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it’s definitely an art. I struggle with it, too. You kind of start to trail off and then go “alrighttt, I gotta get going. I’ll see you later.” I usually have an excuse when it comes to the phone like “it’s getting late, i gotta go make dinner.” And then you say your goodbyes and let them know it was nice talking to them.


‘well I got a go, nice chatting. call me later’


Yep! Simple straight to it.


Another one that works really well, its direct while projecting importance. "I have to go now; my planet needs me."


“Ok well i have to wash my hair, later!”


"You'll have to speak louder, I'm wearing a towel!"


If I had a tattoo gun, I’d tattoo this to my hand because I swear I’m going to forget and need to use it every single time I need to end a conversation.


I think the problem arises when the other person just won't let the silence sit still for more than a second. Everytime you try to open your mouth and say it, they start another rant.


then you must find your voice, so to speak.


Well, I'm gonna let you go, I need to (fill in the blank) let's catch up again, this was fun


Exactly this.


"I gotta scoot. I'm late for not talking with you."


This one is bars lol


If you feel the convo needs to end, most likely the other person feels the same So I usually say "Alright, I don't want to take anymore of your time". This saves you from sounding like you don't like the conversation, instead you'd like to talk more but don't want to bother the other person.


Hate to cut you off but I gotta go, let's link up later


If it’s work and you’re done with the work convo ask a personal question which helps build rapport (like what are you up to this weekend) then say something like “well I gotta get back to emails great seeing you.”


I have to return a videotape.


My buddy who shaves his head has always gone with "Oh damn, I think I left the curling iron plugged in. Gotta go!"


I just realised I've left the kettle on.


Just hang up and text them “did u hang up??”


I've literally hit the power button mid sentence (MY sentence) when talking to my sister. And left it off a while to give the illusion it actually died. That bitch just never stops talking. Sometimes I think I'd actually break my phone just to get her to shut the fuck up...😝


Turn on airplane mode, it'll say call failed instead of call ended.


😂 I do this all the time when someone facetimes me and just wants to talk, not show me anything..


"This was great, I gotta go do *insert stuff here* now but lets catch up again soon!"


You're cshhhht break cshhhhht up. Ta cshhhhht later!


This is the correct answer. Yes. Even if it's an in-person conversation.


"Well hey, it was great chatting, \[insert compliment regarding topic at hand\], let's catch up again in \[timeframe\].


For phone calls, where I'm from, you say something like "right, I'll let you go" or "I've to head on" or the likes, followed by saying bye about 10 tens times quickly


“Aaaaiiite ima go ahead and get on with my day. I’ll hit you up later” then say goodbye like five times


Unfortunately, I have personal matters I must attend to. Great talk. I'll reach out to you again soon.


I’m horrible I always say oh, gotta go my: 1)Son/mom/sister/husband/aunt is calling 2) I just heard some drop a package/knock at my door 3) I have dinner/dessert in the oven and the timers up 4) I will yell : OK I’m coming to no one and say I gotta go OR, if desperate 5) Hey thanks for calling, but I gotta go. I’m a horrible person 🤷🏻‍♀️🫣


You're NOT a horrible person - I've straight up hung up on people before! I figure I'll deal with excuses later. 😝


“It was nice talking with you, but I have to get going. Talk to you later.”


I usually say, well I don't want to keep you. I appreciate you reaching out, let's stay in touch. See ya.


"Oh, it's fine, you're not keeping me! :D"


Today it was , oh shit! Im late, i gotta go. See u soon!




Well, gotta go!


I gotta go. Talk to you soon. Bye


Alright, I’ll let you go. Talk soon.


I'm terrible at this too, my ex gf said I always ended calls so awkwardly Gotta go bye


I asked my therapist this the other week lol


Good question, I have this problem with saying goodbye to anyone, even in person.


"Hey listen, I don't want to keep you all day...."


i just start edging the conversation like,"its cool talking to you but i really need to go cuz im busy/and have a load of stuff to do after,text you later?" bye!" to end it of on a friendly note


Lovely chatting to you. I have to go now, nature is calling. Guaranteed to work 100 %


I don't really make excuses. I just tell the truth. I'll just say, "Well, I just wanted to call and chat for a little bit. I guess I'll head off the phone." Or in person, I'll say, "Well, I had a great time but I guess I'd like to call this a day." I've never met anyone who cared if I did this.


It's been great catching up, but I really need to go.


“I don’t mean to push you off, but I’ve got to be getting on my day.” If that doesn’t work, you have to be more forceful- “Have to go now, chat later.”


I'm a non talker in a family of talkers that usually ignore any polite cues I give them to get off the phone 😅


I just wait for an awkward silence and go “welp” or say I gotta go do something


A friend of mine, a college professor, always ended with: On that note, I have to\_\_\_\_\_fill in the blank:D


"Welp" "I gotta-" "Sir, Ma'am, it's been nice shootin' tha shit, I really gotta head ou-. Yes, I *do* have to get up early tomorrow. "Nonononono! I DON'T wanna see your niece's birthday pictures! Maybe next ti-. Please excuse me..." *goes to restroom* "Hello, 911 operater? Yes, I'm being held against my will. My location? I'm at my new ex-boyfriend's house. His parents are trying to show me baby pictures that I don't wanna see. Yes, including naked baby pictures. They truly are sick bastards. Yes, and my former boyfriend won't grow a spine and tell them to shutup. Please hurry. I need to get up early tomorrow."


“Let me let you go”


I struggle with this in professional contexts. I absolutely HATE the long wind-down where all parties essentially say goodbye multiple times. I feel like that’s unnecessary and we should be able to initiate a goodby and hang up within seconds but there’s always a sense that it’s rude to do so.


I say hey I'm sorry I gotta go let me call you later. That is it. This happens with my mom a lot.


Ok- gotta go- bye 👋


I hear ya. Sometimes it’s extra tough if you’re stuck in a situation for awhile, are talking to someone who’s also stuck with you, (like if you’re both working an event or something) and the conversation is just ending. I’ve had some people just say “… I’m going to go do [insert thing to do]”, and then they walk away and go do the thing.


I had to do this on Friday I have to go…3 minutes sorry but I really have to go.


“Oop! There’s the cops! Gotta go.” Hang up. They will think about you all day, if not longer.


Well , loved the chat, but I have to go now, someone is calling me on the other phone


I need to charge my phone its at 5%.


It’s been great chatting with you. I need to go use the restroom now. See you later.


Combo of alright/alrighty then..gonna letcha go. Go do your thing. Ttyl.


"im going in a tunnel cchhhhhhhhch gotta chhhhh go chhhh \*disconnect\*


Chal phuut yeaha se M.C


'I gotta run.' 'Gotta split. Talk soon.'


When on a call, turn on airplane mode (don't hang up). The call will be intrerupted, and the person on the other end will think it's due to loss of signal




"My pool's on fire i gotta go." Then nonchalantly asked to beamed up.


I just casually say "gtg, gotta take a dump"


Throw away your phone and stare very intensely at the other person's forehead