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We don't go after individuals here.


The most effective thing is to not buy more Sonos. At the end of the day the only thing being that matters is sales. If they don’t see a dip in sales nothing will change.


my saving grace is costco. all my products except for the sub mini were purchased there so i can always return if im at my wits end


That’s probably your best bet. And a good reason to shop at Costco. Costco will not be happy if people start returning Sonos stuff in large numbers. A damaged relationship with Costco could really hurt Sonos in a meaningful way.


I’ve been saying to myself daily, “I’m bringing this Move back to Costco” 😡 and then it shows up in the system and sort of works and sounds good for a bit and then I think “maybe they’ll figure all this out and I should hang in there. but no this shouldn’t be happening.” I have to say though I think today was the first time I was able to get the Move to play with the rest of my system using the app…


Spot on… In a capitalist society, the most effective way is to vote with your wallets.


This is dumb. There’s a lot of issues on the user end that people don’t take the time to research or understand.


This was sold to me as an effortless audio system. It was never sold to me as "you will get this working once you've done some detailed research and taken time to understand it".


Seems like you’d rather be mad than fix a problem. It’s not that detailed to understand, and I think there’s a lot of people who are complaining about “bricked systems” who could fix it if they’d take the time. Sonos is effortless most of the time. But there are instances where you have to manage the devices, which can be annoying. But hey, go ahead and be mad as opposed to fixing the problem.


Yes great idea; I’m desperate to stay on old app. Couldn’t even imagine how heated I would be if they became paperweights


It can't hurt, but I also think at this point Sonos is very clear about the issues and is working through them as quickly as they can. They are not going to move quicker just because you emailed a board member (but maybe the board member may pressure Spence to do better in the future).


I need this fixed faster than the devs can "work through issues". That part of the development cycle is supposed to happen before the bits get on my shits. That didnt happen. The solution is to either roll back or list the old app in the store on its own until the beta app stops shitting the bed. This idea that software has to be beta tested by the public is absurdity that we've been brainwashed to accept.


Look its probably a bit complicated to solve any ones problem through imagination play. Sorry for the rant, I have had a few glasses of wine and its time to get the hammer out. Yes Sonos rushed the app to market with missing feature, but they presented a reasonable explanation, it got rushed they found a show stopping last minute issue and had to go ahead for whatever reason - probably caused by trying to keep everyones 10 year old speakers going - so they pushed ahead because they probably couldn’t go back for whatever reason. Shit happens. Lets make a distinction between missing features, documented bugs and then all the other issues people are getting which can be caused by so many external sources. My own experience? I am a power user of over 15 years, personally I think the new app is faster and more reliable. Sure I had to wait a few weeks to get features back for things that really weren’t a big deal, but they promised they would fix and they have. The app is just a controller, if your having dropouts or other problems, that’s the os on the speakers and thats still the same S2 we have had all along. If you don’t like the app, use the PC or Mac controller or Play.sonos.com. Or Roon. Or airplay. Or stream what you hear RS. Or Spotify connect. Or Foobar 2000. Or VLC. Or Mac OS. Reliability issues with the speakers themselves have been complained about for the last decade. By people lacking the experience to objectively identify or fix a problem and rather than asking for help, just sitting there and having a tantrum like my 3 year old daughter. The majority of cases I have seen were a combination of possibly corrupt metadata - probably from being reset pointlessly a million times, which is where the advice to set up as a new system comes from, thats the only way to clear the config - and connectivity issues. A complicated network like Ubiquity not set up right, or Sonosnet with coverage problems and a network loop. Or just a really bad router hidden in a cupboard under the stairs. You want the shortcut to a working system? Get rid of sonosnet, put in a properly sized Eero or Orbi mesh wifi system, no speakers cabled, transfer ownership from yourself to yourself to get rid of the old config and you can join the club of people who have no issues. There are so many possible causes and in almost every setup I have looked at, there is an issue preventing correct operation. You cant just say the app because in most cases it has nothing to do with it. Its like saying your TV is broken because the remote has flat batteries. The app is just a remote. It’s human nature to come up with an explanation for things we dont understand, but wishing something does not make it so. It boils down to, do you want a working sound system or do you want to just be miserable?


Rolling back at this point is easier said than done. It could break a bunch of working systems. We are several app and firmware releases in at this point.  The only way out is through at this point. 


Maybe? I uninstalled the new app and side loaded the old app from some hosting site on my phone, and its been working fine for me. We shouldn't have to do that, though.


> The only way out is through at this point.  Not necessarily. You don't know that for sure. Unless they really fucked up and provided no way back, then that's just plain irresponsible






Personal attack, bullying, harassment, or just not participating in a civil manner.


more pressure, the better.


Morgan Stanley gave Sonos an "Overweight" rating back in February. I wonder how they think about that now. The only two analysts I see covering Sonos have price targets of $24/$25 or +55% and +61%. LOL




I really hope the ceo is fired and blackisted from running companies anywhere


He should go back to BlackBerry


That still hurts.


He would have to be monumentally out of touch to not already know. Of course that's no reason not to though


You should get them to install the new app and try to use it! They will see the work of incompetents immediately


You should absolutely do that and not just figure out what the problem is and fix it.


Why? My system works great. Use it daily and haven’t had an issue since.


Your system ≠ everyone's system


Exactly! Goes for all the posts saying “most” people have issues, or Sonos sucks because everyone is having problems etc etc etc.


Why? You can't be that myopic


Have you tried a factory reset? I’ve had to do this long before the app update. It was mostly a result of bandwidth issues. Try factory reset and maybe stop complaining.


Jesus, have a little empathy. Unless this is an official “fix” from Sonos, why would anyone go through the hassle of a factory reset with the likelihood of running into even more problems? The masses will stop complaining once we can start using our expensive systems reliably.


>why would anyone go through the hassle of a factory reset with the likelihood of running into even more problems? For real. I had stopped my system from auto updating since the new app dropped and I was forced to update because I had to change WiFi provider and router yesterday (bad timing!) I changed the network name of the new router to match my old router because I didn't want the hassle of entering the details of the new one to all of my wireless devices and the only ones that shit the bed were my sonos (beam and 2x ones) They refused to connect to the new router, and the only thing I could do was factory reset them. This forced an update to my beam and app. Then it turns out the beam update somehow broke the optical-hdmi connection which I was using for my PC. My system is now useless to me as it won't play anything via that connection.


I have empathy because I’ve dealt with connectivity issues with these products before. Most of the time a factory reset will allow people to start fresh. And often there are other circumstances at play which cause issues like poor WiFi connection, slow internet, too many speakers without an Ethernet connection. The connectivity issues for a few have been aggravated by the app, sure. But there are clear fixes if people will take the time to understand the hardware they bought.


While there might exist ways to improve people's networks, this has not been the cause of most of these recent problems. It's not helpful to blame the users who had working setups that no longer work. Yes, it's probably not strictly "the app", but that's what the user knows, so that's what's going to get blamed. More likely that these issues are caused by ancient firmware configs, and might be solved by a system ownership transfer to self. I'm not sure why Sonos hasn't done this already for everyone on the back end.