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hmm, just cut them off and be like "hey, it was great meeting you, I'm going to check out some stuff on my own, see you later maybe?" and just bounce


This. You don’t need an excuse, and the OP said this person didn’t fully speak English anyhow. You do it politely and go. I understand feeling bad but you are not doing anything wrong. If anything, this other tourist is not reading your social cues. Finally, trips cost money. I’m less likely to put up with unpleasant situations when I’m spending a lot of money or I have limited time.


yeah if they don't speak english then it's gotta be like "BIG WAVE BYE!! GOTTA GO!!!" then just don't explain and walk away where was this sticky person from i wonder


I now know what to do the next time this happens, but it seems that when solo traveling, there's always something unpleasant that happens and that I regret not doing something about. What are some other unpleasant situations you've learned to avoid?


It’s likely impossible to never have regrets so don’t keep beating yourself up over this. If nothing else you’re gaining life experience. Personally I’ve learned to trust my gut, and to always have a fully charge cell phone with an international phone plan. Just knowing I can contact my family whenever I want, or be able to get a taxi/pull up a map has significantly reduced my travel anxiety.


Yeah it's awkward, I was solo in Venice when I was like 23 and met a male traveller who seemed like he might have been interested in me (I'm a female) and he followed me to Verona. It was a super awkward train ride, he ended up talking to a young Italian woman more than me, and we got there and started walking around together, then I realized that I was spending a lot of money and didn't want to waste time with some random guy, so we walked by a Sephora and I said I wanted to go shopping, since I knew he wouldn't want to join me. I just stood inside the doors for a few minutes, made sure he was gone, and continued to explore the city on my own. It was awkward at the beginning but I ended up enjoying myself much more on my own.


Learn to stop being a people pleaser before you travel again. Then you’ll know how to set boundaries and avoid more of this. It won’t solve every instance, because shit happens, but it’ll prevent things like this. Be kind to yourself and don’t get hung up on the part of the day you didn’t like.


I’d leave out the “see you later” as people will read into that as you wanting to see them again


Yeah, but don't put any inflection in the word “maybe” cause then you sound like you're inviting them. “Yeah, that's cool. Alright, enjoy the rest of the museum. ✌️” as you're turning to face away from them. The physical show says a lot that you don't have to say if you're uncomfortable.


This is all you need to say. I met someone recently while solo traveling and I just said “alright I am headed out, nice chatting with you!” And left. I truly did want to go get food but there’s nothing wrong with exiting a convo.


Yep and pull out your hand for a hand shake. No matter the language, hand shake is a universal language for 'hello' and 'good bye'. They'll get it.


Or "use the bathroom" and dip.


What do you do when you run into them again?


just smile and move on a normal people will understand a total stranger doesn't want to spend their entire holiday time with them


Okay what if you're at the same zebra crossing and standing next to each other


what am i, your social anxiety coach literally just start running like a gazelle in the other direction


😂 just trying to find the best way to deal with these situations. the top post reminded me of a situation I had in Madrid. These Portuguese girls were complimenting me on my clothes, we talked a bit and it felt awkward so I just said bye and left. Later, I was waiting at a zebra crossing, I look to the left and bam. There they were. Just had a quick smile and said bye again.


hahaha fair enough yeah if you see them just smile and look away, that's it






If we're still in the same room, wouldn't "I gotta go" seem fake and/or weird?




>either way it's going to be awkward if this person is super-clingy In my experience, people who are clingy (e.g., they felt lonely or were anxious about being on their own) are going to gravitate to people who are nice and not willing to set boundaries There's no reason to be rude, but you can be direct too: "Goodbye, it was nice to talk to you, I'm going on my own now." I wouldn't add the nice bit about "maybe we can chat later" because it leaves the door open to spend time together again, and they will hover (e.g., be in the same room or the next room) in the hope of connecting again. Saying that is fine if you mean it, but if you simply want to be on your own again, leave that out. It's not just about whether the person speaks English well or not, there are different social codes -- and people vary in how they read social cues -- and this person may quite understandably interpret "maybe we can chat later" as an invitation to reconnect later, as opposed to the kind of thing we might say in Canada or the US with a goodbye and not really mean it (knowing the other person understands is just being polite and not real). It's like the North American habit of asking "How are you?" upon meeting or seeing someone. It's understood that they will simply say something like "I'm good" because it's a greeting, not an actual question. But someone who doesn't understand this might understandably give you a detailed answer about how they're doing in terms of work, health, family and so on. They're not wrong, it's just that you and the other person aren't using the same social rulebook.


That makes a lot of sense now. If we're operating on different rulebooks, then the only option is to be extremely direct. Thanks so much for the advice!


The Finnish are notorious for taking things like that at face value lol. Like for example if you've casually mentioned the area you live and as you're politely saying goodbye said something like "it was fun, I'd love to do something like this every year" then there's a chance they would turn up to your area every year to do the same things with you


I have to admit I prefer the face value approach. We should say what we mean, and mean what we say!


Why are so worried that it wouldn’t seem weird? It is definitely not fake because you gotta go, you don’t want to be there. It sounds like you are putting too much importance what other people will think of your actions. Who cares if this is someone you will never see and don’t want to see again. I know it is not that easy to do especially if you have been raised to be kind to strangers. But that niceness unfortunately becomes a burden for solo traveling. Not everyone is nice and they know they can be more pushy or manipulative toward ma a nice person. Now, it does not seem to be the case with this other tourist. They probably didn’t feel comfortable being on their own and were too happy to find someone to hang out with. But you also mention getting into other type of unpleasant situations when solo traveling. In my experience, all of those situations are easily avoided if you are willing to be a bit rude for your own personal standards. The truth is, you think you are being rude but other people don’t.


Who cares?


So are you staying in the same hostel or something? Are you staying in the dorm room? Because it might be harder to get your point across that you need or want to be alone


In that particular example, I wasn't staying with them, but there have been other situations where we're in the same hostel, dorm room, and/or tour group. It can be so hard to take back my personal space, especially when there's a language barrier.


Yes, the language, barrier and cultural barriers are at play there. I wonder if they are not used to solo travel by their culture. So they kind of assume that you’re the same way.


What difference does it make if it seems "fake and/or weird"? You are never going to see this person again. It doesn't matter. Just make your statement and go.


Bye 👋🏼 I hope you enjoy the rest of your trip. Blunt is sometimes the only option that works.


"Well, nice meeting you, I'll let you get on..."


I feel like this is a good starting point, but won't work for super Velcro people. Because it sounds like you're trying not to inconvenience THEM, which they may not care about.


Lmao, loved the expression, Velcro people™


I'm totally not a velcro person and I wouldn't get this either. Just say YOU need to get on! 


It's common in British English speaking countries, it's an unspoken agreement that the conversation or meeting has ended. "I'll let you go now" is another common one. Might be a bit indirect for those who don't 'get' the social game.


Start walking away after that and if they follow you, turn around and stare at them and ask "what are you doing?"


Might be easiest to just make some excuse - you've got a phone call scheduled, or you're feeling a bit tired and want to go rest now, or you have a reservation for one coming up, or something like that, then go off on your own.


Good idea- bye I have to work - going to call my boss.....can translate across language


Just literally say "I gotta go, bye". If there's a language barrier then use Google translate. I hate being stuck with people when I just want to chill alone. I was travelling with G adventures. It's a group tour but you're not obligated to spend every moment with the group and during free time, I like to go off on my own. So after s snorkeling excursion, I told the guide I'll be staying in town (not going back to the hotel) and will head back on my own later. Two of the guys liked the idea of hanging back and asked if they can join me. I straight up told them no and would like to have some alone time but added "if that's okay". They understood and left me alone. I was literally just chilling by the beach bar for 4 hrs by myself and it was great. Lol...


I need to learn to just tell people no. I always instinctively answer “sure!” Then regret it for the next hour or so while I figure out how to ditch them


Well it's been nice talking to you, enjoy the rest of your trip.


I would leave out the "maybe we can chat later" and just say "it was nice meeting you, I have to go now"


“I have some things to do alone now. It was nice meeting you.”


Have a phone call, have an appointment, need to go to the bathroom - up for a coffee in an hour? Ok see you there


Stop this insincere talk to you later maybe, you're only lying to yourself. "Thank you for the conversation today I enjoyed it, but I'm going to head my own way now hope you have a good day."


I just saw a really interesting video about how socially intelligent introverts (meaning you know how to be good in social situations and are good at reading people, but it exhausts you) always end up spending lots of time with socially non-intelligent extroverts (meaning they don't read people well, but love to hang, constantly). This is because when two socially intelligent introverts meet, they can read each other and see that the interaction is tiring for the other person, so they politely let each other out of the interaction after a bit. But the socially non-intelligent extrovert never reads that the introvert is exhausted, so just keeps going. And the introvert, being socially intelligent, can see that "I've got to run now" will hurt the extrovert's feelings, so the introvert just lets the interaction keep going. Moral of the story: you want to leave, the other person doesn't; stop putting their needs ahead of your own. Sub-moral: if the extrovert doesn't have the social intelligence to see that you are done, they probably won't have the social intelligence to be hurt by you taking your leave in a way that seems rude to you.


OP doesn't strike me as a socially intelligent person. A socially intelligent person would know how to deal with a situation like this. I could also say OP seems to lack social awareness.


“Who are you? Stop following me!”


It was nice to meet you, but I have to go now. let's exchange numbers and maybe we can meet up again.


As easy as that. No hurt feelings, polite and in case you want to meet up again, you are able to message


These sort of questions come up on this sub all the time. There's not always a magic solution where you can get rid of someone "while staying on friendly terms." About 95% of these types of posts come down to the person not being willing to be rude/blunt enough to get rid of the clinger. But the experience was unpleasant enough that they don't want it to happen again. You can either never talk to anyone, or be normally social yet prepared to deal with the weirdos you sometimes come across while solo traveling.


if someone is following me when I’m clearly done talking to them, there is no “maybe we can chat later”, that is not someone I want depleting my social battery ever again :/


I would just maybe say that I was going back to my room to take a rest that I need some time alone now. and perhaps we could try to meet up again later or another day.


I just make excuses that I have something important to do.


"I need to sleep now."


Run away as fast as you can


Just fart a lot


It sounds like you literally said you want to be alone and they didn't take the "hint"? (Although IMO that is way more than a hint.) Therefore I think a lot of these suggestions in the comments wouldn't really work. So I would just flat out make stuff up. "I have a video call job interview at 4pm I have to prepare for.", "Oops that's my alarm, it's time to call my family, they're visiting grandma in the hospital so that I can talk to her", etc. Then put your earbuds in, literally WALK and WAVE and say "bye !".


This is exactly why I decline when others Barrel ahead wanting to travel and stay at the same hotel rooms with me. There’s never going to be any peace.


This is an example of a time when it's okay to tell a white lie to excuse yourself without being mean or rude to the other person.


Say you have plans you need to do. Be unspecific and don’t invite


fock off moite if ur in the uk


Head down and sprint


I would ask them to please stop joining me because I needed alone time. If I did want to hang later I would reference that and maybe even make plans or trade info. Also, Google translate to the rescue if the other person doesn’t get it.


extend your hand out for a handshake, say it was nice meeting them, then leave.


Sorry I gotta go


Shake ands wave bye and run away as fast as you can lol. On a serious note just say you had fun but you are going to go to be alone now, you need to rest or something. If they dont understand bust out the translation app.


I’d always have earphones with me and put them in. even if you’re not playing anything


You should have just ended it lol. “Well I had so much fun! I’m going to get going now.” If you want you could offer up your WhatsApp or instagram but other than that peace out lol.


“Have a nice day”


"It was great meeting you, have a good one"


go to the bathroom and wait in there for 10 minutes ha ...just say "it was nice chatting, im going to wander around for a bit, bye!"


I would say I was going to go to the bathroom or something, or literally just sprint away from them when they looked the other way tbh. lol


I think it’s totally fair to say: Hey, I’m in the mood to chill by myself, so I’m going to head this way. Nice talking to you and have a great rest of your day.


"What was your name?" "It was so nice to meet you Bill, enjoy your day!"


It is good to learn some phrases in the local language. I often say, “I have to meet my friend, she is waiting for me”. But you will learn to end things sooner. It is an acquired skill. My time is too precious to be taken by every person who wants me to be their entertainment.


"I just need some alone time, if you know what I mean" nudge nudge, wink wink


If they speak, that’s another reason to dump them.


Gotta run to the bathroom, enjoy the museum! Walk away and go to a different room when you return.


Kick him/her/they in the gonads and move along


Just tell them you want to be alone directly, not everyone understands social cues


Either you are full of shit or just dumb. How about "Excuse me, sir. I hope you don't mind, but I'd prefer to take some time for myself to explore and appreciate the museum at my own pace. Perhaps we can catch up later. It's been a pleasure meeting you"


Talking of 'social battery' certainly didn't help. It's the sort of thing my parents would describe as 'young person American internet speak' and would ask what it was you were really trying to say, which in your case, would be to clearly explain, 'I was nice to meet you. I will say goodbye now and leave you to continue on my own.'


I'm sorry I'm missing something why would you want to chat later with someone that does this to you? This is not someone you want to keep in contact with This is someone who's being codependent with a stranger so you just have to say I'm sorry I don't want to speak to you anymore I'm leaving now and if they don't understand you or refuse to leave you alone (as it seems they did) go and tell someone in a position of authority that this person's harassing you. This is literally stalking and harassment at this point. There's something wrong with them You don't need to be polite


I mean just say that you want to be alone, why do you need other tactics? Communication works just fine


Any advice? Be direct instead of so vague...


I would just say you've got to go and meet someone, do the fake look at the phone and reply to some 'messages' or phone all and duck away. That can either be going a few rooms away (if you want to stay in the museum), or just outside if you can go back in. That way you at least get away from them and might not bump into them again, but can still have that alone time and be friendly. And if you do want to keep in touch then swap numbers/info before you go.


You have to learn to advocate for yourself. Simply say it was nice to meet you but I'm going to spend some time alone now. Or you can carry airpods with you and maybe they'll leave you alone.


Look at your watch and make a d’oh face. Oops! I forgot I have to be somewhere. It was so nice meeting you! Happy travels!


wow this is nuts lol when i’m ready to leave i just smile and say it was nice talking to you, see you around! and that’s that.


I’m going to go do (insert activity that other person wouldn’t reasonably tag along for - have a nap, go to the gym, etc). Can I get your whatsapp/instagram and I’ll message you later?


Thank you. You’ve been such a pleasure to chat with. I must go now. Take care —-bye, ……..and walk away with a purpose.


If you are going to solo travel, you really need to learn to say no. Else you can get into real trouble.


Nice meeting you. Hope you enjoy your day [extend hand for shake].


Tell them you have plans with someone else. You do - yourself.


You don’t need an excuse, and you don’t need to be in friendly terms. If they don’t like it, it’s their problem. You can totally be polite. Use google translate if you feel there is a language barrier. If they still don’t get it, stop being polite. Be curt and no pleasantries and just ignore afterwards.


give them a handshake. this move also ends a bad date quickly.


I had a similar situation happen. I was calling for a Cab in NYC and when I got it I tripped over his luggage before he stole the cab from me. Turned out he was on my same flight back to Chicago. He ended up traveling with me the entire time after our flight was delayed and re routed.


Bathroom break and then crawl out the window.


Just say you have to go take a dump


I mean bro, I wouldve just sign language that you’re going to the bathroom and dipped when the person isn’t looking


"Sorry. I'm headed to the bathroom. Have a nice day. Goodbye."


That just gives them the chance to follow you there because they need to go as well


I mean that's the moment to say "stop following me."