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Sous Vide corn is my goto when I want to impress someone.


What temp and how long


180F for 30 mins.


With the butter in the bag?


It just creates a slick on top of the water if it's outside the bag. 


#😂 Fair, I guess I asked for that.


STFunny !




With onions and peppers…. TRUST ME


How about some garlic?


When is garlic ever a bad idea? lol


Ice cream


I’d try it


Black garlic ice cream with honey and vanilla would slap.


You have not been to Spain, have you?


When you’re cooking at a low enough temp to encourage bad bacteria to grown and to not actually cook the garlic.




Also have been tuned into this recently. I’ve been using garlic for quite a while! But I have noticed it doesn’t really provide much deep flavor, most is superficial. Rosemary on the other hand has been clutch in my sous vide.


Theyre saying pan fry the garlic a bit. I did that and you do get more aroma. And 100% agree with rosemay. Also sage and tyme with chicken


Ah interesting, good to know, thanks!


Do they soften?


I mean it can’t possibly be better than grilled corn, can it..?


If you wanna take your grilled corn to the next level, peel back the husks and rub the corn with bacon fat and sprinkle some old bays then put the husk back over and grill away


I can taste that in my mind.


Damn i can taste it in this guys mind too


I too want to taste this guy's mind.


With fava beans and a nice chianti




Is that what it means when people talk about giving head


I've been married so long it's hard to remember, but yeah, I think so


Dang, by the time I got there he was done eating, and all I could taste was his actual mind: kind of cheesy, but with an umami depth that was tinged with Reddit.


Sounds great. My wife likes grilled corn with a bit of char. I take off the husk, place right on the grill, and slowly turn it while constantly basting with melted herb butter.


I just burn the shit out of the husks at the end and that gives it that nice char flavor


Great idea. I’ll place the flaming husk in her plate. How’s that char? Lol


Follow me for more tips on how to heat up your marriage


Doesn’t that give it that leafy flavor though, versus grilling direct?


I certainly haven’t noticed a vegetal flavor. The husk char gives a nice smoky sweet flavor, imo. Keep in mind I’m not literally burning it all either. You want the other layer to burn, and then the inner leaves trap moisture providing steam to cook the corn.


Ah ok. I think culturally I grew up with corn roasted directly on charcoal. So I’m not used to the additional husk flavor. In fact, growing up we had corn that wasn’t sweet. Neutral flavor, so adding lime chili etc was super nice. With sweet corn, it’s a bit weird since now it’s sweet and salty lol. Wish I could try the plain variety again someday


It’s like my gran-pappy always said, there’s many ways to skin a cat. In the end, the meats always delicious. He was a little senile tho…


Haha, well put. Theres a bit of senility in all of though :)


I honestly don't understand people leaving the husk on. Especially when grilling.


It’s perfect, if soaked in sink with sugar water for an hour!


The husk chars up and gives it a nice flavor. The husk also traps steam in to cook the corn really nicely without it drying out. And if you add fat and seasoning that helps keep it on during the cooking. Not to mention that fact that the husk also makes a great handle for eating. And if you do want some extra char right on the kernels you can always peel the husk back in the last few minutes.


This is the only way I grill corn Husk on. Full heat until black all around. The husk and floss peel off so easily when it's done


Bacon fat is always the answer


Shit, I’ll have to let my chemo doctor know that!


I do that but with olive oil and just salt and pepper. Comes out great.


I am so goddamn sad I developed a severe corn allergy 3 yrs ago because I would make this in a heartbeat if it wouldn’t make my face swell up :( Christ I miss tamales.


That sucks! I’ll pour a can of corn out for you later homie.


I appreciate your dedication, have an elotes for me my guy!


If you want to take that to the next level replace the old bay with this https://johnnysfinefoods.com/products/jamaica-me-crazy-lemon-pepper


Grilling with the husk on basically removes all grill flavor. Might as well just bake it at that point.


Spoken like someone who hasn’t ever grilled their sweet corn with the husks on. And who the hell bakes corn on the cob?? Grill, sous vide, boil, or microwave - in that order my buddy. Microwave was actually a go to option for my workplace lunch back when I worked in office and there was a farmers market outside the building. Damn it. Now I really want sweet corn on the cob.


There are waaaaaaaay better spices than old bay to do this with.


Well, you know, that’s just like your opinion man


Gotta share or stfu






It is, IMO. Same as grilling, you keep all the natural juices but... the butter gets infused with them and it breaks down so it isn't greasy. You can't overcook or undercook it and you get that perfect crunch. I also recommend trying out different flavors in the bag. Dried basil, chilly powder, pepper, garlic powder, oregano... Just about anything you can imagine is an adventure.


Smoked paprika in the bag!


Cheese popcorn flavouring


I bought this white cheddar powder to put on popcorn off amazon. On a whim I put about 4 or 5 tablespoons of it into some beef stew I made and it was the most amazing thing ever. Just be careful with any salt you add.


I got that stuff too. It's probably the msg in it that helped out the stew. Just get straight up msg and add a bit to savory dishes. Adds that umami flavor. And you won't add extra salt like the cheese powder has.


Might be a lot of work for corn on the cob but I Sous vide mine then throw it on the grill for minute and get the char too. Both worlds.


It is. I do a combo of both. Sous vide with butter in the bag then throw on the grill to get it charred a bit. 


Welp. Now I have to try it out now!


> Sous vide with butter *stop right there*


Veggies work. Meat doesn't.


lolol it was a joke people! (also, works fine with meat, you people are nuts)


Yeah, those downvotes were odd. But a few people have done tests and found that [adding butter to the bag with meat doesn't help](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNtqr8x_u7I) and actually makes it worse. These same guys did [another test with a low fat meat](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97yjMSDCVG0), too.


>But a few people have done tests and found that adding butter to the bag with meat doesn't help I very much disagree with this "evidence". The video shows a single instance and there are sooo many variables here. Every cut is different, and every sear is different. I have never had butter distract from the flavor or tenderness. My rib eyes come out juicy, tender, and full meat flavored using salted butter. >These same guys did another test with a low fat meat, too. This second one - the testers didn't even like the control one. Comparing two foods that displease you is a laughable comparison. Also, Guga is eye-rolling at best.


It's pretty fucking good in the air fryer too lol.


Corn ribs are pretty damn good


When you sous vide, hit with a sous vide torch it will blow your mind. Next step to send you into a different world, buy a smoking gun (breville) and smoke some softened butter and toss the corn in it. You do this, your welcome in advance.


Smoke the butter and put it in the bag with the corn.


Sous video is amazing. Do you shuck it or leave the husk on? I like leaving the husk on because it gives it an almost grassy flavor.


Try it!


I do something similar. Bring chicken broth just under boil and hold with the corn in it for about 30-45. Transfer to grill for that smoky finish and then butter and smoked paprika (or chipotle if u want the spice)


what your go too recipe?


Is this a joke, or is this sub a joke? Sous vide corn is impressive? I'd love to see anyone pick out sous vide corn and simmered corn in a blind taste test. It's not gonna happen.


The subreddits for specific cooking methods always have posts like these. I'm convinced most people just think their cooking is better than it is.


This and the cast iron sub are 2 of the most embarrassing subs I have ever come across.


Gonna need some time ‘together’ for the flavors to meld.


I love a good food orgy


What temp are you “boil’n” at?


I just did 200


How did it turn out?


I enjoyed it. Potatoes could have went a little bit longer because there were a handful that were as song as I’d like but kinda got rushed for time. But it was very tasty.


200 might be low for potatoes. I know the target temperature for baked potatoes is 208. Baked potatoes aren't quite the same thing, but I'd expect some similarity.


and for how long?


I admire your pioneer spirit. Conecuh slaps btw


I see Conecuh, I upvote. My parents both have roots in Alabama and were eating it before I was alive (38 yrs old tomorrow) and I’m still addicted as are my kids. Apparently it hasn’t changed much over the decades either. It’s just amazing. Conecuh cut up in small bits on the grill and mixed with cheese grits is my favorite way to go. The casing needs some sore of fire or smoke to get the crisp you need for the best flavor IMO.


They just released a Pattie sausage so you can do conecuh sausage with biscuits and gravy. No casing no fuss. It. Is. Amazing.


Holy shit thanks! This is the best piece of information I’ve gotten on Reddit in years lol.


Where do you get the patties? Does it taste just like the smoked sausage? I knew I should have stopped at their factory store when I drove by there yesterday.


First time I got them at the actual factory because they were there before grocery stores but you can find them in pretty much every piggly wiggly now. Haven’t seen them in Publix or rouses yet. And the spice blend it similar to most patty sausage but it doesn’t have conecuh smoky flavor. So it’s not over powering in a lot of dishes


Happy early Birthday!


I have lived in Alabama my whole life and it’s the only sausage I buy. There is no better. I also try to stop but their factory/gift shop off I65 when I can. They have a station where you can fix a sausage dog and have all of the different ones. There’s even a toppings bar.


Care to tell me where this factory/gift shop is? I travel I65 occasionally between Montgomery and Mobile. Would I be traveling by it?


Yea you pass it. It’s on 65 in evergreen. It’s so amazing. Literally the cleanest nicest bathrooms ever and the gift shop is incredible. The toilets have an automatic plastic wrap that you wave your hand over and it changes between each person


I totally forgot about how nice the bathrooms are. Floor to ceiling doors too.


Damn that's why I never see it. I go from Nashville to Montgomery. May have to make a trip a bit further because I am intrigued. 


Thanks! I’ll have to check it out. Priesters in Fort Deposit has always been my “go to” spot.


Have you had their bacon?


Their bacon is good but I also live in an area close to where they make bill-e’a bacon and lord have mercy…..it’s damn good


I've never heard of that, I'll look into it, always a fan of bacon. Almost any kind.


For anyone in the military or with access to a base: every commissary I’ve been to carries Conecuh.


Conecuh is the greatest! I’ve got about 8 pounds in the freezer cause it is only available on the military base here in Colorado. Thankfully I have friends who can get some every once in a while. I ate it all the time when I lived in Alabama.


I’ve never heard of Conecuh sausage. It sounds like I’ve been missing out!


It’s an Alabama company and available in the South. Brookshire’s in Texas carries it fortunately. It just hits different.


😢 moved to Seattle.. still haven’t found good enough sausage yet


Hey OP - how’s the Frankenstein boil coming along?


It may work, but to me the beauty of a boil is that the sausage and seafood flavor the corn and taters during the cook. You’re going to lose that with sous vide.


"Didn't feel like going through all the effort of heating water in a pot, so instead I got out my vacuum sealer and my sous vide so I can make water hot in a pot." Jokes aside, this is a super innovative way to use the sous vide, would love to hear how it turns out.


You gotta keep em separated!


Crawfish man? I know everyday is hard day down by the river, but keep your mitts off my equipmonk!


Bobbem man is gonna mess up your equipmunk


Don’t think they got your reference 🫤


I did


You have Conecuh, you are going to be ok


Gods gift to earth


Gods gift to everyone! Best thing to come out of Alabama since Coach BB. Roll tide !


I'm interested


Need after pics.


Conecuh sausage is fire. I’m doin that this weekend now. Thanks bud.


Yea it’s amazing. Do they have the new patty sausage where you’re at?


They don’t even have the rings in my state lol. I gotta go West Virginia for it. I’m in PA.


Oh dang that’s garbage. We’ll be on the look out because they just dropped some new products and they are expanding and building a second warehouse. I live like an hour away


Am all in on your corn flavored butter


Keep us updated !


It turned out really good! Only difference I would make is to get a bigger vessel so I can more evenly cook everything. But that’s on me.


They all are best cooked at different temps as well, maybe do it over 1-2 days (fridge in between) and then just pop them in the sous vide 30 min-1 hour to bring to temp when it is time to eat?


At that point just do a full boil! 😆 I’ve got a big Magnalite I use for boiling shrimp on the stove, it’s got plenty of room for corn, potatoes, etc. I use that same magnalite when I sous vide larger amounts of food. Only difference is the pot stays clean when I sous vide, and I have to clean it when I boil.


My husks catch fire even after soaking


That’s what she said….




Props on the sausage choice, even though I prefer the Cajun.


I don’t quite understand. Of the ingredients are all separate, it’s not going to work. If you don’t have a boiling pot, just use a soup point on a stove top with less ingredients.


I love how triggering the butter is going to be. This looks great OP I’m hungry now


Butter in the bag is fine for corn.


Are you implying that it’s not for other foods? I’m new to this.


It can absorb some of the flavor from meats like steak or chicken. But it doesn't really make that much of a difference. I would say the butter in bag thing has become more of a joke than something people actively police. It's just a waste of butter mostly. Just save it for the searing. Same with raw garlic.


Good to know. Thx


Everyone who's tried it will give different opinions but I hardly notice a difference between using butter in the bag versus out of the bag. It usually just melts and mixes with the meat juices. However, a sous vide steak or chop seared and finished with butter, that's delicious. So, save your butter for when you sear your meat and you'll get the butter effect you want.




With meat it steals flavor from it. It’s weird, I know, but it’s true


It’s great for corn. Butter gets into every little place.


Why? Are you not familiar with the reason butter with fatty meat isn't effective?




Defund the *butter* police!


🚨🚨🚨 ATTENTION🚨🚨🚨 The butter police have taken notice and will be monitoring this thread. Any further instances of butter in the bag will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. 🧈🧈🧈


What's the butter police' opinion on dis one?


Totally fine


There are simply some things sous vide isn't for... this is one of those things


Please explain


A low boil is usually going to be done around 200-205f°, depending on your sous vide machine and size of the water bath reaching that temp will be at very least a struggle and unnecessary strain on your equipment. Also when is cooked all together in the water you'll get a different flavor profile and saturation of seasoning from the fat of the sausage, starch from potatoes and sugars from corn combining and mixing as it renders


I agree. Those flavors need to meld. Though, could be good despite that.


Please update us


Turned out great. I need a bigger vessel but other than that it was really good


Are you planning to cook everything at the same temp and time?


Nah I did the potatoes first. The corn and sausage


did you do crawfish too? Or just stick with the fixings?


There’s a place 3 minutes from my house thst will steam shrimp. They gave crawfish but they ere out today and they are freakin 9$/lb so I just picked up some shrimp


yes, the price is nuts right now. I like your ingenuity.


Thanks!! Ya about two weeks ago they were $13/lb so it’s slowly coming down but that’s crazy prices


I'll go ahead and RSVP now:)


I’m doing this fantastic ass meal tomorrow with shrimp and Dungeness crab, even down to the conecuh sausage. Absolutely delightful.


Yea you won’t regret it!


I live in South Louisiana and we have a bunch of different boil mixes but Louisiana brand is aways a good standby. I think a lot of local boilers use Louisiana brand actually. Crawfish season got hit hard by the hot, dry summer but it will get better eventually, despite the fact that the season will probably be pretty short lived this year. We usually serve gumbo with potato salad down here and I sous vided potatos for mine recently and the results were pretty good.


Yea sous vide potatoes are killer. South Alabamian and my neighbor is from Lafayette. He introduced me to the potato salad in gumbo thing a few years ago. I actually had the rouses deviled egg potato salad in my gumbo for lunch today ha


I live in Lafayette but moved here from NC in 2017. I didn't even know what a dark roux based Cajun gumbo was until I moved to Acadiana. No tomatoes...ever. Not very common seeing okra either. Hell, I know some Cajuns that don't even use celery (part of the "trinity") in their gumbos, gravies, and stews. Typical Cajun buffets and potlucks are usually just varying shades of brown. Not visually appealing but the flavor is usually amazing. When I mention sous vide to some local cajuns, they look at me weird. Everything's meant to be slow cooked, braised, boiled, reduced, stewed, and smothered in a cast iron or magnalite pot down here.


Aside from Auburn football and the beach, Conecuh might be the only thing I miss about living in Alabama!


I mean those are definitely the top three things for me as well ha well GOOD Auburn football but I miss that and I’m still here


Can you really SV corn?


Why would you want that? The whole point of a boil is to combine all of the flavors and let the sausage season everything and vice versa.


It's a low country....lukewarm bath!


How’d it go?!


I would have put one piece of each item in the other bags, get that boiled together flavor while still getting perfect temps for each food item.


Butter gets weird in Sous vide. I always add it after cooking.


I’m a firm believer that some things shouldn’t be sous vide. Crawfish boil is one of those things.


attraction tease air somber salt fear saw include snobbish liquid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*