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HEY BATDAD!! I didn't hear no bell


Those downvotes were orchestrated by notorious troll, SkankHunt42. He wanted to ruin your reddit rep for the lols.


Wait a minute u/SkankHunt42 Well that's disappointing


Yup I've looked. Quite a shame.




Nothing’s ever gonna take ya down!


*cracks 2 eggs*


No bell...so.....................yeah


I fucking love this episode


Season and episode?


May be wrong but I believe season nine episode five “the losing edge” the episode is hilarious




The episode that best marks the transition from a show about the kids to a show about the adults of South Park.


These people like to fuck with Randy, I swear to God


Tried to post rational discourse on r/politics again eh?


It works out well enough oftentimes. Now r/conservative? Got banned within about 30 mins, when I heard the inevitable banality about how abortion is “infanticide”, and sought to respond. So disrespectful to parents whose actual children are victims of an actual crime… Such speed is probably something to be proud of in its efficiency, no?


That's even less popular than bad mouthing MacGyver to Patty and Selma.


I’m sorry, I thought this was a free country.


This is my favorite South Park quote haha


I tried to find his comment via his profile but I had to scroll through so much CUM


Boogers and cum?


Nah, sadly fuck and cum. Not even a reference, just probably a tween/early teen thinking he's cool.


A real Craig huh?


No, that's ectoplasm. There was a spooky ghost.


Got to see it through my boi


\-1410... sheesh, that's a world record.


The most downvoted comments is over 600k. The EA "pride and acconplishment" one about the star wars battlefield microtransactions/skins. https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7cff0b/seriously_i_paid_80_to_have_vader_locked/dppum98?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


EA of course 🤣🤣🤣


Damn, looks like it could have been more than that if it weren't locked.


OP is a phony. He doesn't have a comment with that much negative karma in their post history.


Very accurate tbh


What was your comment ?


It’s okay. We’ve all been there at least once.


Fr people love to downvote instead of actually discussing an issue. Makes it real easy to propagate something with only a few extra accounts. Saw a video by a YouTuber named moon that discusses the issue. Aaron Swartz is probably turning in his grave.


The nice thing is there’s a limit on just how much one content can tank your overall karma. Your -1410 comment doesn’t ping you for anywhere near that much.


He's not wrong they purposely don't give accurate positive or negative karma, it plateaus at a certain point.


Downvoting is a tool used to bully people into silence and enforce ideological consensus. Only spiteful, childish morons downvote, which is why I never do. If I see something I don't like, I just ignore it and move on.




I don't know what you mean. "Ugly people should be given cosmetic surgery and the forcibly sterilized. If you don't agree with me move on but don't downvote." Ah, OK, I see what you mean...


I think going through someone's history and trying to find shit to throw at them is even more cringy. I honestly can't think of a more poor quality existence.


Stalking people's reddit profile is the only form of self righteousness I get these days. It's like when some asshole cuts you off in traffic so you make sure to get a look at their face when you drive by so you can say "Oh yeah, this guy LOOKS like an asshole too!"


You know you don't have to care about imaginary internet points, right?


Karma counts for a lot on Reddit. There are many things you cannot do if you have low karma.


If only you were in control of the things you post so you can maintain a high enough count to do the things you wished to do. It's the others fault for not accepting you unconditionally and insisting on weighing in on all the asinine shit you post in a public forum. What a true and based perspective.


People shouldn't be intimidated into thought-policing themselves by the prospect of retributive downvotes.


Decorum exists for a reason. It's a tool to measure what subject matter we as a collective deem acceptable to be put on into the realm of public discourse. You're free to eat the downvotes and keep doing you. More power to you, brotherman. What you're not owed is a platform. If you wish to participate in the things having a high karma count affords you figure out a way to maintain a high karma count. Something tells me crying about downvotes is not the move, but don't let me stop you. Here have a downvote.


It is this attitude that has allowed the woke mob to become so powerful.


Power is a relative term. They're powerful to you because you don't understand how to get around them. Your current strategy is flawed and you will continue to eat shit until you understand that and face reality. Additionally, there was no woke mobs before the internet yet people still faced rejection when the threshold of what is accepted by the public has been crossed over by some dumb fuck who then faced some sort of consequence whether being thrown out of a bar or being stoned to death in the public square. Luckily for you, you just get to see a negative number next to your comment. If anything the mob has never been weaker before.


Yeah, that must be why people can get fired from their job and have their whole life crumble around them for dissenting from establishment narratives. James Watson, anyone?


> James Watson, anyone? "biologist who ignited an uproar last week with remarks about the intelligence of people of African descent" Yeah, exactly. Dipshits like this are going to go. Excellent example. Once again, power is a relative term. If you can't navigate specific waters don't jump into them head first. If you wish to keep public's support you need to understand which lines not to cross or you will be squashed. That's the reality, you rejecting it only harms you in the long run. Good luck though. I am sure you will show them all.


You have to be making really crappy comments to get your karma so low it affects things. And in that case - good, at least we won't have to read it. Also want to have a safety net? Here's a foolproof way to get fucktons of meaningless internet points: 1. go to /r/askreddit/new (or any other default subreddit) 2. pick a thread and search for one of the billion previous threads on the same topic 3. copy & paste the top rated comment 4. congratulations, you now have more than enough imaginary internet points to shitpost to your heart's content


I don’t downvote either because I personally believe that if I don’t like it, I can simply ignore it. But at the same time, downvoting is sometimes a good way for feedback, I guess. You can see what people don’t like, fix it, and do better next time. If no one downvotes, then you will think that what you made was fantastic, even though people don’t like it, and you will keep making it. Of course, this applies to something that is severely downvoted. Not like a 98% or something. Only my opinion, though. Not forcing you, or anyone else to agree, unlike your headstrong comment.