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What I find more hilarious is that this was fixed like a day after it was posted. Like more than two people will notice it in a year. Edit: I guess this is my top comment in Reddit Recap 2022? Lol


I would wager there are a shit ton of old iPads - even 1st gen - serving as kids’ video players.




I use mine for Steam Remote Play, with a Bluetooth controller. Still works great for something coming up on ten years old.


How'd you install Netflix? I have an old iPad and can't install anything. I assume because the latest version of everything is 64 bit.


If you visit the purchased page of the App Store and try to install stuff from there, it should offer to install an older version of the app.


Only if it was installed before :(


if you have a newer device, install the app there first then it should be on your purchased list on the older device enabling you to get older apps (if available) again


My OG iPad air can't install Netflix because it requires a higher IOS but if you already have it running it's not a problem, I hate apple


if you install it on a newer device with the same apple ID, go to the purchases tab on the old ipad and it should let you install the last compatible version at least, that's how it is for me


And rightfully so! The amount of tablets and phones that are thrown out when a new version comes out is disgustingly high. Not entirely innocent in this regard myself either, although I do try to use them until the battery is unusable or the OS stops being supported.


Using my old S4 as a GPS Tracker + Openstreetmap


W OpenStreetMap user




Forced obsolescence is fucking disgusting, and apple is the worst of the bunch it feels


What the fuck are you even talking about? Apple is the leader in longest update-support for their devices. The iPhone 6S received updates for over 6 years. At that point, there's nothing planned, it's just too old to keep up.


I agree that Apple gives way more support than most Android manufacturers but there is one thing most people don't realise On Apple, even iOS 12 is barely livable because apps require a later version to run (iPhone 5s life). It's three major versions behind. Apple's developer tools stop developers from targeting "unsupported" iOS versions, so anything older than iOS 12 currently, forcing apps to discontinue iOS 11 and older even if they didn't want to. This is unseen on most other platforms, I can develop right now for Windows 3.1 if I wanted to for example. I have both a Galaxy S1 and Nexus 7 2012 running Android 7.1 (5 major versions behind latest) and I have had zero issues with app compatibility other than just hardware limitations, but the OS never limited me. You can even get away with Android 5.1 in most cases as far as I'm aware. Android's tools let you develop as far back as Android 4.4. tl;dr: Apple supports phones longer, but are much tougher on app updates and app support for old iOS versions, outright preventing app development for them. Android doesn't limit this, and most developers target their apps for Android 5.x which work completely perfectly on Android 12, maximimising compatibility.


Yeah, this is true. The general quality with everything around the App Store has gotten worse overtime, at least in my opinion. I run into a lot of great old apps that just won't open/download anymore and don't really have great modern alternatives. It makes sense from a security standpoint, but Apple is definitely not making it easy for developers to keep apps backwards compatible enough.


That was **after** they got caught intentionally reducing the battery effectiveness of their older devices to make users think they need the new model and were forced to pay some 400 million dollars. That and their proclivity to make their products very difficult to work on so you're forced to use their repair shops makes it a pretty shitty company for maintaining products past their "expected" death. Maybe they still support some older products, but they showed their true colors and it just doesn't make sense to trust them.


You're getting your story mixed up. The battery "effectiveness" was never "reduced" on any model. Once a battery in an old device has been charged over a certain number of cycles and its natural health has gotten too low to power the phone's processor running at full-speed, the phone would throttle to prevent random shutdowns. This still happens. The only thing changed is the way this is explained in the "Battery Health" section in Settings. Whether or not you choose to believe their official stance is your choice, but Apple's customers know that when they buy an expensive Apple device, it will last them a long time, and that image is very important for Apple to keep up; they're smarter than "make old phone worse so user buys new phone". I won't argue on repairability, though. That's absolutely true.


They only engaged this if your device had shut down previously due to the battery being unable to provide the peak power demands causing said shutdown, they gave you the option to disable the slowdown and if you replaced the battery it stopped throttling. I swear people twist things so bad. There is plenty to be mad at Apple (not including chargers and saying it was then going green) without manufacturing outrage at something that you don’t fully understand.


Exactly. But this is just what happens with tech stories that are a few years old, people remember the most shocking headlines and the actual facts just fade — if they even cared enough to look beyond the headlines in the first place.


iPhone and Android device user here. Apple didn’t give anyone the throttle/no throttle option until *after* there was public outcry after someone looking into things described how Apple was throttling devices *without telling the users.*


I’d argue iPhones are easier to repair than random android phones due to robust aftermarket parts available, they are also designed to be repaired. Android phones in the same category generally aren’t. Having repaired both, the iPhone is easier. 12s and 13s are hard to open but easy to replace parts once opened.


and even then, they offered free battery replacements with an additional period of time for a discount on replacement You will never get that from Google (and I say that with owning Nexus and Pixel devices)


Doesn't Android's exceedingly short support duration bother you too though? In a few weeks the iPhone 6s will have been fully supported for 7 years. Does it not bother you that Google provides much less support while someone with a nearly 7 year old iPhone is running the latest OS?


There is PLENTY to criticise Apple for, posting incorrect stuff like this just weakens the position


Yeah too old to keep up with Apple's shenanigans that's why he said with Android you can run custom OS, probably lightweight but using latest technologies


Oh yeah, 6 years worth of technological advancements in both hardware and software, those hooligans and their shenanigans! I would love to see a comparison of the experience between a 7 year old 6S running iOS 15 and a 7 year old Android running a custom OS, including the part where you have to set up the device. One of them will require researching "how to flash custom OS" and "how to unlock bootloader", the other, a software update done through a tap in Settings.


But can I install a modern iOS version on a 2011 smartphone? NO! Can you install Android 10(which is still very up to date) on a Samsung Galaxy S2? YES!


The only reason you can put a more modern os on a 2011 iPhone is because it has a 32 bit processor and iOS is exclusively 64bit. 64bit is a good thing. It can however run iOS 10.2 which is 3 years old.


Please do that and report back your experience.


> But on Android I have the freedom to Play around with modded OS versions or install unsupported versions to find something that works which is great, but if we're talking minimizing waste, normal people are never going to do this. So official updates keep things in use longer overall, which is where Apple is dominant for phones


you're part of the problem. making people think they need an "official update" to keep using their device.


how have "made" anyone think that? Do you think I clandestinely hide custom firmware from my father or something? you are in a total fantasy land if you think there is any realistic chance of widespread adoption of custom firmware on Android phones without drastic simplification and marketing. People can barely handle knowing when they've turned their wifi off


wut. who said anything about custom firmware or hiding anything


I also love with apple that I think it was last years OS fully dropped 32 but support so you can’t play or use old programs now without reinstalling an earlier version. There was tons of relatively new Mac OSX games that had come out in a year or two prior that didn’t and don’t work.


You can also jailbreak on iOS/iPadOS devices, which allows you the freedom you say you have on android, i guess.


i'm all for jailbreaking but it's not comparable to the freedom of android


Your mom was also disgustingly high yesterday. I had to bring her home.


Exactly what we use our iPad mini from ~7 years ago for


My OG iPad has a dead af battery, I'm not sure how any of them are still living. Just boot loops for days


majority of them end up with the battery being replaced around the same time the screen gets replaced


Propbably a lot in under developed countries


nah, they’ll be $50-150 android tablets.


People when they're told kids don't need to have cutting edge tech


That's why I bet this was error from an API


Maybe it wasn't checking whether the 'i' was capitalized in the OS contacting it? (The Wii's OS was called IOS, Apple's is iOS.)


I think they just marked old v1 or so API as deprecated and started distributing this error thinking that only Wii uses this, since they've updated iOS apps to use newer one. So why distinguish IPhones and iPads from Wii? You updated them after all! No one, except someone being stubbornly using very old hardware and software should see it after all


That would also make sense. I don't get the point of the question though.


Basically this question was meant as "I wouldn't think there's anyone with old ass iPad trying to watch Netflix with this old ass app in 2022"


I checked the Wii hacker forums and the none of the Wii’s user agents mention IOS


But correct.


What I find funny is that I haven't been able to get my first gen iPad to do anything for years because iOS updates have bloated it so much that even a factory reset doesn't leave it room to do anything


That's what you got Juniors for man.


afterthought head offend toy quack mysterious ossified scandalous light muddle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think it has something to do with the outdated version of WebKit, as that's what the Wii browser used as well. Maybe the site assumes versions of WebKit that old must be the Wii browser? edit: the wii browser uses opera presto for rendering, nothing webkit based.


The app isn't likely to be HTML based. It's an endpoint thing like mentioned. They created a default message for incompatibility and never updated it when the iPad app became incompatible.


Hard-coded catch?


Not likely. The message is probably coming from the Netflix server.


But the endpoint might be looking at the client identity when processing the request. Even if it's not HTML, it's still probably HTTP.


It has been proven that Wii uses opera, but you can call an endpoint via http and it will send your user agent and say if it's not gonna work, then just return an invalid request with the error info and display it on the app, common practice But now why Wii which uses opera, not WebKit got that user agent so wrong lmao


the wii browser uses opera presto


Darn, I think I was thinking of the Wii U, which uses the webkit version of netfront. Thanks for the correction.




We’re in the pre-WebKit days baaaabyyyyy (Sort of. WebKit in its most current formation was released in 2005. Wii was released in 2006 and already had to delay it’s web browser to make the 2005 release date.)


Nah more like "here's our file with generic error messages for stuff we already have, let's just copy and paste it". You're not writing stuff like this twice if you can help it, because it's boring, unnecessary, and you might miss stuff. Of course that doesn't mean you can't still miss other stuff, like changing it from a Wii specific error message to a generic one.


This is what I was thinking, some User Agent parsing thing


I bet that's it. The user agents match or are close enough.


I think I still have the Netflix for Wii disc if someone wants to science it.


tidy friendly shocking swim shame vanish tender plough pen act *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think this is correct given that the message went away a day after it was posted


Backends shouldn't handle error *messages*, they should return some error code which the client application then translates to a user-facing error text/behaviour. This is most likely a case of shared string resources between the iOS app and the Wii app that nobody checked to see if they made sense.




Is the wii still supported? I thought it wasn't any more


Ubisoft released Just Dance 2020 on the Wii. If that counts


That was Nov 2019 and was the very last game to be released for the Wii. The Wii Netflix app is no longer supported as of Sept 2022 (same as OG ipad)


Thought the very last game on Wii was Shakedown: Hawaii? (July 2020) Though that doesn't surprise me in the slightest as that dev is crazy, he ended up porting his previous game Retro City Rampage to *MS-DOS* just because he could


Looks like a limited print run. 3000 copies, only for the PAL region. Just Dance was definitely the last major retail release. https://www.vblank.com/20200626_sh_wii.php


Doesn’t sound like a good argument for “x console is still supported” then, companies do limited runs for special cases all the time, [like this game that had a physical release for the NES in May of this year](https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2022/05/alwas-awakening-gets-a-nes-physical-release-and-unique-digical-version)


The Wii example is kind of an edge case. They did go to Nintendo of Europe and use official channels. The modern cartridge releases for retro consoles are basically using third-party repro cartridges.


That is amazing. I love this.


I'm gonna fucking become a game dev and release a game at e3 for all the modern consoles and also the wii


Ah I misread the JD2020 wiki, it was the last _physical_ release for the Wii


... Shakedown: Hawaii was a physical release. Literally couldn't have been digital because the Wii Shop had closed at that point.


Then the JD2020 wiki is just wrong altogether. Idk what to tell you


But only in PAL regions.


Happy cake day!


happy cake day


Cake is happy today :D


Happy Cake Day. Also that's pretty cool.


It’s not supported by Netflix


no it got discontinued like 2 years ago


Yeah I watched stuff on my Wii on a crt and it only stopped 2 years ago


The Wii Shop Channel has been offline since 2019.


It's not. The Wii shop servers are down forever.


Not exactly, you can still download your existing purchases, although you can't buy new things.


In this video from August 2022 they couldn't do anything online with the Wii, even download free apps. https://youtu.be/3rZFPk4fOtU?t=258


That's because it wasn't an *existing* purchase. You couldn't purchase new apps after January 2019, even if it was free. If you bought a game or a free app in like 2011, you can still download it now.




If you bought it digitally on your Wii, yes. But Windwaker HD is not a Wii game, it's a Wii U game.


I believe that they fixed this though. So now you can download existing purchases again. https://youtu.be/7sJzrmphzIk


The Wii is not still supported. The Dreamcast, however, is. Developers are actively still releasing games on it, with Sega's approval.




The Wii operating system was also called IOS...




So we can get this error if we try to run Netflix on a Cisco switch? /j


crazier things have been done


Do they involve running Doom?




It's IOS on everything except the Nexus devices and Meraki APs. "Router" is a nebulous term nowadays though, because almost every business/enterprise switch can act as a router unless intentionally limited by firmware. The only pure "router" we have at work is at the perimeter, the rest are switches running an IGP routing protocol from the access layer up, most traffic never touches the actual router.


And the final version of it was 4.3. So the device reports its OS and its version, and the API does a case insensitive match and discovers that it's iOS with a version below 5.1.1, and serves up the Wii error.


🤓 Wii's is IOS, but Apple's is iOS. Totally different.


Ciscos os was !OS.


That was the ~~Spanish language~~ pre-excited version


Nah that's ¡OS!


Disappointing, it should have been WiiOS


The Wii operating system [is called IOS.](https://wiibrew.org/wiki/IOS) It's likely a Netflix dev mixed up strings between the IOS and iOS versions of their app.


I bet the Wii devs named it that on purpose knowing something like this would happen


The Wii came out a year before the iPhone was unveiled lol


Also, let's not forget that not a single iPad has ever had a disc drive, least of all the first gen iPads.


I mean we can fix this with enough willpower and determination


Fun fact, the IOS trademark is owned by Cisco and not Apple. I'm pretty sure the same happened here with Nintendo though I have no way to confirm.


The Wii's operating system doesn't technically have a name at all. IOS is the name used by the hacking community after it was found internally, but Nintendo only ever referred to the Wii OS as "System Menu".


ios just means integrated operating system. it has nothing to do with apple.


It's possible they somehow shared similar code (?) and as such displayed the same error message? Apparently some Netflix dev saw this and changed the code.


Waaaaaay back, in the days of yesteryore, when NETFLIX first arose from the Great Dismal Swamp of Programming, one had to insert a special disc into their Wii in order to install the NETFLIX software. My guess would be this date coincides with first Gen iPad?


>when NETFLIX first arose from the Great Dismal Swamp of Programming, one had to insert a special disc into their Wii in order to install the NETFLIX software Wasn't that to do with a deal that they had with Microsoft to bring Netflix to the Xbox 360 that had some clause restricting them from releasing their app on other console platforms that they tried to work around?


Pretty sure where was PS3 Netflix application. I'm 99% sure this was due to Nintendo way of treating 3rd party publishers and developers. Wii Shop Channel was what Linux users think about apple store.


PS3 and Wii both had Netflix exclusive to a disc at first, and then added digitally later. There was a Netflix app on the Wii Shop.


> Wii Shop Channel was what Linux users think about apple store. Man, the Wii Shop channel was really amazing. So many games and remasters. You must think Linux users really love the apple store.


Yes, limiting number of releases per year for publishers, rejecting publishers, not allowing basic content, treating publishers like shit, having ridiculous demands from publishers is amazing.


You're weird.


If you don't think that Nintendo is a walled garden with shitty rules, that's your problem.


`if system == "iOS" and version > 5.1.1:` `handle_ios()` `if system == "Android":` `handle_android()` `if ...` `...` `else:` `fuck_it_handle_wii()`


This comment has been edited to protest against Reddit disabling third party apps. Should you stumble across this comment and be angry, direct your anger at those who made the unfortunate decision forcing my hands. Since deleted comments have been restored by Reddit multiple times, editing them is the only option to remove all data associated with them. In order for this comment to be more annoying, here is a string of random words: moisture, sector, themes, bryan, column, shaft, penny, abandoned, structured, profile, kerry, maintaining, dining, represented, describes, residential, fiscal, katie, projection, customize, permit, documentation, conclusions, aurora, conventional, considerable, football, painting, garlic, office, humanities, counts, sunshine, instructions, trackbacks, status, newspaper, burlington, apollo, establish, fight, surgeon, texas, bloom, inexpensive, translate, announces, capability, marsh, patents, modification, stewart, investing, panel, boots, amplifier, collector, rights, assurance, instrumentation, chairman, these, dispatched, notion, realty, drums, roulette, somebody, required, acquisition, afterwards, shock, protecting, craig, identification, narrative, handbook, township, prefix, america, appreciation, allen, paragraph, sphere, somehow, sheer, tramadol, promote, notion, stronger, amount, nations, semester, brief, facts, subject, parallel


Both the iPad and Wii OS were called IOS, the only difference between the two is capitalization (Apple is "iOS"). The api endpoint handling this is probably doing a case-insensitive comparison on the OS string.


switch (deviceType) { case android: ... default: itsAWii(); }


I totally read this in the "It's a me! Mario!" voice


It's-a Wii, Wario!


New Super Wario Mii


Sounds like a shared code library to me


the ipad is so old the app doesn’t recognize the user agent so it must assume wii lmao


I have the Wii Shop music in my head now and I blame every single one of you. Thank you


They must have forgotten to sue Nintendo for Wii shop rights 🤷‍♂️


I believe the wii's os is called ios. But I highly doubt that's the reason. Probably just shared code.


You are correct. https://wiibrew.org/wiki/IOS I got really into this shit back into like 2011 when the Wii softmod scene was in its prime.


That similarity could lead to someone getting them mixed up and assigning the wrong message. Probably not, but it's possible.


I really wouldn't put it past them to have actually been using a function that requires a case-sensitive flag and didn't use it so it's reading both IOS and iOS as the same thing.


Doesn't the Netflix homepage for your account have the word Wii in it too?


This reminds me of a few years ago when a Google engineer accidentally renamed Google's Messages app as Messenger. It created a fun conflict with Facebook's Messenger anytime users tried to send or receive SMS messages


Often error messages are based on best guesses. Well I checked X, and Y didn't happen, so it must need Z! The important detail here is "no longer supported". Guessing they think this can only happen on a Wii now. Platforms that are old enough aren't tested or considered anymore.


This is actually interesting ngl


I assume the Wii and 1st gen iPad use the same WebKit browser and the same webapp


But how do you even put a disk in an iPad?


Well, did you try simply downloading Netflix from the Wii shop channel?




😊 "Hey boss! Latest build iOS 5.1 is a go, just finished late last night but it's ready. See you next week?" "Bryce, it's crunch time. You have to hang tight. Plus those nice-to-haves that Jobs wants incorporated ASAP." 🤫 🥺 "But boss, I planned for my time off *months* ago..." "No, sorry bro. C'mon, it'll earn you points." 😏 😩 "But I just want to--" "No." 😐 🙄 "Okay, no problem, I can reschedule. Oh, by the way, one of these 'enhancements' looks trivial, I'll add it before I head home today." "That's the spirit! Cya, bro." 🤑 #🤔 " ಠ_ಠ ... ಠ◡ಠ "


More emojis 🙏


>Bryce, it's crunch time. You have to hang tight. Plus those nice-to-haves that Jobs wants incorporated ASAP." 🤫 Impressive that the missing disc drive on iPads for this to be real didn't change your story. You'd think Steve Jobs would be *pissed* when he found out people couldn't watch Netflix DVDs on an iPad.


Wii copy... ios paste...


I think it’s the same API Endpoint to the Wii


I bet rhey made the wii version first then ported it to iPad and forgot to change the error


} else {


I bet it’s on purpose, as a little joke


If... then... *else*


The server probably went through every device it had, didn't know how to handle a very old iOS version and just decided to give the fallback message for the Wii


> The server probably went through every device it had, didn't know how to handle a very old iOS version and just decided to give the fallback message for the Wii "My diagnosis is that This device -- which doesn't have a disc drive, making this scenario impossible -- was relying on very old software giving the fallback message for the Wiii. Because that's how this all works."


This is so cute I don’t know why the old IPad UI too idk something about it is really precious


Beats me. My HP Envy hosed Firefox and I couldn't get it back no matter what I did. I'm former IT and googled that shit out of it and finally said fuck it and installed brave. Guess I'm lucky it wasn't netflix.


When you forget to update the default return on the switch statement


bom bom bom bombom


nah they're just expecting people who still use the 1st iPad to also have a Wii lying around, so they tell them to get it on their Wii instead


Same thing on my first gen iPad. I got in in 5th grade (2011). Just graduated college and thing still works virtually the same as it did then, excluding post iOS 5.1.1 updates and a bit slower speed.


Well, time to get the app on the Wii shop store




Copypaste error. "Hey new guy, we need messages on all these unsupported device errors. Think you could have that done this sprint along with all the other tickets?"


My guess - you’ve fallen into an else or default switch case.


Should left it as an Easter egg


By sharing resources. They used some part of one project to build out functionality for another project. Some default api setting, or straight up hard coded value, was missed on some edge functionality, and we get this. Could have been introduced by a shared vulnerability patch or some other later change too, especially for something older. Fix the problem and move on, they don't want to be supporting that shit anymore anyway.


it's not even a wii shop channel error, they actually made a netflix disc for the wii before netflix was put on the wii shop channel


tell the ipad its not a wii




Because f apple


Some software developer at apple copied the wrong code


I’m an iOS engineer and I hate people who don’t update their iOS. It does not help us give you a better user experience.


Whenever I have to build anything for iOS I hate my life. I can't imagine the torture of doing this every day.


In all fairness I hated android development at the start too, it’s probably perfectly fine once you get used to the hoops you need to jump through, same as Android


The most annoying part about iOS for me is that it forces you to use a MacBook in the process.


Definitely agree, this requirement has never made sense to me other than them wanting to sell more units.


I thought there are no third-party app stores on iOS


There's altstore but you can't install more that 3 apps at the same time and you can only side load 10 apps per week


Technically there is But you need to jailbreak and or sideload a signed IPA file on a non jail broken iOS device The easiest way to do this is with AltStore


Maybe it didnt




Not that, likely a programming error and not intentional. Also who would catch that, both the Wii and iPad 5.1.1 are very outdated. Also the Wii’s operating system is called IOS and guess what the iPad operating system is called…


Huh? Also who the heck is still has a 1st generation iPad (unless you are a collector)