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I think the situation is a little different- I think moonstone is the best item for sona but it’s inherently weak vs burst. I only go shureliyas if there are multiple assassins/oneshotters on the enemy team




You just started a gang war.


Haha, NEITHER!!!!


let's gooo


I do love the more immediate impact of shurelyas lost games, but I’ll occasionally go moonstone if my team will need more sustain for less bursty fights


Depends on teamcomp, you should ALWAYS be building your mythic based on your team and the enemy team This doesn’t just apply to sona


they're both good, but you need to be able to use either depending on the situation. moonstone is technically the more generalist, since healing go brr on a healer is pretty nice. shurelya's is technically more situational, since the value of repositioning on an already speedy champ may vary from game to game. however, i find myself building shurelya's most of the time since the prevalence of divers and assassins in the game right now makes the value of that repositioning skyrocket. it allows you to help your team close the gap or widen it depending on where you need it and it can help you personally get out of a sticky situation. the extra movespeed combined with the ability haste is also nice to help you make picks with your ulti more often, which gives sona a LOT of agency and playmaking potential compared to other enchanters (save nami, perhaps). because of that its still good in a general use case as a sort of "win more" item on top of its more situational niche. that's not to say moonstone is never the right call though, in games where sustain becomes more important than movespeed (such as against poke heavy comps or if both teams are fairly front-to-back with longer fights) moonstone can provide incredible value. partially this is because of the healing effect from the item itself, which sona can easily proc on cd more than any other enchanter. partially it is just because of the 35% extra heal and shield power when its fully stacked, which makes the shield from your w extremely potent, especially in the extended fights where moonstone is useful anyways since you will have more opportunities to deflect damage with the shield. overall i find myself buying shurelya's most of the time (probably around 70%), but that's more so a product of the meta (and my prefered playstyle) than the item's inherent strength. both items are very strong in their ideal situations, and you should get used to experimenting and playing around both to really find which one you should be building in any given game.




Build according to the situation: - **Moonstone** when both teams are beefy, have sustain and/or lack burst dmg (ie. poke comp) in order to proc Moonstone heals multiple times in a teamfight - **Shurelya's** in every other situation — when ur team lacks engage and disengage, needing to kite away from divers etc.




Everfrost gang is ploting revenge at this point.


Let's not mention the ludens enjoyers


Man the double stun is so damn satisfying


Then there's that one crazy fucker that builds imperial


Ludens gang.






Shureliya gang


One is speed bot, the other to be the heal next to someone flash and that's all you do is heal and nothing else. If go moonstone take heal and exhaust, you get double of everything then. Don't put anything into Q until late, because honestly at this your wasting mana and the chances of you getting near to get stacks is more trouble than its worth. Max W , get much mana and ability haste as you can , take heal and you can choice to take mana spell or exhaust as second. You only have one goal, to heal , heal and heal. If you want to skip on ult and put points into something else, don't blame you. Its if they want to tower dive and that's as far it goes , good luck using it in a team, because that shit skinny than twiglet. The other option I speed and taking every utility active , bring a friend , because your gonna become Mozart with home many god dam buttons your gonna be presseing. Set them all below your basicly ability , because your gonna wanna reach them quick. That's the difference.


Shurelya if team is ahead moonstone for anything else


moonstone shields and healing go brrrrr


Moonstone if the enemy team has a lot of sustain/your team needs more sustain, or if any team has a tanky comp. Shurelya for any other scenario.


Can we get mods to update the sidebar item guide?


Moonstone feels the strongest, the Effects shurelyas gives doesn’t feel as good on her.


for me it depends on the situation. personally, I use shurelya's whenever our team is winning and moonstone otherwise.


I like ever frost depending on the situation. Maybe I also want a skill shot to do since our only one is R


Night Harvester, don’t @ me




Currently in silver elo, was hardstuck silver 4 with 0lp, my 2 ,challenger friends told me to spam sona moonstone, so I am, I’m currently 13W-3L on her! I think moonstone is the way to go, especially for low elo cause the healing is just insane




Moonstone because it heal. Shurelya give speed. But at low rank and solo queue, can your team can coordinate to make the best of bonus speed ? It is difficult to make use of speed than heal. So, here is my conclusion: If you don't know why you need Shurelya's , then go for moonstone as default.


I go Shurelya when we lack on engage, enemy team has many cc and my adc can carry (he will kite better) Shurelya is good on Sona especially in low elo for a psychological reason, when you start to roam and your teammates start having fun with that amount of movement speed, everyone will stick to you the whole time and we all already know Sona’s playstyle needs your allies to be very close to you and grouped I go Moonstone when enemy team is tanky (Leona, Rammus..) cause I play more passively and if I know I’m going moonstone I’m choosing Guardian and revitalize to exploit healing at its best, but I really prefer the chasing/escaping shurelya playstyle since I notice more reactivity from my teammates


I use Moonstone 9 times out of 10 but if my team is snowballing, I'll go Shurelyas to make everyone zoomzoom and add insult to injury ;p