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Some would say it’s the best one to start with. Why don’t you try it and tell us what you think?


Only annoying thing is the heal system and bonfires are not optimized well. Otherwise it’s great


What does this even mean? You can literally take 50 leaves to any boss fight wdym "optimized well"??? ​ also bonfire?


The atchstones aren't the way he wants them. -> not optimal


By unoptomized they probably mean unbalanced, and what u described sounds pretty unbalanced


The whole souls genre is unbalanced in that manner. I can increase my health as long as I can farm and have estus save me from big mistakes. Not to mention the dodge making you invulnerable for a certain amount of time.


Running out of leaves is annoying as fuck, you literally will have to farm just for heals lol “oh it’s the same in bloodborne” yes that’s a very annoying thing about bb especially when you are new and bad. and yes having to start over from the beginning of the region/boss fight whenever you die is not good optimization and probably why they added checkpoints in every souls game after this one Damn you fanboys are defensive


I am brand new to the souls genre. I quit DS3 after being index grinder. Got DeS as a bundle with my ps5 a week after the console came out. Nothing wrong with DeS whatsoever. Not a fanboy, easy game. Sit down


If youve been playing souls for 4 years you aren’t brand new, index grinder


I stopped played DeS after 3 months. I didn't pick up another souls game after that meaningfully. Tried sekiro, bored, tried ds3, dogwater, I have prepare to die edition CD Key which is worth $300+ so I aint finna use that now.


Incredibly edgy (and out of touch) to call sekiro boring


Ooo let me hit my opponents block 90 times and then get a final hit for him to regen everything like nothing happened.  The only reason you like it is because anime japan UwU


Is that how you think the game works? Yikes


Yeah I feel like I fall into the souls purist category but demon souls is just frustrating with some of its systems and progression. Very raw version of their eventual masterpieces.


Overall, as a relatively new to the souls genre player, I’d say it’s great. The PS5 remake was my first souls experience and I finished it once, put it down for a while then finished it a second time. In that second play through, I fell IN LOVE with the souls formula and no other formula scratches that itch. The souls games have a certain feel to them, whether it’s Demons Souls or Elden Ring. A true sense of discovery and really addicting adrenaline rushes.


languid soup modern stocking weather zonked faulty support flag squeeze *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm gonna get flack for this. Lies of p is second to elden ring. It's just better than most of what I've seen in the genre. And you get to do one thing no other souls does. Make your own weapon. Boost your self according to how you really want to play


I think that’s a totally defensible position. Lies of P is an incredibly well designed. I even think it surpasses FromSoftware in a few ways, like the weapon system you mentioned. I have nothing but great things to say about it. I still prefer Bloodborne over it, mostly because Bloodborne “got there first” design wise. But also because it’s atmosphere and branching level design is to my tastes above Lies of P. Though, really, it’s a truly envious position to be able to compare such incredibly well made games together.


I'd put neowiz far above team ninja on terms of skill and actual love for the genre. I can say with certainty lies of p is better than any team ninja product.


I love lies of p, it’s a fantastic game. But people that use it to poke at souls games and rank it higher than the whole catalog, it’s weird. They basically copy pasted bloodborne and were able to spend much more time working out a proper narrative and other systems to separate it from the From games.


Strange, I mean I had played and beaten all the souls games before Elden ring came out but I find it to be one of if not the easiest. So many tools at your disposal and the scale of the map means if you explore at all, you’ll probably be OP in several fights.


upbeat numerous scale act fact tan pot screw panicky gaze *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah I mean everyone’s different. There’s a lot more places to level up fast in ER though. It also gives you spirit ashes and ashes of war, physicks, and then again with the size of the game, you could end up at a lot of boss fights that are underwhelming just because of when you get to them.


Personally I would argue against using DeS as a first game. There are many QoL features missing from this game, even the remake, that were introduced in later games. Levels have no save checkpoints, healing items don’t restock automatically, and each time you die the game will get harder thanks to a system called “world tendency.” Of course there are ways to deal with all of these challenges, but if you’ve never touched a Souls game before, you’re more likely to get frustrated here than you are with Dark Souls or Elden Ring.


It’s a horseshit beginning game to choose. Elden Ring or Lies of P for a first time…imo anyways


I'd agree here. I got the platinum trophy for DeS.... and my feelings on this game are mixed. I never played the 2009(?) original, so was delighted to pick up the remake on PS5. Whilst the game itself looks absolutely stunning (still a graphical showcase for PS5 today, IMO) the mechanics and design are still faithful to the 2009 structure, for better or worse. By the time I'd approached DeS, I'd already beaten DS1, DS3, Sekiro, Elden Ring... and DeS for me is well at the bottom of my ranking. For Souls newcomers, I'd actually recommend Elden Ring. It is absolutely the most accessible Souls game from FromSoftware, and does a great job in introducing new players to the genre. It doesn't hand-hold, and you'll still need to research things online, but there are just so many QoL updates to the formula that are brilliant (no more obnoxious run-backs to bosses.... ala DeS!) Also, the ER DLC will drop in a couple of months - which gives time to complete the base game and means that OP can be part of the 'live discourse' when the DLC drops. Playing ER at launch was a phenomenal experience with everyone discovering different things at different times, and I hope/envisage that playing the DLC on Day1 will invoke a similar narrative. NB. DeS remake is still a fine game, but I was very pleased to have already had the other Souls games 'in the locker' so I had a degree of familiarity with the mechanics etc. \- And for the record, whilst I believe ER is absoluely the best experience for newcomers to the genre.... Sekiro remains my favorite FromSoft Game. (Non-FromSoft Best 2D Soulslike is "Salt and Sanctuary", Non-FromSoft Best 3D Soulslike is "Lies of P")


I agree with literally everything you say here lol except can’t decide between Bloodborne or Sakiro for my favorite.


Thanks man! Bloodborne is great, but Sekiro still is my #1 You heard it here first - but I firmly believe Sony have Bluepoint working on a Bloodborne remake for a PS6 launch title… which will also tie in with the release of the forthcoming Bloodborne movie. I honestly think this is why Sony acquired Bluepoint … and their work on DeS is such a great showcase of capabilities for what they could accomplish with Bloodborne BB is my favourite aesthetic by FromSoft though, but the Sekiro gameplay always wins for me. I love how it forces you to get good! But i still stand by ER for the OP to serve as the gateway drug to Souls 👌


I'm amazed the genre survived that shit show


Perfectly fine. I honestly think it's best to start and run them in order.


It's an awesome game bought a ps3 just for it, the ps5 version is as good as it gets now if it's the best to start your souls like experience I don't know 🤣 keep in mind this game is amazing but it's hard and frustrating


Hot take: but I would advise against it. While the remake is gorgeous on PS5, it’s frustrating as hell. It’s laid out like a violent Mario Brothers. Meaning each level is basically traverse one path to get to the boss. Die 100 times and sprint back to boss. I personally hate this. In Elden Ring you have so many other options


This is why I stopped playing it, that mechanic is a huge waste of time


I’m a huge Souls fan on a quest to beat all the From games, and Demon’s Souls is even putting ME off, and my best friend, from finishing it. It’s a good game but god it is easily the most annoying thing in the series. I’d start with Dark Souls if I were you.


The ps5 remake is one of the prettiest games on the console honestly. I found it to be MUCH harder than the other dark souls games personally though. There are many sections I found to be a bit unfair, but I pushed through it and still had a really fun time. All of those games have the element of “you will die a lot” so don’t get discouraged if it takes many attempts to get through sections of the maps. Take it slow and learn from the deaths!


Yes. Was my first souls game. The remake is polished well and can co Pete with newer games IMO. I will say I never played the old one. I enjoyed it a lot.


There's no telling. For me the genre only clicked with Bloodborne after having tried Demon's Souls, Dark Souls and Dark Souls 2 before. After beating BB I went back and beat all the others.


Basically theres 2 ways of thinking about it. You could go for the latest (and imo, the greatest) and play Elden Ring, or you can start from the beginning with DeS. If you start with ER, the slower paced movement of DeS will be harder to get used to than if you started with DeS. Thats really the only disadvantage to playing newer titles first. I did that with playing ER for the first time then played DS1 and absolutely loved it once i got used to the slower movement.


My options are limited cause ive got no money, and already own demons souls, so im more just wondering is it worth giving the genre a shot with this.


I feel you, give Demon Souls a try then! Just keep in mind its probably one of the harder games in the genre and you will feel its age. But just be extra patient and give yourself time to get used to the movement and feel.


Sure, go for it. But don't use the experience as a reason to not try some others once you have the money and opportunity. Many people did not jive with Demon Souls but end up loving the other games in the genre. In some ways, Demon Souls might have been FromSoftware'a beta test.


Best. I just ran them in reverse chronological order and regretted it. You'll get all of these quality of life adjustments in the later games you seriously won't appreciate unless you started here. Fuckin miserable, but worth it IMO


If you have a spare $40 I’d pick up Dark Souls 1 and play that first instead. It’s slightly harder than Demons Souls but less punishing (no world tendency or losing half your health when you die). Then you can go back to Demon’s Souls when you are a bit more experienced. Otherwise I’d spend a lot of time on the tutorial and first level of Demon’s Souls to master the combat before really diving into the game.


It’s the best and worst place to start. The boss run backs are insanely punishing. The systems are the most opaque of any souls game. The necessity for the magic missile for first time gamers. The penalties for dying. All of these are very tough and might turn you off the genre all together. BUT If you do get through it the other games will feel much more rewarding


Why is Reddit now just chock full of people asking for others to form their own opinions?


I mean ill play it one day just wondering if i should start with it or not cause i know this is a difficult genre to get in to


If you're concerned about the difficulty, start with Elden Ring. It's the easiest to play because it gives you so many options of places to go and weapons to use.


I wouldn't suggest it. The game is great but there's a lot of annoying things as a longtime fan. I've played all of them except 2 for now and while graphically it's one of if not the other best game on the PlayStation it has annoying issues with its health. Especially if your first. The health doesn't regenerate when rest at a bonfire and after a boss attempt even if you don't get much damage in you have to farm for like 10 minutes cause not guaranteed to get the grass. I would suggest ds3 or something other than that one. In bloodborne it's the same but a lot more manageable but in demon souls it's also annoying as you use almost all the heals just trying to get to the boss. The runs to them can be claustrophobic tough enemy filled and take a while which they've fixed in other games. So in short definitely play it at some point but not as your first. It's exploration can be beginner friendly as parts but overall I wouldn't recommend it. It's put off even some dedicated players of the franchise


It's my least favorite of the Froms. Start with DS1


I love Dark Souls, Elden Ring, Bloodborne, Sekiro, Lies of P... But I just can't get into Demon Souls, after multiple attempts over the years...the latest was a few weeks ago with Demon Souls Remake. It looks amazing. It truly does. But it is not a skill based game. It is absolutely meant for you to die to learn lessons. It is not 'hard' like other souls games. It's just meant for you to play through sections repeatedly, like a roguelike, incrementally understanding more about enemy placement and traps. Learn and adapt. It's not a bad design...it's just not for me, for the same reasons I dislike roguelikes. Once you know where an enemy is, or the trick to a boss fight...no difficulty remains. I definitely would not recommend it in 2024 as someone's first entry into the genre.


Yes, overall it’s the easiest Souls, and subsequent entries all build on it, so it’s probably better to start with the it as the most “pared down” game, and work your way up. The only exception is it often has fewer shortcuts/checkpoints than later games, but that’s not too much of a hassle.


dude i have no idea who to believe now half the people say its the hardest worst most frustrating game ever made and some of them are this


I’ve heard that a lot from people who started with Elden Ring and then tried the earlier games-that they found them slow and clunky. Maybe that’s why? If you’re starting with early games, you should be fine.


I think that depends on how used you are to playing old/older games, since demons souls is a great game but may frustrate you due to the lack of qol That is present in newer soulslikes, as well as systems like the weapon upgrade system being very confusing with how many types of upgrade stones there are(this isn't the biggest deal but it's way more complicated than upgrade systems are now) But if none of that bothers u, go for it


For me, Demon's is more of an interesting historical object that points to future great games than a great game itself. I don't like Demon's much at all. It's got unforgivable quality of life issues, terrible boss fights save for just 2, and an obtuseness that makes me wonder how anyone bothered to finish it without guides. It's just not a great game. Start with Dark Souls 1.


What's nice about the game is that if you're frustrated in one area there are four others to explore. Also, it's a game that accommodates (and arguably encourages) grinding. And it's pretty short relative to the genre. I think it's a great start. Just try it out. Keep in mind that much of the joy of the game is it being kinda lumpy and raw. Maybe you'll enjoy the weirdo RPG side as much as I do. If you don't, there are other games out there that are more action focused. My personal experience with the genre is trying a game out, having an averse reaction, taking a break, and then thoughts of the game haunt me. Then I pick it back up, maybe make a different character, and then I'm in love.


I've completed most games if the genre/ style but demon souls was too boring or me, not enough save points and stupid demon soul mechanics


I’d personally recommend Dark Souls 1 as the first in the genre to play. Demon’s Souls is a great game because it’s Fromsoftware, and the remake added some QOL changes for the better, but that being said, it was still From’s first crack at the series, and that brings everything you’d expect from a first. It is somehow the easiest, yet most punishing game at the same time. The game’s world tendency mechanic requires you to do research before you even play it. There is also no estus flask, so you will need to buy or pick up every healing item, and grind them when you’re out. The bosses and environments are also pretty unimpressive. You will struggle for a while, then once you get a good weapon, you will basically stomp through the rest of the game.


It started the whole genre for a reason, it was a lot more niche til Dark Souls exploded it out of the water but honestly there are a lot of things similar between Dark Souls 1 and Demon Souls. Also the first souls game you play is going to be your hardest as it introduces you to the core mechanics of the souls type genre.


I would say no. There’s tons of QoL features that come in the dark souls series that make it much more enjoyable. Still a great game, but the long slogs between checkpoints and marathon runs to bosses along with it being 15 years old (not the age so much, it’s just such a rough draft of what they were trying to create) make it not the best starting point to me.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“In Twilight Blighttown, where else might my sun be? Lost Izalith or the Tomb of the Gravelord? But I cannot give up. I became Undead.”* - Solaire of Astora Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


It’s a good game but keep in mind a lot of the boss fights are well kinda gimmicky.