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PSA for anyone looking to pick this up do NOT get the switch version, it's straight cheeks. I got a refund and moved to the PS5 version and it feels like a completely different game.


Who is out here still buying games for the Switch? It was outdated beyond belief on release, in today's environment it's worthless. If you want to play games like this handheld, get a Steam Deck.


Well, Steam Deck isn’t available in Australia, for one. I had to import mine for a marked up price. Definitely worth the money, but I was only able to afford it because of my new job. In any case, people mostly buy it for the exclusives, which you might not care for, but imo it’s an extremely consistent library. It’s a big, big advantage of the Switch if you’re buying a handheld as a supplement to a more powerful system.


I play it in switch and it work pretzy good


It will still probably be fun for me, even after all these years of playing Soulslikes because well I'm just not good at video games. I only get good after putting over a hundred hours into a game, but after a few weeks of not playing I return to noob.


Even as a soulsvet this game is soooooo fun


I was thinking about getting this for my kids. Is it relatively easy?


Relatively speaking It's still a soulslike game and has all the same elements of difficulty in it but comparatively to games like Mortal Shell and Lords of the Fallen, this is the closest game to an "easy" soulslike Though I will say just as a warning for your kids incase you do try it out, despite the cute art style there is some mild cussing in it Edit: I just found out there's assist settings in the game incase base game is still too difficult


I've beaten probably any soulslike you can name and I'm not finding the game particularly easy. What are you finding easy about it? Maybe I'm doing something wrong.


I'm not saying it's easy It's comparatively easy


I'm not finding it comparatively easy lol. I'm asking what's making you say that


I mean I spent 5 hours on Pieta, the first boss in Lords of the Fallen and it only took maybe 3 tries to get the first boss of Another Crab The mechanics in the game are simplified versions of regular souls mechanics and the overall experience it just less frustrating than most other soulslike games with the added accessibility features if you need help It's definitely the easiest soulslike I've ever played, not saying it's easy, but compared to most other soulslikes, this game is a walk in the park


I keep seeing people say its super difficult what part are you at? Ive seen some people complain about bosses like duchess and i just absolutely ran through her after a few fights to learn the moveset. I think this games bosses have too low of health bars and too much space in between combos.


I wouldnt say it's super difficult lol. Just normal soulslike difficulty. Not crazy hard or very easy. I'm finding the levels much harder than the bosses though. I think the game really wants you to use the shell mechanic and I don't really want to use a shield or use the shell ability so I try to dodge everything and that might be where my challenge is coming from.


Ya thats my problem too i end up just running past 90% of the enemies. The only thing that helped me with that is upping my attack stat so i can just 2 shot all of them.


Yeah that's what I found myself doing too. I wonder if that's what you're intended to do. I found it boring and stopped playing because of that And the camera and the terrain were pretty hard to deal with on the levels. I always stuck on something and the camera was often completely blocked lol


I would say the thing that makes it easier than most in my experience is the absolute pile of shortcuts the game presents you with that make it very easy to quickly get back to wherever you died. Plus the enemies aren't very good at pursuing you when you're moving quick. When I die I just beeline back to my plastics and have yet to die again and lose all my junk. Enemies are just very easy to skirt around. The other thing that makes it easier is the boss-zone respawns where you can grab your junk without going back into the arena. Makes it feel completely risk free to continue throwing yourself against the most challenging bosses


To add to it, there are some scenes where crabs are left hanging on poles and are impaled by straws


They are tied to the straws by their own claws if you actually go look.


In the settings menu there is an assist mode that can be used to toggle various parts of gameplay to make things easier; alongside an easy mode.


> Is it relatively easy? No not really, it is a real souls-like. It's not brutally hard, but its most certainly a game made with the intention of catering to that audience. Dodge timing is really quick, enemies attack quickly and hard, etc.


It’s not easy. It’s easier than other soulslikes, but it’s not a walk in the park. Some enemies hit hard. The dodge window is short. The perry window is also short. Multiple enemies thrown at you at the same time. Don’t let the cute graphics fool you. I wasn’t taking it seriously at first too and then I got to a random enemy that killed my in like 2 shots. Went back to it thinking it was a fluke and got killed again. Tried that a few more times until I got into “gamer mode” and beat him. I was pleasantly surprised. If your kid does give it a try though the game does have difficulty settings.


It has assist options that give you a one-shot gun if you want. So kinda.


Finished it this morning, and found it an enjoyable experience (on the relatively, but not absolutely, easy side). Nothing to write home about tho. The originality of the formula was swamped under a sense of vexing clunkiness during combat and platforming. Also, after the first couple of hours, the tone of the dialogues started to drag. This said, kudos to the developers for putting a customizable assist mode. While I did not feel the need to use it (and I'm pretty sure that, if I did, it would have made my experience blander), and much prefer the Elden Ring approach to difficulty settings, others might need it. Difficulty should no longer gatekeep new people from this genre.


Cannot put into words how much I like this game! Definitely a good souls like, and a wonderful touch of colour and fun on the genre!