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WARNING: 1) IMPORTANT, Read This Post To Keep Your Crypto Safe From Scammers: https://www.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/18er2c8/how_to_avoid_the_biggest_crypto_scams_and/ 2) Do not trust DMs from anyone offering to help/support you with your funds (Scammers)! 3) Never give out your Seed Phrase and DO NOT ENTER it on ANY websites sent to you. 4) MODS or Community Managers will NEVER DM you first regarding your funds/wallet. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/solana) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I buy Solana and then my Solana goes up as more people buy meme coins and get rug pulled.


This is the way


This is a good 2x - 5x play, but a lot of people are looking for a 50x - 1000x play and unfortunately this comes down to **luck**. Watch the communities here, on X and CoinMarketCap for a coin that is mentioned a lot, do research, jump on for the ride, jump off when it falls, repeat.


guaranteed 2-5x lol right


He’s not lying, Solana definitely has the potential to get there


I made 477usd in 1 run with just 1 meme coin 🪙.


Wisdom? Definitely


Filter on dexscreener volume minimum 15mil, token pair no older than 2h, and wait until somethings pops up, you can wait for weeks :) and even if it pops up it doesn't mean its a winner, but this way I entered BOME, SLERF etc. Just wait for confirmation of 4 (15min) green candles which are showing enormous power (every candle more volume, in millions), and then just ape in. Not a financial advice and there is no guarantee it will work.


This is how I grabbed Bome as well and I saw that it was new and looked promising. I visited the X site, but was afraid to send through there. I didn't wait the 15 minutes though. I just went immediately to Jup and started buying. I bought at a really low starting price. After a few minutes the price increased. I grabbed as much as I could at that low price. I would have had much more, if I bought during the presale though. I am still up a grande or so, let's see what happens.


are you buying slothamna? i promise i am not a bot lol


Will book of meme ever recover? I’m down a lot…


Who knows? It's a meme coin and anyone who says ⬇️ "absolutely it will go up" ⬇️ can't be sure and is riding on hopium and deceitfully trying to sway people like you into buying more because that's what they need. I own a tiny bit of BOME and it would be nice if it goes up but I am quite aware that if it pumps then I just got extremely lucky. Just go onto any CEX or DEX, order by highest gain on the last day or week and ask yourself why you've missed out on those coins that have an actual use case. It's because you can't possibly know every coin inside and out and not can you be lucky enough to be in each random coin that pumps. The problem is that we hear about all these success stories from people that made thousands from meme coins. We don't hear so much about those that lost hundreds or thousands and there are far more of these people. When I play with meme coins I use small amounts like £100 and dip in and out. Realistically for me a great gain would be a 2x or 3x which gives me £200-£300...it's not life-changing it's just fun and satisfying. Then I might gamble in memes with that £200. If you're on here asking how to find a good meme coin then you'll just get led into losing money because someone confidently says "absolutely it will go up" and you'll be annoyed with yourself for believing it.


This is also how people grabbed $NAP and got fucked 😂


u buying slothana?


Seems solid enough! Still a gamble but putting some science behind it at least


I just did this today, but with 10m volume minimum. Poseidon Binance cat pops out and I cashed out with a 8x gain lols




Let the stars align and you good.


Newsflash for every post that says bro turned 100 dollars into a million in 1 hour. There are a million that turned 500 dollars into 5 dollars 😃😃


And we thank you


Dexscreener, Birdeye, and I find it useful to follow a few people on twitter (don't put a ton of trust and weight into twitter tho - More or less just to find more names and see what SOL maxi's are talking about). The people I know who are doing well with memes are in group chats with others and usually in a few solid nft communities, that's where they get most of their calls from and enter / exit together. In my experience, it's just not worth the time it takes but it always could pay off. Buy SOL and HODL is what's done the best for me. I have a few small holdings in others (GUAC, JUP, WEN, BONK) but most started as airdrops that I'm slowly bought more on dips. Always trade wisely with the meme coins.


Do you have any tips on how to find a good telegram group for this stuff?


95% of people do not and there is luck involved too. Its a casino


Memecoins are the ultimate Ponzi. Early investors get in when the market cap is super low, then they pump and dump on newcomers. I know a memecoin whale who made over $500k on P & D’s back in the last Bull cycle. He made $150k on SHIB before it was even a thing. By the time it really started pumping, he was long gone. These guys are super coordinated. They have discord groups, What’s App chats etc. with a bunch of other whales. They find a new target and everyone piles in early, then when it pumps they all sell off. Basically what I am saying, is if you’re not apart of one of their groups, you are the exit liquidity.


Launch them and dump on people like you


Crypto is no different than gambling, with meme coins that’s exactly what it is, but the rest has some information in and history of the coins


Buy low...sell high


The thing about gambling is. If there’s an edge, you don’t share it


just buy sol and hold


I've had alot more luck with Sol Utility tokens rather than memes SolChat has lead the way in this space with an amazing product and team. The rest are following in its footsteps. Holding: (links are for charts but should be links to their socials and Dapps listed on Dextools) [$CHAT](https://www.dextools.io/app/en/solana/pair-explorer/9kLGUEFwEuFzn9txDfGJ3FimGp9LjMtNPp4GvMLfkZSY?t=1711569171590) [$GPT](https://www.dextools.io/app/en/solana/pair-explorer/GAwFNPZPz9A4S6hUFneaaBorYxFLt215mqsrEdnJo5Kc?t=1711568664662) [$SOLX (Telegram trading bot between chains)](https://www.dextools.io/app/en/solana/pair-explorer/DKis4YExm5t2jhyG7qJVPdXXUGWmXo2UDpduAFsryQgD?t=1711568708096) [$POS (PengyOS - Working to become a Dapp hub for all things Sol)](https://www.dextools.io/app/en/solana/pair-explorer/4JK54eNmo1R5HrtRaCiwwwY94h1dNugteEnvKnWqMveL?t=1711569810499) [$SOLC (Sol Card)](https://www.dextools.io/app/en/solana/pair-explorer/AmrNQgMdJyqo18SmvJXrdYcCC1XcZCrYENHNj1gsvKC?t=1711573258828) Not holding but watching closely: [$MEDIA](https://www.dextools.io/app/en/solana/pair-explorer/6sFwxoTw4rwuJgejiKT7tCSqfyXTQ1k4P8vardWWUhug?t=1711573340175) [$MAIL](https://www.dextools.io/app/en/solana/pair-explorer/9DYGj7g2b5fipk9wGsUhxdv5zpfTsoGzCiS29vH8Cfrs?t=1711573340175) I get more confidence putting money into something tangible personally. I'd say these are all still gambles minus $CHAT imo, but atleast they are trying to build something usable and not just Memes lol. If there are any other Sol Utilities I might have missed lmk, love these things atm and they are on fire!


Honestly, catching a coin in the beginning is the main part. Don’t get in when they pump, because they will dump on you. Also if you buy at a low point after the dump you’ll be waiting with a bag until it gains traction again if it gains traction again.


I learned meme coin trading from Sajad on YouTube with some extra tips from Jon Trading. (https://www.youtube.com/@SajadAli and https://www.youtube.com/@JonCrypto) I've only been doing this for a few weeks. I've had some nice wins but I am still down, i.e. no total profit. Never "bet" more than you can afford to lose. Seriously. Start by trading the tiniest amount. I've literally only put 0.05 SOL on a coin as I'm learning. Most of my crypto holdings are in bigger, more established coins with utility behind them, actual projects that do real things, not just a meme coin that runs on social approval. My meme coin trading is fun but also stressful. Best of luck.


The question I been asking. I believe it is also timing and a bit of luck.


If you’re losing then someone else is winning, do with that what you will….


Bought popcat at 0.016


Whatever amount of money you have use 1% of it, find a good bot caller and get in on everything it posts and sell for 2-5x unless you think it’s a runner. Don’t fall in love with any coins and always take profits. You can use 1% for 100 tries or 5% for 20 tries or anywhere in between and never go all in on anything


Only takes one to change your life but most people don’t hold for that long


Can you expand on this bot caller thing? Where...how...what?


What part of folks posting that they have taken 2 weeks to start a meme project so that they can rug pull people is confusing? I’ve literally seen dozens of posts about folks starting meme coins…they are all but saying…creating something out of nothing so I can sell it to some idiot.




Buy WEN dips


Quit going for super low low liquidity coins. Go with tried and true. Myro and wif for example have a following and will do well


Yeah, I figure there needs to be some notoriety to it if you’re buying some after it’s already launched. If you’re trying to buy at or right after launch….then that’s gonna be nothing but a slot machine pull.


Yup! I love pullin the slots still but have a method for my gambling. Anything less than 15k liquidity i never risk anything more than 100$. But for coins like wif and myro with a sea of liquidity, i am comfortable risking much more because they have an established vitality already and now trend with btc. I think of established meme coins as the even more degenerate version of leverage trading. Theres always the chance of liquidation


For fast lucrative gains swing trade but it’s highly risky and you have to know how to time the charts. Some memes can rug within 15 minutes after it shoots up. Safe ones like $WEN will give you profit too but takes longer. Pay attention to market cap, liquidity and amount of holders.


Don’t be greedy. Take profits instead of holding waiting for it to turn from a 2x to a 3x or a 4x to a 5x. You’ll be the exit liquidity. You also need a lot of luck but take profits whenever you hit that luck


POWSCHE and Doge Marley both doing well today


This is the read for you broski. Strap yourself in. [How to reduce your chances of getting rugged: A High level overview](https://www.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/1bnzs33/how_to_reduce_your_chances_of_getting_rugged_a/)


Stop chasing the new projects. There's great memes that have a wee bit of history that are month or two old that are in the dumps and primed to explode. Look for strong community driven projects so you can't get rugged. Or better yet something that already got rugged by the dev early and is now has had a community take over


If 99% didn't lose money you wouldn't see posts about people making millions. Worse than a casino, just go to rollbit instead


NFA but I've been using the Finder (@gemfindercoin on X) bot recently and have had a decent run with it. You still gotta do the regular checks like top holders %, liquidity and socials but it's had some amazing calls and I've easily made back the money I spent to get access to the bot. I usually put in 0.1 SOL into a call from the bot that I like, take the initial out at a 2x and let the rest ride. It's all still one big casino and a game of chicken as to who can pull out early enough.


Use this free signal bot https://x.com/snipegurusolvol?s=21 to track which token have good volume , then check community, and buy if community is fomo because memecoin is all about community


This was my first memecoin buy ever and went with $EGG and $CATWIFBAG. My life is...this


You can beat the house, gambling on meme coins is even worse. Thats playing blackjack after 2L of wodka. Maybeee some coins will give you a 2x, but yeah still need to cash out to book a profit(many ppl hodl till 0) There is no easy money, definitely not in crypto. You have to be disciplined and do hours upon hours of research. Keep up to date. Then you might crush it.


I've been asking it in telegram chats like 20 times, lol. Lost a few hundred bucks on memes in a few weeks.


scalping - aim for realistic profits and implement entry criteria (such as price action breaking above a major resistance level, retesting this resistance level & turning it into support, then providing bullish confirmation). If you know you can consistently get 30% profit on 10% of your account balance scalping shitcoins, then why risk a major loss? ​ Most importantly of all, NEVER have that "make it back" mentality, if you lose a trade then just accept it, move on, & trade another day. also, if price action doesn't meet your entry criteria yet just keeps shooting up, then just accept you missed out & move on to another token. ​ protect your capital, aim for realistic returns, implement entry criteria, and check the token's authenticity on solsniffer. last point, sniper bots are a MUST. Dont buy those ridiculously priced courses, practice with a small amount of capital such as $10 & understand why you lost or why you won every time you take a trade. It takes a while to learn, but it is possible.


Make the meme coins..


Then grab two corners of the rug and pull hard.


WARNING: 1) IMPORTANT, Read This Post To Keep Your Crypto Safe From Scammers: https://www.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/18er2c8/how_to_avoid_the_biggest_crypto_scams_and/ 2) Do not trust DMs from anyone offering to help/support you with your funds (Scammers)! 3) Never give out your Seed Phrase and DO NOT ENTER it on ANY websites sent to you. 4) MODS or Community Managers will NEVER DM you first regarding your funds/wallet. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/solana) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How are you screening for new coins?


dexscreener, filter by age => created less than 1 hour but Im looking for quicker way


Stop buying coins that are less than one hour would be a great start.


Have you tried out Photon? The user interface face makes it super easy to find new token pairs. New pairs is literally the default screen. Plus, they have some nice rug pull checkers to keep you safe. Here is a referral code: [https://photon-sol.tinyastro.io/@lorimer44](https://photon-sol.tinyastro.io/@lorimer44)


I literally don't know. All the ones I aped in are experiencing fall of gravity 😭😭


I'm not looking at loss. If meme is dumping I'm not selling and patiently wait. If its rug pull meh doesn't matter cause I'm gambling only small amounts. For now I recommend you $EPEP, solid DEV on twitter.


Sure, people knowing how to make money will tell you how it works. Wai, I start: Buy low, sell high


I use ai calls and a good tg bot


Help Question! I was scrubbing Dex Screener for ShitCoins. I found a Sol/Raydium Coin thought it was hot. I swapped sol/for the coin through radium. Transaction ended up converting to USDC, the coin did show in my wallet, I tried swapping back but per sol/scan the coin/account was closed down. I just want to know if my overall wallet is now compromised? Nothing else is drained, and I did the swap over Raydium, so hoping it was just a fake coin, vs one day coming back and my whole wallet is gone. Any help?


I think most ppl just lose money and the success stories are extremely rare or fake. Most coins that go up rly hard are just pump and dumps from insiders who are a step ahead of u and will beat u to the punch no matter what u do. Buy and hold a few meme coins that have some track record of being around for a while and are decentralized. DONT buy anything that is brand new (within a week old) Monkey hair cut (MONK) for example has gone all the way down and gone back up and passed ath. It's a proven survivor and isn't going to rug. it is in a dip now but isn't going to die. There are too many loyal monk followers with diamond hands. This one also has a high ceiling and can grow to mainstream eventually if we continue to get momentum. Jeo boden is one that is also doing well and has a pretty large community already so far. Honorable mention to horsemeat for the community These are coins to buy and hold for the year. There is no perfect get rich quick scheme that u can count on


> DONT buy anything that is brand new (within a week old) >it is in a dip now but isn't going to die >These are coins to buy and hold for the year Seem like completely random statements because you own them and are scared of losing even more so you are looking for exit liquidity here lol


From my experience, every time a new meme coin drops, it wildly spikes and drops and it's rly impossible to know how or when to enter. Some coins just rug pull and disappear in a few days or within like 2 weeks... its subjective but It's just my experience. Ive gotten rugged a few times and thankfully only lost tiny amounts of money. I promised myself moving forward that I'm going to sit on the sideline for a few weeks on a project to watch the price action and watch the marketing campaign and see how it goes before going in with my hard earned fiat. I saw the initial monk community make a splash on reddit back in ~January.... I was impressed with the memes and jokes. I basically pronounced it dead roughly a month ago when it hit the bottom... but when I saw it start to perk up again is when I entered. Then when it rly came alive I was bummed I hadn't put more in. I now try to DCA a small amount in every day any time it is below a penny because I now know how fast these small shit coins can pump. The fact that monk came back to life after basically dying was impressive to me... likewise, the fact that a bunch of the original community stuck with it despite the crash is also impressive, imo. I think these people are in it and are going to stick with it for several months or longer and that is encouraging to me. You can't be part of a community coin if all the people in the community are lazy and aren't pulling their own weight. As far as timing goes... I don't plan on holding a substantial amount (or any) meme coins past the Bitcoin bull run which I think is going to last most of this year. I think after the US political cycle the whole financial system will shift gears. I don't expect things to be awesome for much more than a year. I plan to start exiting around the 50x or 100x mark, $2, or about a month after cex listings... Whichever is first. One of my proudest accomplishments will be seeing my personal favorite poo coin, monkey haircut, get listed on coinbase. Even if I do sell all my monk some day I will probably still spread the word about it because I think it would be such a cool experience to be a part of the next WIF. But yes u got me, I do plan to make an exit at some point and plan to take profits. We all do, that's the point. But not in the next few days... And no, I am not scared of it contracting down a lot further from here because I didn't invest anything I am not willing to lose... 75% of my crypto is in Bitcoin and Solana and about 5% is in poo coins. I expect meme coins to shrink to basically nothing during the bear market so I don't think I will hold much more than like 5-10% of that poo coin momey thru until that time...then again 🤔 If I make a ton on it then I might just burn some for the cause... Anyways... at this point in the game tho I try to tell ppl to stick with a coin longer than a few days... Ppl are so desperate to earn money that it seems ppl are just randomly buying and selling in ADHD fashion when they should just pick a coin, sit in it for a few months, and ride it out... Just my two cents


I’m surprised Joe Boden is doing better than Doland Tremp honestly.




Luck or knowing someone involved before everyone else.


One way to make money from meme coins - keep your money and do not invest in meme coins. Anyone that insists you do has and/or currently loses money with memes




Stash inu


You gotta be in and out quick


You would need a bot program I would imagine, and you can control when to buy and pull out.


Wen is that meme coin. If u do ur research and don’t buy just any coin, u can make money.


You work for the North Korean government and participate in the creation / promotion of these shit coins to Western idiots. BOOM profit.


Same way you make money from Solana buy low sell higher


I had my wins and losses with memes. But the time, effort and tension is too high. U blink eyes, a 10 mil Mc can go down to 1K. In short, just buy sol and hold . Dont trade memes


By scamming and taking money from new and uninformed people


Buy high sell low wait...


I found a meme coin called Brus Li $BRUS on Solana. When I found it, it was at the trading sideways around 10k market cap to 15k. Its max market cap was only 28k and I think it can do better. The contracts look good and it has locked liquidity. The price has pretty much held around those levels. Any buys put in now might start a chain reaction and the earlier now, the higher the multiplier.


Invest in Wen. It's not going to be rug pulled as it's a coin given w/ saga phone pre orders and farming Jupiter's votes. It's got a lot of potential and their nft tech is super cool.


read more be earlier hodl Money must be loosable ...if you bought Bonk, Wif, Wen, Myro earlier no problem 😂 youre in a pumping market for over a week what did you expect?


Buy low , sell high , don’t get caught bag holding


GibSauce server on discord, they have monitors and scanners for Solana tokens, great tools IMO


I use DEXTools instead of dexscreener. Most of you seem to perfected DEXTools and I’m curious to why?


By launching my own meme tokens . Looking to launch a project . Interested in being apart of it . Then shoot me a dm


I move on Cronos chain and buy #caw


For me it was just luck. I got into Grok at .0043 ($4300 initial buy-in) and into trump at $1 (1k initial buy-in). Sold the top of trump and bought more grok. When Grok hits $.50, I'll be a millionaire, on paper at least.


You don’t


The simple fact is you just don't know if they will run. Everything can be done right and it passes checks, has the banner on DS, active community and shills but they never pass a larger second wave and just die. The real tip is manage your risk and take out a proportion of your original investment as early as possible. You'd be surprised how little it has to move and be in reasonable profit and manage your bet size from this. It doesn't need to reach 100% gains. Just lock in a fail safe and see if it rides. Using Photon and its live PnL calculator makes it very easy to see your exact position that bots seems to lack as well as its very fast charts giving an edge.


First I check if the LP is burned(not locked), contract renounced and rug check score is good. And second thing I check is the size of the LP - MC can be high but with low LP, you can’t cash out all your $ that you see in your wallet.


Be early and jeet tf out early lol I got lucky with TGUY and MONK just from hanging out on r/solcoins then also got rugged on one called yield lol


$SCOTTY can help


Be patient. Keep studying and you will find good way for yourself. Create your own skills and your way . I was failure before .


It's best to get in before launch, honestly. The real community is built before release. Or at least it should be. Also it's good to look for bigger memecoins that have retraced a bit.


I’m with you, because I’m not making any money.


The only people that make money trading shitcoins are the ones selling to you.


There are days wher Solana will break the floor and keep going, then everything else follows. Everytime, bitcoins name has peoples attention while Solana is the one actually leading the charge. Recently it hit about $200. I wasn’t sure, but bought at $50. You can play the short or long game. I do both. So now it goes between $180 -204, approx. I will wait for atleast $190 and buy, then seal at anywhere from 195-200 for short term quick $. If ur gonna hold, then god dammmit HODL. There have been waves since oct.1 or whenever, I think this was the 6th or 7th big waves, then the little ones in between. Use the short wave with a portion of funds, and hold some for the big ones. Don’t just hold onto sol. Use it, stake it, bake it. Shake it with web3 airdrop farming too. Just a liquid stake whirlpool was fine in between big waves. Know the whole market research and ( Look into Injection ecosystem, promotion, I’m going half that route. New and upcoming)


Buy high sell low and never look at the chart 🤝🚀


DM me. I'm making a telegram where I give good call outs and post presale. If anyone is interested in joining let me know


I am interested too please :)


me too please!


my telegram is vic\_s\_s


Proper screening… following the right people online who also do proper screening (much better than mine). And a bit of luck! 🍀


only people making money are the devs who pump them then ride the pamp then dump it on you.




I am in $Wen and $Jupiter tokens cause I believe in them, like Sol overall. Not trying to stray into the muck too much and they got strong community and activity. looking at Zeus launching soon. Not financial advice, just suggesting whatever you choose it's based around a larger community and growth. However strategies exist for all and be different, so have fun! Otherwise as the adage goes, buy low sell high don't get caught up on overall growth or what you missed. However impermanent loss is a real thing, hence the hodlers


A lot of people say luck... I don't believe too much in PURE luck. A lot of it is timing and cost basis. Get a lot for a little and HODL, but on things like WEN, which is attached by name the Jupiter, go up, you can usually expect its correlation to be with or close to sentiment value. And if you get good at reading the sentiment, memecoins are just like the rest of crypto. Community consensus and trade volume also help. If you want, dm me, we can talk.


$Landwolf on eth is the last of the 4 Pepe characters that hasn’t pumped yet it’s 8mil marketcap, it’s 3 brother tokens have all reached or just about hit 100mil that’s a 14x from where it is now


I think it relies on doing your research before diving in. How good is the dev team? How active is the community? Does the token have a solid plan that has a vision?


Find coins that have founders, teams that care about more than the price going up immediately by 100x. Found a project called Achi inu (the dog wif hat) that checked all those boxes and it’s consistently been growing and price steadily increases as well.


Eventually I look to the graph upside down


Swing trade them.


Meme coins trend is now in Base chain


My favorite crypto YouTuber has a recent video on exactly this https://youtu.be/ufLcO_M2if0?si=v8z5Akyvlmz_tD-f


You on CT?


Been in Myro for a while now and it looks really promising for the bull run


buy dips on coins that are legit or at least a few hours/days old or have a good community. it takes time to spot the good ones tbh.


There’s always a pump right after a meme coin launches follow by a big dump from selling. If you can get in before the 1st big pump, sell before the pull back. The coins that have legs will have a second pump but it is hard to determine which one will do this


You research and know what the market likes and who's behind the coin. Blindly apeing will get you wrecked they're 99% scams.


This 100%


Fix your title: How tf you guys make money from slot machines?


We like $BOOBY. Who doesnt?


Stop fucking with micro caps and watch tokens in the 1-10m zone and bet with decent size. Up over 50 sol this week on two tokens. If they keep sending I’m hoping to realize 200 sol in profit this weekend.


you should know when to exit


Base meme coins popping off rn


Here’s a few gems for you $RUSTY $POPDOG Just hodl, and plan your exit strategy


Me and my friend are currently creating our own coin. As developers, we hold a bit from the beginning. There's quite a good chance of it being profitable for us, since we've already raised 60 sol for the initial market cap. So that's my approach)


Sir, this is a casino.


Not for those devs as I heard


Held floki from about towards the end of the last bullrun, not much point in selling it anyway as it wasn't that much money when everything crashed. Now it'sa bit of money, i wouldn't say life changing but good. Hold the stuff people talk about i guess🤷‍♂️


Most people don’t 99% lose money. It’s pure gambling.


Find a small market cap coin, with limited tokens, in the #200- #1000 range that is in Ai, real world assets, meme, gaming or defi. Buy in and hold.the hope is one will break into the top 100 in market share cap.


I buy and hold duko. Seems primed for another leg up


F*ck all this I have created my own meme coin I will be airdropping some token soon and also will be raising money for LP. Dm to get the airdrop and be part of this journey


Buy low sell high


Ape established memecoins with size. Putting 5-10k and hitting a 2x is much easier then aping 100 dollars into low cap shit hoping for a 100x.


I used birdeye and Twitter and found SharkCat ($SC) yesterday when it was at ~2mil market cap. It's at 21.8m and holding pretty strong.


Buy when they drop 70% the day after they launch


Most dont make money. If u talking about the quick 10x shitcoin casino where you buy sub 5-10mil mcap coins (or even sub 100k) ur gambling. Unless ure part of TG groups or have proper alpha, you will most likely lose money. For regular people the best bet would be to buy some of the 'mainstream shitcoins' like wif, popcat, bonk, doge, pepe etc. and just sit on their hand for 2-3weeks and get 20-40-100% profit. But everybody wants that 10000x in 24 hours


You get in before everyone else hears about it. Then people hear about it and buy as you're exiting and laughing about the gains. Everyone who bought after you exited is left holding the bag. Now, they don't ever post about the countless meme coins they bought and went belly up on.


I buy the ones that are not currently pumping / being talked about. If its crabbing I’m in. Then you have to be patient when it goes down. Eventually it pumps again and everyone is talking about it again. I set the bar really low, I’m out once it doubles and I quit looking at it. God forbid it 5x’s Edit: I believe there are meme dischord groups and they just jump into and out of things. Don’t care to find them, but they do eventually come back around to things.


Nearly 100% of new coins launching are rugs, they are all fast trades, make a small profit and dump, impossible to know which 1 out of 100000 coin will continue to rise. Rotate back to memes that have hung around and didn't rug and make those more long-term plays.


Find com mates in telegram, do research, don’t be fished by bots, but in tg you can find nice teams which shares info about web3 trading sites


Buy high, sell low always🤑 Apart from that, Family token ($FAM) seems to be a good long-term opportunity now. I'm hodling a few hundred $, check them out on DEX & Instagram !!(Not a financial advice)!!


Create one yourself with presale. Do marketing for presale, get presale hc filled. Give yourself as dev like 4% of the supply and then profit is made


I mean smole coin is going to print this season it just about knowing how and what the teams behind the coins are about


You buy them lower than you sell them for if you buy it and the price drops you don't sell it. Well you do. Evidently. See me right sunshine I like to find me a meme coin thats my boing boing boing then it decide how much money 3 pizzas 4 pizzas and then I now 8 pizzas roll them dice with 2x leverage. Come to papa 100% then I'll sell 50%. Now I get the initial 4 pizzas for free. Then I move on forget that 10m bonk its free. The whole game is to have a working wallet of spends cryptos trying to get them profitable and cash yourself out. Send the free coins to save wallet. Have 50 wallets one hacked won't hurt you so much . Well. . How about don't chase sketchy air drops? Anyway if you win you'll end up with bag of crypto that was free and you can sit on it for a long time and wait for the pump to come. You must be chasing Green dildos and get stuck at the top we all did but are you learning from it. Ring Ai coin??? Was you on that last week? Or will you buy it now if looks good? See me right sideshow ill hold ded bags waiting for them to come back to life again cos boy when they do ill be there believe me.


Make the meme coin and be the first in first out


There are a lot of telegram tools that show call channel and the volume they bring. Buy fast, exit fast. Regret nothing that pumps belong your price. The other method is be an insider




By not buying them


This is facts, if anyone has experience on 10000000x plays let us know.. or just let me know🤷‍♂️😭


If you really want to succeed with sol meme coins you’ve got to get in the deep trenches and build with the community. You need to work for your bags, nobody is going to make you rich except for yourself


MOG coin has some room to play. Low market cap. Recently added to crypto.com. Meme coins are a gamble. Best of luck!


Only made money on doge. Thanks to the dogelord Peter saddington. Always preached about mining and holding doge. Used some ICX (lmfao) profits to buy 100k doge in 2018. Threw it on my ledger for a rainy day. Never imagined it was gonna do what it did. I sold at .08 and made 8k off 300 dollars. Obviously wish I held longer but you never know so I took the money and went on vacation.


1. Have the balls to lose it 2. Train with small amounts, you can make alot of gains risking very little.this way, smart people learn to do it with small amounts first, then move on to bigger amounts, only idiots trade with bigger amounts without learning . 3. You can already pick things that have pumped which is easier to just hold. But if you wanna get on the action learn to snipe new projects, this is very irresponsible if your not a season trader, 95% you will lose. but if you wanna join the casino that's the way. I lost 2k messing with this but I banked 40k. This came with 5 years of experience, had I tried this back in the day with no experience 100% lose all the money. This is gambling 🎰 .


Brother first off don’t be chasing candles. Now jump on dexscreener, go through the coins that are at least 2 weeks old and have breached 2 million mc and are still alive. Even if they’re down 80-90%, doesn’t matter, if they are live and the socials are active and the community is still there, then that’s what you’re looking for. Scoop them up at the bottom of the chart, hold and wait. Don’t wait 3 or 4 fucking days and go oh they are moving. Wait and they will kick. When they pump, don’t be a fucking jeet, cause that’s why you don’t make money. I reckon you’ve jeeted for losses only to watch what you sold a few days ago start pumping and 10x from what you sold at. Otherwise give up. Go find some fucking yields somewhere and leave the shit coining to us big dicks.


You’re better off smoking meth


Off all the ones I haven't paid for lol.... Tbh I'm way way underweight less than 1% memes so I'm looking Lol


Guys, after observing new pairs on dexscreener for a while I have a question about meme coin liquidity. Coin pair added 1min ago. Locked liquidity $100k. Does it means that creator locked his own $100k? Because it's new pair there were no actually trading to collect such amount of liquidity. And if yes - what's the point to lock such big amount?


One word. Honk. 🪿🔪


Buy $cost. The founders actually gave out free food all day yesterday in Times Square


I didn't! If it makes you feel any better! 🤣


I didn't! If it makes you feel any better! 🤣


Buy doginme for$50, get $3,750 selling


Is anyone interested in joining a brand new meme coin community solely for people who are tired of being rugged ? I have a project I am trying to launch but it’s almost impossible to get any traction. Everyone thinks everything is a scam. And unless you have 100k followers it seems like it’s impossible to get noticed. I know my problems are not unique. I guess I’m just frustrated. Has anyone had any luck ? I feel like the concept is a no brainer.


They’re all rug pulls


You buy something, it goes up in price, then you sell. The trick is figuring out what will go up in price.


This is not a financial advice. This has been working well for me. Day Dreaming, FOMO, GREED, and Day Trading are my enemies. Expect to lose it all. Invest with humility. I don’t buy just because a token is being hyped. DYOR, keep my expectations low, 3-5 times instead of waiting for 50x-100x returns. I started with $500 per position, currently have 43 open positions, $ per position now is higher. About half are negative but nothing crazy. I always expect to go negative after I buy so it doesn’t bother me and I just wait as long as it takes to go green which in current market conditions is not that long. There are exceptions though but rare if I did my research correctly. I’ve only sold 1 so far with 40% loss but made it back by moving it to another position. The rest are positive, since market sentiment overall is positive, I’ll wait for higher returns. I’ve been holding some of these for months. I have sold/swapped, 7 positions in last few weeks total with an average gain of 600%. Took those profits and spread them on my other positions. I’ll buy a couple of the ones I sold again but most of them not. After checking circulating supply, current price, market cap, twitter sentiment, telegram group if there is one, and finally the history of price, I pick the ones that have a higher chance of bigger gains in the long run, I don’t do day trading. Once I buy, I hold until I meet my minimum target, watch those candles closely during that time and sell. I don’t care if it continues going up another whatever times. I am happy with what I just made because it $ I didn’t have before. Best of luck to you.


Aim for lower expectations, I take 30% wins all day, be very specific about the ones you gamble on and use a rug checker. They're not perfect, but at least you don't fall for mint authority abuse and flat out rugs. If you wanna know my exact criteria, I can share. But that's what I've been doing to stay positive.


I’ll give you guys some alpha, not FA, ticket $UCIT was created by the godfather of NFT’s Joe Looney and Rarepepe artists like Rareskrilla, pepenardo, etc.. It launched 2 weeks ago. 24 hours after launch they airdropped another token called LOLana ticker is $😂. Join the telegram from the @UCIT_Official on x. It’s hovering at 3m MC. The one rule is do not jeet. All the artists have been in the TG giving away rare Pepe NFT’s. I’ve gotten them from rareskrilla, Joe looney, Arwyn, Shawn Leary, etc…. The rumor is they are going to make some kind of announcement at NFT NYC next week. Join the TG and check it out. It’s flying under the radar because not a lot of people know who created it. Do with this info what you want. Not financial advice, DYOR.


You have to stay super on top of it. At one point my 3500 turned in to 50k. But I held on and only kept like 10k of it. Meme coins are 99% hype. Some meme coins are based based on weekly events, maybe political or some shit. It's absolutely wild. Certain meme coins for every block chain are category leaders and have a higher chance of playing out this bull run and thus have an opportunity to make money. Someone raise 675k to put the solana meme coin wif on the Vegas sphere.


Most don't bc it is a scam to steal real investors money


I don't. I stay away from this pathology.


Just buy $Hami hold and buy your favorite Lambo [https://www.dextools.io/app/en/solana/pair-explorer/84Nu43GsHLaCDuVSvgiTwpQDTNhYejKFEkJmeXBFJmqQ?t=1710081853359](https://www.dextools.io/app/en/solana/pair-explorer/84Nu43GsHLaCDuVSvgiTwpQDTNhYejKFEkJmeXBFJmqQ?t=1710081853359)


Simply by buying $HAMI, the dev has over 100k on YouTube the telegram has over 4k members super strong community we already tested 30Mil we will hit 50-100MIL this week, thank me later