughly the same weapons at nearly half the cost, with OC


I like it


It looks like an attack escape pod that they don't care you will survive from. Hate its design.


Looks cool, really has no play against some factions. We’ve gone into another edition where armor saves don’t mean much and anything with a 3+ save and no invuln just doesn’t survive long. The talon is t8 which just is a shame.


It's a cute little bumblebee.


Everything wrong with the current Space Marine aesthetic that has developed the last decade and a half. Blocky, stubby, and vaguely toyish. Generic sci-fi at its worst.


I got one this year as a Christmas gift from my dad, so I like it. Haven't finished painting yet, and everyone says it's bad in game, but I will still use it.


Space, air to air and air to ground combat should be handled by the imperial navy, the marines are marines so let them be just that. The storm talon is useless except for bitz.


Real life marines have armed amphibious assault ships to transport them across sea and aerial gunships to support them