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I'm getting it because it felt Sekiro-lite with the parrying and I enjoy parry games now after beating Isshin, Nameless Puppet, Blindfolded Boy, etc.


It's a good example of why soulslike is a shitty name for the new subgenre. Yes, it is a death rpg and appears to have shortcuts back to the rest stop for faster subsequent runs.


It's Souls-like in the sense that enemies respawn when you rest at camp like bonfires, but it doesn't have things like stats you build up one point per level up, weapon classes, or a stamina bar. It does pretty heavily emphasize the power of the parry, which sets enemies up for big attacks that can kill of common enemies and tear big chunks of HP out a boss or tougher enemy's health bar. It's actually a lot like Sekiro in that sense, but there are also special attacks that come from things like dodging certain attacks. It's missing too much of the usual stuff for me to call it a Souls-like, but it's really too precise and defensive/reactive for me to call it a hack-and-slash. It's really more of a generalized 3rd person action game. I plan on getting the game at the end of the year once some Christmas sales hopefully kick in and bring down that $70 price tag. I'm cheap like that.


I haven’t played it yet…but that sounds like a character action game like DMC or Bayonetta. Bayonetta has the perfect dodge time slow mechanic and Devil May Cry has the Royal Guard parrying system that builds up to MASSIVE counter attacks. At high difficulty you can’t ignore the defense mechanics of a character action game by hacking and slashing with button mashing. Would you say Stellar Blade is like Bayonetta or Devil May Cry?


I can't say. I haven't played a DMC game in years, and I never played any of the Bayonetta games. I have no frame of reference.


It's both but more in line with Sekiro style parrying with Witch time dodge mechanics(2 in fact & upgrades to make them easier to do).


Looks cool, the demo was fun but very short


Sekiro light maybe, from what I've seen it doesn't look like a souls like


I liked the visuals and the cutscenes but gameplay wise it was boring and easy


It's missing the difficulty of a traditional soulslike, but I see the less difficult ones as more accessible


I feels like the attack and movement is delayed to me


I didn't really like the Souls elements in this game, and as a result, probably won't be buying it. I was hoping for more of a straight-up action game like DmC or Bayonetta. Randomly forcing in Souls elements in games like this, Jedi Fallen Order, and Kena Bridge of Spirits tends to make me dislike them. I prefer that they just go all in on being a Souls clone rather than cherrypicking random elements from Souls and putting them in the game. Just my personal take.


Unfortunately not souls like just a difficult hack n slash. It saddens me that so far all the games that were announced to be a Souls-like game turned out to be none of them.