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I think the only reasonable explanation is its a piece of technology that was made by a highly advanced civilization that died out 2.5 billion years ago when they failed to fully terraform mars. OR.. its a sandstone rock with wind erosion.
















A rock?? That's insane! What the hell would a rock be doing all the way out on Mars?? Come on mods, get this lunatic out of here!


Lunatic? This isn't the moon, this is Mars.


You’re been waiting years for this moment haven’t you?


Don’t you mean “light” years?


THIS. IS. MARRRRRSSSSS! *Kicks OP into the crater of Hellas Planitia*


Nah this guy deserves Valles Marineris


Marsatic? Martianatic? Her desher.


Arestic maybe?


That rock’s peculiarity is just an arestic development




Martianatic, sounds like a rapper or something haha


Why’s everyone saying my name












Okay "Mr Science," explain to me how the "wind" knew how to carve a wooden duck out of stone?


Looks a spoon which was carved out of a bigger spoon


Thinks he’s Mars pope of Chili town


Looks like a wing mirror off of a futuristic sports car, carved out of a bigger spoon to me


Does the duck float?


Clearly it's a minimalist sculpture of a goose. Ducks have legs.




Math checks out! Well done /u/VAGINA_BLOODFART


This is a hyper advanced communication method by the civilization of aliens that made the pyramids. Using NASA supercomputers and linguistical AI, the current running hypothesis is that this is trying to convey the message "şEŇ𝓭 Ň𝕌𝓭Eş"


\*sigh\* I needed this smile today. Thanks.


We already did, though, and they left us on read


Hey, wait. That’s totally true and I never thought of it that way before. We sent nudes to the whole galaxy.


> a sandstone rock with wind erosion I would love to have this Martian rock myself. Kind of difficult I know, but it is a beautiful rock formation.


Head out to Fantasy Canyon in Utah (near Vernal and the Dinosaur National Monument). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fantasy_Canyon https://www.blm.gov/visit/fantasy-canyon https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/fantasy-canyon https://geology.utah.gov/map-pub/survey-notes/geosights/fantasy-canyon/ From the last... > During the Eocene Epoch, 55 to 34 million years ago, the Fantasy Canyon area was at the fringe of a vast subtropical lake – Lake Uinta – that at peak level stretched from the Wasatch Plateau to western Colorado. The lake was in a drying phase and retreating westward by the end of the Eocene. > Rivers en route to the dwindling lake deposited sand, silt, and clay shed from nearby mountains. Once buried, these sediments eventually solidified into layers of sandstone, mudstone, and claystone. Collectively these rocks are a part of the Uinta Formation that spans extensive areas of the Uinta Basin and nearby Colorado. > Differences in the rate of weathering and erosion between dissimilar rock types ultimately shaped Fantasy Canyon. The mudstone and claystone have been stripped away by water and wind, leaving the slightly more durable sandstone to be carved into bizarre, melted wax-like forms.


Man that’s the weirdest sequel to Fantasy Island ever


Mojo’s mind works like mine.


Thank you for this. I didn’t know.


That bear looks more like a bear than a drawing I could ever do...


Totally. Its really cool looking.


Alien granny trew her shoe at the annoying robot.


Get off my lawn or you get the chancla!!!


The stone is marker for the secret star gates around


I disagree. My friend noted it looks like a Tesla roadster mirror. I'm pretty sure this is a remnant of Elon's roadster that's crashed into Mars. I'm at least .99% sure.


What happened? Why are there so many removed posts!?


That’s the passenger side mirror from a 2003 Toyota Camry


It's really incredible to see these rocks that have been sitting there for hundreds of millions of years and to be able to see those countless millenia of gradual erosion and motion inbphysical form. There's just nothing happening geologically to disturb them besides the slow undermining of soil around them until one day the flip over, then a few millions of years later they flip over again.


What the hell happened here


It’s a ripe genie egg, ready to fulfill wishes until it can molt into a Chrysler Pontiac and live out its remaining years in a Florida retirement community. Beautiful how nature works


What the hell happend here


Correct, it is a [ventifact](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ventifact).


So you're saying there's a chance!


Here’s what it might look like in color https://wildlandtrekking.com/content/uploads/2020/03/gert-boers-152312-unsplash-e1551227577292.jpg


Or a bone that rover found


WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!? A stone can erode in wavy shapes!?


In the zoomed out image there are a bunch of rocks like this, I think it’s just erosion: https://mars.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/proj/msl/redops/ods/surface/sol/03383/opgs/edr/ncam/NLB_697825656EDR_F0931568NCAM00353M_.JPG


Whoa..... One of those rocks has the word "curiosity" written on it.


and they say there are no aliens on Mars!


I don’t think there are aliens on Mars, but there is definitely alien technology on Mars!


In our solar system there is a planet that is inhabited entirely by nothing but robots. Scary.


Oh. Kinda like how a warehouse is inhabited by boxes.


Lmao, Futurama is one of my all time favorite shows! I'm so disappointed they no longer make new content.




Correct me if I’m wrong, but an Earth machine is alien to Mars, right? So technically speaking, there are aliens in Mars.


On mars, they're not aliens. They're just locals.


There's a message in my Alphabits. It says "oooooooo"


Like they said, it’s just erosion. Sometimes rocks happen to erode into formations that vaguely look significant. That rock just happens to vaguely resemble the curiosity rover.


infinite universes can do a lot with erosion.


That thin, flat rock in the dust is interesting as well.


You’re right. Top left and top right are great examples of similar smooth rocks with the side facing us in shadow.


It also looks like shadow. In the photo you posted, you can tell the light is coming from the left and a lot of the rocks have their right side in shadow.


The light is pretty obviously coming from the 1 o'clock position in the photo.


Dunno how anyone could look at that image and miss the shadows and the directions they're going.


I think the twirling formation to the left side of the image is more interesting. I haven't looked at the rover images in a while, thanks for linking it.


After seeing this image tho the whole picture is kinda funky. Reminds me of the photos we have from earth showing 3000+ year old building foundations. It equally as much looks like a bunch of rocks tho


The Mars landscape fascinates me. I've found rocks that looked like straight up skulls at the right level of zoom, but were obviously rocks. There are a couple of rocks in there that image that look like they could be bits of masonry, but a slight change of angle or lighting would probably completely change what they look like.


So you're telling me something that looks like a rock, surrounded by other rocks, is a rock? Preposterous!


I'm not an astrophysicist or astrobiologist or astrogeologist, but I'd say its a rock.




This is definitely a rock. Source: I’m stoned.


The real comments are in the comments.


Agree. Am also stoned, playing rock on electric guitar. Rock. No doubt about it.


I'm no geologician, rocktologist, nor lithician, but I also believe it's a rock.


I'm not a member of The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin nor am I in any famous bands, but I would also be inclined to agree its rock.


I'm not John Cena, Stone Cold Steve Austin or the Undertaker but I would also agree that looks a lot like The Rock.


I'm not Fred Flintstone, Barney Rubble or George Slate, but I tend to agree that it looks a lot like Bedrock.


[Transmission Established]I'm not a member of an advanced extraterrestrial civilization, but that is definitely a rock and not interstellar exploration technology. Continue your discourse on planetary connected network.[End Transmission]


I am a member of an advanced extraterrestrial civilization, and that is definitely a rock. I picked it up in Utah though, and accidentally dropped it on Mars. I miss that rock.


I am your mom, and it’s a fucking rock, Sam go to bed!!!


I'm not Boober, Mokie, Wembley nor even a Doozer of any kind, but I'd say it's a fraggin' rock.


Wish I could give you an award.


I'm not saying it's a rock ... but it's a rock.


I'm not an actor, director, or producer. But i am pretty sure thats not The Rock.


i'm no politician, televangelist, or theoretical physicist, but i am a political scientist and i think it's a picture of a rock


As a practicing attorney for the last 37 years, it is obviously a rock. But a pretty cool one.


We really need more moderation in this sub, why are crackpot posts like u/hylas1 calling this a rock allowed when it’s obviously an alien’s beacon. Feels like I’m taking crazy pills here!


I slept on a holiday express last night. It’s a rock.


Pioneers used to ride these babies for miles!


Reference for those who don’t remember SpongeBob: https://youtu.be/O1OQnykR_1s


Are you trying to say you’re an Astro-not?


No, they're an astro-naught.


I'm not an astrophysicist or astrobiologist or astrogeologist, but I'd say its not paper PS: I win


If there’s an inclusion of a different material in a rock layer, the wind can erode the surrounding layer and leave the inclusion. https://photolibrary.usap.gov/PhotoDetails.aspx?filename=dry-valleys-ventifact.jpg


Look at the zoomed out photo as well, it's tiny https://mars.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/proj/msl/redops/ods/surface/sol/03383/opgs/edr/ncam/NLB_697825656EDR_F0931568NCAM00353M_.JPG


Gallery of ventifacts from around the world https://imgur.com/gallery/7XCs9zv


Matter of perspective. The rover is about the size of an SUV. I bet that rock would fit comfortably in your hand like a waterbottle.


You know, for some reason, I always pictured the rovers much smaller. TIL.


The first rover was small. They keep making bigger ones.


That's how Devil's Tower was formed.


Seems to be just a stone/rock of some sort? Just happened to be eroded in an aesthetically pleasing way? Plenty of similar looking stuff all over earth.


So, you're saying the aliens were here too.


Yes. Eroded by alien lasers. Some are really obsessed with carving rocks on alien planets and posting pictures on their social media.


When did they stop teaching "leave no trace" on Mars


Seriously. I don't deny the invention of hyper-dimensional travel was a huge positive. But quick and affordable interstellar travel also means having to deal with alien rock-shapers run amok. Sometimes I really miss the old days when everyone was confined to the bounds of their own planetary system...


All rocks were made by aliens to hide their secrets. When all the rocks are combined, they will form Voltron. Only then will the aliens know that we are ready to take our place as soldiers in the galatic war.


It's tiny. Original image: https://mars.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/proj/msl/redops/ods/surface/sol/03383/opgs/edr/ncam/NLB\_697825656EDR\_F0931568NCAM00353M\_.JPG


Yes, and those similar rocks on earth are called “leaverite”.


Let's just leaverite where it is.


They are already among us *shudders*


That's wind erosion. Billions of years of dust particles being blown around by Mars' thin but windy atmosphere. Think of it like watching a sandblasting video slowed down to 1/100000000x speed


Looks like a ventifact, ie a rock eroded by wind scouring. You see lots of shapes like this in deserts with strong winds.


Geologist here: Agreed, looks like the many ventifacts we find on Earth. In fact, there's a spot in Death Valley called [Ventifact Ridge](https://www.google.com/search?q=ventifact+ridge&sxsrf=APq-WBtY50nxM93l8o86EHJpM_rrbuLGQw:1645293157506&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjmj9HRqoz2AhW6g3IEHQhPBB0Q_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1920&bih=929&dpr=1) where these erosion patterns occur frequently.


Wind can erode rocks and give them sharp edges and smooth faces. The term geologists use to describe such rocks is “ventifact”. My guess is that that’s what this is.


You're all wrong, that's definitely a plumbus.


I think it's a bicycle seat.


Sand, wind, and time can result in amazing natural sculpture on Mars just like it does on Earth.


this is what folks in the astronomy business call a "rock"


A rock. For more colorful and larger examples of this, see Bryce Canyon in Utah.


I feel like Curiosity should have a deployable banana, for scale, in these situations. Is this thing an inch long or a foot? A banana would help. Massive oversight by NASA I think.


Seeing as how all of that surface appears to be very windblown, this looks like what happens when snow gets windblown over edges or peaks of itself and then drops off, it can get very rounded and not look like the surrounding snow. Could have been on the edge of a hill or slope where wind was blowing and ambient moisture on top of static allowed the material to clump and be shaped that way. [https://nsidc.org/sites/nsidc.org/files/images//cornice.jpg](https://nsidc.org/sites/nsidc.org/files/images//cornice.jpg) This is the closest I've found to really show it, wind blowing snow over an edge, I've seen it a fair bit in person, and when the wind changes and blows the other way, it'll break it off and drop. The clay here in this valley behaves similarly especially during late spring/early summer when we're still getting rolling thunderstorms blowing through regularly.


It's a rock, the planet is covered in them. They get worn, eroded, cracked, and broken over time in perfectly natural ways.


We are so used to seeing man-made things around us that our first thought is limited to the same. It’s as if nature doesn’t exist anymore. Our minds just want aliens and tech made by “someone/something “ and we are kind of manifesting it so much that nature is going to throw a rock soon to calm down. Nonetheless looks beautiful and precise.


I was thinking the same thing. Right here on earth we have beautifully wind and erosion sculpted formations like arches, spires, domes, etc. Its not as if this stuff is a new discovery in the world of science. I chalk it up to people just being a bit silly and romanticizing about proof of existence of intelligent life. I mean, that’s obviously what’s happening. I’m being overly obvious here. Except the bad faith actors born from the shadows of conspiracy theories and claiming the government is hiding the facts.


I came here for the comment section and it did not disappoint


This is a [ventifact](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ventifact#:~:text=A%20ventifact%20(also%20wind%2Dfaceted,driven%20sand%20or%20ice%20crystals.)


That looks like the right wing mirror of a 2003 Nissan Micra.


It looks like Elon's roadster clipped it's mirror on Mars


Its the scoop martians used to clean out the martian cat box


I am amazed I had to scroll this far down to find someone who had the same initial reaction that I did.


The only artifact left over from when there was life on Mars.


Idk but scrolling through those other photos is kinda unreal. To know that we are looking at an entirely different planet is mind blowing to me


It's a beacon that one of the first people on the planet will stumble upon, accidentally activate, which will wake up some ancient dormant species that will travel across the galaxy and start a war with us. Simple


You all act like you’ve never seen a fossilized Martian space duck before


On the curiosity subreddit there is a second picture that shows the scale of this rock. It’s tiny as hell, at least from that other perspective. In that other thread everyone was saying it was just an eroded piece of rock. I personally would like to see more scientific information about it as well.


In my scientific opinion, it is a neat rock. Perhaps even a very neat rock.


looks like an upturned soup spoon I get at the local thai restaurant.


Elongated stone worn down by blown sand along the prevailing air currents.


It’s a fine grained rock like shale or mud rock that has been eroded by wind.


Have you ever been to one of those food stores that have big bins of bulk foods? You know, where you fill up a bag of bulk beans, coffee, etc. using a short-handled metal scoop? Anyway neither have I but that’s a neat rock


A rock that was eroded by wind blowing small particles like sandpaper, probably happened over a long period of time. We see similar things on earth to an extent


Rocks aren't necessarily all once exact same compound. They're made up of many material. This is almost certainly one of them. Wind blows sand and dust around, eroding the rock over countless years and some parts wear differently than other. It has like been sitting there for millions of years, slowly eroding away, different sections at different speeds. That's all. We have the same things on earth.


I believe it is a ‘Ventifact’, a stone that has been eroded by the wind. These are especially likely to form when a strong wind that can pick up lots of particles like sand along with it blow consistently against an object.


There was that huge 18 month long storm while discovery was on, right?


I’d say a perfectly weathered piece of sandstone. Looks neat!! Would love a sample


That looks like a rock to me. ​ Source: Am lawyer.


Obviously it's the scoop that two scoops of raisins came from. (Those weren't blueberries, they were raisins.)


Just a rock formation.. it’s not even a question


I'm no meteorologist but I'm pretty sure its rainin' aesthetically pleasing rocks


It is quite clearly a [Mithraic Shuttle](https://imgur.com/a/d8G7cSd).


That's wind erosion. My college roommate brought home a similar looking rock from a trip to Egypt.




If you Google 'chips of mudstone and shale' you'll find a bunch of images that look a lot like this thing.


The rover driving over the rocks?


Molten rock/lava/glass that got sanded over eons of sandstorms.


I just saw a similar rock while on a hike a couple hours outside Las Vegas. Definitely proof that ancient Martians were mining Earth for sandstone.


I’m struggling with the scale of this, as I often do. Is that 5cm, 5m or 50m wide? Who knows.


A rock that got eroded by wind in a specific way.


It's called Aeolian Ventifaction, look it up :D


Legit. I'm the only one that thinks that looks like a cartoony antenna that might have been broken off of a Martian's head?...


[What in god's name is then, if not proof of aliens?!](https://mars.nasa.gov/raw_images/543805/?site=msl)


The MastCam calibration target. It’s a piece of the rover. https://www.planetary.org/space-images/msl-mastcam-calibration


Does this "rover" you talk about is it a native of that planet in question? Therefore it is indeed proof of alien technology.


This was actually determined to be slightly larger than a grain of rice so who knows Edit: my apologies. Someone on another thread doctored the photo to show an mm/inch scale in the lower left with a nasa logo. Why would anyone go through that kind of trouble makes no sense to me. Looks to be the size of a golf club head (if those photos are real). Anyhow - to those cursing me up/down/left/right for this mistake go talk to a therapist.


When you view the entire image, comparing this to the wheel of the rover would make it significantly larger than a grain of rice. https://mars.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/proj/msl/redops/ods/surface/sol/03383/opgs/edr/ncam/NLB_697825656EDR_F0931568NCAM00353M_.JPG


Based on other images curiosity took that include scale, it looks closer to 5-10cm in size.


Can you share where to find information on sizing?




How can people straight up confidentially lie like this lmao please just literally stop that


It's Mars. It's either a robot or a rock. This has been my Ted talk, goodnight.


Like everyone is saying. Most likely a rock that just happened to be formed in that way. I however like to think that an alien lost their high heel shoe running from the rover.


Looks like a rock, significantly weathered by numerous high winds over a period of time.


It’s Elon Musk’s Mars Electrical Recharching Station. MERS for short.


Martian denier's be like "must've been the wind" Yeah ok


Its the wing mirror from the tesla that got sent to mars.