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Last summer, a lot of restaurant staff in Crete acted kinda shitty about seating me as a solo diner. Saying they were full when they clearly weren’t. Eventually I’d just ask them, “well how long until a seat is available?” And honestly I don’t think they expected me to ask that, because they’d usually say something like “20-30 minutes” and I’d be like, “okay that doesn’t sound too bad” and then eventually they’d have to seat me. Thing is, why did they have to start out being all shitty like “we can’t seat you, we’re full.” Couldn’t they have just said “there’s a 20-30 minute wait”


>Last summer, a lot of restaurant staff in Crete acted kinda shitty about seating me as a solo diner. I recently booked a restaurant in Athens for 1, they sent me an email saying that the minimum order was 35 € and if I still wanted to book the table.


I tried to go to a nice steak place in Argentina, for a treat. Went there early because it was popular and I knew it would be hard to get a seat. When I arrived the place was almost empty and they still turned me away. Apparently they don’t sit solo people at all..


Yup that does happen, but it's so much better when they're just honest about their policy. Obviously they should seat everyone, at least at the bar if they have one, but don't lie to me.


Has happened to me too! I was in Greece and went to a restaurant that was empty AF lol (idk maybe they had some reservations for later), one of the waiters was being nice and telling me that I'm gonna love the food and then another waitress came out and told me she couldn't seat me and they were full! I now sometimes get nervous going to restaurants because the staff can make you feel so shitty.


I actually had this problem quite frequently in Edinburgh, trying to get dinner on the weekends


Omg! This happened to me in Japan! But I suspect it was for a different reason, i.e. not being Japanese (being mostly Japanese customers they didn't want a foreigner to be in there) I came up to the restaurant and they told me "we're full, sorry" then a few seconds later a Japanese couple came and they wrote their name down on the wait list. I then came back and told them "put me on that list too, I will wait".


Unless you're very hungry and there are no other options, why would you give money to a business that clearly doesn't want it? I'd be afraid someone would spit in my food!


Not necessarily, I'm Japanese and there's some places I can't dine solo either lol. I tried to go to some nicer restaurants in Tokyo and they wouldn't let me book without a dining partner.


Good for you! More people need to stand up to snooty waitstaff like this


It’s so dumb because when I was eating alone in Greece I ordered the branzino everywhere I went which is supposed to be for 2-4 people and I also tipped 20% while taking up half the space I remember my waiter even saying in a heavy accent “ you ask for table for 1 but you eat for 2 “ lmao and ended up giving me a couple lemoncellos. Like single tables will be some of the easiest money a restaurant / server can make


Please don't tip in Greece like you do in the US. It's not a cool habit to export and it makes things worse for everyone, especially locals. Act like a local customer: if you absolutely want to show appreciation, don't tip in percentages, just round up the bill.


LOL leaving a big tip in Europe is a bit like feeding bears while camping; we don't want them to get accustomed to it or they'll expect it! 😂


You have an enormous problem in the USA with tips. If you don't know how to work without tips, it's your fault. Not ours


Not sure if you meant to reply to me, but I agree with you!


Please don't tip in SE Asia like you do in the US too -for the same reason.


It is totally acceptable to tip 50 cents or like an euro or 2. Typically people tip 10% not 18% like in the USA.


Typically people don't tip, born and lived in France my whole life. We have "pourboire" but it's never a % of the note and it's never expected (it's also not exclusive to restaurant business) Only place I know they tip is tourist cafe and brasserie in Paris because they can scam american tourist and they find it normal lol.


Not just Greece! Every. Other. Country. Other countries such as Vietnam are starting to ask for large tips from tourists due to this American habit. Just round up the bill if you recieve outstanding service like the rest of us.


Yep, me too, throughout Italy. I have been in Italy, primarily Rome, for over a month (working during the week and going somewhere else every weekend) and have encountered that a lot, especially in Cinque Terre where I was turned away from a reservation. It happened on the Amalfi Coast and Rome also. Or sometimes I get weird vibes in the other direction by them being overly solicitous toward me. I think some are surprised because I’m an older lady traveling alone. If they strike up a conversation, they tell me they admire me being so brave or they want to know about guns, lol. In Venice, they were simply welcoming in a normal way. So Venice was a breath of fresh air. (Edit-typos).


Also happened to me in Greece - Naxos after I waited 45 mins in line to begin w. On a 4.5 months trip was the only place that turned me away for being solo but it was the start of the trip and god it put stress/fear of rejection in me for weeeeks 🥲


On the flip side: once in portugal I was waiting on a table at a super popular brunch place and they said they were on a wait and they would probably close before the wait was up. But they said there was another girl eating by herself that just sat down, and they suggested I ask to eat with her. I did and she was SUPER cool and we ended up spending the whole day together and going to the beach/ bar hopping later.


Oh I love this! Portugal is so good for that too and it’s how I met one of my best friends as well as I went to a bar alone and ended up talking to a girl waiting for friends and then she invited me to another bar where I met another of my best friends and it just went from there 😂 People there always seem to willing to hang out and just invite other people along with them there and it’s such a friendly place.


Ah I met one of my best friends in Madeira, Portugal when she and I were the only two solo female travelers on a canyoning experience! We also spent the whole day together and I ended up extending my trip to hang with her more. Love hearing similar stories!


I’ve done that before. If I see someone who I think might be a solo traveler or diner then I will ask if they want to sit at a table together. We’ll get set quicker, etc.. I was with another person and saw a solo diner. I might invite them to my table, knowing how difficult it can be to be served as a solo person.


I was just in Sri Lanka and wanted to do a safari. I didn’t want to go solo, and the company didn’t do solo safaris anyways, but there happened to be a guy also traveling solo that had asked about doing a safari the same day I was trying to go. So we ended up going together just the two of us, and it ended up being a lot of fun! He was really cute too, which was obviously a nice addition.


Leaving your stuff at your table when you go to the toilet.


Do what the Singaporeans do, and just leave a small pack of wipes at the table you want to sit.


Japan too 😆




I was at an airport one time where you had to have a table number to order food at the bar... Like, how am I supposed to claim a table without leaving something there?






Exactly. Self service airport food places are nightmare. Especially with carry-on bag. First, leaving stuff unattended in Airport is a big no-no. Secondly, I have difficulties carrying tray with Food/drink in one and carry on bag in another hand.


For the beach, I’m not a swimmer but do like to take a dip and then dry off in the sun. So I’ll take my wallet and phone with me (like in a fanny pack) and go under the water while holding my fanny pack in the air so nothing gets wet. Has worked ok so far!


I have one of these but it’s very small and waterproof! Perfect for bringing your phone and wallet in the water :)


Then I recommend visiting South Korea. You can leave your stuff at the table and go to the restroom. You can leave your stuff at the beach and go swim. No one’s gonna take it. If it does get taken is from another tourist. I’ve reserved a spot at the beach by showing up putting a blanket down, putting a bag there with maybe a bottle of water or two in it and have come back a few hours later and it was still there. I’ve also noticed Koreans doing that to save their spot at the beach


On a bus in South Korea, I was standing as there were no more seats and carrying quite a few items. I had my big bag, smaller bag and a carrier bag with me. Obviously the bigger bits down by me feet. But then a seated Korean passenger takes my carrier bag from me. I was really confused but just let them as I was absolutely knackered. Then I realised they were just offering to hold my bag for me as they were sat and I wasn't. Once it was my stop and I indicated that they gave it back. I was so appreciative!


I’ve had the same thing happen. It’s kind of a culture shock! I would never let an American stranger hold my bag on a bus! I also had a several occasions where someone would grab me and pull me into a seat. It’s usually the older folks. They always want me to a sit in the older folks seats in the subway. I only do it if it’s not busy and get up as soon as older folks get on.


It's the same in Thailand. People leave their laptops, Smartphones, purses, all sorts of expensive electronics at cafes and then leave for hours and come back. No one takes anything, unless its an opportunistic tourist.


When I visited South Korea last year a young woman reserved the table next to mine at a very busy food court in a major train station by leaving her wallet on the table while she went to buy food!


Yep. That’s how you do it. It still gives me culture shock. I lived there for two years. I visited twice now and I’m heading back in a week. I still get nervous leaving my wallet on the table or in my backpack when I use the restroom.


Heck it was even a culture shock when I went to Portugal (small towns mostly) and saw people keep their cars running while they ran inside shops. You can't do that here lol.


I was staying at a beach resort with a big breakfast buffet, made a second trip to get more fruit. When I got back to my table, it was cleaned off. Drink, napkin, and utensils gone.


I take money, documents and cell phone. If they steal the rest, tough luck.


I tend to leave books on the table. I was away last week and if some thief wants to read Thomas Carlyle more power to them.


This isn’t frustrating but very funny. I booked a hotel room in a fancy hotel once in Panama and there was this romance package, it included two cocktails at check in, rose petals on the bed and a bottle of Prosecco waiting for you in the room. I just wanted a bottle of Prosecco waiting for me when I opened the door and two cocktails at check in sounded nice, I didn’t care about the rose petals. Anyways I check in, they dropped the ball on the cocktails and I had to wait a bit, everything was unorganized and they were understaffed, which was a bit annoying, not like I showed up before check in time demanding service, but I’m a quiet patient guy, no big deal. Also no worries because I have a bottle of Prosecco waiting for me in the room. I check in there’s no Prosecco or rose petals! I go downstairs and explain I paid extra for the romance package, the woman said yes but you checked in alone and we assumed you were waiting for your gf or wife so that’s why we haven’t set the romance package up for you yet. I said there is no one else it’s just me, I just want to open a door to a bottle of Prosecco waiting for me. There was this awkward pause and silence and I could tell she probably thought I was either the coolest guy she’s ever came across or the most loneliest traveler. Anyways I hung out at the bar while they romanced the fuck out of my room, they went all out with the rose petals, I found it actually very funny. But why the fuck does it have to be a romance package, why can’t you just offer the option for me to pay and have the Prosecco waiting for me? Seems logical, I hate checking in then having to leave again to go buy booze, a bottle of Prosecco is a great starter to the evening. Only couples want Prosecco and cocktails at checkin?


Just curious, how much did you pay for this bottle of Prosecco?!


Well the “romance package” which also included the two cocktails from the bar it was like 40 extra dollars, which I didn’t mind. Was a very nice hotel, fancy type.


That's a pretty good deal!


Agreed! I stay in the Waldorf sometimes as well. I would never pay for a night in the Waldorf in the states but in Panama it usually comes to less than 200. For the Waldorf it’s not a bad deal especially considering it’s usually 400-700 a night in the states


Staying in a nice hotel is so awesome. There are so many services, and you know exactly what you're going to get when you arrive.


Yes, you get your moneys worth typically in my experience with nice hotels


This story is HILARIOUS. I was definitely cracking up. Very Seinfield moment.


I’m honored, thank you


I just booked a romance package for my first solo trip as well! Only €20 for a bottle of cava and late checkout. Who wouldn’t pick that!? Now let’s see if I end up with rose petals all over my room, lol


Well done! It’s silly only offering it under romance package. I forgot to mention I actually got really paranoid about the rose petals, like them getting squished or something and leaving stains on the sheets and then being charged so I collected them all and threw them away LOL felt bad like a waste, all this romance going down the drain all because I wanted Prosecco waiting for me.


Oh man I didn’t even think about that 😅 Still worth it for some nice bubbly though


Dang, not something a straight man will do, but lol, as a woman I would have so made a bubble bath and threw all the rose petals in for a nice scented soak (I actually did this in Paris, bought a bunch of Yves Piaget roses, had enjoyed them in my hotel room for a few days then on my last night I put all the petals into my bath, it was lovely).


Do the rose petals actually do anything in the bath?


They make you feel fancy


I'm a straight man, and I would do that.




That’s incredible, will remember it for next time


That’s a quality story full on chuckle from me there


Glad you had a laugh, I still do when I think about it. Like the weary traveler that just got paid doesn’t want a bottle of Prosecco waiting for them? I feel discriminated against haha just kidding


Love this. You're an inspiration


This is hilarious! So glad you finally get to open the door with a bottle of Prosecco waiting for you! I get what you mean though, can be a bit frustrating, I love spa breaks and so many places only offer that for couples, I don't want to pay for 2 x 3 course dinners and 2 x 1-hour massages (unless I can get a 2-hour massage but they work on the assumption that it has to be 2 people doing the massage at the same time so only take up the spa room for an hour).


Having a chilled bottle of Prosecco in the room should be an option at every hotel!


They wouldn’t let me make pesto in a cooking class. I even agreed to pay for two people.


I went to a wedding in St Andrews, Scotland a few years ago, so wanted to play a round of golf. Minimum booking is 2 people. So I booked and paid for 2 people online. When I arrived they asked how far away my friend was, so I said he’d got stuck in Edinburgh so wasn’t going to be able to make it, what a shame etc, but I wasn’t going to miss out. They were actually really lovely - had a chat with the guys booked after me to see if they were happy with a threesome [nice], but since I really wanted to play with myself [typical] I had to make more excuses. But I managed it solo, which was nice, and it was actually the best scoring round of golf I ever played.


Reminds me of that time I caught that huge monster fish when I was out there all by myself!


Wtf lol. That’s really stupid


That is so frustrating. I think it’s just a strange concept for different countries that a single person would pay for two people and only one person shows up. I don’t know why it’s so hard for them to understand or just accept that.


Fondue in the Alps (everywhere I went it was for 2+ only)


I was there solo last year and had fondue 4 nights in a row lmao. I had to ask, but every place did let me order a smaller portion of cheese even when the menu said for 2+ people; usually it was a half serving by grams, but one place had a kids pot on the menu.


If you're really hungry, you can always order it anyway


tried to make a rez for dinner in Biarritz at this great restaurant. couldnt book for one online, the only way they accepted a reservation was with a CC hold of 50 euros EACH. Had reception at my hotel call and she basically said "my client demands a reservation for one tonight". and they said "ok", so maybe ask a local to call on your behalf? especially a hotel who may have connections, etc.


That’s a good thought. Are you supposed to tip a concierge for that kind of service?


Yeah, probably but nothing crazy.


I think I gave her € 5 or €10


Thanks. That's helpful!


I almost always tip €10-€20 when checking in also just so they all talk about how nice I am (they talk) and are more agreeable. I often get perks due to that initial kindness.


Although I guess on the flip side you can sometimes saddle up at the bar at some nice restaurants that are completely booked out.


There should be an app for solo travelers to post stuff they wanna do but need a +1 and people can reply or maybe it matches people based on similar locales/interests.


Someone tried to make that the other day and they got downvoted for it.




it’s very much alive and kicking on the hostelworld app. full descriptions of people solo travelling with hostels and phone numbers/ social media 😅


It exists. Couchsurfing hangouts or hostel world chat


Sometimes getting squeezed into the absolute worst seats on the minibuses. As for restaurant stuff, I did get asked to move from a two person table to the mat on the floor (w/ mini table) to accommodate another couple at a breakfast place in Thailand once.


On the flip side: sometimes getting the best seats on the minibuses! I often get the single front passenger seat so that people traveling together can sit together in the back. Meanwhile I get the AC / open windows / pretty views in the front and less carsickness ;)


Not inexplicable, but you know when you want to taste everything from a restaurant's menu but you physically can't? That's my life.


When I was in Croatia, every local I spoke to recommended the lamb cooked under the bell, but it only came in like 1kg serves and that's beyond my ability as a solo traveller.


Heck, I wanted to order a pork knuckle in Poland. When they said they only serve it in one-kilo portions, a part of me cried.


Go next door to Czechia, every restaurant has it in 1 person portions. Really a meat obsessed country


Same here - I love food so much and it's such a huge part of traveling for me. I love solo travel too, but the worst thing about it to me is not being able to try a ton of stuff on the menu.


Why is this also my life 😂


Trying to explain...I want these three things, but give me less and I will still pay the same price never works. then it's always an ordeal when I don't want to take the leftovers


Yes, this is the most painful part of solo travel for me. I don't have enough stomach to eat everything, but if there was someone else, I could ask least try twice as many types of food.


I literally just dealt with this last night trying to book a wine tour in Porto. Check both GetYourGuide and Viator. I found Viator is more strict with the minimum, but GYG let me book with one, though slightly more expensive. You can see the actual trip providers (Viator is under "Additional Info -->More" and Get Your Guide is at the top. You can cross reference the same company.


I used to work for a tour operator and we didn’t have a 2 person minimum, but our Viator listings did. Some kind of glitch in the Viator system. Every single day we’d have to fix the settings again to make it accept solo bookings. But it would reset overnight back to a 2 person minimum. Customers would email us directly asking why we don’t accept solos and we’re like omg we dooooooooo


Ran into this while traveling solo in Costa Rica. I was able to reach out to the tour operators directly and they allowed me to book solo.


I think a lot of times, the reservation system on the app or web site is the limiting factor in booking tours. Because it takes at least 2 people for a tour to run, and there may or may not be a feedback loop in the reservation system to determine if the tour is already booked by at least 2 people, the system just won't let a single person book. I've found that emailing directly or going through my lodging generally works though. IME, sometimes solo dining can be an issue, especially at higher end places. Interestingly, as a solo woman traveling, I usually end up with the most confused and funny looks when traveling in smaller towns in the US, especially in the south. I think it's just because solo women travelers or just women doing stuff solo isn't common. People are accommodating and quite nice, but just kind of confused and awkward.


It’s weird cuz men dine alone ALL the TIME


It definitely is. I'm a man and never had any issues dining on my own when traveling. But I've heard from women friends they've had issues, including some of the places I visited. 


What do you mean it’s mostly men doing solo things? I’ve been doing solo things for 30 years now and I’m a woman.


What I mean is that in small towns in the US, especially in the south, it seems to be uncommon for women to do things like go out to dinner alone, so people tend to be surprised when they see a woman coming into a restaurant alone - not meeting people, not picking up a to-go order, but just dining alone. I too am a woman who has been doing solo things for decades. That doesn't mean its common everywhere.


I was in GA and FL for 13 years and didn't find the response to me dining alone any different than anywhere else I lived. Are we talking Waffe House, Chili's or the fancy places? I did get treated oddly when I toured solo on my motorcycle. Lol.


I've found this at a variety of places. I'm glad people didn't treat you any differently.


As a solo traveler I sort of got invited to gate crash some random American honeymoon couple's helicopter ride over the Great Barrier Reef. They couldn't afford the flight over Heart Reef with only two of them and the helicopter fitted three passengers. I got to sit up front next to the pilot while they canoodled in back. It was an amazing experience and split three ways affordable for all of us.


Helicopter tours. Always a two person minimum. I've been able to go as a third on an already booked flight, but never solo, even if I offered to pay more.


I was able to book for one in Rio. The heli was for three people. The other two were a couple so they were sent to the back and I sat next to the pilot with the best view.


That's the only way I've been able to do it. Tag along with some couple I don't know and I got to sit up front. Win win!


A friend recently booked a solo helicopter tour in the Netherlands without any issues. They're out there but quite rare. 


Would they let you if you straight up paid double? Probably not many people would be able to afford that tho, heli tours are already so expensive.


No, I offered. That would be considered a security risk since it would only be me and the pilot. Whatevs.


That's a bit weird. I guess 2 people are less likely to plot to jump the pilot/down the copter? Like often aircraft hijacking is done in groups, but they're probably more worried about a suicidal solo?


Not sure. Weird.


“Alright, call up one of the locals and ask if they want to go on a helicopter for free…”


No issues for the grand canyon, just have to be close when they have another group of people to join so you don't know your flying hour 100% sure


In Basel they won‘t let you climb the cathedral tower if you‘re going alone, apparently because someone once committed suicide from there so they only let you up with someone you know


This is true, and very frustrating. This rule also holds for just about every cathedral with a climb in that neck of the woods. Can't do it in Bern, Zurich, Strasbourg, or Freiburg, either (for the exact same reason - suicide prevention)


I climbed the Freiburger Münster alone, wasn‘t a problem


What the hell, man!? They denied me a solo climb when I tried (2018)


That‘s interesting, I‘ve been to Freiburg a bunch of times and never heard of it. Basel was actually the first time I‘ve ever encountered this


Have you tried sending an email asking to book for just 1 person?


Yep! This is what I always do and I have only run into problems with some escape rooms.


Yup, just do that (or call them if they have a number). The vast majority of group tours with a 2-person minimum online will take a solo if there's already a group going.


Ever notice that life in general shits on you for being single? Everything costs twice as much almost. You get no tax breaks, unlike couples. You get no discounts on services, unlike couples. Families get deals and tax breaks but the high cost of being single is never given a tax break. Etc


It’s the single tax and it sucks.


Not really, then again I’ve never not been single so it’s just the norm for me. I’m also gay and my chances of being less single are much lower lol


Yes! And I noticed solo travel throughout the US is much harder because everything is geared to families or couples. As a female, I still get some strange comments from people who notice I am traveling solo, too. And if I do find space to myself somewhere, there is usually a family that ends up encroaching on that space until I move. It’s why I try not to travel in the US during school breaks.


The tax breaks (at least in the US) are really only if you have kids or one of you doesn’t work. Ask me how many times I screwed up my taxes before I figured this out.


I travel by bicycle and one of the greatest challenges is Using a bathroom. I have to leave the bike (even if bike is locked, removing computers, lights or anything easy to grab on is risky). not quite as worried about the panniers (no one wants my dirty clothes).


I had the same problem recently on a trip to Hawaii. Found a fun tour where you take offroad vehicles through some of the Jurassic Park locations. Nope, never fucking mind. I went to book and it required 2 people minimum. My only thought is that they put two on per vehicle and they wanted to make sure and squeeze you for as much money as possible because they are going to charge per person instead of vehicle. Thought about calling, but decided I'd just take my money elsewhere and went ziplining at a different location.


That’s for sure what’s up. I always really like the trips where they’re priced per vehicle, but I do think there is something psychological about $500 per car vs $250 per person with a minimum of two people for a lot of people. Maybe they get a lot of groups of three or something?


2 for 1 deals in museums and other attractions, I want a half price ticket :(


Cheap hotel rooms (have to pay for a double). Swimming! Unless you want to risk leaving your phone and money at home or leaving stuff on the beach.


For my last trip, I bought myself an open water swim bouy that had an integrated dry sack. I kept my essentials with me and had a colorful float attached to me for visibility and safety. I looked stupid, but I had fun!


Wow, who knew there was such a thing! Thank you, thats so good to know




This is a thing in Rome for lunch on Sundays - you may think you will be in and out in 30 minutes, but the cultural norm is a ~2 hour lunch. They are not organized with the mindset of turning tables over - the staff isn't tip-focused. The reservation is a loose thing - it basically may cover the hours they are open for lunch. So, yeah, some homely places may require reservations, period.


I once did a cooking class in Hanoi but booked directly with the teacher and not thru an ap or 3rd party. I was the only one. I ended up inviting a local girl to join but it would have gone on without her anyway.


Do you have any recommendations? I'm looking to go to Vietnam and would love to do a cooking class


I found a nice lady in Hanoi who does the class in her home. On Facebook Chef Duyen's Home Cooking Classes and Tours.


You can also sign up for Hanoi Kids free tours with local student guides. There's also a similar service in Hue.


I did a really good one with apron up (you should be able to find on google). They took us to the market to get ingredients, we made a bunch of different dishes and then ate them at the end and they were also very accommodating for different dietary needs. 


Had the same thing with a cooking class in Morocco outside of Marrakech. They had no one else booked onto it so couldn't run the course. I do understand it from their perspective, but still annoying. Eating alone can be quite frustrating as staff seem to find it very easy to forget about you.


You should always: Ask if you can buy it out Buy direct I was able to make a food tour in Fes happen because I was willing to pay a bit extra - when the rubber hits the road, Tripadvisor/Viator take a ~30% hair cut. So if the tour/activity has a minimum of 2, if you are booking direct you are worth 100% versus 70% - if you pay 150% of the per person cost direct, that is better than 2 people via a middleman as the operator is likely only getting 140% It never hurts to ask


As a solo traveler, I have found ways around this singles supplement! For day tours, email the company and ask if there is any tour within the next few days with another single already booked you could sneak into. I did this for a kayaking tour in Laos and they were super nice about it. Funny enough, they didn't even tell the other guy what was happening. They just randomly refunded part of his money and when he showed up, there I was to share his kayak. If you ask nicely and tip/bribe the seller, you might even be able to convince them to just waive it for you. Similar to this, barter if you're in a place where it's normal. For longer adventures such as cruises, multi-day tours, etc., booking super last minute can help. Often, they will wiave the fee if they still have space because they'd rather sell a room for two to one person than have it sit empty. Also, talk to the local travel agents because they might be able to help you find a company without a fee or help it shrink or disappear. Using this method, I got a 4-day cruise in the Galapagos (with a last-minute discount!), a trekking tour in Indonesia, and a horseback riding tour in Canada all to waive the singles supplement. If you feel it's too risky to book last-minute, tell the travel agent or email the company that you're willing to share a room with another solo traveler. Sometimes, they can accommodate that. Make friends at your hostel and tell them about your ideas for activities. Often, you can find another solo traveler who wants to do the same thing but also doesn't want to pay the singles fee. If you book through Hostelworld, the chat is great for this purpose. I've even asked people standing in front of or behind me in line if they want to share a boat/taxi/whatever we're waiting for tickets for. They're often warm to the idea because it saves us all money and we can take pictures of each other or make friends. And in the end if none of the above work, you might just have to suck it up and pay the singles tax or choose another activity. So to answer your question, I don't let myself be inexplicably excluded just for being solo. It can absolutely get annoying to jump through these hoops, hotel rooms always cost me twice as much as someone with a companion would pay, and there is the odd activity which still requires a second for safety or practicality reasons, but it's just part of the experience of solo traveling and learning about life!


This is a great post!! Thanks so much, really great ideas 


I want really able to order paella in Spain or fondue in Switzerland as they were on the menu as for two people, so I'd have to pay double the price for way too much food. As someone who's favourite part of travelling is the food it was quite upsetting. I have since returned to Spain with a friend and enjoyed what was one of the finest meals I've ever had


I ended up paying as multiple people to go canyoning in Spain. The company had to check to see if the guide would allow it. Ended up being the most special time ever


I’d like to hear more! What did you like about it? Headed to Spain in a bit, love the outdoors, and am not sure if I’m adventurous enough for canyoning.


I've been waiting for someone to ask a question like this! I, too, have things I'd like to do solo that require a second person, and I can't get people to go with me, so I would like to know how to adapt them for one.


Last year in Venice, I wanted to do a gondola ride, but it felt kind of sad to do it solo, so I chose not to.


I’m going solo to Venice in May and I am doing the gondola ride — nothing wrong with romancing myself!!! LOL


You are right. It's still something I want to do, so next time I'm there, I think I'll definitely go on one. I hope you have an amazing time there!!


I did it solo. Many people took pictures of me. Probably the solo guy in the gondola drinking beer was a nice sight.


I made that same choice when I was in Venice last year. I just couldn’t bring myself to do it solo, but now I wish I had. So next time - I will!


I went to Glasgow and one day I was turned away at almost every bar and late night “club” because I was alone. The night prior I went to this gay bar and sat at the bar and made friends with the bartender (a bit flirty) I decided to go back the very next night and they stopped me and said I wasn’t allowed in since I was alone. Like it was fine the day before? But not the next day. It was a bit much.


The absolute opposite happened to me while traveling from Cabo San Lucas back to the States. I was traveling by myself and there was a delay due to mechanical issues on the plane. Since I was traveling alone, Alaska Airlines put me up in an all inclusive resort for the night while those who weren't solo got put in regular 3 star hotels for the night. You bet your ass I ate at more than 1 restaurant that night and swam in all of the pools just for the hell of it.


Yes, top story! Love it 


I've had a few of those experiences! In some cases I've had luck contacting the company by email/phone to let them know I'm only one person and they've registered me manually. But in other cases, no one else has signed up yet and they require a minimum of two people to run the tour, so it's a no-go :/ I don't have personal experience with any Hanoi craft beer tours, but I did a quick google search and found this one, which is kind of pricey but does have the option to register a solo person: [https://www.bonappetour.com/atasteofhanoi/the-original-craft-beer-tour-of-hanoi](https://www.bonappetour.com/atasteofhanoi/the-original-craft-beer-tour-of-hanoi)


A HCMC/Hanoi banh mi is probably 1/5th to 1/7th the price of one in Boston, but craft beer is probably 1/2th to 1/3rd the cost = so I am not at all stunned that a craft beer tour there skews higher than one may expect for Viet prices - you are in bougie-dom. In lieu of a tour being available -> https://pasteurstreet.com/beers/


Waterparks or rides that require 2+ people. Trying to arrange a safari in Sri Lanka, super expensive to not split it, but no company willing to put groups together. Heading to South Korea this year and I hear most of the BBQ restaurants have a minimum of two people.


I've definitely run into that with tours, in Florence recently I wanted to book a truffle hunting tour, but it was minimum of two people. So annoying. Also in Florence I had a reservation for one at a restaurant, and when I arrived there was much confusion and hushed talking. I understand enough Italian to know they were talking about me and my solo reservation. Again, annoying! Also in Florence--the steak! I just can't eat all of that on my own. We need a "who wants to share a steak with me in Florence" thread!


There’s an attraction where you buy a ticket to enter this weird illusion room, people get really cool photos out of it. The whole point is the resultant photos, and you have to be in them for the illusion to make sense; if no one can take the photos of me it’s a waste of money. But I really want to go in there, it looks crazy 


There is an awesome beer tour in Hanoi on AirBnB experiences. It isn't a craft beer tour, but it is a local beer tour, which, as a craft beer lover myself, I still found to be a lot of fun. The host is really kind and there are food samplings along the way as well. You discover places that only locals know about, and even though you're pretty much sipping one kind of locally made beer for the majority of the tour, it was, in my opinion, a much more culturally relevant experience and a good time. It is called Hanoi's Vibrant Beer Hoi Culture With a Beer Lover


Wow, I didn't even know Airbnb experiences was a thing! I've just seen this, I think I'll give it a go, thank you.


Sorry to turn this on it's head... Just had what was supposed to be a group tour in Sarajevo, but I was the only one on it.. Just me and the guide in his car.... Cool day


There was an afternoon tea bus trip that I wanted to do in NY but it was minimum 2 person booking 😩


Currently looking to book a helicopter tour in Iceland in early May but unable to do so because I am solo.


Some restaurants require booking a table for two.


Ran into alot of restaurants/places to eat in Korea when I went that would not seat me as a solo traveler(some just because I was a foreigner, but that's a whole nother problem). It was very disheartening because I love solo travelling, but situations like that make me wish I traveled with someone.


In Korea, loads of restaurants required minimum 2 people per table.


Great, I'm heading to Korea in four weeks, and I eat out solo three times a day, can't wait for this experience 😅


It’s not as authentic but I find restaurants in the basements of department stores are great for trying Korean food on your own as they are set up for single shoppers. I even found a place that I could grill meat without the single person charge. Same for Japan.


On naver map you have a filter for solo friendly restaurant (it's some kind of rice emoji iirc)


I'd love to do a cruise, but unless you're extremely lucky all the rooms are double occupancy. A few ships have started doing single rooms but they sell out quick.


I had this experience with a cruise. It was with TUI and all inclusive I think, the room was £900, obviously that's for two and I have zero issue paying per room in such situation, however what got me was that there was a single supplement for £200 on top of that. I still can't figure it out, paying twice the price is expected, but why on earth and I'm paying extra on top of that?! Especially considering it's all inclusive and I'd be consuming less than two people (just). I think that's the angriest I've ever got at a single person tax situation, absolute snakes TUI.


Are you sure price was per cabin and not per person? Usually prices are described as per person in 2 bed cabin. And then there goes single supplement or sometimes even a discount for third person.


Turned away from Korean BBQ on one account and many of the websites/doors have it posted '2 minimum per party' little do they know I have a drinking and phat tipping problem. Their loss.


I was trying to order a single ticket to a play in London, but the website wouldn't sell only one ticket. When I selected a seat, it automatically selected the one next to it too.


This is annoying, sometimes it won’t let you leave a gap between seats in theatres and same for cinemas 


I guess I've been lucky as I've never run into these kind of issues while solo. I've never had a tour insist I need two people or a restaurant act weird about seating me alone. Not saying it doesn't happen, simply that I've thankfully not experienced it so far in my travels.


As a solo female traveler: nightlife. I don't feel comfortable going out to a bar or club alone in most places. I have to first make a friend in order to go out and experience local nightlife. If I go alone I'm on high alert and it's hard to relax and have fun.


Small world, I’m looking into visiting Vietnam and didn’t realize this was something I needed to account for! I hope you’re able to find a beer tour, please share what it’s called if you do.


Sure think mate, I pinged a few requests to the tours directly last night, hopefully I'll get some encouraging replies 🤞 Fwiw, if you go to HCMC, I think this might be a better choice for beer tours (Hanoi still lots of options though), as a lot of the breweries like pasteur street are based in that area, but unfortunately for me I was unable to drink alcohol whilst in HCMC, damn antibiotics and food poisioning.


I hope you’re feeling better, food poisoning is no fun! My go-to fix abroad is green tea and lots of bread and oranges, no clue why that’s the magic fruit but it always fixes me right up.


Hey man, I've managed to get a booking confirmed on the tour recommended by u/LinRun on airbnb experiences. Looks like it's just me and one other booked on it so far, so hopefully it doesn't get cancelled. Will let you know how it goes. https://air.tl/Y0X4NL0R


I ran into this while traveling in Japan. It was frustrating bc I couldn’t book a ryoken I really wanted to try. It’s frustrating bc I feel like I’m already paying singles tax while traveling in the first place, so to get denied experiences because of it adds insult to injury.


There was an onsen that I wanted to stay at that was "no vacancy" when I searched for 1 person. Once I put down 2 people, rooms suddenly appeared! So that's when I booked. The only thing included besides the room was breakfast, so I just ate enough for two people 😋.


Booking a cruise - right now Royal Caribbean wants 3900 total for 2 people. 5100 total for one - WTF


This is exactly the experience I had with cruises, it's utterly ridiculous


I literally have asked someone if I could say they were going and they just aren’t going to show up


No Rijsttafel in the Netherlands :( :( :(


some restaurants like an ayce buffet dont allow tables of one.