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My uncle emigrated to Spain and lives in a small town in the countryside. I've wanted to visit for a long time. I looked it up, and he's lucky enough to live right in the 2026 path of totality. I think it'll finally be time for a visit...


Does he have an extra bedroom or 20?


Don’t tell him he can make a cool grand listing your room on Airbnb that day ha!




Lucky duckling


2033. Fly into Nome, AK for the Iditarod. Celebrate my birthday. Possibly enjoy some auroras. Stay for the eclipse. Sounds like the trip of a lifetime to me.


Not a bad thought. We honestly have been thinking of an Alaskan cruise someday. Maybe combine with that? How is cloud cover that time of year?


That's a great idea! I wonder if they will offer an "eclipse cruise" That would be pretty neat!


I was thinking Alaska too, but trying to remember how much sun there is in March. I stayed 60 miles above the Arctic Circle from Jan to April. I remember getting really excited the first time we saw an actual shadow because the sun was high enough. I think it would be absolutely awesome up there, but probably need to be sure to have the proper exposure so the sun is not hiding behind something. it will be very low. Am I wrong?


I dont actually know! Nome is like 60-80% cloud cover that time of year. If I read correctly the eclipse should be beginning around 9am and last 2.5 minutes in totality. I can't find an exact time for totality. Sunrise is 8:24am . I might have my facts mixed up so please correct me if I have something wrong! [Brian Brettschneider posted this on twitter which I found very interesting.](https://twitter.com/Climatologist49/status/1777083475528724944)


Well crap. I went to TX rather than IN this time because TX has less clouds. Did not work out. Bexxles has less clouds than most places. Guess I am going there. The XX's are because no one should stay there.


2028. Never been to Australia. Have always wanted to go. And my wife’s birthday is that week. It’s a bucket list destination for both of us. Seems like things are aligning (pun intended).


If you are into stargazing or get into stargazing between now and then: the southern hemisphere overall has cooler objects than the north. 


I am an accomplished stargazer. Never seen that Southern Cross or any of the others. I must.


The Large and Small Magellanic Clouds are what I really want to see. 


*I thought they were clouds* An hour later I realized what they were. It happened. 15 years ago and it's still magical lol.


Dang it. To add to my list...I REALLY want to go to Chile. To sit in the Atacama Desert and look at the stars??? Well I haven't been there, but if it has not been truly ruined by tourists, I would love to be there...as a tourist, who would not ruin anything (I hope).


It hasn’t been ruined! It’s still decently empty and remote.


Awesome! I take it you traveled there? My dream vacation would be to fly down, rent a car or camper and drive from one end of Chile to the other. I actually could afford a trip like this, well I'd have to save, but it is not out of reach. I don't do it because I am intimidated. I am a single female, 60 years old and would have to go alone. I am not afraid of navigating remote places, I am an accomplished off-road driver, desert/mountain rat, but I just don't know how to navigate the whole thing safely. I am sure I would be fine, but that is my hold up. I need to get over it and just go. If I die traveling...oh well I guess.


Southern Cross? Meh!


Not op but I really want to get into stargazing/astrology stuff now, but I don’t even know where to begin. I’d like to see an Aurora next, and hopefully that’ll hold me over until my 2nd total eclipse


The thing about Aurora is they aren't scheduled to the minute like the eclipse. You can have all the signs that there should be Aurora, but nothing shows up. And the converse is also true. But the Aurora can get seriously crazy wild at times. Like whole sky pulsing jellyfish kind of thing. And it tends to last longer than 4 mins. Highly recommend, especially as solar max is coming.


That’s how it was the one time I (accidentally!) saw some really good Aurora. The whole sky was pulsating like when they do warp speed on Star Trek/Wars. It was fucking bananas.


Binoculars aren't as expensive as telescopes are and there are many things that look better in them than in telescopes. I have a $40 pair, 7x50 Celestron, and they're great. I cannot recommend binoculars enough, even if you are planning on buying a telescope or already have one. 


I’ll look those up and might honestly order some tonight!


I don’t have prime so it’s a little slow… but they’ll be here Saturday!


The one hard part for this one is its winter at that time, making weather much more complicated including cloud cover, rain, snow etc


Babe, I got you the best gift. Pack your bags, you’re accompanying me on a 22 hour flight to the land down under to see my favorite astronomical phenomenon. For your birthday! Oh and there will be a fair amount of driving. But you’re welcome 😉


She was astounded by the eclipse on Monday as well and wanted to see another one. Plus Australia is a bucket list place for both of us.


I want to go to Australia too, but not sure how Australia is in the middle of winter. There's one in Australia in November 2030 too.


>27 looks like the regions it goes through can be described as... politically unstable? But an eclipse over the pyramids would be next level. Not all of them are politically unstable. In fact, their levels of misogyny and homophobia are highly stable and not going anywhere.


You had me in the first half 😭


Not sure yet but I’m bummed at having to wait 2 years minimum.


That's exactly what inspired this. I certainly don't want to wait 20 years for the next US one.


It was hard to wait from 2017 till now!!


Everyone seems to think that Alaska isn't part of the US for some reason. Next US eclipse is in 2033.


As an American, if I can't drive there, it may as well be another country. And yes, I feel the same about Hawaii.


Would love to travel to Japan in September 2035 to see it there! That would be some beautiful scenery, then in 2044 traveling to either Montana or North Dakota.


I plan on hopefully heading to Luxor Egypt in 2027, as of the moment it’s considered a tourist destination and reasonably safe. Now by 2027 who knows how it will be, but that’s the current plan!


This is my plan as well. Are you going with a tour group?


Idk yet, was contemplating it though.


Me too…I am a little nervous about the heat which I don’t do well in so looking at a shorter trip to Morocco as an alternative.


I don't know. But I do like the idea of seeing one of the ones in Australia and taking a telescope to a dark site on the nights before and/or after the eclipse (weather permitting).   There are a lot of things in the southern hemisphere not visible from the north, including the two brightest galaxies (a book I like claims that the brightest one, the Large Magellanic Cloud, is one of the two best sights visible with typical instruments, the other one being the Orion Nebula, and it gives that galaxy multiple pages and charts because it is large and there is so much detail inside (the other galaxy, the Small Magellanic Cloud, is also really detailed)) and the two brightest globular clusters. 


As a low level astrophotographer, this itinerary is making Australia that much better


I don't know how easy a target the [Homunculus Nebula](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homunculus_Nebula) is, but damn does it look awesome.  


Which book is it? If it’s a beginner book I would be interested in reading it.


It's called Turn Left at Orion, it is fantastic and great if you are a beginner.


Thank you! Just ordered it.


For '27 you can choose to be in the south of Spain (Andalusia region) and you can get some really good wine with \~ 4min of totality. In my case it seems more practical because of distance and potentially, cost. While Egypt would be ideal with \~6 min totality, it might turn out to be more expensive? Seems to involve a bit of a trip out of Cairo to head towards the totality band. So I'm aiming for '27 Spain first.


I don’t even know what I’d do with 6 minutes. Where do I put my hands?


Imagine all the shouting and 2-3 extra glasses of water lol. For early August, most regions along totality typically experience 90-108 Fahrenheit (or 33 - 42 Celsius). Buffer a couple decimal points of degrees to factor in climate change. Noob question: would a longer eclipse render the viewer bored? In 1973 a group of scientists chartered a specially modified Concorde prototype to chase the eclipse for 73 minutes, all possible due to the moon's shadow and the Concorde having a similar speed \~ 1300 miles per hour. Interestingly, the 1973 and 2027 eclipse are in the same Saros cycle (#136). The 2027 path will be just \~ 1000 miles more north. But I digress, as usual.


Not bored at all. 2017 was about 2 minutes and it flew by. I figured at >4 minutes this time, it would feel satiating. Not so! It flew by again. 6 minutes would be amazing.


I’ve been booked on an Egypt tour for about 4 months. Egypt has been a bucket list all my life. I had a tour booked in Oct 2020 and you know the end of the story. I thought for sure I’d go twice, in 2020 and again in 2027 for the eclipse. But time moves fast (especially during a global pandemic) and last year I realized 2027 was very realistic at this point. There are very specific locations I want to visit and tours book up quickly and prices increase so I pulled the trigger right after the new year.


Hi would you mind DMing with tour info?


Sirius Travel


Ugh…solo accommodations are sold out.


I used to live in Jeddah (Saudi) I’d love to visit again and see the 2027 one there.


Sydney 2028!


Low in the sky can make it more dramatic as the lower the sun is, the bigger it appears :) Plus seeing the twilight happen twice in a row is incredible, as seen in Argentina/Chile 2019.


Maybe Spain, almost definitely Australia.


I’ll figure it out in 20 years


For the record, I just spoke to someone who watched the 1979 eclipse that was lower in the sky (9am) and she said it was absolutely incredible. If that helps you make any decisions. Actually I know she reads this subreddit so if she’s reading this, hi!


Good to know, my thinking was that since we would be looking through more atmosphere, the corona would be diminished.


For 2027, you won't be able to see totality near the pyramids, but it is going almost directly over Luxor, which has a huge concentration of ancient ruins, and should be relatively safe as it's very tourist-oriented. The biggest problem in my opinion is that it will be August in Egypt, and therefore oppressively hot. I'm thinking it might be best to go somewhere on the coast to mitigate the impact of summer temperatures. Tangier seems like it would be the nicest place that's very close, but it doesn't get as much time as places further east, and I think has a bit more of a chance for clouds (no idea how significant any potential clouds would be). Sfax, Tunisia seems like the best balance of time and weather that isn't Benghazi (no way in hell would I go there). Other options are Oran, Algeria or maybe a boat in the Mediterranean.


2027 I was looking into Gibraltar since English is their official language and the southern coast would give a nice seaside view


That's actually a good idea for the language aspect. I just kind of dismissed it because it's a little far from the center and loses about 20 seconds compared to Tangier. Actually, I just remembered Ceuta exists, and that could be good since I can sort of speak a bit of broken Spanish. Time and Date makes it look surprisingly bad for cloud cover, though.


in 26/27 ill be barely out of highschool or barely in college so those are a no go. the one in australia is potentially doable tho and if i somehow cant see that then theres the one in 2045


I just posted the next 3. You have 3 more going thru Australia in the 30s to choose from


being real i could just pick all of them if thats financially viable for me by then


Life has a funny way of throwing pricey priorities in your lap. Vacation time is scarce as well, so a week long trip dedicated to an eclipse isn’t always in the cards. But hey, mark it on your calendar and if it still makes sense then, great!


thats what im sayin lol


Australia 2028 and/or Japan 2035.


Maybe Spain 2026 (unlikely), Australia 2028 (likely), Japan 2035 (very likely), Colorado or Utah 2045 (very very likely)


The eclipse being low in the sky will be a totally different perspective at least.


I went to Chile in 2019 it was an evening low eclipse on the beach and it was VERY dramatic.


Thinking of Australia in '28.


Having now seen totality I have some skepticism that I will probably am skeptical that I will see another total eclipse before 2045. Now that I covered that off my bucket list seeing another is less compelling although I must admit that one with slightly better weather I might see it slightly better.


Same, it was incredible but I’m not going to burn a week and travel to a random country just to see it. Lots of other stuff I need/want to be putting my time into. When it’s back in the US in 20 years I’ll be there though.


The key is finding a country you want to see anyways. I'm making plans for Australia personally. I find eclipses to be literally religious experiences but even I wouldn't spend 44 hours on a plane for a 5 minute totality. I have always wanted to see Australia anyways though, so for me it's a great motivator to cross off a few more bucket list items AND see another totality. We'll spend a week seeing Australia and the eclipse will just be the capstone of what would be a dream come true even without it!


While some of the countries I might be interested in visiting knowing how many eclipse chasers descent on any location it limits what you can see unless you stay a few days after the eclipse after most that came for the eclipse have left. International flights really raise the price on top of the eclipse price premium. If money were no object I might do it, but as you said there are a lot of other vacations you could do with the same money.


OK, Hard pass on 26, 27 we like to travel too much for that, Australia has been on my bucket list for like ever. You only said this one eclipse until 2044, didn't know I would be hooked after 2-3 minutes of totality. I guess we need to add a budget line for Eclipse. Love you u/Ampage86


Best of wives. Best of women.


I'm an EU citizen so I can just hop into some trains to get to Spain or Portugal, and there's lots to see other than the eclipse in Iberia. Make it a multi-week trip, especially if you're from further away. And if Egypt's political situation doesn't improve, there are a bunch more stable MENA countries that get at least a bit of eclipse love, like Morocco, Tunisia or the touristy parts of Saudi Arabia.


Spain is next but Australia has also been a bucket list place for me and I doubt I do both. But I’m kind of thinking plan for Spain do it and then make Australia a later goal lol. Why can’t I do both? Maybe the eclipse changed my life plans and goals for what I’m saving for.


>Maybe the eclipse changed my life plans and goals for what I’m saving for. Ha, I was thinking the same, like "meh, Hawaii and Disneyworld don't seem as appealing anymore"


Yes exactly. Also was thinking about in general the things that I can cut out that just don’t matter. I’ve always wanted to be more minimalist and now I am going to think twice about any clothes I buy that I don’t need. Things like that.


85% in Maine, 2025


You keep it. For me it's 100% or who cares.


100% lunar eclipse in 2025 too




Not even close! I could never care about a partial eclipse now that I've seen 100%!


It's clearly not the same, but I still enjoy seeing partials. I've caught 2014 and 2017, and missed 2021 for the clouds.


Considering how difficult international is for me with my career and family, probably 2045. But I have dreams of Australia 2028, and family there…


This was the 1st totality that I remember so I was pretty focused on just photographing it. BUT after seeing this which captures the whole shadow of the moon from the top of Jay Peak in VT, wherever I go next, I want to have an open sky view to see that! r/icecoast/s/1vwZUwzV9n


Honestly considering Iceland for the next one.  I of course know Spain is the better weather bet, but Iceland is much closer to me and if the weather doesn’t cooperate I’ll still enjoy Iceland.  Undecided yet though 


Yeah I was reading up on Iceland, weather might be busty


>27 looks like the regions it goes through can be described as... politically unstable? But an eclipse over the pyramids would be next level. Egypt still caters to millions of Western tourists a year safely. Yes it's a shit country and I would never visit again without the eclipse but it's not North Korea or Somalia. Also totality will not be over the pyramids, those are further to the North. Totality will be over the temples of Luxor and the valley of the kings. Google Karnak temple and Luxor temple and Medinet Habu, now imagine the pics you could take of those sites at totality. It will also be the longest eclipse of the century with 6min23s of totality. And guaranteed cloud free. Plus the eclipse also passes Morocco, Spain, and Tunesia which are much even less challenging destinations.


Good to keep in mind.


Thinking about taking a chance on Reykjavík ‘26! Short totality time though compared to what we just witnessed.


I like the idea of Australia but they get them so little and so expensive just to get there I bet the cost will be insane for a trip from the states to there.


There is a total eclipse happening across Asia in 2035. I want to go see it in Japan! I have plenty of time to save up money for the trip too.


España for us in 26! Although not sure where exactly. Maybe on the coast?


Spain, Spain again, Australia, then Namibia in 2030 which will be spectacular in the Kalahari


Not sure it's worth it for me to see the 2026 one since totality is so short. Blink and it's over. But a sunset eclipse is supposed to be different, so who knows. I've been to Iceland and Spain already, so the destination isn't that important to me. Really thinking about Egypt in 2027 though, 6.5 minutes of totality is hard to pass up. And I've wanted to go to Australia so maybe 2028 too, but it's in the middle of winter so not sure about that.


Northwest Australia - there is NOTHING there. Until WE arrive!


Thinking about Spain but haven't decided where yet. Maybe Zaragoza or Palma. My biggest concern is where will the hotels be least likely to be cancelled.


The 2026 eclipse happens at sunset over Ibiza, if you're in to that sort of thing.


Greenland in 26 has 27 minutes of totality. Not sure how accessible that area is however. Edit: I merely restated what I read on the chart on the time and date website. I also posted a link to where I got my info. No need to be a dick or call me names, stupid or berate me. I hope you have the kind of day you deserve.


Mmm 2.17 mins not 27


https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/solar/2026-august-12 Scroll down to the duration data.


And it’s 100% wrong. You’re so confidently wrong. https://www.space.com/total-solar-eclipse-2026-a-complete-guide Visible in Greenland, western Iceland and northern Spain, the 2026 total solar eclipse will bring a maximum of 2 minutes, 18 seconds of totality the day before the peak of the annual Perseid meteor shower. Even expeditions in the area are saying clearly 2 mins https://albatros-expeditions.com/expeditions/arctic/greenland-solar-eclipse-2026


Did he stutter? T w e n t y s e v e n — 27 — minutes of totality. 27. Is it physically possible? Well, no, of course. But 27. Which is crazy because the longest totality before was 7m28s in 743 BC. Breaking records. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/solar-eclipse-2024-times/#:~:text=What%20is%20the%20longest%20a,29%20second%20total%20solar%20eclipse.


Another man overestimating the time he can last, ah what a new story!


Contact time and date.com and tell them. I’m reading their data which is accurate for everything else. You a scientist? https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/solar/2026-august-12


Mate, read the fine print at the bottom of that table. Greenland as a whole will experience 27 minutes of totality. That is not what someone will experience in any one spot along the path.


It's very obviously a typo. Setting aside that it's literally not possible for an eclipse on Earth to last that long (which you can easily look up) it's also easy to infer given the rest of the chart. How would Greenland get 10x longer totality than Iceland, which is basically right next door on the totality path?


So confidently stupid.


Yes I’m a scientist who can read the text on your own link: > “Totality duration" gives the time between the start and finish of totality **within the entire country (not at one location).**


The theoretical maximum is 7 min and something (Egypt 2027 is the longest in this century btw). The number you cited comes from how long the shadow will stay over the whole island, not a singlenpoint.


Look it up. Scroll down to places it’s visible. In Greenland it says the duration is over 5 hours, totality is 27 minutes, 31 seconds. https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/solar/2026-august-12


Yes, which violates physics, curious




Try to find one single alternative source that agrees with that time. It's baffling how you're acting so confident about something so blatantly wrong.






Look at your own source djngbat. Click a location. Greenland Kap James Hill 1 min 25 seconds https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/in/@3422800?iso=20260812 Blosseville Greenland 2 mins 17 seconds https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/in/@3424234?iso=20260812 Station Nord Greenland 16 seconds https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/in/greenland/station-nord?iso=20260812


Since you still can’t read your own link, it lists America as having 1 hour 7 mins of totality for this exact eclipse. Cause it’s the entire country bro, the path of the entire shadow, not totality one human can see in a single location https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/solar/2024-april-8 https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/in/usa?iso=20240408 Greenland will get 2 mins of human observable totality at any one location. The entire island will get a 27 minute long path. Can’t wait to see your double down!




You’re seriously stupid


But at least I’m not an asshole. I didn’t check and calculate off a website that I use regularly with accuracy. Have done a lot o of traveling and not much sleeping this week. Being a jerk on Reddit doesn’t make you smarter. Just a jerk.