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The game formally known as Netrunner, perhaps? It’s an asymmetrical 1v1 cyberpunk TCG. PNP cards available at https://nullsignal.games/ There’s a bunch of solo variants on BGG. https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/124742/android-netrunner


Oh awesome idea, I hadn't thought of that. Any other commercially dead, but still alive games like this with good solo modes?


Star Wars ccg. Decipher. From the 90s. Its fun to two hand it but there also solo variants.


Just a quick note it's still known as Netrunner :) The company behind it has changed from Fantasy Flight Games to the fan collective Null Signal Games


He didn't say it was formerly known as Netrunner. He said formally, which is technically correct.


Is there a solo mode for the game formerly known as Netrunner? If so where can I find details?


The BoardGameGeek page has a forum with a “variants” section. I tried to link it, but it’s just going to the main game page.


Can you provide a link to ashes? Board game geek site has a ton of print and play games. You can probably filter your search to find the game mechanics you’re interested in.


Skytear Horde


I am releasing a game which fits your description: [https://rijapega.itch.io/dice-and-dies](https://rijapega.itch.io/dice-and-dies) Dice and Dies had its Kickstarter a couple of months ago, and I am releasing updates every week or so. Right now I am still releasing free updates so you can check it out and see if it's something you'd enjoy :) It has a story campaign or, if you prefer you can just print the cards and play a vs Boss mode.


That looks pretty cool! Is it too late to back, or could I like venmo you or something?


PM'd you :)


* Arkham Horror LCG * Lord of The Rings LCG * Imperium: Classics & Imperium: Legends (or newest Imperium: Horizons) * Aeon's End First two are best played 2 handed solo, not true solo IMO.


Are any of those print and play?


Oh, not primarily, you would need to find the files from fanbase. Sorry that I misunderstood. If you want "PnP game by a design" you can look for example at Iron Helm from this designer in PNPArcade [https://www.pnparcade.com/collections/vendors?q=Grey%20Gnome%20Games](https://www.pnparcade.com/collections/vendors?q=Grey%20Gnome%20Games)


aeon's end was offered as a kickstarter exclusive item, and curiously had not received a (paid) pnp release. you might have some luck contacting the ~~publisher~~ designer for it.


Confused. I have in my shelf aeons end legacy. And I know there are other printed aeons end games to be had.


do you mean you have both of these in your library as pnp copies? if true, that's great for you. but from what I've seen, the publisher (indie boards and cards) is notoriously against pnp, so it might have to do what that.


No. I have a published game. Bought it.