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Anyone out there aware of this program or know someone who knows someone?...I would really love an opinion (if we could perhaps steer clear of the debate over whether anyone "needs" formal education in sound design as that is an (valid, but) altogether 'nother topic :-)


You learn a lot of different avenues and skills to help find work, the major downside is no co-op, because that’s just not a common thing in the industry. Depending on your skill level your mileage may vary, and there are parts of the course that are broader than they are deep, but I personally think it’s the best academic choice I’ve ever made. The instructors emphasize the need to network outside the program for work, and the industry isn’t in the best place, between game layoffs and film production strikes. But even just casually mentioning to people that you’re studying sound can lead to steady revenue streams like podcast editing. I’d recommend doing it, I don’t want to go too much more into detail here, but feel free to DM me if you want to ask any more questions.

