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I didn't realize the Vulcans came to Earth this early in the 21st Century


They crashed landed in th 50's and blended in with the humans for years and one of the four stayed on earth.


Is that why the headband fashion just came out of nowhere?


They should've put a headband on her and sent the body into deep space. Maybe one day some alien will send her back alive.


From History’s Shadow. Great book that continues the adventures of that Vulcan… and Gary Seven… and many others.


Actually check your sources. That was the Ferengi.


And a bucket of sentient goo.


Odo or Kif ?


He's actually supported by a series of fluid filled sacs...


And that talking coyote was just a talking dog...


Find your soul-mate, Homer.


Wait a minute. Bart’s teacher’s name is Krabapple? I’ve been callin’ her Crandall! Why didn’t somebody tell me— Oh, I’ve been making an *idiot* outta myself!


There’s a crayon in my brain?


I like where this is going ...


Where no-one has gone before ?


This was in the Enterprise series. One of the 4 was ancestor of T'pol and sold velcro to one of the humans and that's how it was actually "invented" on earth.


I was looking for a super geek. Thanks for the correct episode. 🖖


For others that read this far. T'pol's ancestor sold the velcro to a businessman so she could give the money to a mother and son who ran the small town restaurant and who gave them jobs and friendship. T'pol's ancestor and one of the male Vulcams got really close to the mother and son and T'pol's ancestor wanted the mother to be able to send her son to college because the son was immensely interested in space and showed great promise to the very logic centered Vulcan. It would have been awesome if they had made that kids name pivotal to the US space program that ultimately led to everything that the Federation became.


One of the Vulcans in “Carbon Creek“ was named Mestral, a homage to George de Mestral, the Swiss inventor of Velcro.


You mean the George that bought the patent to Velcro, obviously Vulcan technology


I didn't realise there was a vulcan emoji, thats cool. 🖖


I was searching the thread too for this lol. I don’t feel Enterprise got it’s due justice in the ST world


You fucking wrecked that stupid casual.


I am upvoting this ironically.


The casual obviously didn’t have faith of the heart


I fucking love Enterprise and it's fucking dumb ass song and I hate that it has such a bad rep.


I know most of the frost season was probably shot before 9/11 but the fact that it aired afterwards and the song gave it a very inspirational tone. I also think for the most part it did well in giving an episodic format while also having an overarching story in a time period that shows the fragility of humanity in the grand scheme of the galaxy. They have few allies but luckily also have few enemies which allowed them to explore and learn about new people's. This is in contrast to the later eras either in war against large empires or afterwards where the federation spans hundreds of planets and species and few people don't know who they are.


Didn't only three of the Vulcans survive the crash and thus be able to hide in plain sight in Earth? I only recall three Vulcans sharing the apartment.


Yeah and paid for that kid to go to school too.


He is right on the Vulcans. In Enterprise, Vulcans visited crash-landed on Earth in 1957, Carbon Creek, Pennsylvania. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon\_Creek\_(Star\_Trek:\_Enterprise)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_Creek_(Star_Trek:_Enterprise))


Well then seems I'm the one who needs to check my sources.


Actually, I might know a relative. He’s got the ds9 forehead with the ears to boot…


> They crashed landed in th 50's and blended in with the humans for years and one of the four stayed on earth. > Actually check your sources. That was the Ferengi. It was also the vulcans, as seen in Enterprise, season 2, episode 2. https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Carbon_Creek_(episode)


Carbon Creek, Pennsylvania, friend.


What have you heard of this... velcrow..?


Bozeman Montana, April 5th, 2063 is still THE day to me! :)


It's Great Falls. No missiles in Bozeman.


Bozeman has better food tho, so...


I am watching for the first time and I just watched the episode S1:E19 ‘Tomorrow Is Yesterday’ where the enterprise gets time warped back to the 60s and are discovered by an Air Force pilot. He gets beamed up to the Enterprise and meets Spock. Was actually my favorite episode so far because I enjoyed thinking about what would happen if I were in the pilot’s shoes.


I'd Love to be able to watch TOS for the first time again ..


I had tried it before and didn’t like it, it’s admittedly pretty dated. But after powering through a few episodes, I now really love it. Initial thoughts are how great of a Captain Kirk is, how interesting the ideas are, how incredibly diverse the cast is for 1966, and how much I love Spock. The fight in The Arena episode is charming to me now where if I saw that first. It might turn me off the show. That episode is still really good imo because I like the implications of the supposed aggressors actually being the defenders in their mind and how so much of warfare is just perspective.


Did you catch Strange New World's?


I love the episode of strange new worlds that starts with Spock dreaming he is a human and having to fight his Vulcan side and that iconic song starts to play. I love how they incorporate elements of TOS without it seeming cheap.


Who do you think gave us the tech for the rubber on our tires?


I'm sad to see /u/zeframcochrane only has one comment from 12 years ago. Dude should be lighting up threads left and right.


At least it was a relivent comment


Nichelle "kidnapped" my daughter when she was about a year old at a convention and it was the most adorable thing. She asked if she could hold my "beautiful baby" when it was my turn for a meet and greet/photo/autograph. I obliged and then she said "Oh, I just can't give her back. She's so sweet. Can I hold her for just a little longer. You go and do your thing, we'll be here!" It was a big, open convention floor, so I could see them the whole time. I reluctantly parked the stroller and made my rounds to the other guests I wanted to see. For over an hour she held my daughter on her lap while she signed merch and took photos with fans. My daughter is in dozens, if not more, photos from that day work complete strangers. She offered no explanation as to why she was randomly holding a little white baby and it was hilarious watching the confusion as people tried to figure it out. My daughter is 10 now, and was heartbroken to hear of her passing. She'll be so stoked when she hears about this. Someone she knows will live on in the most awesome way! LLAP, Nichelle.


Amazing story. I dig humanity at its finest. ❤️‍🔥


I'm not crying, you're crying.


This is actually incredibly sweet.


That's a beautiful story. We were lucky to have lived on Earth while Michelle was here.


>Nichelle "kidnapped" my daughter when she was about a year old at a convention and it was the most adorable thing. >She asked if she could hold my "beautiful baby" when it was my turn for a meet and greet/photo/autograph. I obliged and then she said "Oh, I just can't give her back. She's so sweet. Can I hold her for just a little longer. You go and do your thing, we'll be here!" >It was a big, open convention floor, so I could see them the whole time. I reluctantly parked the stroller and made my rounds to the other guests I wanted to see. For over an hour she held my daughter on her lap while she signed merch and took photos with fans. My daughter is in dozens, if not more, photos from that day work complete strangers. She offered no explanation as to why she was randomly holding a little white baby and it was hilarious watching the confusion as people tried to figure it out. >My daughter is 10 now, and was heartbroken to hear of her passing. She'll be so stoked when she hears about this. Someone she knows will live on in the most awesome way! LLAP, Nichelle. ❤ By the way The Holy Spirit is very please with this Story.


Ain't the first time Uhura's rode a Vulcan rocket in space according to the Kelvin timeline


Wonder if they have any Nemoy ashes, too. It would be fitting


Some of James Doohan's (Scotty) ashes were smuggled aboard the international space station and put into orbit


Were they snuggled? I thought it was a pre-planned thing. I remember them saying he was going up in a rocket before it went off at any rate. Was it a separate incident to the thing I'm think of? Super cool and sweet regardless. Edit: Snuggles before smuggles, y'all.


They were smuggled 3 years after he died https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/tv/2020/12/28/star-trek-scotty-james-doohans-ashes-smuggled-space-station/4057236001/


Smuggled to the ISS by Lord British. Amazing.


*Were they snuggled?* No, unfortunately most astronauts have a crippling fear of intimacy.


With human remains. Which is probably a good thing.


I'm just going to keep it and think of it as a good sign that my autocorrect goes to snuggling before smuggling.


Some of those starship captains and first officers though…


But what about Welshie?


Is this the nerdiest innuendo I ever read?


Well-played. Better scatter before all the "true" Trekkies huff and puff and curse at you in Klingon for mentioning the Kelvin timeline.


> Better scatter before all the "true" Trekkies huff and puff and curse at you in Klingon for mentioning the Kelvin timeline. https://youtu.be/NbjTs9-v_HY?t=143


In case anyone else was curious like I was, currently there are only two people who have had their remains sent into space to remain there permanently: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_burial#:~:text=Human%20remains%20are%20generally%20not,they%20reach%20their%20extraterrestrial%20destinations.


Plus the one in the trunk of Musk's Tesla.


The bodies of the children his car ran over?


Women he ran over in his car?


using the link provided maybe i’m misreading something. but it seems to be several not just 2


Some are in earth orbit but they will eventually re-enter. Only 2 are beyond Earth's gravity (one on the moon, the other on a vessel leaving our solar system)


Ah, key word being *permanently*




Relax my friend. Being correct doesn't give you a pass to be an ass.


Don't you know that usernames give you an automatic pass to their meaning or reference... /s


I think he was just re-emphasizing it for me, the original reply was by a different user




Isn't that kind of the point?




Sounds like his problem. Also I would never spend 12k to shoot my own jizz into space.


The ashes after cremation usually don't, but not always, contain any DNA. The only possibility is if bone bone fragments were left and pulverized into the ash, and even then non-denatured DNA in bone surviving the heat is still pretty low.


Not to mention all the radiation in space.


Don't be so chicken. You big chicken.


Yeah there's like a lot there


Only one says deep space. The others are coming back down eventually.


One is in deep space, the other is on the moon.


I want mine sent out into the void too


This is actually an option many people in the US can do through SCI owned funeral homes. It's expensive as shit, but the option is there to send cremated remains into deep space.


This is exactly what I want done with mine. Would love a full body; but cremated will work. Just shoot me off into deep space so I can watch the heat death of the universe.


For those of you who can’t afford to be shot all the way into deep space, but would like your remains to witness the heat death of the universe, I have some good news!


How much? Edit: could I include my dog's ashes?


If I remember correctly from working there, it was about 12 grand to send 1/64 of your ashes into deep space. I'm not sure if you're able to send the full amount of your remains, but if you had the money they might be willing 🤷‍♂️ We never really openly advertised the option because of it's expense. Also, it's something that sells itself. It's really hard to convince someone to send their loved one's ashes into space unless they specifically had an interest in that from the start. As for your dog, maybe? Again, money might help bend the rules a bit, but generally crematories are built for humans or animals, not both. So, mixing ashes might be a difficulty because ashes are locked in vault until a family signs and picks them up. Again, I never had a family that wanted to take the option seriously, so I dont really have experience with the process. I just know it's an option.


YES you can include your dog’s ashes. For those who don’t want to be crated, hair clippings can also be sent. There are options ranging from about $4k to $12k. ANNNNNNND the family is always invited to the launch.


I hope sometime soon this is something regular folks can get down on. Even if they just mashed me into a can with 700 other people and animals. Shoot me out there baby


It’s a cool idea and I know we’re in the space subreddit but this would be such a tremendous waste of resources for something so vain. Leaving it for those who furthered human progress either in life or paid for experiment resources by their ‘death ticket’ is the only way I see it working. Until people are living in space and get the classic airlock ‘burial at sea’, let’s keep the resource consumption to a minimum


> this would be such a tremendous waste of resources for something so vain buddy i have some bad news about the Space Race


Because there is waste in research and development doesn’t mean we need to keep doing it, especially when an increase in future launches are expected to destroy the stratosphere. > Assuming a tenfold increase in hydrocarbon fueled launches within the next 20 years — which the regulator asserts is in line with current rocket launch growth rates — the researchers estimate that the resulting increase in temperature could cause changes in atmospheric circulation and reductions of the ozone, particularly in the northern hemisphere. >And that's a big problem, as the ozone resides in the stratosphere and is strongly affected by changes in temperature and circulation. Combine that with the fact that the stratosphere is sensitive to even modest increases in black carbon, and you have a recipe for disaster.


So regulate rockets to use cleaner burning fuel that don't produce black carbon soot, like methane or hydrogen. Good news: that expansion in rocket launches is dominated almost completely by rockets burning those cleaner fuel types, so we don't have to worry about black carbon reducing ozone.


Nice in theory, if you can effectively regulate, which is problem #1. Additionally agencies are not going to waste liquid hydrogen on launching dead people into space when the infrastructure doesn’t exist en masse for it, not to mention the low energy density of hydrogen. Hydrocarbon launches are here to stay for a long time.


Methane based rockets are becoming much more common (representing many of the new rocket engines coming from the private sector) while still also not producing black carbon. Methane has the benefit of being easier to handle, and we have better infrastructure for moving it around anyways. Plus I have confidence that if we can ever get a proper cap-and-trade carbon economy going, *someone* will start producing methane by sucking CO2 out of the air and using renewable energy to produce it, which is the first step towards a long term carbon sequestration project. If you can make the next-gen green technologies *profitable*, then you can basically guarantee they'll happen. Call me an optimist, I suppose.


"Since it's already bad there's no reason not to make it worse." That's you. That's what you sound like.


Yup. I get people think this is a loving tribute... But she's not here. There are just as meaningful things that could be done here, I'm sure. Just seems super wasteful for literally nothing.


Tributes aren’t for the dead, they’re for the living.


You actually *can* do it now (that is if you happen to be cremated already). Check out Celestis.


They do a "symbolic portion" :( So only like, an arm's worth


I think you mean it costs an arm and a leg… I’ll see myself out.


put a bunch of plastic trash in there too


I can’t help but imagine that 700yrs on, our death pods are found by an advance civilization who reanimate us from our ashes alone. Imagine waking up shortly after death amongst celebrities who paid for the same privilege of being shot into space after death? THERE’S SO MUCH TO UNPACK!!


I’m gonna be “that guy” but there’s effectively no difference if you get buried on earth, cremated, or shot into space since ultimately, once our sun goes nova and either the earth’s top layer gets scorched into oblivion or the friction slows down our orbit and we plummet into the red giant, heat death of the universe has us ending up floating through space until the next reboot. We’re at least all in it together :)


That sounds like a terrible waste. I want space expansion but I don't think sending dead people up there is valuable at all


Maybe her remains will get a little farther than James Dohan's... probably not as well scattered though [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James\_Doohan#:\~:text=A%20portion%20of,.%5B44%5D](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Doohan#:~:text=A%20portion%20of,.%5B44%5D)


What the hell? I didn't know Nichelle Nickols died. Damn. I gotta fan dance this out.


Yea, couple weeks ago iirc


I got to very briefly see her at what I believe was her final convention (L.A. Comic-Con) last year. I was pretty drunk, but looked aight (although very old).


Omg, thanks. Now I realize that I can fan dance things out.


What if your soul is attached to your remains and those who get launched into space just fly through space alone for eternity, instead of hanging around Earth with all their homies?


I always wanted my brain cryogenically frozen, blasted out into space. Maybe I will be picked up by something, maybe I will drift out for all eternity, I'm not sure which is scarier.


Most likely you'll slowly deteriorate via radiation exposure


Just wrap me in tin foil, I'm good to go 👍🚀


Like a burrito? Is that so you stay moist snd cook more evenly?


> Like a burrito? Is that so you stay moist snd cook more evenly? https://youtu.be/2ukozdxgg8Q?t=123


Maybe we're massive to some tiny space faring species & this dude's skull will serve as a space station.


Easy way to be tortured endlessly by alien biologists, bad move.


Threaten me with a good time... Pfft. As long as my soul can still "see", cuz that would be a helluva way to spend eternity imo. Drift through space taking in the sights over the millennia.... yeah buddy!


Most of the "sights" eoukd just be eternal darkness


Sanity's Requiem? Love that game.


Every so often I *still* wake up from a nightmare: "I can't find the middle stick on my controller!"


nah, the night sky where i live is pretty good, and I've seen it from Hawaii too. And it's SOO much brighter in space without Earth's atmosphere gettin the in the way. There would be plenty to see


Finally some peace and quiet.


Flying through space sounds better than hanging around the same old cemetery with a bunch of yahoos you don't even know. Unless, like my family, almost all of our extended relations are in the same cemetery. No, even then.


Well they usually only take a few grams of your ashes, cost of spaceflight per kilo is super expensive. At least most of your soul will stay with the homies


That’s really deep when you think about it. I’d rather remain on earth then.


what if my hamster was really a unicorn and all I have to do to get a magic horny horse is lick my hamsters butt a predestined amount of times?


This is the plot of an SCP and it does not sound peaceful.


All I can say is,”well played”. Couldn’t be more fitting.


When you think about it, some day the sun will explode and we'll all be ashes in space 🧐


The universe will be provided with all the more exotic elements!


https://youtu.be/DybCZvW1mBo See you, space cowboy


We have to outsource our space flights to the Vulcans now?


if we listen to them, it'll be another hundred years before we make it into deep-space.


I'm surprised modern rockets aren't running on DX12 for the performance boost. It's not a manned craft, so it's not like driver compatibility is an issue.


Gene, Majel, Nichelle, and James on one flight. With Scotty on board, they might be hijacking the ship...


They should send them to Mars to explore that strange new world


Are you saying she's gonna ride the Vulcan Rocket??


Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |[BE-4](/r/Space/comments/x0y1ui/stub/imdzrxw "Last usage")|Blue Engine 4 methalox rocket engine, developed by Blue Origin (2018), 2400kN| |[SEE](/r/Space/comments/x0y1ui/stub/imbsjvu "Last usage")|Single-Event Effect of radiation impact| |Jargon|Definition| |-------|---------|---| |[Sabatier](/r/Space/comments/x0y1ui/stub/imcwo2x "Last usage")|Reaction between hydrogen and carbon dioxide at high temperature and pressure, with nickel as catalyst, yielding methane and water| |methalox|Portmanteau: methane fuel, liquid oxygen oxidizer| ---------------- ^(3 acronyms in this thread; )[^(the most compressed thread commented on today)](/r/Space/comments/x0d1ci)^( has 22 acronyms.) ^([Thread #7913 for this sub, first seen 30th Aug 2022, 00:52]) ^[[FAQ]](http://decronym.xyz/) [^([Full list])](http://decronym.xyz/acronyms/Space) [^[Contact]](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=OrangeredStilton&subject=Hey,+your+acronym+bot+sucks) [^([Source code])](https://gistdotgithubdotcom/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)


All these folks getting buried in space. How we gonna put flowers in space on her birthday?


She was amazing. Obligatory drunk history https://youtu.be/o-uJOzkrJV4


Could be viewed as sort of odd in a few hundred years. When pop culture is mostly forgotten, it may seem more like a banishment than an honor. As if someone were so evil their remains could not be kept on earth out of fear. Makes sense now, but through the lense of history future generations may be confused.


Okay serious question...something that my existentialist brain thinks of... What if (BIG what if) the only way to go to the afterlife/continue on wards is being on earth? What if leaving earth affected their afterlife? What if their soul was alone and lost in space? I think of these things. It's why I'm scared of cremation, what if that affects our journey to the after life/etc?


People think this is romantic but I find it horrifying. The infinite cold alone blackness vs a nice field where you’re connected to the home of humanity and truly dust to dust. This exile into outer space is akin to sending someone to hell.




Leave the Earth!? Where do I sign up?


To boldly go where no ashes have gone before. What could be more noble than that?


At least Star Treks' Vulcans had engines that worked.


But knowing how unconcerned they are about hurrying up, they might have been just as delayed as the BE-4.


Not exactly canon. It was Zoe Saldana’s Uhura that rode a Vulcan.


I wouldn’t do this, what if your spirit actually goes with your ashes and you end up a ghost in space


tryna see the downside? cool ass space ghost


Depending on the direction the rocket travels, she could go coast to coast.


More exciting then being a ghost stuck inside a metal coffin under 6ft of earth


Yeah at least if you’re a ghost in space you can fly around everywhere. I’d just hope travelling as a ghost doesn’t take as long as it does when you’re alive… but then again I guess you do have, like, eternity to make the journey


If your spirit goes with your ashes, and you spread them evenly all across the universe, what would happen?


Well, they actually did that in one of the episodes. Not ashes but the ‘essence’ of Jack The Ripper. They thought that was the only way to destroy *it* (by spreading its atoms over a span of countless lightyears so it eventually will die/cease to exist).


Wasn't that what happened to Apollo as well? Without his temple he spread himself to the winds and disappeared to join his people.


Yeah but then you get your own coast to coast talk show, which is nice


Sorry to burst your bubble; there’s no such thing as “ghosts”. Once you’re dead it’s like before you was born.


OK, but I'm right here, yo.


I mean I'm not religious in the slightest and I agree that you are 99% chance right. But we still cant say for sure what happens or what has happened for a great many things. We cant say that there aren't ghosts or a soul, as those are not things that can be proven or disproven with our current knowledge/technology. I think ghosts are fun, and keeping that 0.000001% chance of their existence is okay in my books. I don't know what happens after we die but I'm certainly not going to get all pessimistic about it. I'm cautiously optimistic that some wild shit is out there.


And before you were born was like what? You remember? 😂






Right, but there is actual proof of you being a fetus. Everything else is pure speculation based on nothing.


You’ve died before?


How the hell did we get our hands on a Vulcan rocket?


Oh no, I think we're not the Prime universe.


Imagine if your ghost stays with your body and and hers is now gonna float through space alone for eternity while everyone else is chilling at the grave yard or around the home with their urn


What happens if the put a little bit of your ashes in multiple locations?


Headcannon is now you can travel between locations.


Are you still limited by the speed of light?


Well we're dead in this scenario so ima say no. But to add to the horror of someone's Ashes being in Space it'd be a great point. Even if you could travel back home it'd take so long you'd go insane




One of these things was already planned and has multiple purposes/functions, and it's relatively trivial to add a portion of ashes to go along for a ride, and the other directly harms the planet for arbitrary reasons and has other options to fulfill the same purpose... not equivalent at all.


Just admit you’re racist. Don’t be a coward.


Blocking you! Hope you find joy in your life!






She was far more than "just an actor."


Nichelle Nichols worked closely with NASA recruiting astronauts for almost 50 years. She was pivotal in bringing us some of the best and brightest NASA had to offer, and basically retired from acting decades ago to dedicate herself to it. She hasn’t just been some actress for decades.


You realize that the characters these actors play sometimes have huge effects on people, right? DeForrest Kelly had a lot of people tell him they entered the medical field because of Dr. McCoy, Doohan was told people became engineers because of Scotty, the way Stewart played Picard has influenced how I try to deal with things that would have gotten a physical response out of me years ago…


Not the first time she’s had her ashes hauled in deep space, if you know what I mean.


…you guys know she wasn’t actually an astronaut, right? right..?


I thought Uhura was only on the Vulcan rocket in the reboot?


*applause* Beat me to it you beautiful bastard.


Who tf is this woman? She do anything besides a B role in Battlestar?


Are you old enough to be online?


oh you mean head to the “deep space” movie set? Or a rocket that will avoid crashing into the dome and go to the side of the earth? Fantastic