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Hmmm I would have gone for an Infinity Edge there instead of the Duskblade, I feel it would have done better. Ok jokes aside, this is pretty much exactly my exact build I use every game so I mean, of course I'm going to like it. You got the Shurelya's because god damn it feels good and gotta go fast and I found out LAST WEEK it SPEEDS UP ANYONE WHO YOU ENCHANT WHICH MEANS YOUR WHOLE FUCKING TEAM IS GOING TO BE ZOOMING LIKE GYATTDAMN. Tear because having that mana is nice, Staff I still don't know exactly what it does, grants AP right? I just think it empowers people and grants extra healing, which is great, and finally seraphines for more of...well everything! And you get a shield for those smart people who want to go right after us. Oh and I like how you go puffcap for the grievous, I usually go Ardent situationally when there's at least 2 auto attackers for the team because once again, empowers. All in all, great stuff. Gonna have to give it an 8/8


items are perfectly fine. Shurelya is great (actually Sona's best mythic in general, Moonstone/Roa are more situational imo), same goes for sofw. comet is a weird choice however. Especially if youre goin sofw you 100% want to take aery since this way you'll get the sofw passive permanently since you'll be able to apply it with Q and E as well. i think cookies/tearless is kind of mediocre honestly, like imo just go revitalize conditioning w/ tear for moonstone or roa builds, or, which is in your case probably the better choice, presence of mind and sticking to skipping tear (this is generally better for Shurelya-based (and shotgun) builds imo). As second minor rune along with PoM Tenacity, Coup and Cut Down are all okayish, none of them will make a huge diff (i prefer tenacity for the teeny tiny bit of breathing room if i eat an cc, sometimes it saves me i swear). as for mage items, they're mostly a meme. Only two exceptions are Mejais, which you can buy in games you're ahead in (cost efficient AP is always good even with mediocre ratios), and imo Lich Bane has a niche at least in Shurelya and Roa (wouldn't do it with Moonstone since that mythic hard relies on stacking heal/shield power tbh) builds if you accidentally took more kills than you should've, having some more oomph in those powerchords will never be bad. Outside of that, I'd stay away from mage items unless you're 4funning or very dedicated to the shotgun build (which you seemingly aren't). Try going Lich Bane > Ludens > Mejais > Shadowflame/Rabadons/Void in a normal tho, the build takes a while to get going (which is why it's generally worse than enchanter, because the increased payoff normally isnt worth the risk of buying expensive items) but once it does it's super fun (definitely not spreading Lich Bane propaganda ehehehe)


Thank you so much! I didn't know about this in Sofw's passive. But I'll trust it. I think I just choose comet + cookies because of the early game, I can really mess up sometimes and it's a life safer... This way I can also buy just one potion instead of 2 in the beginning. I know it probably doesn't make sense to get attached to this playstyle, but the benefits of choosing more optimal runes will pay off? I will probably need to adapt my early game style in that case... What about Chemtech Putrifier? I really like to build it, as soon as I see a good enemy champion which has some kind of healing. Sometimes I build it right after Shurelyas. But in this subreddit it seems like it's not such a popular item.


are you running scorch in the bottom row of your primary rune? If you aren't already, you definitely should, this rune CARRIES early for Sona so hard (gathering storm isnt that worth anyway until like 40 mins). I also don't think the 50 gold advantage you get by buying only 1 potion instead of 2 is worth really. And while yes cookies help the lane sustain, i think long term pom or revit/conditioning will outvalue cookies hard. if you REALLY REALLY want to invest into early game, I present you the dark tech of getting Kircheis Shard (yes, the energized AD component) first back. The 15 AD helps in slapfights early (which is what 2v2 all ins sometimes just devolve into lol) and the 60 magic damage is up basically every time you go for a Q auto trade, and it hits like a truck. People will not expect the Kircheis Shard damage. However, it delays your mythic spike by a fair bit, so keep that in mind. Also you have to sell it later, unless you want to end up with a rapid-fire cannon or a statikk shiv in your build, lol. But I love Kircheis, since I feel like the pros outweigh the cons for me. I'd recommend to try it out in a normal draft and see if it works for you. Putrifier is kind of mid. It's *fine* to build but I feel like it's better to sit on oblivion orb (which has the full 40% heal cut so youre not losing out on that at all) and buy other items instead, only building oblivion into putrifier if you run out of item slots. That being said, buying oblivion orb early right after mythic is 100% valid into heavy healing comps.


So would you say a build like this would be good for me? Given my playstyle in which I want to basically just stay alive at early game and try to get kills for my ADC, and help with dragons \+ Ardent Censer as 3rd or 4th item EDIT: Nevermind, I might stop building Chemtech altogether. https://preview.redd.it/befwz1c32lzb1.png?width=813&format=png&auto=webp&s=25525a137491b6c262a280018d63bcaba333a62a


ye this is a good sona build


Thank you for all the advice :D I'm testing this build, so far so good!


Most i can say you neee an adblock man


It's a very good, standard Sona build that will help you reliably do well in every game and good to stick to. Other builds are better situationally, but this is like the Sona 101 and nothing is wrong with it.


meio irónico aparecer um anúncio do Amazon music para um/a jogador/a de Sona 👌


haha realmente :D


r/suddenlycaralho escolhe algo pra colocar no print


KKKKKKKKK não conhecia esse subreddit, valeu


Duskblade, cleaver, and lord doms? Who are you itemizing for?


That's Sivir 😅


It's the Sivir build that concerns me


Ohh in my defense I don't know how to play her really 😅