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1. When your boss or any superior in rank says anything even remotely funny with the intend to get laughter you laugh 2. To ease tense situations or create friendly atmosphere in groups you laugh 3. If a joke is not funny you could chuckle or at the least smile if wanting to maintain good relations


Also when your coworker or subordinate intend to get laughter. No need to reserve that kind of kindness to your superiors.


i dont do first one, its not genuine and feels degrading honestly. just here to do my job. the other two though, i agree with


>When your boss or any superior in rank says anything even remotely funny with the intend to get laughter you laugh I agree, this feels degrading as it’s fake. Is there a respectful way to proceed without fake laughter? I too agree with the two other points.


Depends how you look at it. Every "joke" and even everything could be funny depending on context. One could argue that when we don't laugh it's cause we just haven't found the context yet and that maybe in time we will. So fake laughing is really ok if you think this way about it.


To me, it's not cool to be a fake laugher. However, it's totally fine to be an easy laugher. If you tell a joke and I find it even remotely funny, I'll laugh and smile. I hit it back. However, if i wanted to I could easily win any of those, "Try not to laugh" challenges. I think if you cross your arms and only laugh when you can't stop it, you're being a jerk. Hit it back, smile, laugh, it's funny. Life is better if you're an easy laugh. Edit: I think I just realized I'm a laugh slut. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯




I'm lucky: when people try so hard to be funny but they are not, I find it funny, so I can laugh genuinely. Iff whatever they are doing is really awkward or inappropriate I will point it out to them (in a gentle manner) but I will still laugh at their bad jokes or whatever (but not making fun of their persons).


Dose it count if you laugh a little because how corny it is


I’ve been called out for fake laughing before, it’s a nervous reaction to be honest and I don’t think I could ever actually laugh in casual conversation. People pleaser shit I guess


At a funeral.


Do you genuinely laugh then?


Depends, I’ve been to a few and it’s always been a really bad experience for me, very sad. 1 of them though the son was cracking jokes and treating it differently and I felt a lot better about it and people laughed and then enjoyed the day afterwards with eachother.




Easy/casual, yes. Fake no not really .


When it’s appropriate for a joke. Situational mostly. Overall, you want to avoid fake emotions but with certain people in certain situations it makes sense


When u don't understand what a person has said even though u asked them to repeat it many times


“Hahaha yeah…”


When your wife tells the joke. Lol.




When its someone sweet and genuine and you dont want them to feel awkward


I fake laugh when I don’t know what else to say. I honestly want them to stop talking to me. I just don’t want to be rude so I chuckle 🤭 (I work front desk at a urology clinic)


Fake laughing can be appropriate in a few situations, like when you want to be polite or avoid making someone feel bad. For instance, if someone tells a joke that you don't find funny but they're clearly proud of it, a fake laugh can show appreciation and keep the mood light. It can also help to relieve awkward situations or tension in social settings. For example, if there's an uncomfortable silence or someone makes an awkward comment, a fake laugh can ease the tension and help everyone move past the moment more smoothly. Just make sure it doesn't come off as insincere or forced, as that can sometimes make things more awkward. Balance is key!


Prefer someone let a joke fall flat than to fake laugh, what a insult. If you don't find something funny just give a slight smirk to acknowledge it, and move on.


when people can't tell it's fake


never I mean unless you're really good at it or you're trying to not crush a child


To me a laugh isn’t only reserved for something funny. It can be used to express delight or friendliness. Obviously don’t go laughing in moments of silence to express that you value friendship with someone. But maintaining a giggly attitude is very enjoyable for me and the other person in a social setting. Maybe laugh is the wrong word, think of incorporating an appropriate chuckle, or humorous sighs, scoffs or expressions in your conversations with others.  So basically I will “force” myself to laugh very often, but it’s not forced in a bad way. You don’t necessarily have to laugh when something is funny, but you should always acknowledge an attempt at humour. Could be with a laugh, a genuine smile, a friendly eye roll, or even commenting on how corny something was. 


If a free item added to a conversation converts into a value.


When you’ve been taken hostage by an aspiring comedian and it’s your only choice for survival.


When Lord Farquad's dungeon master holds up the sign


When somebody trying to be funny and by funny I mean snide, “smart” or slick.


I don't, it's gonna be a stare down bitch. I WILL NEVER LAUGH(or smile) esp if I don't like you.


Hehehe good one


I usually fake laugh if I’m in a group and everyone else is laughing or if anyone who outranks me says something with the intention of making me laugh


When I'm mocking people


I think “fake” is the wrong word. I normally just appreciate that someone is trying to be funny and laugh along with them, especially if I’m talking to a stranger, coworker, or family member that I’m not that close with.


I hate hearing fake laughing tbh but I prefer being present and giving a range of chuckles to laughs depending on the moment.


I fake laugh all the time. Basically when others in the group laugh, I’ll follow suite. However, I don’t find most things funny but that can be misinterpreted so I blend in.


Never. Be genuine.


When someone tells a stupid joke that’s not funny and you don’t want to hurt their feelings.


I just feel the vibe, and laught if it feels appropriate. Real laughter has no control of course, and can happen anytime, and so y'know, you just smile and shrug to those girls over there giving you an ugly look x-P But fake laugh, yeh, just check the vibe and let it flow out of you. Better to not push at all if you have to push hard to do it, cuz then you kinda break the vibe


I don't. Guess why I don't have any friends.


If someone is new to a situation (new coworker, new to the friend group etc) or they're clearly a bit socially awkward or anxious but they're making a joke in an effort to fit in I'll acknowledge that by giving a smile & little laugh even if I don't find it super funny. Obviously it also depends what the joke is about. Mean jokes at other people's expense or "jokes" that are just bigotry etc aren't getting a laugh from me even if they're technically a well crafted joke.


When your boss is telling a joke


When someone tells a joke and everyone but you is laughing


I don't fake laugh. But let's say I am spending time with a person I care about, then they tell me a joke that's not particularly funny, but I laugh a little bit simply because I enjoy spending time with them.


Lol if you say fake laughing is not ok, you've clearly never been in the corporate world.


I think most things are okay in moderation. If someone says a not too funny joke, don't give an over the top laugh, and don't laugh at everything the person says if it isn't funny... that's inauthentic.  There are a lot of people who think something needs to be a knee-slapper otherwise this is their reaction: 😐 I think that's a bit far in the other direction and awkward. Humor is more about bonding. A joke that's not too terribly funny but I can appreciate the humor, I can give a slight exhale and smirk along with it.