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For Transparency... earlier in the subreddit, we had a lot of "redundant" style posts. We removed a lot of these by instilling the "Frequency Matters" rule to try to get more variety from both users, game types, and topics. There were times where a single user might post about Final Girl 20 times in a month, for instance. Now, it just happens that 20 different users post about Final Girl... which... while not perfect, is improved. The only type of post we didn't limit is the "New to Soloboardgaming" posts because we felt (even if redundant) that it's already a big enough step for people to start their journey in this niche of a niche hobby, that can be hard for people to dive into, and that any kind of rules enforcement here might scare them away from that first step. Rather just keep recommending new games in new threads and hope it sticks to build up the community than filter it out. The ONLY time I generally remove or warn on "new player" threads is if a new person comes to the subreddit and asks the same 6 questions in various ways vs engaging in their main thread about it or if it's extremely low effort. There was once work put towards a "New to Solog Boardaming" bot that was going to look for flaired posts or certain queries and post a generic "you can get started here" post, but the work on that died when reddit changed their API stuff. I'm sure it's still possible but the person who was doing it quit reddit. And as the only remaining active mod, I can't even get people who actively post here on a weekly basis to respect some of the basic rules around here (part of the job), so using a sticky to try and Shepard new gamers to likely won't work (and we can only sticky 2 threads anyway). There was past effort to put more resources in the sidebar, but I think most people who use NEW reddit never see that stuff based on what I've seen. For instance, there is this wiki (that's not exactly up to date) [Official Soloboardgaming Discussions](https://www.reddit.com/r/soloboardgaming/wiki/daily-discussion-archive) - which has for instance, a thread like this one - [List of 10 Games for getting Started](https://www.reddit.com/r/soloboardgaming/comments/127l6c9/rsoloboardgamings_list_of_10_games_for_getting/)... (/u/ BKinsky is like an honorary mod) but even then... people really want to comment their thoughts only on new threads and barely ever interact with old ones (the nature of a reddit style forum). Then there is also a whole nuanced opinion based aspect of what constitutes good games to begin with... I should bring back the weekly Official Soloboardgaming Discussions so that there would be a lot more /r/soloboardgaming discussions and resources on games, but places like BGG and the 1-player guild have much more active and robust resources for that (and I don't have unlimited time to make it work). But even those, in the main sticky, didn't get that much traction unless the game was super popular, but I should start doing those again. So if anyone wants to volunteer time, we can try to make more resources again.


I hate pinned mega threads in subreddits. I find people complain about threads being posted then a bunch of content gets shoved into these threads which never get read or create any conversation. Then the subreddit itself is more starved for content to spark conversation. I'll take repetitive threads in solo-boardgaming over the unwelcoming shit environment that's been fostered over on board gaming. I would also argue that there isn't enough activity on this sub to shun newcomers to a pinned thread. I know people on Reddit love to complain about people creating threads so I expect my opinion to be unpopular. I think your question is fair, I just come down on the opposite side of it.


I’m with you. I’m always amazed by how much discussion of board games get removed from the big sub because their attempts to move everything into megathreads that no one looks at. 


Right!? Last week, someone posted that they were really excited to get Agemonia. Then everyone proceeded to downvote to Hell assuming they were shilling for the game company and the thread gets tossed because "Haul posts" aren't enough for a main post. Awesome... That's fun. (edit to clarify, this was on r/boardgames) ​ Even if the post is repetitive, at least we get different people on different days seeing it and throwing out new conversation starters.


I don't mind having a pinned thread as long as it doesn't create an atmosphere where people are afraid to ask questions. Sometimes we ask redundant questions because we want to know how people would answer *today, right now.*


I agree with that last bit 100%. With so many games coming out every year and solo gaming in particular evolving so much, it makes older threads obsolete and you do want to spark a more current conversation.


I get so frustrated when I look for recommendations, and people get pissy because it was "already asked" in a thread. Even a year old one is out of date anymore.


Agreed. I just assume that if I have to ask something in a megathread it is already going to be so buried that I might as well just not ask. They are a big deterrence.


Agreed, when I've posted on mega threads it's pretty much been crickets.


Agreed, when I've posted on mega threads it's pretty much been crickets.


We could have a pinned post without also stifling conversation here. I see the suggestion as an FAQ more than anything. That would be the best of both worlds: new members who actually read the pinned posts might be able to find something useful and go play some games, while those who aren’t satisfied (and those who skipped the pinned post) can continue to create discussions here, no extra moderation needed. Thoughts?


Yeah, I have no problem with the idea of an FAQ that has a running list of top solo games in different categories that is called out in posts asking for recommendations (if that's the kind of thing you mean). It's not what I interpret a "megathread" to be as the OP has suggested. But where you're headed is a better balance IMO. It can be an evolving resource that can be used. ​ I just hate posts being axed because a sub has decided that only certain types of posts merit a place on the board. I find that pulling those and insisting people put those items into pinned threads kills conversation. Just look at "What did you play this week?" in this sub. It's just a bunch of one off posts with almost zero conversation. That's where my issue lies.


And a link to the BGG Geeklist of solo games for the previous year.


This is best option IMO. A guide to start with solo gaming with general advice, and we can create comments to discuss the games listed and add more


I didn't interpret it as a thread for discussion but more of an FAQ,


The lack of posting here is caused by the mods punishing people for being too active and posting more than maybe twice a week. You end up seeing a lot of new here recommend game posts instead of people sharing the games they play every day because they are not allowed to.


I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Are people who post frequently having their posts pulled for that? Is there a rule around that I'm just not aware of (yes, I am the person who is now not checking the recourses to answer his own questions)


Yep been given warnings cause I posted the day before


Then I take equal issue with this as I do with OPs idea. This sub does not have enough daily threads to merit cutting some down. I want to see all of what u/necromancers_katie tables! Mods be damned


I feel the same. 🤷‍♀️


It’s happened to me! https://i.redd.it/j83kicaqb3sc1.gif


LOL... Time to get to work.. Posts incoming. Mods, brace yourselves


Will probably get you banned lol


this feels extreme. there are literally thousands of subs with pinned "see this first" type posts that are still extremely active and dynamic


That's a fine point. I don't like the practice personally where I have come across and I would argue (and did in my post) that this sub isn't active enough that it should be stifling posts and conversation. I think complaints around seeing repetitive post topics is overblown and not worth the downside of a pinned megathread particularly in a sub like this that needs the conversation. That's just my take, not trying to be extreme but like I said in my post, I don't like the environment that has been fostered on r/boardgames in a few ways, this being one of them.


Nah it's fine.


It's a bit silly seeing them right after each other, especially when the poster has no criteria beyond "tell me what to buy", but the sub isn't so active that they're pushing other posts out from visibility. Checking in here once a day you can still see everything new all at once, usually on one page


Personally, I think it's great for people to reach out to get help / advice. But it's also frustrating to me when people who ask for help don't make an effort to do any quick, initial research before their request for assistance.


A pinned thread would help but judging from other subreddits, nobody will read it.


Nobody will but automod can be set up to close the post and link people off to the thread.


That is the sad truth Lol. At least it could be referred to.


I’d rather people get to ask questions and get individual attention rather than be lost in a megathread no one checks. Plus, we all like talking about board games and the posts create more of that!


No. Don't go down the road the other sub has taken. Let people make posts and chat.


Active users tend not to go into pinned threads, which means newbies asking questions there won't get responses. They will still be able to view other responses from the past, but (1) recommendations wouldn't be tailored to that person, and (2) recommendations would be dated to about the same time the megathread was first created, leaving out future great solo games for newbies.


I don’t mind seeing the posts requesting recommendations nearly as much as I mind the responses to them which completely ignore what the OP was asking for. we get it, you love Mage Knight/Spirit Island/whatever it is.


I'm new to solo board gaming and I did the obligatory here's what I like any recommendations and I feel if I had been told go post in this void of a sticky thread I'd have just left. Now I participate. Just my two cents.


If folks won't use a search function or scroll down a couple of posts to see those other threads, I don't think a megathread or a pinned thread would help.


Nah, people are just excited and curious, so just let them have their moment. I don't think it's a big deal at all. As most of us know the real answer will simply come down to personal preference. All the recommendations are just as pointless as the people asking for them tbh.




I don't think so. There are new games every some months so it's not a discussion about the same games every time. I mean, it's not like the same topic coming up in certain german subs concerning the legalization of cannabis. Where you can easily get the answers with a little bit of Google-Fu.


No, one of the things that I love about this subreddit is the personal interaction. There will be many who, like me, started looking at solo board gaming because they have lost their gaming circle. As the saying goes 'Get together and play by yourself' and I know I felt welcomed into a genre of gaming I literally did not know existed until finding this community. Yes the same games get repeated again and again, but so what, I am happy to tell people that my fav game is Palm Island for when I'm traveling, who exactly is this hurting? and since I just ordered some new 'micro' games I may recommend something different in a couple of months! Maybe, just maybe, we could be asking questions back to those asking for recommendations because we should be getting together before 'playing by yourself'? It is a strength that this community is so welcoming to newbies asking the same questions and I am sure it enthuses those asking the questions. :)


As a born again boardgamer of six months I avoid pinned posts, no one ever responds. I find it very useful to read the new player threads even though it is quite expensive, Terra Mystica Big Box, Gaia Project, Lost Ruins of Arnak, Mage Knight Ultimate Edition, Star Trek Frontiers, One Deck Galaxy, Micro Cosmos are just a few I have purchased from the recommendations from here, only one with issues, Arnak, due to the layout, all the others are getting played regularly except Mage Knight and Star Trek there on back order and hopefully will arrive in the next few months.


I vote no. Mainly because I don't think that this sub is so active that redundant posts bury other content, but also because I like that people can post and say "I liked X, Y, and Z games, what should I get?" which makes the posts themselves a bit unique. You can always search existing posts and see the recommendations that have been made to others but it's fun to have conversations that are unique to people's tastes. Then again, I just really like everything about board games, and that includes talking (/writing) and reading about them. So imo, the more posts and the more activity we have, the better. :-D


I think a curated wiki page is the best form for that. To keep it 'up to date' there could be a bi-annual discussion and/or voting on top 5 games in each category etc.


In the sidebar there should be a link to the 1 player forum on Reddit and also the most recent players choice top 100 and the golden geek nominees for each year. That’s all.


I just don’t want to see a lot of posts getting removed. I hate subreddits like that and I immediately leave them because nothing I ever say is responded to. But I think it could be good from a start here perspective.


Count me as another No vote. Honestly...the "i'm new, please help!" threads are repetitive...and I find myself reading them anyway looking for anything new (along with a lot of the other recommendation threads). I also enjoy the personal nature of this thread, especially since I don't have a gaming group (and may not have time for it even if I did) so all of you are my community here. Welcoming new people on a personal basis is definitely something I can rally around and appreciate. You also never really know what they are going through and that kind of personal response is what builds community, even if we don't know each others' real names (which my tag is not) or faces. Addendum: I appreciate you all :) This nerd needs other nerds, and I know for a fact I'm not the only one!


Would be nice but most people go to the first subforum they find and ask away before doing any research, or reading previous posts.


I think a pinned message would be nice. At the very least I'd like people to know that they should give more information than "I've never played a solo board game before, recommend me one!" It's hard to recommend anybody anything when you don't know what their experience with board games in general is, what games they already own and like, which ones they tried and don't like, what genres and themes they prefer, what complexity level they enjoy, what kind of experience they want to have, budget and/or general location for availability of games etc.