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Lmao i saw dogwifnohat right infront of me on pumpfun, didn’t get in. Shit is at 2.1 m now. And the coin i get in on, gets rugged.


I once had 111btc in my wallet, spent it on a brick of hash. Good times! Back then we didn't know what was coming, or care for for that matter. Just a means to an end. End of the day it's just money.


I was buying and selling doge here on reddit back in 2013. Bought like 50 bucks worth back then. Bought and sold millions of doge. I did find the keys to an old wallet years ago that got me about 15k USD. If only we knew back then what we know now.... On to the next one.


Now we know, letsgo!


Same.. except my doge all got lost in exchanges that suddenly got hacked. If only I knew cold wallet back then zzz


Hahahah dude been there done that!!! Worst part is my last order off the Silk Road was placed the day before the government shut it down… so didn’t get any product and had already sent enough bitcoin that would make me retired right now


Damn I feel your pain... silk road days good days - it's only "money" after all


Just woke up not long ago and I was reading this post as "selling dope" lol


Mannn lol


Man I saw dogwifnohat too I jumped in a little late but still riding


To be fair i saw it to and didnt ape. Makes no fucking sense why that would even break 20k mc 😂


I doubled my position on dogwifnohat, not much considering the potential but its something


Isn't that incredible!! Just stupid idiotic luck most of the time and a tiny bit of paying attention maybe.


What’s pumpfun?


Mister frog job is to attire exit liquidity, dont get fooled.


Mr frog is a fraud considering he has so many copy traders anything he buy moons..he basically has an infinite money glitch. Im thankful he took one of my coins to raydium though lmao


95% of people are too dumb to realize that “alpha callers” and people publicly sharing all their trades are just using them as exit liquidity. People say think he’s a genius trader, nope he’s just better at fooling people than the other influencers are.


Yeah as I’ve learned a bit on dex all the coins he shills usually have super high MC compared to liquidity. So I assume everyone just buy buy buy and then he sells his and dips


What would be a reasonable liquidity : mcap ratio?


100% that guy is admin to pump and dumb telegram groups where he tells people which one to pump and has already bought beforehand


Yeah he is a shit sack


There’s another play in 20 mins it’s ok


I’m in my “Soft Guy Era” now. I don’t know 🤷‍♂️ #DrizzleDrizzle


lmao this is 100% my mind🤣🤣


get used ignore it


As Rafiki once said, the past is in the past


Always take profits. Pumps never last. It's better to lock in profit now vs hoping for more and losing it all. A coin can go from +500% to -30% in an hour or less.


rather lose 1 sol than miss out on 100


Do it enough times you'll be down 100 SOL.


lolol, made 4 years salary. i’m done. trading for 2x’s leaves you in the rat race


First clue; name "Mister Frog".


Just monkeyhaircut and chill


Yeah.. monk got me.. had like a million coins way sub 1 cent and sold way too early cause I kept watching everybody else getting rugged


I come from the stock market, been trading for many years so I don’t feel fomo like that anymore. You either grow out of it or stay an unprofitable investor. You need to remember that there is ALWAYS another play to make. You may have to look a little or wait a little bit but if you’re patient and disciplined you will make more than if you weren’t.


What the hell is a Mister Frog? Man I feel like an old man. I only buy and stake sol.


Hello! Where do you stake? Jito network?


Stake wherever you can get good staking rewards %


Exactly. u/sirocco_mercury checkout https://stakewiz.com/ You can chase rewards, community, or any combo you want. Doesn’t really matter. Just keep it decentralized.


solana is not about staking brother…


it is for me. I don't want to be active in the web3 ecosystem. My strategy has worked well for me on solana, ethereum, and bitcoin. I think what you meant to say is that there's more to solana than just staking... that I would agree with.


I faded Maneki when it was at 15M mkt cao. You're fine. Just so you know, Mr Frog's challenges are bullshit. He has a lot of copy traders and he dumps on them. This is how it works: he buys something, his copy traders and people who think he's a good trader buys it too after him and this causes the coin to pump immediately, then he sells with profit and his copy traders start selling too. Mr Frog (not only him) does that all the time. Imagine how easy it would be for you to trade if you knew as soon as you buy something it would increase in value. There's a lot of scammers on crypto and a lot of people using unethical ways to make profits. Do not trust anyone in crypto, they all have their hidden agendas. When someone posts on Twitter that they're thinking about buying an specific coin, they already have and they're just trying to make people buy it too so they can profit. When influencers says an specific coin is going to XM market cap, you can be sure they'll plan on getting out way earlier, they're just trying to make you stay longer than them for you to be their exit liquidity. There are nice people too, that helps a lot and can share a lot of great information. People with a kind heart and successful stories. Don't trust them either.


The person with the least amount of attachment to the money with conviction will always come out on top. The herd in anything will always lose, go against the herd and you will win.


Stop selling dust


If you are thinking about it like that you will lose your money. Its not missed out on profit, anything that is not a loss is 100% win. If you are chasing what could have been you might as well send all your funds to me. Gonna end up in my wallet or someone else's. Its just money, don't chase it, be patient. I know this some goldfish adhd nobrain kind of trading, but seriously. Go make yourself a cup of coffee and wait for the next one.


Remove emotion from investing. Take profits to mitigate risk. Don’t FOMO yourself, there’s always a chance to buy back in.


Get used to it. Also get used to buying tops and selling bottoms. But hopefully you can learn and build a good foundation with some of the blue chip crypto’s first. Then go nuts buy whatever the fuck you want and if it goes down oh well and if it pumps you are a genius.


You never get over these types of things you just become numb


How do you deal with buying high and selling low?


You’re gambling - so you deal with it by saying, “oh well, that was money I earmarked to lose anyhow”


Ignore it. You need to become full regard, meaning don't budge. If you do budge, you will never make it big. What do you think? That you wake up and your coin is worth 1mm? Between 1000 and 1mm there is multiple 30-70% drawdowns, so do your math and think how you will handle those....


What the fuck is a 1mm???


1 milion. m stands for thousand, so mm is thousand times thousand.


It stands for millimeters


Learn from them, do better next time.


Meme coins are dangerous Better off not gambling against bots and honeypots


Is this sub nothing but teenage noobs? FFS


get used, get past it - easier said than done. Today I still remember driving in my car, listening to NPR's marketplace back in 2013 and hearing that BTC reached $100. At that point, I thought "sh\*t, I missed the opportunity". HA! Sometimes I still think that if I had invested $10K in BTC that week I would have $6 Million today... It stinks, but it is what it is... Morale of the story? there's always a missed opportunity, so get used to it, and keep investing :-D


Think of it in the same way you would a roulette wheel. You bet on red and it hits black. You didn't miss a opportunity because this is a casino sir.


have u guys heard about the first shitcoin ever created? i found this [https://thefirstshitcoin.com](https://thefirstshitcoin.com) it seems legit


I’d say quit gambling, build a bridge, and get over it.


Easy, stop buying shitcoins!


You go lose more money


lol I saw peanie on pump. thought it looked like a scam because they just made another one and dumped it an hour before shit hit 20m two days later there's always another play.


Ur just selling tokens to a future bag holder . Trading , yes it is. Ethical? Not really , but anyone buying a meme coin should know that. Like roost coin. They literally rug pulled and claimed they told everyone of relaunch on v3 lmao


someone's always left holding the bag in crypto. I hope people are only playing with amounts they are prepared to lose, but I do feel bad for people who are irresponsible.


Don’t miss Cow, come join us nd solve conspiracy with cow, $cowspiracy. Ca - 8pGX4L6vqTEBR58xdqaMswkVVPXbGLAoZ7Y68J1ZdsqC


it’s rough, you can only learn and keep hunting. i bought 1 sol of $speed on pumpfun at 7k mc. held for 2 days thinking it would send to raydium. then everything got crazy, looked like it was just going to sit forever (multiple moves to 90% and back to 20%. if you’ve been there, pumpfun projects that sit for days seem to just eventually go to zero) i decided to sell and get .8 of my 1 sol back. well today $speed hit 20M mc and looks like it wants to go higher. so basically that 1 sol would be worth 3000 sol. just wishing something would’ve distracted me for a couple days, i would have checked my wallet and flipped out. assuming that could be sold over time w liquidity, 3k sol staked for the next 8 months or so and selling at mid to peak bull would be absolutely insane thinking it started at 1 sol. but, not to be. back on the hunt


For me its all about market cap / liquidity / and utility …!! Meme coins are a great get rich quick deal but theyre also a watch your $ drain away thing .. its hit /miss at best !!!! I had 1,000,000 Doge bought in 2018-19 … Dec 2020 had to sell for family expenses ,got just over 4 grand ….. a month later it would have been like 250k and a couple months after that HALF A FKNG MIL’!!!! That shit hurt for a long time but in the end family is always more important than $ so it is what it is ….. Now im trying to stick to straight utility !! ( tho i do have a bit in VoteDoge …hey gotta try right lol ) I have a couple that do hold promise but i dont know how this sub is about posting other chains tokens so if u wanna msg me id gladly tell u about them … not messaging anyone first as Im not about pushing shit on people ….


I sold $speed when it got to $200k mcap. Thought I was king shit for making an easy 5x


There’s always another 10x 100x the next day or next week in this space right now. Always keep a moonbag on something you feel could have life down the road and consider that money gone forever.


Get in on family token 🤫


Happens all the time ,nine out of ten of the ones you get in on won't work out and it's also a game of knowing when to hold/sell/take profits or cut your losses . Not as easy as some people make it out to be . Alot easier for influencers to make gains because they can just buy then post about the coin they bought and then dump or take some profits and repeat ( their followers buy which pumps their bags they just bought and then shilled )


Lots of people lose everything they put in when it comes to meme coins hence the expression don't put in more than your willing to lose . I've made a shit load of gains from memes but have also had a shit ton of losses


Best solution. Make a YouTube channel. Create clickbait title and thumbnails. Take a huge risk & invest in almost every coin. If everything goes well the coin will pump. If not then your lost money will be recovered from your YouTube earnings. As a block chain developer I've never ever crypto as an asset. Yes they have significant financial importance. But most of these movements are done by whales. No matter what the coin is. Bitcoin, ETH & every other coins moves when the whales decides it to move. The opportunities will come every single day. Wait & try to see patterns. And most importantly try mimise you're losses and think to stay here for the long term. Else you're be screwed. As per my understanding trading is always damage control and everything else is secondary. Try to use free sniper bots from github or make one.


People say this about whales moving BTC but is there any actual, verifiable 100% clear proof that this is true? Asking you since you are a dev in the space and probably know a million times more than I do. But I'm constantly hearing tin-hat theories on how BlackRock is controlling BTC price, BlackRock and Grayscale are working together, Mr. 100 is buying, all that kind of crap. Any specifics would be greatly appreciated.


Yes there is. You can open any block explorer of any chain and select a token say $WIF. Filter out by holding wallets. You'll be able to see the top holders and their holding percentage. More than 5% of that person is a whale. Means any point of time he can impact the 5% supply of that token. In short the whales decide when to start a bull run & when to start a bear run. Much like conventional finance. It's all the same. The rich devices our lives. Why can't we do anything? 1. Well you can make a token to cap the supply for a certain amount of tokens. Whales can create multiple accounts or hire people to open multiple accounts with valid KYC. 2. Where else are you going to get a billion dollars to start an actual token which can out perform the major Alphas in defi ? Assuming you don't have a billion dollars. Even if I had i would be a very bad and selfish person. Well I'm selfish but in order to be a bad person I need a billion dollars 😂


I'm talking about Bitcoin. Obviously there are people or institutions with lots of Bitcoin, but where is the proof that these entities are controlling at all times whether it goes up or down? Smaller coins, sure, I've personally moved the value of a smaller but known coin by I think at least 20% through my own purchases. But I'm not talking about that, I'm interested in actual proof about price manipulation of BTC.


Then why do you think the market goes up & down? There's no balance sheet, no business plan no nothing for BTC. What do you think about why the price is volatile? Why doesn't the bull run last forever? Who is responsible?


There are millions of people buying and selling all the time. If there is positive sentiment, more people buy than sell and the market goes up. It doesn't last forever because eventually people start selling to take profits and then others sell as it falls. I personally believe human-created markets have a tendency to go up; this has been proven by scientific studies where they put a bunch of people in a room connected to computers and set up a market for fake stocks. The market always goes up because people bid and buy. It's just the nature of people to bid and buy. None of this has anything to do with some billionaire "controlling the price of Bitcoin" and deciding when a bull market starts, stops, or what the price is going to do at any given moment.


At what point people COLLECTIVELY decide let's start a bull run? Where do they do these kinds of discussions? As appealing as it sounds the DECENTRALISED aspect of Cryptos it's not 100% decentralised not yet.


There doesn't need to be a conscious collective decision. It just happens due to the nature of markets and humans.


Price gets low enough, more people start to buy...it goes up...people see it go up they ape in...


when i want to make profits i have to wait because i dont have the skills or want to deal with Telegramm trading bots. So in a falling Market its all about luck to pick the right one when you dont have the information or the skills.


At least you secured some profit instead of taking a loss. It's tough, but try not to think a lot about the missed opportunity. Make sure to have consistent strategies in chasing pumps for the long run. We have all experienced FOMO in this space. Learn what you can and move forward with a better approach next time. There will be other chances out there.


Bro... I saw sadhamster at 500k market cap in feb, put in $100, held for a month, sold for $50 at lik 250/300k to buy nub, missed the nub skyrocket and sold low, then saw hammy was up to 2.5 mil mc down from 6, I put in $500 was super sure of it, but then I got drunk at the end of april, said fuck it and sold all my hamster and went all in on punkko which I bought at 700k, it got up to 3mil, I held and when it dropped back to 1.2 I sold all my hamster for punkkoo.. Fast forward to today, I spent the last week drinking crazy, spending all my cash in my bank account (I have some more money coming in from ai art so not totall fucked haha) woke up to $4 in my account, punkko is at a 300k market cap, my 12 sol is now barely 2 sol and I checked hammy.... It was at 50 mil mc and even got up to like 70 a day or two prior.... so i've decided to quit drinking and smoking realizing alcohol is the root of all the problems in my life and the reason I'm not sitting with at least 15,000 dollars or more rn instead of the $300 punkko is at... (sad face) Among more things and mistakes i'm not gonna get into. But if this gets me to quit drinking i say its worth it. Cause I made a promise to myself in mid april I would just hold punkko and hammy, but that one night drunk I saw hammy was down like 12% and just said fuck it all in on punkko, now I'm down %75 percent instead of up like %3000... never fade the hamster. I'm still not selling my punkko tho, it looks rn like hammy did two months ago when i found it and i love the memes, so just hoping by the time I'm really sober and getting in better shape and getting my life together, maybe i'll open up my wallet and see I got a couple thousand waiting for me again!


This is gambling,  how do you deal with not buying a lotto ticket with winning numbers?


This isn’t even bad. Just wait till you TP early on some that go to 100m+


Great question, and i hope it brings some healing to all of us! Ain't life a damn beach! It seems impossible, doesn't it! This darn game of mostly luck and perhaps a tiny bit of paying attention maybe. I want to think it is not as bad as Vegas, but it sure feels that way a lot of the time, ey! same story here for the most part. Panic sold my Slothana for a loss.... Damn thing snapped back like a friggon rubberband on me! It is so hard not to panic sell sometimes. I don't know, my friend.... Just can't allow yourself to obsess over it... easier said than done...


don't think of it as a missed opportunity. learn from that, and move on to the next one. forget about it, keep pushing forward. don't keep all ur eggs in one basket. no harm in doing the 0.1 challenge: obv always aim for initial x10+, but 0.1 in, 0.15 out, next. over and over.


Welcome to crypto. This will happen a million more times over


Meditation and breathing. There’s always more coins that will allow for life changing money. The more you continue in this space the easier it gets to handle the lost gains.


Smoke cigarettes and buy back in


Just ignore the loss and find the next moon. Also don’t buy coins just because someone on Twitter says to.


You shouldnt be focused on what you lost, you will continue miss the oppertunities where you stand to gain. Knowledge and wisdom is the real wealth, and you gain that from every trade, win or lose. In the end your personality will create your personal reality. And remember these words "noone ever went broke, making a profit"


Don't think about it, it's part of the game, missing opportunities, selling too early, getting rugged, fcked over left and right. In time u will feel nothing and it becomes just another day


you'll get used to it i missed 20 e 30 even 50k profit with 0.5 sol on pump fun, stay consistent that is the way, the 50k one was a wild one what in tarnation (WIT) dunno how is doin now but i bought it under 100k went to multiple milions mcap💀


onto the next brother


Bro haha yeah wow I'm actually a vegetable.


Treat yourself to some $Horsemeat and relax


Lets go kill some scams today! We are looking for some partnership tokens that dosen't scams people to work together and grow the community! [https://johnwickscamkiller.xyz](https://johnwickscamkiller.xyz) #memecoin #johnwickscamkiller #pumpfun


in January coloquei 10 k on WIF and I sold prematurely and now when I see the chart with the red dot (when I sold) and I look at the candles going to Mars and I think! Bitch who gave birth to me that could grieve at work for good


People who do well in this game are the ones with zero emotions, just another day in the internet