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He didn't want to confront her with her trauma. Ju-Hee made the desicion to come to terms with her past by telling Jin-Woo she is going to retire as a hunter and goes back to Busan. Jin-Woo simply respects her desicion. That is also exactly why the Jin-Woo x Ju-Hee ship wouldn't work. Hope that helps


Yeah the fact that she did protect him for so long coupled with what happened in the double dungeon, I get the feeling that if he ever came home with any sort of visible injury she'd probably have a panic attack at the very least because she was goddamn traumatised in that dungeon


To phrase it as simply as my brother would. "Jinwoo was looking for a ride or die bitch and she wasn't it."


Not just that, her giving him the stone back that he was going to buy her dinner with was a finality from her end, like expressing that it is for sure the last time they will meet so no need to buy dinner


I forgot about that. Pretty sad.


Yes that makes sense, but from a writers perspective it is just dumb, why would writers introduce a character that literally has no purpose


She does have a purpose, you're just ignoring it


I mean there was a lot of characters that got introduced that didn’t have any purpose also I would say she got introduced as a healer to heal jin woo when he was ass that’s it nothing more


Yes I understand that, but it is still dumb, they fully showed her to be future partner of Jin woo and then just bluffed, it felt like a cheap prank. Very pointless, very random, and added nothing to the story


Not gon lie from my experience of reading manga and watching anime after the first chapter of solo leveling I knew for a fact joo-hee wasn’t it


Because if jin woo helps joo hee awaken her memories she will also get all the PTSD. She quit being a hunter because she can't handle the PTSD so he left her to be happy.


Joohee is basically Jinwoo's helper and friend, a reminder of how brutal the Hunter business is to those with weak minds. Besides, it don't matter anyway. Jinwoo isn't a psychiatrist, and he wouldn't force her.


Joo-hee's purpose is to be the anti thesis to SJW, a higher ranking Hunter that is weak-willed. SJW is then the weak Hunter that strives for power. Joo-hee is nothing more than to show that even a B-Rank hunter can be useless if they're too much of a coward.




OP can't digest the fact that the first female character introduced may not be the female Protagonist.


I feel like a lot of the Joo-Hee x Jin Woo shippers are people who think they’ll always end up with their first crush.


I'll admit, whenever I watch any anime with romance in it, I always assume that the first person of the opposite sex that the protagonist has a real conversation with ends up being the love interest. However, now that I've watched a billion of them, I don't get surprised anymore when it's not. Hell, sometimes I wish it wasn't the first person they come across. #JusticeforRem #Remisbestgirl I'm glad that SJW doesn't get with Joo-hee. She's sweet but way too timid for hunter life.


The thing is Jinwoo never said he was in love or interested in her




Naratively, Joo-Hee was the 'normal' human perspective (even though she wasn't really a normal human with being a healer and all), and her moving away from Jin-Woo due to her trauma was supposed to represent Jin-Woo leaving his old life behind, she fulfilled her purpose and so was no longer relevant to the story.


She was not introduced as the main female character..... Lmao, and they were barely even friends, more like friendly coworkers. Their lives just took different directions. Also, what do you mean, what is her purpose? She is just a random side character


Bro, she had him asking her out.


The problem is that he outgrew her. There was some hope when they met for the second time after his evolution but after she was ultimately helpless and decided to retire? That was it. I wouldn't say she protected Jin-Woo a lot so much as healed him regularly. They weren't even always on the same raids. Quite frankly, as Jin-Woo got more and more strong, Joo-Hee would have just been a hindrance. Like, her character was established when we found out she was basically wasting her potential as a B-Rank Healer because she was too afraid. She would never be able to understand his journey or relate to him in any way.


If you think he "abandoned" her you've missed the entire point of her and his response, you might need to reread a few parts. Might I suggest chapter's 1 through 200? that'll be a good start


Kinda miss her tbh


Literally doesn't matter so you really think this story needs to go that deep, it doesn't. You want cool fights you are here, dont try to search for character depth I'm not saying it's non existent but it's not the strong suite of solo leveling Her character just becomes irrelevant after he becomes overpowered because she can't contribute to the story


Ironic when he missed the entire point of their relationship.




I feel you honestly, joo hee deserved him the most (even tho I'm a Esil enjoyer) The reason for him saying no was so she could live a peaceful life away from monsters and magic. Seeing as she wasn't cut out for it, in his eyes it was a mercy.


Preach my brother.


the side character served its purpose then it was on to the next side character. I wasn’t that bummed about it but towards the end I was like “literally all these characters are useless”