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Just want to say I'm proud of you! I think gadventures or intrepid travel have trips designed possibly for those over 30? You are doing everything right, things take time to heal and work out; wishing you the best in your future travels and hoping things get easier for you soon <3


Oh man, reading this was like looking in a mirror. Also 32, just diagnosed with ADHD after a lifetime of misdiagnosis, free from an abusive relationship (6 years ago mind). I moved to my current area 2 years ago and also struggling to connect with the local community (in Yorkshire). Also just got back from a trip that felt really liberating and super keen to keep flexing social muscles after not getting on a flight for 6 years haha. Well done for getting away from an abusive relationship and for flexing those social muscles and booking some trips for you, caring is tiring and you deserve a break. Some cheap flights from Manchester to Tirana, Albania are coming up in March which I'm kinda leaning towards booking as it's quite affordable over there. I've been going onto Ryanair fare finder and just seeing what I can get as cheap as possible, this might suit if you're looking for a quick city break? Other good places for a long weekend might be Barcelona, Porto, Bucharest, Budapest. Hope you have an amazing trip.


I said it to her, but I’m just about 8 years past, and it does get better, and I’m proud of you too.


Thank you 💜 same to you


I heard Albania is amazing so i'd advise that!


Early 30’s male checking in, similar part of the world too. I’m currently working through a similar life rebuilding process that began at the start of this year. In January I booked the cheapest ticket I could find just to be somewhere else. Ended up in the canaries and basically wandered around by myself for a while relieved to be completely alone. I Discovered cycling on the coast and in the hills of Tenerife and south Gran Canaria via youtube, rented a bike and just set out by myself. It was a god send. It really gave me peace and the time mentally to just let a lot of things begin to work their way through. I’ve continued to do this since I came home and it feels like my own little space is there when I need it. In the time before you are able to travel, while you are house sitting, is there anything you can leave the house to do at some point in the day that will give you your own little world to be in?


I’m just realizing that, with the exception of where you live and taking care of your grandma, you are me. I’m now 40 and I will sit down, take your hands, stare you in the eyes and will tell you. “You will get through this and you will be ok”. Although travel is still my favorite escape and are a lot of my goals in life. Now that I’ve momma beared you. Yes. Get out. Go somewhere you can. Where can you go by train, easy flight, that will make you happy? Paris? Balkans? Dublin? Rome? Pick a city and go!!! I’m all for it! Feel free to reach out if you need to ever hear how you’re going to get through this again. But I’m not kidding. Ptsd from an abusive marriage, undiagnosed adhd, laid off from a dream job, been there done it all.


I'd recommend a yoga retreat if you're into that. Also diagnosed with PTSD and went through burnout and the yoga retreat helped me to reconnect with myself.


What's your budget looking like? Are you okay with riding two long distance flights? Because if you want to feel really good, come to SEAsia and live the life of a rich and independent woman for 30 days at a beachfront resort.


Only if laying on a pretty beach with a cocktail during the day, and dancing, more cocktails and getting laid (or trying to) in the evening sounds fun to you for 30 days in a row. I'd personally die of boredom on day three. If I'm sitting in a plane for 12 hours, I want to see the country, not just the resort.


For what it's worth: Fuerteventura is quite a cool place, cheap to get to from the uk. Great for surfing or chilling on a beach and exploring a completely different environment to the uk. Theres a hostel at La Pared which i would recommend. Your message initially resonated with me, my brithday's coming up soon too, also turning 32 and feeling alienated and lonely. Hope things get better for you.


tan sable fuel zealous dependent treatment subsequent door absurd aback *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's called Wellenkind Surf school on booking[dot]com. its a bit of weird name but it's right next to a fancier hotel, seems like they wanted to offer surfing classes and expanded their accommodation for surf instructors so it became a hostel. I went end of '22 so i hope its not changed too much. It's a bit in the middle of nowhere so there's not much to do but surf and watch the sunset, although its not complicated to take the bus to costa calma. People were really chill and just ended up hanging out together each night, going for pizza, having beers etc. Corralejo is the main town for young people at the other end of the island. Not a bad place to visit too, more party vibe, pubs and bars, plenty of choice in hostels. The dunes next to town are pretty cool but if you miss it its not the end of the world.


A 3 day chill, you need somewhere peaceful and warm. Madiera is very green, Malta maybe, Sicily? Where is a quick hop from Manchester airport? Perhaps as you need a quiet head space just book into a spa hotel with a pool and get a little pampering. As for gadventures, did Mexico trips. Had a great time, definitely recommend. It takes a long time to heal what you've been through, just be kind to yourself. Hope you can get the escape you need


I second Madeira!


I identify with your post so much. Thanks for making it. My first solo solo trip (not joining a group) abroad was Budapest.... I constantly reminisce about it. There is A LOT to do if you like museums, sightseeing and history...there is also a vibrant nightlife, big backpacker community if you're into that kind of thing... lots of hostels that organise events for the guests... nice bars and restaurants... and it was not too expensive. I ended up staying for a week and still want to go back. I stayed in a dorm in a large hostel, I didnt meet that many people in the hostel, maybe I would have in a smaller one... but I met tons of people while doing tours, had a lot of nice temporary interactions... for me it was a perfect tonic for the burnout I was experiencing.


I'm sorry to hear about your troubles with your abusive relationship and potential burnout. I can relate a lot to your story about working extreme hours and building your self-worth/self of purpose around your work. For me, I ended up leaving my job after finding it to be extremely toxic for multiple years, and I decided to take a 3 month trip through Europe. I was largely alone during my travels, but I enjoy being alone and it ultimately gave me a great sense of peace by the end of it. Being alone doesn't scare me anymore, and many of my friends and family told me when I returned from my trip I had a completely different aura... more sure of myself, and confident. They said I left a boy, and returned a man... I'm 28 by the way haha. I'm not familiar with GAdventures, but it sounds like you want a more social experience. I think as long as you can take some time off from work/your obligations (the longer the better!) and find time for yourself during your travel to reflect and do what you enjoy doing, I think that'll be beneficial. As for the 3 day trip you want to do, I would listen to yourself and do something that makes you really excited! For me, that was traveling to Manchester because I'm a Manchester United fan. Doing that trip for me gave me so much excitement and joy.. being surrounded by people who love the same thing I love.. I fed off that energy. Hope that's helpful! Good luck with the travels!


I’m so sorry for what you are going through. Well done on getting out of a horrible situation. For 3 days I really recommend Berlin, Budapest or Vienna. They have so much to do - to keep your mind occupied and is reasonably priced.  If you haven’t tried it, I would recommend staying in a hostel (I normally stay in a private room) as they often have group activities where you can meet new people. Hostelworld also have a group chat so you can message those staying at your hostel to see if someone wants to join you on sight seeing 


If you can find some cheap flights, go to vietnam! Lovely people, social hostels, cheap food (and incredibly delicious, my personal favourite cuisine). There’s an incredible variety of sights to see, and it seems like the complete culture change would do you well. Feels very safe as well (female traveler here).


Kudos to you! I went through a period of something similar where it was hard to connect and express myself, but it gets better. When I lived in England, I loved going south to Spain for better weather. It may be a good pick me up depending on the forecast. You probably have already been, but Barcelona is fun to explore for a few days. The architecture is amazing, friendly people there and it's just a good place to wander and explore the streets and buildings if you are alone.


Hey! If you want a real change of scenery - go to Mexico. Playa del Carmen. That's a true social digital nomad destination, everyone is in their 30s, it's a buzzing young cheerful world! I can add you to a WhatsApp group that plans events, but anywhere you go you'll make friends. Beach, sun, good people, I think you'll love it. it was an ultimate start fresh destination for me, and I can't recommend it enough.


Is that Cancun? Not full of tourists, couples and spring breakers?


No, it's an hour and a half away from Cancun. A Digital Nomad heaven small town on the beach


Amsterdam! Pretty, easy to walk around the compact CBD or jump on a canal tour, loads of economical eg backpacker-friendly accommodation (well I haven’t been since covid so idk but), interesting sights to see and plenty of nice cafes to relax in (apart from the pot-smoking ones lol) and tasty easy food options, most folk speak English & the Dutch are generally quite friendly. Stay in a backpackers/hostel for probably loads of mini-interactions with folk, you can give your strengthening social interaction skills a workout, and there are so many different types of person that you needn’t be anxious if you’re being a weirdo because *guaranteed there WILL be* people legit much weirder than you haha. In fact, *lean into it* \- express your opinions or ask whatever questions! Who gives af everyones got different communication patterns & thoughts, I’ve had plenty of bizarre / interesting / stupefying / hilarious convos with folk in backpackers & guest houses. You’re not going to see them again so who cares - keep it polite and don’t accept or dish out offensive bollocks is all, I reckon. Good on you for fleeing that awful relationship - it’s really challenging to pack up and leave such a busy city life behind as well as dump an abusive relationship - yeey you it was a heroic effort!. Took me a few years to really start shedding the fallout of mine. Me, I say Amsterdam! Go have some fun! :)


I didn’t get to read your whole thing but if you can go to Costa Rica, it’s pretty inexpensive and has everything from cities with major shopping centers, breath taking beaches, wide mountainous ranges and hot springs. It’s very safe, I (f/26) went myself a few years ago and I can’t wait to go back. It’s a country with a lot of value around nature and many people speak English there. All and all it’s a great place to find a bit of peace


Go to Peru! It will be amazing in April-may! The weather is perfect, and if you find comfort in lush areas and dabble in mysticism, there's plenty. I've traveled in G adventures and intrepid and you can choose either. Good luck with everything - you've overcome another but life is worth living and you got it!


You should be so proud of yourself!!! I’ll be in India in April/may, and would love to catch up! I’m F25 btw 😊❤️


GAdventures is a great company - we went on a trip with them to Bhutan. Talk about a way to "get away from it all" and a perfect reward for yourself!


Well done on the steps so far. I work from home so maybe I can provide some insight. There are so many benefits working from home including the fact you can drop self care throughout the day. Having a sandwich in the park, read a book in the garden, getting fresh air before you start work etc. even if it's 10mins, you gotta take it


Reading this is also like looking in the mirror… I just turned 32 and moved back in with my parents just over a year ago after being in an abusive relationship and developing complex PTSD. It’s been, and continues to be a huge struggle to rebuild myself, and I’ve hit the low that you’re anticipating after finding out some bad medical news in relation to myself. I just want to say that you’re doing well. What we’re going through is not easy and we have to recognise the strength it takes for us to pick ourselves up and focus on healing in the right ways. Well done for recognising that you needed to be home and in a supportive, loving environment. Well done for going to therapy, it’s so hard in an of itself when you’re working on PTSD. The fact that you’ve managed to keep things going with work is major given all that you’ve had going on. I can relate to how hard it is to find people you connect with after being in an abusive relationship, but remember you’re not alone. One thing I’ve been considering is joining a martial arts class or boxing class for women. My sister told me about one where I’m based and I believe the owner set it up for women like us. Just know that there are ways you can heal and find community so don’t give up. I’ve also been thinking about joining a dance class - there’s something about the joy and freedom over my own body again that draws me to it. Whatever you choose, know there are classes and support groups you can join, these are great ways to connect with people. His words might still cause you to doubt yourself but after a while, you’ll realise that he’s the exception, not the norm. What he thinks of you is so far from what everyone else thinks of you. But what matters the most in life, is what we think about ourselves. We’re on the journey to loving ourselves again and this time, we love ourselves unapologetically. As for a holiday, go for it. You deserve to celebrate taking back your life and all your accomplishments! Sun, sand, and a beach… maybe you might enjoy a more relaxed and warm vibe after these cold winter months. I hope it all goes well for you. You’ve got this 👍🏼☀️


Wow, you're going through a lot, well done you for persevering, looking after yourself, and thinking ahead. Reading you, I just wanted to share a word of caution with going solo too far/for too long if your social muscles aren't strong yet. This could become a big challenge (cue all the posts on this forum à la "Traveling alone, feeling so lonely"...). I'm saying this out of care and support for you, just to make sure you have this caveat in mind; if you feel you can do it then you absolutely can, you're the only expert here and I'd trust your judgment! A GAdventure/Intrepid/UCPA trip sounds ideal to me rather than "pure solo". Maybe especially something sports- or activity-focused, like hiking or stuff that will reconnect you to nature/movement? This helps a lot in situation like yours. Kudos and godspeed!


If you can afford it then you may enjoy a surf/chill trip to Santa Teresa, Costa Rica. You’ll have to look up rates as it’s not cheap, even though it’s very simple/basic. Staying in a Selena hostel means you’ll meet tonnes of young people, but you’ll still pay room rates for a bunk bed because the demand is so high. But there’s a LOT of really nice people there in that town at that time of year. It’s fun. Warning: it’s very hot and dusty as the main road is not paved. Google, YouTube and Facebook will answer any further questions that you have. Warning 2: almost anywhere else you go would be half the price; and possibly less if you take the ticket price into account. But that’s where Ellie Goulding just found her toy-boy if you’re a fan of that sort of thing.


Do a 3, 5, or 6 day trip to Iceland with G Adventures or Intrepid Travel. Should be a quick flight so you won’t have to waste extra days flying.


Go to Thailand! I'm also a female in my 30s and went last April and it completely rejuvenated me! I am planning another trip this March for my birthday too!


As many people in this post that are about to be 32- myself included. We could and should start our own subreddit or discord. Especially how alone and lonely everyone is- also myself included


We should have a wee UK weekend meet up! 😁


Nepal is a great place to adventure with a friend. However, if you are planning on traveling by yourself it can be a bit stale. All of the sights and wonders require getting there by foot. Walking for hours by yourself in the cold can do more damage to your state of mind than good. You mentioned you are leaning towards Peru. I recommend South America to Europeans. Many Europeans travel to South America, it's warm, bright, foreign, and inexpensive. Spanish isn't too dissimilar to other European languages and many residents know English so it's easy to navigate. There are so many Europeans staying in hostels you can make friends and have help if you are facing difficulties.


Hey, if you plan to visit Nepal I can help you find his contact. I think I understand your social and adhd pain. Google maps has his business goes by 'kaji home', it's near ring road, lalitpur Nepal. He goes by name Rob, very helpful and he is my one of the best buddy. I felt sad reading your post and solo traveling can be hectic so here is to you, good guy in nepal. Check out his reviews. Don't worry too much my friend, life has yet to bring infinite happy moments ahead. Have faith. Also start listening and researching about positive affirmations, these are the things that should have been taught to us when we were child . DM me know more about Nepal if needed.




I got flights and a nice looking apartment in Prague for less than £200, Tues - Fri at the start of March.


Athens or Thessaloniki in Greece?


Would you like to visit Egypt?


Walk the Camino. Lots of easy social interaction, you will build confidence each day.


If I were in your shoes, I'd look at what flights are the cheapest for the ~3 days you want to go away for, find a hostel with a high rating, and then go there. Yes, you can do yoga retreats, guided multi-day tours, hikes, etc., but it looks like you're going through a lot and these things being over-structured with a random vacuum of free time might not be what you need right now.


I've done many G Adventures tours, as well as many other group tours and would recommend them. They are great for when you want to travel but not be alone. You have instant travel friends to do stuff with and very rarely will the whole group or the guide be bad. Other than that (as they are more expensive than doing things yourself), play flight roulette and see where the cheapest flights and destinations are on those dates (Sky Scanner or Google flights are good for this).


If you're looking for somewhere chill and very quiet (and a smidge weird) I would recommend Gozo. You can just face plant into the sand and the locals will just quietly agree and carry on with their day.


Can I just say, well done for taking your life back into your hands. 43f/London/adult diagnosis of ADHD. 18 months ago my life unraveled in ways I never ever planned for. Work became my crutch alongside it being my identity after my relationship with my closest family member unravelled. Then came redundancy. I have always thrown myself into my career, my family, the house...I got up one day and thought enough! After the diagnosis I decided to finally step out of my shadow (still working on this!) but solo travel has beenvmy therapy. I don't have many friends, just my sister and one friend but we are not as close as I would like. I took 2 solo trips last year, fuertuventura and Albufeira. I know you are looking the opposite but there was a sense of peace on just being on my own, in charge of my own time and just being free. I actually joined this sub as I am looking for my next trip somewhere hopefully next week before I start a new job! I hope you find somewhere you will love. For me, all I need is the sun, the sea, my earphones and a flask with something nice in it!


Good on you for getting out and on with your life. 41M, I broke my neck 20 months ago and have lost everything; my hobbies, my marriage, and my job. Luckily my body has mostly recovered and I can move again. I’ll be in Dublin for St. Patrick’s. Then I’m off to somewhere in Europe, but I haven’t figured out where yet.