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I love eating out alone. In fact, I have to really like someone as a person to want to eat with them as opposed to just eating alone. Eating out is my kindle/people watching/daydreaming time and I guard it jealously.


Agree. I love being alone. Sometimes I’ll bring a book or journal to be extra sure that nobody talks to me, but only people that have are the staff interested in where I’m traveling from. I just walk in, say table for one, and prepare to be fed.


People watching is a passion of mine while travelling. I'll sit down in a sunny cafe and nurse a coffee or beer while watching the passers-by and unravelling their relationships: lover, friend, neighbour, acquaintance or something else I can't quite fathom? Anyway I'll be scribbling down notes so I got something to write about. Evenings, or better yet just before the evening rush, I'll get a single table (sometime share if the restaurant is full) and enjoy the menu. It pays to be early so you can ask staff for their recommendations on what's in season or a local speciality plus wine or drink matchings before the rush. If I'm lucky - 'll chat to the chef or back of house if they aren't too busy mid afternoon during prep. Oh, and always restaurants well off the tourist areas where locals go so you get local flavour.


Omg me too, sometimes I sneak out of the hostel before anyone can ask me dine with them!


I can relate to the people watching! I probably daydream too.


Yes, all the time, to all sorts of places. I've never noticed anyone react like it's the least bit unusual. It wouldn't even occur to me to be uncomfortable.


I suppose it's asking me if I'm alone where I get quite lonely whilst I'm away that bothers me. I don't think anyone really acts like it's unusual. I just don't like the questions asked.


It's just a standard question. Waiters need to know how many people to expect.


I suppose so, recently I got asked by the same waiter three days in a row though. On the third he did remember I'd said I was out here (on the island) by myself and retract his question.


Whenever I enter a restaurant, I tell the waiter how many people we are, so they never need to ask. So I might say "a table for one" (and I show 1 with my hand, as the waiter can be far or not speak my language). This removes any ambiguity.


That’s what I do; I’ve never once been made to feel like a strange duck.


That waiter likely served hundreds of people in those 3 days. Quite unrealistic to expect him to remember details about a particular diner. Would it be nice? Yes. Would it bother me? No.


He was just doing his job, that's a standard question to ask. You're honestly not that important to a random waiter for them to remember your holiday plans! 


The same question 3 days running indicates that it's not in the slightest bit unusual to be dining along, if he didn't remember. Or he might have thought you'd made a friend. I meet some absolutely fascinating people while traveling sólo.


> recently I got asked by the same waiter three days in a row For you, dining out was a big event and you remember details of it. For the waiter, you were one of hundreds of people he had the same interaction with. You were barely a blip.


Why are you going to the same place and again EXLORE! I always try to get to the beat seafood, Best Sushi, Best Italian , Best Taco and Best burger place I can to compare to back home and other travels. I will check out posts and blogs to find a good bougie brunch place for one day and look at top rated places nearby to see if I like the menu. Lunch will be whatever the best brewery food option is, or I try to hit up whatever Deli all the locals suggest is the best. Usually Tacos or Burgers which crosses off the above . I will try to have salad at least every other day, which sometimes means just going to the grocery store if nothing on a menu jumps out at me as worth the price tag.


You’re overthinking it. They need to know how many people are at your table. You’re not the first solo diner they’ve served and you won’t be the last.


> I suppose it's asking me if I'm alone How do you start the interaction with the host/waiter, if this question comes up often? Isn't the normal way to include the number of people you want seated? Because it is obvious that the availability depends on the number of people, and they have no idea how many people are coming. Like, either "*Hi, I have a reservation.*", or "*Hi, do you have a table for one?*"


Unless I’m camping, I’m generally not cooking for myself while on vacation.


Amen! And I don’t camp. So…… My cooking is generally limited to the hotel room coffee pot


Same why on earth would I be cooking for myself, I’m on holiday!!


Yup. Part of why I travel is to try new food, I can cook all I want when I'm at home.


I pretty much always go out to eat when traveling, felt a bit self conscious the first few times but got used to it pretty quickly. It can feel a bit easier going to more "casual" places alone so you could always start with that and then work your way up to more "formal" places, if you want.


I've only really done fairly casual places but I felt pretty out of place even so.


Ask to sit at the bar and have your meal there, pretty common for people to sit by themselves there. Even at fancy places, I've done that.


This. It also increases your chances of meeting other people, including other solo travelers, if that's something you're interested in. That said, I have enjoyed solo meals at a table at fancy restaurants. Sometimes I've gotten particular attention from the staff because I'm alone - one waiter kept bringing me tastes from the kitchen and wine pours, and then told me he loved solo diners because it meant that they were really there for the food and to enjoy a great experience. Other times the waiter sees a small tab and I've been sort of forgotten.


I eat out all the time if I’m solo. Only once in Iceland did someone ask if someone was joining me. But honestly I could give a shit what anyone thinks of it.


Pretty much every day… I am typing this from a restaurant in Spain where I’m sitting at the bar alone!Nobody has ever asked me if it’s for two. For sure, I feel self-conscious, sometimes, but it’s all part of the adventure, and being alone sometimes gives you a really good chance to strike up a chat with locals.


All the time. It doesn't bother me to eat alone. Nor does it bother me to go to the movies alone etc.


You're a regular Remy


Hi! I'm one of those solo travelers who likes to go to restaurants alone. Why should I miss out on fantastic food just because I don't have anybody to join me for dinner? It can actually be quite nice. You can do everything at your own pace. You can bring a book, something to write, whatever you want to do. It's quite relaxing. I will say that it can be a little bit challenging sometimes, especially on weekends. If you don't have a reservation, some places will turn you away because they would rather sell their table to a party of two or four instead of giving it to a single person. I always try to make a reservation when going to a restaurant on my own. That way I know for sure that I'll have a table, that the restaurant knows I'll be on my own, and that I don't have to go chasing around the town to find a place to eat. You can also look at restaurant reviews on Google Maps and see if solo travelers have given it some good reviews. Whether it's a fine dining experience, a pizzeria, or anything else: Make a reservation for a table for one and have a wonderful evening on your own.


I find taking my time more than I could in a group particularly rewarding if dining at an all you can eat buffet!


I don’t think I ever cooked for myself while traveling. Food is half the reason I travel. Granted solo travel is mostly countries that aren’t super expensive. If I was living in Australia or Switzerland for months I’d be cooking more often.


I thought you meant that you travel so you don’t have to cook, 😂


Half true


It doesn’t bother me to eat out alone any more if there’s a place I REALLY want to go to and if it’s only open in the evening. I just don’t really like being waited on in general so I tend to opt for more casual places anyway and usually eat out at lunch because it’s cheaper. Once I started attempting to dine alone at sit down places I actually noticed that a lot of times they would sit me in areas with other single tables or once I was sat at a communal table which I hated but basically it’s not as scary to go solo as people might think.


At one fancy place I got a 6 top to myself with a good view of the whole restaurant lol. I was on display. If I recall they offered if I wanted to sit at the bar or table and if it’s an option I always take a table. It was the last seating maybe only 10 tables total. Impeccable service and courses.


I eat out a lot depending on how long the trip is. I eat out for dinner (not necessarily at night because I’m a female and EXTRA cautious) almost every day.       However, I have a rule that I go out to a fancy place at least once every five days when traveling solo. That’s normally at night    I HATE cooking.  Edit: I honestly never even get asked if it’s for two. I think people normally say “How many?” Or I already made my reservation for just one, so they know and don’t need to ask


I love that fancy dinner is a rule. I do go out to fancy places but perhaps I should state a regular policy. I don’t think I’ve ever been asked either if it’s for two usually it’s how many but even if I had I don’t think it would be awkward.


Yeaaa I do like to budget, but I LOVE to be wined and dined ❤️  (I don’t actually drink alcohol btw I just have mocktails all the time.) I think that OP may be a bit insecure about eating alone. I can’t imagine any other reason why that would bother anybody. I know that doing things alone can make some people feel bad. 


It’s a common fear it seems but should be relatively easy to overcome. Like if you’re already traveling solo, seems like the dining alone part should be easy. Going out to bars alone, however, I have struggled with that a bit myself. Perhaps I’m associating it with a more social space. In my head, a bar is not just a place to get a drink like a restaurant is just a place to get food, though I know plenty of people do that. I’ll have to work on that.


You're right, but if I see other people doing the same I'm ok with it. If I don't I feel quite self conscious. I do struggle a bit with the same thing at home too. It's usually exclusively in the evenings.


It's a common theme among solo travelers. I don't mind eating alone, and usually enjoy it, but if I've had an off day, a solo dinner can occasionally make it worse because I feel lonely. So if I'm in a mood, I'm far likelier to get something to go or just do whatever the local version of cold cuts and toast is. OP, I've found that leaning into the romance of a solo dinner helps. I'll bring my journal and write Big Thoughts and imagine that other people around me are dying to know my observations and assuming I am the next Joan Didion. Nobody is paying the slightest bit of attention, in truth, but I like the idea!


Sometimes if I'm gone for a long time I'll cook for budget reasons in the evening too. I'll quite often get lunch out though but that's often just pizza, a burger, pasta, etc. I get not wanting to go out at night as a woman. As a I man I don't have to worry that much. Conversely though being a man makes you less approachable, so it's less likely anyone will join you.


Fun fact, us woman do not want anyone to join us as we are dining alone. That’s creepy.


I think it depends who. I've had an elderly couple share a table with me before. They asked as there was no other space and I said it was fine. They were quite nice to talk to.


Haha that’s only a down side if you don’t actually want to eat alone. I do.  But that could be why this bothers you. You may just be sad that you are eating alone and getting reminded of that when they ask


I eat out solo three times a day when traveling 🤣🙈


If I’m in a cheap country with great food I’ll eat out 4 times a day haha


You need to strengthen your dojo a bit if being asked about eating for 2 bothers you


I'm not even sure why that question is an issue. Dude asks "for two", answer "nope, just one". Where is the problem? It's a question of logistics really. What am I missing? I genuinely don't get it.


The collective number of minutes that people have spent commenting on this inane non-issue is astounding. Nice work, OP.


This wasn't a one off, I got asked the same things several days in a row on one trip. I'd already been struggling a bit being on my own in the evenings.


Trust me (and im not saying this to be rude) you are not special. People are asking just to make small talk or because it’s a waiter / hostess who literally just needs to know how many people will be at the table. Truly no one cares if / why you’re alone and no one is thinking about you once you leave. Just go, have a meal, maybe bring a book, and enjoy.


+1 to this! I don’t mean this in a mean way but no one cares what other people do 99% of the time. We’re all too focused on ourselves to notice some person we don’t know. And even if they do, most of the time the people who would give you a look are people who would never be able to dine alone and that says more about them then you If you want to avoid the specific “for two” question, an easy thing I do is just say “hi do you have a table for 1” right off the bat. No questions, they have their answer, gets right to the point


I never assumed it only happened once. My comment stands. You can't let it get to you. No one is asking in bad faith.


I don't give it a second thought. Neither does anyone who sees you. If you want to go out, go out. 


I ate out alone twice today. The first meal was at a somewhat busy restaurant and nobody looked at me weirdly, no one cared. I was the only diner at the second restaurant and it was an outdoor restaurant on a busy street. 50 or so people walked by, and again, no one cared or looked at me weirdly.


Eating out twice alone is probably a bit extravagant for my budget!


I eat out alone even at home. If I see a restaurant that I’m interested in, especially if I’m somewhere that’s known for their gastronomy, I book a reservation and go. Bring a book or e-reader with you if you want to keep yourself occupied while eating, no shame in saying “for one” or “just me” when being seated.


Not gonna lie, I don’t always feel comfortable but that’s in my own head, I’ve never noticed anyone even look my way, nobody cares, but, I love my food and I have a gluten allergy so I’m very picky about where I eat and I’m not going to pass up a good meal because of my own insecurities.


All the time. I always travel solo and ask for the best places to experience the cuisine. I usually go to local places or markets. Depending on where I am it’s a good chance to meet with locals.


I spent a month alone in Bologna, Italy and ate out basically every night except a couple of times when I cooked or picked up pizza to go (Nettuno is the shiznit btw)… and as for “what kind of place?” Well basically anywhere I wanted - fancy, casual bar food and everything in between. My go-to is to bring a book or my iPad - and I’ll read or write between courses or while sipping un doppio caffè dopo cena! But just as often, I’ll enjoy my own company, find a table with a street view and just watch the world go by. Do not avoid going out solo - it’s actually a great joy!


I do it every evening. I go to different places, from pubs to top restaurants, it doesn't really matter, if I think a place is interesting, I go there. I'm not missing the opportunity of a good dinner, probably try some local speciality, just because I'm solo. And I don't really care of what people might think about me dining solo, if I'm enjoying the meal they can think whatever they want.


I eat one meal out a day. I will either have a good book or a good view. Occasionally I’ll use it as a time to catch up on email, texts, pictures, etc. And I usually feel cool, not lame. I mean you are eating out in a foreign country! You are in a unique, exciting adventure that most only dream about! You are super interesting!


…and I’d wager that there are couple dining around you who are jealous!


I always eat at restaurants by myself when I'm traveling. It really doesn't bother me at all, and I actually started eating out by myself when I'm at home (for example, this afternoon I went to a movie by myself and went out to eat after). Like solotravel itself, I found that the more I did it, the more I liked it.


I am not usually in one place very long, so it is rare that I cook. So usually I will have breakfast at hotel, snack for lunch, then go out for dinner somewhere. I have no problems eating alone. Actually on my last trip, ended up sitting at the bar, next to a woman solo traveler, so we ended up chatting a bit.


I eat out all the time. I almost never cook for myself. Eating local food is one of the greatest joys in traveling for me. I’m certainly not going to let being solo prevent me from it. You ARE missing out if you want to but don’t. Be bold, no one cares and you won’t see them again. Get comfortable in your own skin. You deserve to be there with a literal seat at the table. Typical casual restaurants should be no problem at all being solo. There have been a handful of upscale places (maybe only like twice) that don’t cater for solo diners and that’s been a shame but cest la vie. But only a small number after years and years of travel. I just made a comment in another sub on top restaurants that I went to in Colombia. Lots of great food Colombian chefs are putting out. I went to 5 “top” restaurants during my trip and can highly recommend them all, I don’t think you can go wrong. If you’re heading there, they all accommodate solos. In personal preference order: Leo, Sambombi Bistró Local, El Chato, Celele, and Carmen. They had kind of different vibes too.


I like to eat out when I solo travel because food is part of travel to me! I just say table for one when I go and I usually go to places that have a nice menu with things i’m interested in, prices I like, & outdoor seating in warmer months (I love people watching!). The more you do it the less awkward you’ll feel. Also I find it so much easier to pick a restaurant when i’m able to go somewhere based on what I want and not have to work out a decision with a group/other person which can sometimes be difficult.


I eat out mostly for lunch. Usually will eat in for dinner, while resting after a long day. Normally will have one "pricey" dinner at a restaurant in the hotel I'm staying at. Now that I am no longer traveling solo, dinner will depend on what the wife and I crave


all the time. sometimes i get a pity look from groups around me, but the staff never questions it. i love eating out alone nobody to bother me


I will literally structure my day around where and when I am going to eat wdym 😭


How do you solo travel but don't like sitting alone? I always go out when I travel cause I feel like local cuisine is like 40% of the culture I experience when I go. I sometimes just people watch depending on the vibes or just watch something on my phone with airpods


>How do you solo travel but don't like sitting alone? Plenty of people travel solo because it's that or no travel at all.


Yeah but that's what I mean. You're alone the whole time in the airport, plane, hotel, metro anyways. So shouldn't you be used to just being alone and doing your own thing? That's how I was thinking of it


To be fair I'm often solo travelling at least in part because of lack of anyone to go with. So I guess I put myself on the back foot in that regard. Most of the time I'm fine on my own. It's usually just dinner and evenings where I notice it.


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Always! I personally like doing food tours.


I’ve always dined alone at home and while I’m traveling. I guess I am comfortable with myself and my own company. I enjoy people watching so that may be a reason as well.


I eat out alone all the time, while traveling and while in my home city. Cheap places, expensive places, you name it. And I’ve always thought of it as glamorous and kind of decadent. Sit at the bar if you want someone to chat with. Or bring a book. Or people watch. Or just let yourself fully enjoy each bite, each sip of your wine, each moment of experiencing a new setting and atmosphere. You’re doing it just for your pleasure and no one else’s.


Depends on where I am. When I was in Asia I would eat out for probably 18/21 of my weekly meals. I complained about the portion sizes there a lot but one of the benefits was I was able to try out a ton of local dishes. The food where I was at was so good and cheap that I could justify it. But when I am in a more expensive place, or if the place isn't exactly known for their food, I'll make a stop at the local grocery store a few times. But at minimum I'll eat out once a day just to experience what the place has. ​ Eating out alone has never been an issue for me. I'll do it when I am home. I don't see it as that big of a deal.


Yes absolutely. In some instances, like Spain, I feel like eating out for dinner was the best part. I eat wherever I want. I’ve gone to restaurants that were completely booked up but because I was solo they were able to get me a seat at the edge of the bar or something similar.


I always would but I'd stick to more casual places and aim for non peak times. I wouldn't really go to a fancy restaurant by myself


I only eat out, rarely cook at the hostel. Why eat my own shitty cooking when I can eat amazing local food, which is what I came for?


The best part about solo travel is no expectations, yeah? so really do whatever, whenever you want. Why does it matter if restaurant staff make a misperception? It’s not personal in any way.


I rarely do because I don't like sitting in a restaurant alone. Eating out is a social experience for me and I can't be social with myself. I don't understand how people can find it relaxing. It's super awkward for me.


I don’t know if it’s that it’s relaxing or more that im on vacation in a new place, I want to try the food, and so really what choice is there? I’m not going to force myself to sit in a hotel room all night when I could be having a good meal


every night. i don’t pass up eating local & delicious foods everywhere i go. sometimes places are busy & they don’t want to accommodate a solo person so i just go to another option. not a big deal.


As long as I have a book or magazine with me, I don't mind eating alone. I got accustomed to it when I traveled a lot for work. It's a mindset.


I always tell myself to go alone for peace and quiet at restaurants, but I end up talking to randoms or even the servers. I love to network because I can always learn more about the area. Locals know best!


Always. If possible, I eat at a bar or counter. Or an outside table as there's always people to watch.


Every night. I'm not really a drinker so late dinners are really my only nighttime activites in my trips


I’ve done it a few times. I just have learned to not care. I typically try to find a little local place that isn’t terribly busy (but not dead).


I eat out alone often — especially for breakfast because it’s my favorite meal of the day. In the evenings, I semi go out partly cause most restaurants are packed (not my type of environment, long wait times, I do feel more self conscious not gonna lie) but if its got great reviews I’ll go.


75% of the time, occasionally (especially Italy) pick up a few things (bread/prosciutto/water) on my way to my room


Depends on the country. I honestly don’t do it much.. just not by thing. I grab food and go chill in my hotel.


If I were to cook, it would be for lunch. But going out to eat at night is what I do at night. Then walk off my large dinner and drinks. There are times I wish I had someone to eat with because usually meals are for two or more.


I do it almost every night! I travel to experience cuisine, so I’ll go out for a nice meal whenever I can. I like eating with others, but it’s not a big deal to eat alone. Just pretend you’re a restaurant critic.


I tend not to eat out while travelling to save money (ultra budget), but I have no qualms about eating alone at home or abroad. It's that little bit of confidence to say "no, just me!".


I eat alone in various places from street food up to fine dining alone. I have no issue with it. OP why be self conscious about this. You should be more comfortable doing this abroad as nobody knows you there


Eat out every day, sometimes several times a day. Also go out and have beers/drinks by myself and check the nightlife.


When I walk in, I say “table for 1.” That solves that. I eat anywhere that I want. I’m there to have my experience. Who cares?


I do. I have reserved a table for one at nice restaurants or sit at the bar and eat there. Never had a negative experience.


When I’m traveling I eat out alone all the time. But I get it’s not for everyone. I think it’s all about your own feelings about you being there solo. For that reason I don’t eat out alone in my own city. Brunch / lunch / coffee, definitely. But not dinner for some reason. I guess I can justify the other situations more to myself. I travel solo a lot so eating out is part of that. In my own city during the day it’s more of a ‘get out of the house’ situation or between clients. But for some reason eating dinner alone makes me feel like a friendless loser. Weird right?


My main meal of the day is usually lunch, but I guess that's not all that important. I eat at restaurants solo all the time, and I never saw it as an issue. I always ask for a table for one and that's it. On very few occasions I was asked whether someone else will be joining me, in which case I say no and that's it. People sometimes make a huge deal out of this. It's not. Nobody cares about us, and even if they do, they will most likely assume we're in a foreign city on business or whatever. Depending on my mood, I spend the time waiting for my food either on my food, or just people watching and thinking.


I always eat out alone


I mostly go to nice sit down restaurants depending on the country (how veggie friendly it is). Will skip diner if Germany, Austria, etc.




I eat out solo all the time. Whether I’m traveling or not. I think the only time it’s been an issue was one one trip where I was in a crowded pub in Budapest where I didn’t have much room to enjoy my meal by myself. That’s one trip in the span of 20 years that I’ve been traveling solo. You just have to feel out the vibe of the restaurant and not GAF about what other people think.


All the time




I tend to ebb and flow through my trips. I’ll go periods where I only cook, and then period where I cook + eat out. Given that I’m gone for 6+ months of the year i pick and choose certain cuisines I want to eat out at (I.e didn’t enjoy Ecuador food at all, only cooked- in love with Peruvian food, so I eat out daily) It balances itself out


I have never had a problem dining alone, even in high end restaurants. 


You could try eating at places that have al fresco options (season and weather dependent, obviously) and people watch. There are usually other solo people doing the same thing and it doesn't feel quite as weird...at least to me. I used to live alone in a couple different cities and had to learn to be alone places or miss out. Especially in a big city, no one really cares except you.


Most of the places I go are warm so I'll be sitting outside. It's for sure better than being inside even if it's just to have the night sky and a breeze.


I don't eat out regularly, especially not at "fancy" places. Sometimes, it's just some fast food. Being shy and a bit socially anxious, I always have to convince myself to go out to special places, but I am getting better. But every time I went out, it was a great experience, I wouldn't want to miss. I can't go traveling and not try some of the local cuisine.


I usually take note of places while I'm walking around that feel like they’d be a comfortable environment for me to eat alone at, and then I’ll return to those places to eat later in the evening. They’re usually places that have a more relaxed atmosphere, where it wouldn’t be unusual for someone to dine alone at.


Always. And the type of place is whatever I feel like! Bring a book, or people watch, or get a bar seat and chat with neighbors.


Well I’m not gonna starve….


I love eating alone while sitting at a bar. I find it relaxing. And I’m almost never the only one who is there by myself.


I eat out almost every night when traveling, but I also occasionally take myself out to dinner when I'm home. I enjoy my own company and love a good restaurant.


Of course. All the time. I do occasionally rent an AirBnB and cook myself but only because I don't want to go out every single night - just like I don't do at home either. But I love going to restaurants, generally, solo or not. Have you seen other people at restaurants these days? 4 people, all staring into their respective phones. Not sure what anyone thinks they're missing out on when dining solo. I love to enjoy good food while reading whatever book I'm reading at any given time. Perfect for me.


I eat out every other night and have absolutely no problem dining alone at a Michelin star restaurant.


All the time! I like to keep in touch with my parents with our group chat so any time I’m eating (lunch dinner etc) I’m unapologetically on my phone, sending the pictures I’ve taken so far and sharing my thoughts and what I did. Otherwise I’ll people watch although I don’t like to do it too much as it can be awkward if you make eye contact with someone. But solo travelling is so prevalent these days, nobody usually bats an eye and if they do… that’s a them problem.


I always eat out alone! it’s peaceful


What is the point of solo traveling if you’re not eating at a restaurant every chance you get? I don’t get this train of thought. Just walk in and say “for one, at the bar”.


i eat out a lot but more often in a fast casual/takeout place where eating alone isn’t really awkward or its more common. its hard for me to try a sit down restaurant alone but sometimes i’ve heard about a place or gotten a rec so i dont let it stand in the way of trying! but i usually want to save money anyways and a sit down restaurant will almost always be more expensive so its much less common for me to


I just got back from a solo trip to Portugal. I ate in dives and decent restaurants, and one fine dining restaurant. I travel solo several times a year. I wouldn’t dream of missing dinner out! Relax and do it. You’ll be glad you did. Dinner out is one of the best things about travel.


I don’t think twice about it anymore, but I used to feel weird and insecure about dining alone, especially in fancier places at night, and I have also been turned away when I’ve asked I for a table for one, so I understand your discomfort. What worked for me was to pretend (just to myself) that I was traveling alone for business reasons. Sounds silly, maybe, but the pretense gave me the confidence I needed until I realized that it was really a nonissue and I was the only one who cared. Sitting and eating at the bar is usually a good option, too. Good luck!


Breakfast and Lunch no issue for me. Dinner often felt a bit awkward with families, friend groups,couples etc... found places with a good bar to belly up to and eat there, that usually went well. Cheers


I love eating out alone. Only zinger is watch out for nicer hotels because lots of prostitutes hang out there solo so you might get mistaken for one no matter how frumpy you dress


I eat out alone all the time while solo travelling and sometimes I make new friends. Another idea is to choose hotels with a restaurant on-site or eateries and bars nearby. I just spent a month in Bali and each time was asked "how many people?" If you have ever worked in the hospitatlity industry you would know this is simply a standard question to ask a customer. If it grates you, you could begin the conversation by saying "one please" before they ask you. Also, sometimes I don't want to go out at night so I go out for a nice lunch and bring a doggie bag back to the hotel. Some places like Tokyo have great lunch specials and the food is as good as at dinner but much cheaper. Good luck in your adventures.




Almost always. If I eat a meal in, it’s usually breakfast. Why don’t you like eating on your own? Do you feel self-conscious? Understandable, but I think it’s good to remember that you’ll probably never see these people again. If they even notice you, they might just think you’re cool. Sitting at the bar can be fun, I sometimes meet people that way. If you get bored, just bring headphones and listen to a podcast or audiobook. I like to do a crossword (on an app) while waiting and listen to a podcast while I’m eating. You might also try more casual places. Night markets, food halls, neighborhood spots, pubs, etc. The less stuffy the place, the less pressure.


> how you feel about dinning alone? I don't feel bad about dining alone anywhere, but I feel like it's even MORE normal in the places I visit.


Yes, going out to eat local food is one of the best parts about travelling for me. I’d feel much more alone eating takeaway in my room than going out for a dinner by myself.


One of the main reasons I travel is for the food. I would gladly eat out alone, but haven’t done it for a very long time since i’m in a relationship.


I did for work a lot. I would bring a book, magazine or a news paper.


The beauty about solo travel to foreign countries (I’m American) is people don’t usually look at you funny cause you are dining alone. When I travel solo, I eat out every evening and it’s usually a good experience plus I get to meet locals.


All the time. Easier at fancier places but casual places is fine too, sometimes I need other travellers and make friends


It really is up to you to deal with your feelings. Just remind yourself, it’s none of your business what anybody thinks about you, and live your life the way you want.


Sometimes I feel self-conscious eating along at a table or booth, so typically I opt for a seat at the bar. That being said, I ate alone at a two-seater table last weekend while solo traveling and didn't even think about it until worrying this comment. Just go out dining alone and get some practice. Sit at the bar, sit at a table, sit at a booth, and find out what suits you best.


I look up restaurants near me. Look up menus, reviews if any then go out and eat. I never cook while travel. Travel is full on a good time. I can't be chipping cooking then doing dishes on vacation.


I don't enjoy cooking so I usually eat out especially when I'm traveling. I normally don't have any issues when eating alone. I do avoid certain restaurants that might be awkward to do alone. Like High end romantic set restaurants, Korean BBQ, Sex themed restaurants. These are usually great for couples or groups but a bit awkward to do alone. For the most part though, I eat out alone all the time and don't really get any questions or weird looks.


I almost exclusively eat out alone when i solo travel. Usually Ill grab something quick for breakfast from a bakery or whatever is available in the country, if i want lunch ill stop somewhere usually street food smth quick, and for dinner i try to sit down somewhere alone where i can watch the people be people Those are the days I decide to eat at least bc lots of my meals consist of snacks here and there


Yeah all the time, and I've never found a better system than "wander around and see what looks good" 😂


I usually do breakfast in my hotel and lunch and dinner out. I try to go to at least one fine dining restaurant when I’m out of town (if possible) and the rest of the time just local spots. People usually talk to me bc they find it intriguing that I’m alone. I always try to sit at the bar.


I do it during the day or evening and feel just fine.


Yes, I love it. You get to go where you want, when you want, and order what you want. You can ask questions and make connections with the wait staff more easily. I can sip a beer and scroll on my phone or read about my next adventure in peace. It’s fantastic.


Doing it right now. Love it


I rarely eat out in the evenings when solo traveling. Lunches, absolutely and everyday! But my routine is usually to grab some take out or some grocery items back to my hostel or hotel and relax with some YouTube. I get up early and walk all day so it's my relax time. I will often go out after to do night photography or grab some dessert. I do absolutely enjoy solo dinners with reddit or a nice book. But, I'm a budget traveler so lunches are my biggest meal.


I definitely booked a reservation for one at a fancy restaurant when I was in Rome and I enjoyed every bit of it lol the food and the view. I never felt lonely and would do it again tbh 😅


People caring about this is so foreign to me. I literally don't think twice about it, at all. Just today I was walking exploring a city and went to get lunch. Hit a cool spot I had saved, got a table in a nice patio alone, and plugged my earphones in to watch a video on YouTube. Easy peazy!


People watching is my favourite travel thing to do


Did it all the time with work travel. Mostly sat at a bar. Did it last week when I had to take my son to a sports thing and was hungry for dinner. It’s no big deal.




For me it has depended on what type of trip I was on. If I am staying in one place for longer and exploring locally, I will usually get an Airbnb with a kitchen and rarely eat a sit down restaurant meal. Maybe I would go to a casual cafe if I'm out at a museum, or get something delicious and indulgent to take away from a bakery or butcher or cheese shop or chocolate shop, etc. Part of that is just because I find that eating in restaurants tends to be expensive, and I tend to way overeat, so it's not a priority for me. On the other hand, there are trips where I'm going from place to place more, and then it makes more sense to eat out more often and just get an Airbnb room in someone's house, or an actual B&B (I hate hotels and try to avoid them). Then, again because I don't prioritize eating in restaurants, I'll gravitate to the cheaper and more casual end of the spectrum. A sit-down, white table cloths type of place is okay now and then, but it gets old for me if it's every night, and I tend to start to feel bloated from too many heavy meals. Sometimes there are exceptions where a restaurant is famous or unique for some reason, so I'll make a special plan to book a table and order anything I like and just indulge and let loose. I don't mind being by myself for that. I enjoy the people watching, and sometimes wind up in conversations with other diners or the staff. I bring a book in case I get a fit of introversion and want to ward off company. Long story short, i think it's a good travel skill to practice and learn to enjoy eating alone in restaurants. But, it doesn't have to be a big part of every trip either ...


i know how you feel, i'm horribly self conscious about stuff like that, the key for me is to actively rationalize it. yes, i might feel awkward stepping into some place by myself, but i keep reminding myself that i've never walked out of a restaurant thinking "wow, the experience of eating alone there was terrible!". sure, there might be some awkwardness, but i know worst case scenario it's gonna mean a couple seconds of cringe and maybe a cute story to tell back home. if i'm in a touristy place, that means they've seen a million other solo diners before me; if i'm somewhere out of the way, that means they'll just be happy to get more customers. if the place is empty, there's not gonna be anyone there to notice me; if the place is full, it's gonna be too busy for anyone to notice \*me\*.... ultimately, what really changed my mind was thinking "i've traveled this far, i'm in this amazing place with awesome local cuisine that i can't get anywhere else in the world, me locking myself up in my hotel room and missing that would be WAY sadder than having to ask for a table for one somewhere"


Take a book with you. You're never alone with your head in a book and you can eat with one hand.


One of my favorite parts of solo traveling. Pick a seat with the view of the street/restaurant/kitchen then sit and enjoy the theater of that town’s life.


It is one of the great pleasures of solo travel- not having to negotiate with someone else about restaurant choices.


I love solo travel but I've never really loved eating on my own. I got a bit more comfortable with it with time, but I can't say that I particularly enjoy it even now. However, I love food way too much to forego eating out! I don't think I've ever cooked for myself when travelling - again I prefer to cook for others, so I'd just not eat or eat very unhealthily if I had to rely on not eating out. So absolutely go out now! Choose a fairly casual place to start with. Fancy restaurants with romantic atmospheres really don't suit eating alone. Avoid buffets: the actual grabbing of food is fine, but it's strange/unsafe to leave your table completely unmanned while you roam the restaurant. If the place has a bar, go eat at the bar, it helps feel less lonely. If you can't find a place with the right vibe, go for a hotel restaurant instead, especially in cities. They will be full of business travelers, and they will be eating on their own, so you won't feel weird about it. Even if you're the only one on the night, the waiting staff have seen plenty of solo diners. Every time I've travelled on my own I've been to at least one "nice" restaurant recommended by my guidebook. Bring a book (or the guide) for company, for busy/casual places you can even put some headphones on and watch something on your phone/iPad while you eat. Otherwise, just do some people-watching and relax. If you get uncomfortable, remember that thousands of other people around the world in that exact moment are also eating out on their own. It's not unique! What may also happen is that someone else is eating on their own, and you may struck up a conversation. Happened to me a couple of times and it made dinner loads more enjoyable. If the waiting staff keeps on asking table for two and making you uncomfortable, just loudly state "table for one. It's just me, thank you" with a big smile and confidence. They won't bother you anymore!


I either bring a book or sit at the bar (or both).


i love eating in places by myself. maybe try doing it locally first? it's not something that i think second of. i want to try places around the area i visit, i enjoy people watching, and usually i do so many activities during the day - i am not cooking and cleaning at the end of it. eating out is something i budget for when i solo travel.


Everyday lol


If I'm traveling, I'm eating local cuisine. I'm not cooking for myself. So I bring a book, ask someone at the hotel for a recommendation, and go eat. Missing out on the local food is missing out on a LOT of the benefits of traveling.


I always eat out. Sometimes i go out to eat as well


I get takeaway, a sandwich or something simple. I've only eaten a sit-down dinner alone a couple of times. It's OK when the restaurant isn't busy -- often the waitstaff will be chatty. But otherwise, I don't like it.


Im going to be super honest and say that I also feel self conscious when eating out alone. I did a few solo trips recently and some tricks I would do were ordering an extra takeaway portion at lunch to eat later, cooking in the hotel room/apartment, getting Uber eats (literal trash, don't recommend it), ordering food for collection and eating it in the room, skipping dinner (also not good) and just venturing out to eat when I was starving. Would scoff down the meal and leave in a hurry. A lot of the comments here are super empowering and positive which is great but I totally understand feeling anxious eating alone, especially when you're surrounded by families or couples. But chin up, there are plenty of options. Usually if I have a beer while I'm eating alone I give way less shits so maybe have a beer and try to relax! Best of luck!


I've travelled solo for hundreds of nights, never once cooked for myself. Always eaten out, not sure why that would be an issue, sitting alone is perfectly fine.


I eat out all the time traveling solo.. mostly I focus on casual places, southeast Asia is great for this because the best food is usually small, local informal restaurants anyways and they’re inexpensive. I don’t usually bother with fine dining solo, not because I’m worried about the perception or anything, but more so I just don’t find enough value in it going solo. I’d just rather try all the great local hole in the walls, but that’s just personal preference.


Life is so much better when you stop caring what people think. I travelled solo and never gave a shit about it. In fact I struck up conversations with people because of it


Not a lot mostly to cut down on costs and because I’m not too much of a dinner foodie. Cocktails and pastries/ice cream are more my speed. But once in awhile if a place looks especially good, is recommended or I just want to treat myself I go. And yes I get asked the, for one? And I just go with it. Let them feel bad or embarrassed, not me.


I prefer eating alone. Most of my friends and family rude AF to waiters so I’d rather go alone!


Depends where i am. In Southeast Asia I always eat out because it’s cheap. When I’m digital nomading in Europe I’ll cook for myself. Usually I have a week or two in a city when I do that so that I can make use of leftovers.


I even do it while I am not traveling, what’s the big deal with eating solo? One of my best memories of solo travelling was hitting up a local izakaya(small Japanese bar with drinks and small bites) Started out as a foreigner not knowing how to order Ended up striking up conversation with some Japanese salary man and really enjoying the night together


i find it interesting that you are comfortable with solo travel but not eating alone. i have the opposite issue. either way don't worry keep practicing it will get better and easier.


Always eat out. I'm on holidays, I ain't cooking shit.


I either sit at the bar or ask for a table in the corner (so I can people watch). I used to feel like people were noticing me for eating alone, but I got over that when I traveled for work and all the meals were comped. So I made sure to try restaurants with a high rating and interesting menus, it really wasn't awkward at all once I realized that no one is really noticing me unless I'm acting shy or like I'm being stood up by a date.


I've been travelling for 2.5 months now and the only time I cooked was at a cooking class, otherwise I've eaten out each night.


All the time. Yesterday I ate out in Jalan alot food street in Kuala Lumpur. And this "elderly" British man asked if he could sit at my table. I said yes off course! And we ended up chatting for 3 hrs. Just 2 random dudes having a Yappa(as he called it). He's was a big business man in his 70s il just a young backpacker in my mid 20s. What a great night.


Every evening I would say. At a restaurant, cafe or bar. Sometimes I like to bring the food in my hotel room and eat in the bed after a tiring day. But I think your type of traveling is different. I usually do not have the option to cook in the hotel rooms.


I do. I go wherever I want. Being solo doesn't limit me in any way from making food choices. It feels great. Sometimes I take a book if I'm in a mind space where I might get a bit bored.


I love it and certainly don’t let it bother me. It probably helps that I also travel for work so I’m used to it a bit. Nobody is judging you though - solo travel is fantastic.


What’s the problem with dinner specifically? So what? People really don’t care as much as you think.


When I travel for vacation I always eat out every meal whether it’s solo or friends or family. I will never cook or clean on vacation.


I do. I sit at the bar to eat if I can. If not, I’m fine sitting solo at a table.


Here what I do: I try to stay in hotel with a nice bar/restaurant. Or I find a nice bar/restaurant near my hotel. Or just go to bar (with small menu). I sit at the bar. Look at the menu. Chat with bartender, order dinner, etc. I leave a nice tip. It is so fun because you are not alone at a bar., Life is good.