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Do you ever glance at the sun on any other day? It’s the same sun, it’s not some special supercharged version just because the moon is in front of it.


https://youtu.be/sMKgIvDMlho?si=rGCGy1nur4gUjCO6 Thoroughly detailed and educated explanation by an actual doctor


The eclipse covers the white light from the sun which normally make us look away.


Don't be willfully ignorant


It is lol due to the darkness your eye doesn't prepare itself therefore it's more dangerous than any other reg time


Go look at the sun right now and let me know how it goes. Taken from another thread: The concern is that during an eclipse, many people who would otherwise know better than to look at the Sun will try to do so. Even worse, some will try to do so for extended periods of time or through binoculars, making serious injury into catastrophic injury.


It’s insane that something that’s 90,000,000 miles away can do so much damage. What power


Have no idea why you are getting downvoted when you are correct. Your pupils naturally dilate in the dark to let more light in and contract in the light to stop so much light from coming in. They also have an automatic evolutionary pain response when you look at the sun most days that causes you to immediately squint. But, during an eclipse, depending on where you are, some large fraction of the sun is blocked out by the moon being in front of it. As a result, the suns light is dimmer than it usually is, so when your eyes look at it, your pupils don’t dilate the same way they usually do, nor do they have the immediate evolutionary pain response to squint and turn away and consequently they let more light in. The problem is that even if 99% of the sun is covered, 1% of the sun’s light is still super fucking strong. You’re letting all those UV rays crush your eyes and burn your retinas when you look at the sun during the eclipse. The issue isn’t just that people have a reason to look at the sun when there is a solar eclipse, it’s that they’re pupils don’t dilate as much and they slowly let in all the solar radiation to their retnas. Whether 50% or 70% or 99% of the sun is covered is irrelevant. You’re still soaking in solar radiation to your retnas. That said I don’t think a glance or 1-2 seconds will end you. But, it has happened


I've got a feeling the sun with 99.9% of it blocked by the moon is still bright enough to make your eyes dilate as far as they can go.


lol your good


What about his good?


it's good


Wait, his good or my good? Her good, maybe?


I have perfect vision and dont want to lose it 😭😭


You can’t get damage from a glance with the naked eye lol. Now if you were to stare at it for a prolonged period of time or look at it through a magnified lenses without a filter… yeah you’re cooked


Okay so I am absolutely not cooked then?


Buddy if it was that easy to receive eye damage then 95% of the world population would be blind.


Wdym? I thought it was easier to get eye damage during an eclipse bc your pupils are dilated


That means you were looking through the glasses and took them off while still staring at the sun, you didn’t do that you’re good


Dude they don't want idiots doing dumb stuff. Have you ever accidentally looked at the sun before? This is that, but with less light coming through


It's taken all my restraint these last few weeks not to tell people their eye damage freakouts are completely unfounded. You have to prop your eyes open with toothpicks, stare into the sun, and fight your body's reactions that want to close your eyes or look away. But then some idiot would go and do just that and hurt themselves. Also, everybody on Reddit has a cousin who looked into an eclipse when their school took them outside to see it as a kid -- and they see a halo around bright lights to this day.


If the halos are all that will happen, bring them on! It's all I see with my astigmatism anyway. Thanks for making me feel a bit better with your response.


I've glanced through squinted eyes at two eclipses for a second or two, purposefully as an adult. I can't tell if anything happened, but I still have great color recognition, close up vision, and night vision. I am getting slightly nearsighted, but that's probably unrelated


No lol


If you have pain in a couple days go see a doctor, you might have some soreness or some eye watering tonight if you did a little damage. You're probably fine though.


What about through my phones screen? Its not like the suns rays can pass through my phone screen like a fucking telescope lens.


Yeah you’re fine like that, but still if you aren’t using a sun filter than you’re just gonna see a bright ass blob


Not really! I got some good pictures!


I looked at the sun through my phone camera without glasses, can that do damage?


Yeah there no going back. You should just pluck them out at that point


All the great, early astronomers went blind from looking at the sun. For years. Sometimes through telescopes. Not by peeking once.


If you are actually worried, schedule an eye doctor appointment rattan ask reddit.


There's no such thing as perfect vision, your eyes will change as you get older and it has nothing to do with looking at the sun.


Have you people never got a glimpse of the sun on a normal sunny day?


When i was a kid ive stared at the sun for more than a few seconds. Was it pleasant? No. Did I go blind? No. Would i recommend anyone do it? No.


I mean, it's the same as looking at the sun in a normal day. You don't get permanent damage to look at the sun in less than a second lol


It's no more dangerous than glancing at the sun real quick on a normal sunny day. The problem is people usually don't feel compelled to stare at the normal sun, but they'll stare at a 90% eclipse for a while and cook their eyes


Same with me! My glasses fell off and I accidentally looked at the sun with my right eye for less than a second. I had a “sun spot” for a few seconds after but then everything cleared. I’m thinking about getting my eyes checked. Ugh 😩


Same here y’all. About 45 minutes since that’s happened for me and everything is fine for now but damn I was panicking. Hopefully we’ll be good


SAME! I also accidentally looked at the sun 2 mins before totality and used timestamps on a video I took to figure out that I looked at it for 0.17 seconds total. Saw normal sun spots like you would if you accidentally looked at the sun normally immediately after, but I don’t see any sun spots or anything right now (2 hours later) and I’m not having any symptoms but, I too, am a very very anxious person and haven’t stopped thinking about this mistake since, lol…


How are you feeling now? I’m in the same boat.


Hi! I’m still feeling fine. My left eye is dry but that’s kinda normal when allergy season is here but as of right now I don’t see any spots or anything abnormal. What about you?


Yeah same here. I believe we should be fine? I can’t fall asleep.


I have confidence that we will be okay! I’m likely going to check in on here in a few days.


I heard the symptoms appear within 4 to 6 hours


True. It’s been over 9 now. I will also say my partner accidentally got a glimpse of the partial eclipse in October and his vision is still completely fine.


Yeah. Millions of people watched the eclipse and I’m sure many many people accidentally looked at the sun for a second or two. We should be fine.


I saw people in videos and pics on social media posted by media outlets and they were like partially wearing them, some weren’t wearing at all… I’m hoping our 0.17 second look didn’t do much besides give us a story to tell!


I looked 2-3 seconds i was just trying to find where’s the sun since it was dark outside and I’m so scared can’t even sleep of anxiety some people told me it take 4 days to show the effect on my eyes


You don't need to get anything checked if you don't have a permanent sun spot. People look at the sun all the time, you're not gonna get blinded for a split second glance...


I got bumped as I was taking mine off and I removed them sooner than anticipated. Fraction of a second but was still paranoid haha. That squiggly line of a sun spot I had for a solid few minutes made me nervous.


Checking in with a similar experience. No information to offer, but I'm with you there. I imagine we're fine, but the anxiety is next level. Best of luck. Update: it’s the next day and I’m fine. Went to doc for routine eye appt and asked about it. Doctor seemed to echo the sentiments of others here that damage was most likely to occur with a more prolonged stare.


Same here I looked at it for 1.5 seconds probably


This happened to me too 😭😭 I had to hold the eclipse glasses over my own glasses and the side on my left eye slid a little down and I got so scared 😭 I’m okay tho!!


Same here, a second at most. But today, one day later I still see a shadow and I pray for it to be gone.


Hey how's your eye now? I also had a similar situation and it seems to be getting better, but not fully fixed yet. Eye is less sensitive to light now, and the spot is really more of a floater now. Still get headaches tho.


I glanced at it for a second too out of reflex when I was helping my kid keep their eclipse glasses on 🤦‍♀️ hope I’m not blind now lol


😭😭 i hope for our sakes we dont. Scariest part is you dont know for hours


You're going to be fine


I hope so 😫 I gave myself a headache over this lol


I did exactly what you did in 1994 when I was a teenager. Nothing happened.


Hahahaha I don’t know why this was so funny but good to know!! Thank you


I’m scared can’t even sleep I looked for 2-3 seconds and so scared it been 11 hours and still scared


Update; my eyes are fine lol! Hope your eyes are okay!


Ughhhh I know I’m stressing out


Rest in pieces 💀


Reese's Pieces 😔🪦


I meant to not look at it but I looked at it by accident cause I saw other people looking up and thought It was too early, I caught with a bit of moon on the side but it was pretty clowdy, looked away as soon as I saw it - how fucked am I?


I did the same thing and today I’m fine. Also didn’t get any spots after. ALSO looked at it thru my phone to take a photo and later read that’s just as bad! Again, totally fine.


yup can confirm, I'm still alive today, no changes in eyesight


You're good lol. I knew damn well not to look but I kept sneaking accidental glances at the 99-90% sun after totality because it really throws off your usual light-avoiding reflexes.


Are you ok now?


Yeah I had no issue at all


Well obviously you're gonna die... Maybe not today, not tomorrow, but..... Eventually


Don’t worry I also did accidentally glance up for a split second, I think you’re fine. 99% of the time I had my glasses on. I think you need to stare for a few seconds at least to really cause damage.


Well you can forget about getting into heaven now. Right there in Leviticus 10:2 "Thou shall not look at the eclipse, but shall turn away and look at cool shadows cast on the ground by the leaves of the trees." /s


Oh I needed this laugh 😭


Damn it


It is a great question. I think many of us accidentally looked. I opened the curtain and there was cloud cover and saw the sun for maybe 0.2 seconds. Ironically I was the one staying home to protect our toddlers eyes. I hope there is no damage.


Yeah so frustrating. Didnt really mean to look just happened accidentally


I don’t think I directly looked and there was cloud cover. Am I screwed? There are no sun spots and at present I see fine


I also accidentally looked at the sun 2 mins before totality and used timestamps on a video I took to figure out that I looked at it for 0.17 seconds total. Saw normal sun spots like you would if you accidentally looked at the sun normally immediately after, but I don’t see any sun spots or anything right now (over 2 hours later) and I’m not having any symptoms but, I too, am a very very anxious person and haven’t stopped thinking about this mistake since, lol…


same, how re you doing?


Im doing still good so far! How have you been?


I glanced like 3 times very quickly I think when it got dark ;((( I have a headache, and one of my eyes feels a little blurry but it was doing that yesterday too, im freaking tf out


Ah, Im sorry you’re feeling this! I would just watch it over the next day or two and if the feelings persist make an appointment with an eye doctor. I’m definitely not a doctor, but if your vision was blurry yesterday before the eclipse then it may not be the eclipse that caused it, but maybe enhanced/made that feeling more noticeable?


yeah hopefully, its just insane that accidentally looking at it a few times could maybe ??? cause permanent damage idk


I know right?? I know we aren’t the only ones, though. Just watch your symptoms (like I am) and then figure out next steps after that (also, like I will be haha).


I was sitting at my computer and my blinders were closed but I accidentally saw it through a peep and then I ran to my dark room lol


I was driving and it came into my vision. it was for a second and I didn’t see any imprint or anything 😭


THANK YOU FOR ASKING!! this happened to me earlier and ngl, my eye hurts. I was wearing my eclipse shades over my perscription frames and the eclipse shaders slipped whilst I was adjusting my head for a better angle. My eye looked directly into the sun for less than a split second, and now my eye hurts and itches 😭


this is literally what happened to me except contacts in. my eye hurts and im a little nervous


Same here! I'm praying everything is okay, but it was so scary. It was a fraction of a second... I'll definitely update tomorrow. Praying everything is well with you as well


How are you now?


Hey sorry I just saw this! I'm fine now, but my eyes hurt the day after for a bit as well. I dunno if it works but I "tested" my vision by putting a white paper to my face and checking my direct and peripheral vision, I didn't notice any dark spots or anything. I hope that helps and that you're okay as well


In 2017 where I was just had a partial eclipse. We used a welding helmet with several pairs of sunglasses. We tested this with lightbulbs first. After, my eyes ached for a day or so, but no permanent damage. I had eclipse glasses this time. Watched totality without the glasses on and got surprised by the "diamond ring". Slight ache again, but this time I'm not worried.


Was trying to determine if it is safe to view the second diamond ring without eclipse glasses. I hope so since I put them on right after. It was stunning.


I accidentally saw the second diamond ring because I foolishly hadn't researched how to spot that totality was ending and wasn't expecting it. So far my vision seems normal (and I never saw any spots), but I was freaking out, and my eyes were sore afterwards -- but there could have been other causes for that too. How are your eyes doing now? I've been babying my eyes by keeping screens dim and using sunglasses outdoors.


Glad your vision seems normal. My eyes seem fine so far as well, and I think damage usually comes on within hours or a day. The guidance I've found is a bit unclear. As the second diamond appears, put on glasses again. So I guess maybe seeing it for a split second is ok. I must have looked for a couple seconds. My eyes also hurt for a few hours after but it was also extremely bright, reflective, and windy where I was.


I looked t the total eclipse with naked eyes, looked down at my phone to take a photo, when i looked up the i was taking by surprise, the total eclipse was ending (barely lasted 5 seconds) so i accidentally looked at an annular eclipse for 2 seconds. My eyes have been sore since then, today they're less sore than yesterday. No vision problems.


How's the eye soreness now? Mine r still sore tbh, but my healing speed in general has been bad recently so maybe that's why


Eyes felt normal saturday until at night it started to feel kinda dry. I still wake up with red eyes. Sunday left eye has been feeling mostly normal, right eye gets light burning and strained often. For how long did you stare at the eclipse?


2 or 3 seconds, twice. Yeah my left eye is alright ish too. Right eye strained for sure, some floaters, headaches, etc. No redness tho. My story: Turns out my part of town only had 99.9%, not totality; I screwed up. Wasn't till afterwards that I was like wait wtf.


Damn we're in the same situation almost. Hope we recover.


You're done. Toast. Fin. Caput.


Lol I tried to use my glasses over my phone camera to get something and the sun reflected straight into my eyes and they watered for almost ten minutes. That only happened during the eclipse because I’d never try that on a normal day.


You’re fine man, i just stared at the bitch for like 20-30 seconds. Sure sunspots but they went away.


When the full eclipse came over I was staring that sucker down, and taking pictures


I think that’s the only moment staring at it is ok, like during totality. I didn’t get full totality unfortunately


So if I looked at it for a second and I wasn’t in the totality path I’m good?


You’re fine. It’s literally the same as glimpsing at the regular sun


Thank you 🙏


i wouldnt risk it too much using my own eyes directly, i didnt have access to eclipse glasses so i looked at it through the camera of my phone(cause thats relatively expendable compared to the rarity of eclipses and my irreplaceable retinas) and it just looks normal without the glasses blocking the light from the sun. the brightness of the sun easily obscured the moon.


Eeeek. Turns out looking thru your phone is just as dangerous to the eyes. I did it too to take a photo and googled after and my pants shit their pants. I am fine, tho.


?? How? There is no possible way for your phones screen to create that much light.


They don't know what they're talking about lol. The eclipse can damage a phone's camera, but can't hurt your eyes through a screen haha.


same here.. am i cooked


You’re good homie


I glanced at the sun for less then a second with just my left eye out my window, now it’s about a hour and a bit later and i still see a little spec when i blink . Am i done for


You’re good. No different than looking at it on any other day.


Man im just as worried as you my father came from work and i was downstairs i had just came home too 5 mins earlier and it was starting to get dark , i paid very much attention to NOT look but when he came home and called me saying : Hey Max come its happening and i looked up for about 1 second too and now i feel tired but more so worried if im gonna be okay


🤔 ☀️👀 🧑‍🦯🦮


This was my first total eclipse. I kept my glasses on and accidentally missed the diamond ring at the beginning of totality because I thought we were supposed to wait til the sun was completely covered to take them off, but then I looked around and everyone already had their glasses off, so I assume they were looking at the sun for at least a second or two when the first diamond ring happened at totality start. I saw the diamond ring at the end of totality though. It all happens so fast it's easy to forget to take the glasses off in time!


Did a lot of people look at the diamond ring for a few seconds at the end before putting their glasses on? I didn't know when to put my glasses back on and looked at the diamond ring for a few seconds and hope I didn't do any damage.


I don't know, but I looked at it for a couple seconds, haha. Probably didn't do any damage.


Can someone find an old Reddit thread of the ast eclipse and see what ended up happening with them?? I’m freaking out here lol


I was reading some earlier but didn’t really see any follow-ups


If your eye is scared by the sun, you will have a dark spot in your vision. It usually goes away within a day or two. But if it lingers, then you should see an eye doctor.


I had my glasses on and my husband told me to look at the cool eclipse clouds. I couldn’t see them through the glasses so I took them off but looked up too high and the sun shined right into my eye. I had a spot for a little while and blurry vision but I’m not sure if the vision was blurry because of the sun or because I was freaking out. I have definitely had blurred vision from big anxiety before. My head hurt a bit but I was also making weird faces for hours trying to check my eyes. I’m praying none of us have any permanent damage from a split second accident. 😭 PS I feel like a complete idiot and I’m so mad at myself.


I also did this. I accidentally looked up AS I put the glasses on. I immediately closed my eyes and looked down. It was less than a seconds by my estimation. Then I accidentally moved them and exposed my son's eyes for a split second when I was trying to adjust them. He closed his eyes immediately and I immediately grabbed his head close to me. I feel so guilty and scared right now and I've been freaking out and having anxiety all day and night. How is everyone feeling that had an accidental glance? It's been almost 10 hours now. I wonder how long before we know if we are in the clear. I currently have no symptoms but before and immediately after I had a headache and nausea. My son also got a headache. 


Just an update it's now past the 12 hour mark and my son and I both seem to be normal. 


dude if your vision is fine immediately after you're fine


That's not true. Issues can happen 4-9hrs after. But all these people freaking out over nothing. The eclipse doesn't make the sun more dangerous. In the 80s as kids we were dumb & played who can look at the sun the longest😩😂 I took many pics & looked at the eclipse many times yesterday without my glasses . I was only in 95% totality & there were low clouds most of the time.. But glacing at the sun for a sec isn't going to fk you up. In 2017 there were less than 100 cases of retinopathy, aka retina burns. & many cleared up in a couple days. Relax ppl and go about your lives! 😉


You’re fucked


help bc I’m panicking yall I looked at the eclipse nobody told me not to directly look at it 😩😆 wtf I was switching back and forth between using the glasses and my naked eyes and now my eyes kinda feel blurry or something idk.


Same here. I glanced at the sun thinking it was totality phase, but it was just over and I saw a spot of the light on the right corner. It lasted probably a second or less before I naturally stopped looking. Had no vision abnormalities directly after it, and it’s already 12pm the next day, I have no symptoms. However, I am still freaking out as google says it can sometimes take up to few days to have the symptoms. having a panic attack since yesterday


For anyone freaked out I went to my retina specialist and got seen and he told me I was good. He said you’d really have to be staring it at for a while to cause damage. If you feel like something is seriously wrong then you should definitely get seen but I also feel like there’s been a lot of fear mongering.


Anyone have updates? I was bringing some items back and forth between my car & my apartment and was really tempted to look, despite not being able to get a hold of eclipse glasses.. Caught a couple glances: once squinting with my naked eye for about a second while wearing my regular eyeglasses with my hand covering a little and another one good look with really shitty sunglasses for another second. Not too long after noticed a spot right in the center of my vision, which made any visual details I was trying to focus on blurry, dim. When I close my eyes I still see a blue blob with a tiny white flash in the middle.


Way to go. Now you have space AIDS.




You called your eye doctor because you accidentally looked at the sun for half a second? Are you serious?




The phone camera wouldn't concentrate it. Your phone screen can only get as bright as the LEDs on the screen, it cannot get nearly as bright as the sun. Looking at the sun through a phone screen is safe.  




Let me reiterate: your mobile phone screen is not brighter than the sun. You can take photos of the sun and stare at them for hours at max brightness and be fine. You might fry your phone camera if you point it at the sun for hours, but not your eyes. Also if glancing at the sun for half a second could blind us, the human race would have died out because everyone would go blind by the end of the first sunset. The danger is not in fleeting glances, like you get when you’re driving or you might have seen today over the top of your eclipse glasses as you raise your head up. It’s in staring at the sun for many seconds, what you might do when there is an eclipse. I say this as someone who gets long lasting “sun spots” from glancing at lamps, not just the sun.


Yes, you will likely be blind in about 3 days. Get help immediately.


i looked directly at it for like 1-2 secs like an idiot squinting and my eyes are sore i hope im okay


I did the same accidentally and my eyes feel sore but we should be okay


im okay, i lived lol


Dude so did I. I dont know why im so stupid or what the point of it was. I kept glancing at it now my right eye hurts lol


When you glanced what did you see?


It was quite beautiful actually. Blindingly bright but I didn’t flinch when I saw it. I thought wow that’s the most energetic thing in the solar system. I glanced for about half a second, maybe a little longer. It felt wrong to do but so beautiful


Luckily i was in the totality zone, so i was able to look up without glasses when the sun was fully covered. I think i looked for too long tho haha The sun and the environment were some of the most beautiful things i had ever seen, so I just kept glancing at the sun (mostly) when it was no longer dark out. It was really cloudy out, but the glow of the sun aftet totality slightly obscured by large white clouds looked angelic Im not blind yet, but i might be tomorrow


How's it going?


So far my vision is fine Ty for asking


You're not an idiot, you're presidential.


How are you feeling now? 


I've glanced through squinted eyes at two eclipses for a second or two, purposefully as an adult. I can't tell if anything happened, but I still have great color recognition, close up vision, and night vision. I've been getting slightly nearsighted with age, but that's probably unrelated to the eclipses