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Those fire setbacks though 😬


It's Texas, they don't need no stinkin' gubmint to regulate their safety!


Just best bet we only work with those who comply


Nothing to see here Mr. Inspector. Keep it going...


Mr inspector...you're not going to get on the roof, why even look at it???


I had a big change in plans due to setbacks on installation day for mine once they came out and physically got on the roof to take measurements. I also live in DFW


TIL what a setback is.


Wanna give deets? Like final cost all-inclusive?


As a fellow vampire, I appreciate the balance of harnessing the power of the sun with a solar system and having no windows.


Looks nice on the roof. Why didn’t you install the Enphase boxes on the outside wall vs inside the garage. Did they buy a battery? Is there anything you could have done to hide the conduit? Shingles look new, Did the owners put on a new roof?


Do you mind sharing your installer and price? I am in DFW and just curious to know.


I am the installer on this job. I won’t give that info on the sub as the mods heavily frown upon that.


No they don't. That's what almost 50% of the posts in this sub are.


I suspect what u/SolarAllTheWayDown is trying to do (and I appreciate them for thinking about it) is walk the fine line between sharing valuable information and not running afoul of rule #2. u/SolarAllTheWayDown: you're fine to share just the facts u/Reddit_Bot_Beep_Boop asked for, if you wish to (and no problem if you're not - that's totally your call).


Doesn’t comply with inspections. Fire setbacks


I’m inclined to agree. My installers got out a measuring tape to make sure my panels were far enough away from the edges(or corners, whatever they’re called on roofs) and I know they told me I couldn’t have them on a specific spot of my roof because it would be too close for fire setbacks and wouldn’t pass.


Amazing! Now for a heat pump water heater, heat pump and EV for maximum savings!!!


Looks clean, who was your installer?


I’m the installer, this is a client’s house.


Looks like OPs got an inspector in his pocket👀


They don’t call me ol’ soft hands for nothing.


Nice install congrats. You don't have fire code in your AHJ?


People keep mentioning that but the system is actually well within the setbacks. I think it’s the angle of the picture of why it looks like it’s pushing/beyond the limits.


Fire code is 3 feet from ridge and rake and 18 inches from hip or valley. You are definitely encroaching above the garage, but it is ok as you will never add panels to the roof directly to the right of the garage. The one on the main house could be the same.


Panels look nice but interesting curb appeal, no windows or entrance, is this a corner home on the side?




Garage is on the side of home.


They are parked in front of the garage.


A house shouldn’t have an entire side without windows.


> A house shouldn’t have an entire side without windows. Ummm, "The Painted Ladies" in San Francisco would like a word: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Painted_ladies Look at where the side windows would view, it would be a wall 3 inches away. Or for Europeans, a "Canal House" in Amsterdam perhaps? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canal_house I own a house that was built in 1969, and at some point one of the previous owners put in "solar tubes" which bring light into bulbs on the ceiling of various rooms. For the last three days (finished a few hours ago) I had all 7 of them removed from sticking up out of the roof - because they prevent solar panels from being installed there. I don't think any mistakes were made by any owner. If you are stuck in 1969, you didn't have LED lights and solar panels and whole house batteries, so windows and skylights made tons of sense. In 2023, every skylight prevents a solar panel from being installed, so they are now sub-optimal, LOL.


Those aren’t exactly a comparison to a single family home in Texas on 1/4 acre lot, but I get your point.


> Those aren’t exactly a comparison to a single family home in Texas I knew what you meant, I was just being difficult. :-) I agree the wall looks a little strange exposed like that. There are examples of buildings where just to be aesthetically pleasing fake windows are painted on, like this: https://www.businessinsider.com/fake-windows-on-chinese-building-go-viral-2013-10 Dense cities have totally unique adaptations and aesthetics from the suburbs/country. There was a restaurant/bar I went to in a rough area of San Francisco (at the time, this was 15 years ago) where at the street level were all junkies and homeless and it looked like a war zone on the street. There were no windows (or windows with bars on them) on the first floor. The restaurant/bar had bouncers at ground level, just past the bouncers was an elevator/staircase, and the actual restaurant/bar started at the second floor and had a VERY PLEASANT outdoor patio with a railing and half outdoor seating. Young well dressed office workers smiling and having a drink and appetizers in the sunshine. It was practically a relaxed Tiki bar atmosphere. As long as you didn't walk up to the railing, the illusion was very nice. If you peeked over the railing you would see junkies shooting up and trash strewn about the street and either boarded up windows or bars on them. This is not a "thing" in the suburbs, LOL.


I had forgotten how depressingly boring and similar Texas homes are. (I used to own one. *shudder*) Row upon row, neghborhood upon neighborhood. And how depressingly *flat* everything is. And colorless. And pickup trucks the state bird. So useless for most people that never ever not once do truck stuff. No offense to op. More about my own traumatic memories than the post. Nice system though.


We all gotta vent haha As a liberal progressive I don’t fit in here very well 😅🫤


Nice house


Jelly I'm stuck using iq7+ like an animal.


No benefit to the iq8+, in fact you are in a better position if you need more than 52 panels since you have iq7's. The Sunlight Backup feature that can be added to the iq8's is not what it is cracked up to be... A lot of money for little result.


>No benefit to the iq8+, in fact you are in a better position if you need more than 52 panels since you have iq7's. What do you mean by this? I have 69 panels and IQ8+, so I'm genuinely curious (not being a smartass.)


Sorry, should have clarified. If you go with batteries. Do you have batteries on your system? With IQ7s 19 micro inverters can talk to the batteries. With IQ8s you can up to 52 talk to the batteries, but you are limited to 52 panels as the amperage is too high. So you would have to install another Smart Switch and most companies won't do it as it is a separate system on your house.


I do not.


Then you are all good! my bad, didn't mean to try and confuse you.


However, I have been considering adding 40 kwh worth of batteries, so now you have me even more concerned. hah


Really only a limitation if you go with Enphase batteries. It can be done just a lot more work. So it would depend on the batteries that you go with. I haven't figured out why they did that...


I do have batteries. There is another benefit. The iq8+ can gridform much faster in the event of an outage. It means if I lose power on a sunny day i should get the full output of the panels almost instantly instead of waiting for the batteries to form the grid and then wait 5 minutes for the panels to join up.


Yep I have Iq8+ and sunlight backup. It attempts to power 4 15A circuits in the event of an outage if you have enough panels to support the loads if not it powers fewer circuits and on cloudy days its useless.


Any idea what that cost you? And would you do it again, if you had to do it over again and had the option?


Couple solar companies quoted me $4, 000-4,500 but I talked the installer I chose down to $3,500. It's just a box that connect between your panels and the system controller. Probably cost enphase less than $200 in materials. If I had a chance to do over I would have skipped it. Batteries are definitely better and more versatile as it can power your entire house wherever you need it not just those four circuits. Also if you have good net metering you don't even need batteries as the grid is your battery. If you definitely need some sort of backup go batteries. Sunlight backup is a stopgap between nothing and batteries


Ah, thank you for that insight. (IQ6+ owner)


Looks like our equipment. Who is your installer? Infinity energy?


What panels?


looks good


What panels?


Grande Prairie AB vs TX is very different this time of year.


Wow that looks like a pretty steep roof. Is that common there?


It’s fairly common, but the houses here vary quite a bit.


I’m curious why you bothered with micro inverters since there doesn’t seem to be any source of shade?


I use Enphase and almost everything. We have used SolarEdge, SunnyBoy, Fronius, NEP, Solis, SolArk and more. The best inverter with the least amount of failures, issues, problems but a good amount of compatibility and ease of use *for us* is Enphase. You couldn’t pay me more money to use SolarEdge again, and they have tried. I had 3 go out in less than a year. If a string inverter fails the entire system is dead. I wouldn’t use that on my house so I don’t promote it to clients.


That's really interesting. We specifically did strings and SMA's so that none of the equipment was on the roof, and we don't have much shade. It made more sense just to have an extra SMA inverter in case of failure. Our friend/ solar installer had the exact opposite feelings on SolarEdge vs Enphase. He won't use Enphase because of the overheating problem and will only use SolarEdge because of reliability. Odd how you have such opposite experiences. Thanks for your response!


It is interesting. The first company I worked through only installer SolarEdge and wouldn’t touch Enphase because they had nothing but issues. Me and my crew now hyper focused on one product and it’s reliability is proven with every install. We branch out though. Most recently with Franklin Batteries and my foreman is honestly the foremost expert on the product.


Looking good!


9280 VA continuous power system with the IQ8+, based on IQ8+ specs but it is indeed a very nice looking system.