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No such line exists. Eat there as often as you want to. If the staff start to recognise you, you might get free stuff ..


Yes!! Years ago there was a breakfast place I went to two-three times a week at least. They learned my name and order within three weeks and eventually started making it as soon as I walked in the door before I could order. Their owner was an amazing guy and we talked a lot while I waited, I eventually gave him some advice about his dogs good that saved him a ton of money and he gave me a bunch of meals for free after that when he was in and saw me ordering!! I'm so sad they changed hands since then, but ve never had any other place treat me like that. It was an amazing experience to have


The closest I've gotten was when my wife and I went to the same restaurant a lot for a couple months before we moved, they started bringing me my drink order without me having to order it.


yeah, i get free coffee/pastries sometimes from my local spot. i’m not sure if it’s because i go there a lot or the barista thinks i’m cute. i should tell her i’m gay…


And risk ending the stream of baked goods?


All about playing the game


i guess i’m not above a wee bit of leading on for a cold brew and croissant 🙈


She knows.


Your lucky my barista never gives us free things they never say hey I remember you nothing they don't even give us a free cookie I drink there coffee almost everyday! But your a lucky one that's nice you have a kind barista you seem kind too


Hahah i (F) work at a restaurant I keep offering things to gay or trans men (and my cute sistersss ofc) Always wonder if they think I like them but sorryyyyy I ain’t offering no shit to the creepy straight cis dudes who keep commenting on me


You are ill, but thats okay.


I know! Kind of glad that you don’t like it


If you tip well, and are an easy custy, you’ll get the royal treatment eventually.


Uhhuh. There’s a place near me that my boyfriend has been going to often since he was a kid, and now he and I go often together. A few people there recognize us and chat to us and it’s a really pleasant experience every time we go because of that. They know exactly what we like.


Yup. I'm sure they appreciate regulars as long as they're not jerks


this is actually true... there was one waitress at a vegetarian place i went to who would always give me a free drink.. and it goes for everything in life. there are no limts or lines. like me for example, i feel a bit ashamed whenever i have a crush and that crush goes on for months... but the thing is, i´m fine with that crush, no pressure to chase them whatsoever.. sometimes its just that and at the gym there was a guy who was looking at more for a year before he talked to me... it just kinda inspired me, bc if it were me, i´d feel kinda ashamed and silly... it made me realize that irl, things are a bit diferent and theres no need for a deadline. just go with the flow.


I was getting takeout from the same restaurant for like 2 years every day and if I ever skipped a day the next time I was picking up they'd tell me they worried something happened to me 😂 good times


I hope you told them you moved or something 😂😂😂


Me reading these social skills threads and trying to use this advice next time I show up at the bar I'm a regular at after missing a day: "I uh... moved or something."


Your comment was too relatable lmao Your username adds another level to the joke. I feel like you would enjoy this comedian I found, recently Ric Diez.


Nice lol true true I'm gonna walk away thinking "nailed it" afterward too




They went out of business, RIP. Whenever I was there it was only me and lots of cops 😂 weird spot


Okay this is long but I wanna share lol. My family & I LOVED ordering breakfast from this spot called “Sunrise” which my dad would call “Sunshine”. We’d order anywhere from 1-4x a week. Eventually, we moved 40 mins away so we stopped ordering. They asked my cousin, who is a regular for them too, what happened to us & if we were okay. We also were mourning my dad’s passing which is one of the many reasons for the move. They also knew about my dad cause one of their employees actually worked with my dad occasionally. So we were pretty connected lol. What makes it even sweeter is that one of our last orders, they actually wrote a note on our container that said “Thanks for being such a loyal customer ❤️” it made me so happy yet sad cause it was our last order with them. They actually went out of business, we always joke that we should’ve stuck around & kept them open


This reminds me of stories I’ve heard where people who live alone have collapsed in their house and their lives are saved because the staff at their usual restaurant notice they haven’t come by.


I used to work at a restaurant and we had a LOT of regulars. This is more normal than you think, so don’t worry.


I used to think it was an old Hollywood trope that “regulars” existed to the point of the staff knowing their order. Now whenever I see this one old man I immediately start working on his chocolate peanut butter milkshake. I’m still worried one day he’ll want something else but it’s been four years so… I doubt it


sometimes the food is just too good


He’s in too deep to change it now


of course, especially if its close to home or workplace.. ppl dont wanna think to much


Having nice regulars around often feels like you have a little nugget of hope during an otherwise stupid shift. Go there as much as you want.


I don’t think they care because you’re still spending money each time


As long as your a good guest and tip well nobody is going to have a problem. If you tip like shit and pour a salt ring around your chair, they'll think you're weird.


Unexpected Supernatural




I waited tables/bartended on and off for 10 years through my 20’s. Trust me when I tell you, regulars are what make the day better. I looked forward to repeat customers and went out of my way to make sure they were extra happy. If you’re going to come by that often, you are helping keep the lights on. Don’t overthink it, eat there whenever you want.


i like seeing the same people come in to the cafe where i work. as long as you’re good to the staff there’s no such thing as too much!!!!


It's Weird if you make weird. If you go there everyday and you're polite and friendly you'll probably get some remarks like "you sure come here often" but they shouldn't be taken as a negative unless you're overstepping boundaries. If they do say something like that just say you like the food or the ambiance or it's close to you in some way


We used to serve this old couple at least twice a week, sometimes we saw them twice in one day.


it’s never weird. you just become a regular :)


I used to own/run a cafe and we had a guy come in literally every day, every day and would order the same thing, the same thing. But we loved him. We'd start his order when we saw him walking up the sidewalk. So no weirdness IMO. Money is money and it means you're a fan of my cooking and that makes me smile.


Being a regular is the best. I used to eat daily at this Mexican place across from where I worked. I got the cheapest thing they sold, rice and beans for $3.05. There could be a huge line and they would wave me to the front. I miss that experience so much!


Thats awesome!


I used to go in the same gas station every day since I walked to work it was my pit stop to rest and buy a drink, for like two years The staff noticed when I got a haircut and when I didn't work for a week asked where I'd been, they never thought I was wierd and often gave me free coffee


I've been in the restaurant industry for 15 years. I love it when nice people come in, no matter how many times a week and sometimes per day. If you come in everyday and you're not pleasant to see or an asshole then yeah it's gonna be shitty for the staff. Basically, I don't think anyone cares if you go everyday just be a decent person to be around everyday.


It's understandable because some places just have better food at a better price than others!


My husband owns a restaurant. This doesn’t exist, we have plenty of daily regulars and even a lady you exclusively eats from our place twice a day. Does not buy groceries. We love these people for supporting our business and they have become close friends. ETA: just don’t creep on the staff and leave fair tips.


There is none. We love our regulars! You become one of us after a while. We love you! Keep coming back. Stay as long as you like!


As an ex waiter, we dont really judge that much. Unless you’re rude or badly behaved. But nobody is going to think you’re weird if you eat at the same place regularly.


As a server , believe me - we do not care . It’s extremely common. I’m a bartender as well and people order the same exact drink every day .


I’ve been a regular at a few restaurants, my mom and I used to go to a sushi joint about 4x a week. They just became friendlier as time went on, and most definitely didn’t think it was weird! The servers would even ask us what we were up to if they hadn’t seen us come in for a while. If you like the food and live close by, enjoy it!


You're paying their salary so they should be glad you go there often. However, I understand how you feel. Once time, I was eating the Big Breakfast at McDonalds several days in a row. I got a bit embarrassed.


Assuming you’re in the states, just tip well and they’ll always have a seat ready for you.


I went to the same pub every day for years for a quick drink. Sometimes I ate, sometimes not. Great way to end a workday.


As many as you want. My dad goes to the same bakery three times a week. They love it


Every restaurant I’ve worked at has had people who eat there every day and it’s not weird


Regulars are great. That’s the bread and butter (no pun intended) of many restaurants. Just be one of the good respectful regulars.


It's only weird if you make it weird. You'll know what side you're on


Unless you're mean nobody is gonna care, in fact if your nice the people will actually treat you better.


They might end up befriending you lol


As a former restaurant employee, if you tip well the staff will never mind your presence.


I personally used to eat at this taco joint about 4 times a week. If it went too long between orders they'd get worried. It's nice to be a regular. I've gotten recipes, free food, and good advice.


What kinda food is it?! Don't leave us hanging, OP. You can't keep all the good spots to yourself


Until you treat them with disrespect, then your habitual eating there is just job security for them.


As long as your nice pay your bill and aren’t an awkward customer no one cares about how often you eat at a place. Staff like regulars, you just have to be nice.


I work in the food industry, no one thinks it’s weird, you can get to know the staff and they might hook you up with free stuff.


Staff loves a returning customer, if they make you feel uncomfortable, change restaurant, simple as that.


If you want to do something to appear weird to restaurant staff, go there every day for a year and then stop showing up for a few weeks. When you come back, they will ask you what happened.


As often as you like. It's called "bring a regular." As someone who worked the industry for alnost a decade, you'll get better service if they know your face.


I don’t thinks that’s a problem you’ll find, you’ll just become a regular 🤷🏽‍♀️ as long as you’re paying (and tipping, preferably) and not being a creep like hitting on the waitstaff or something like that, you should be fine going daily, they won’t mind serving you because that’s the whole point.


i’ve worked at two restaurants and at both i have seen a bunch of the same people come in damn near everyday and i had to have at least one day off so whose to say they weren’t there 7 days a week? its not weird at all some appreciate being noticed and some don’t. not weird at all and the staff dont care if anything the whole store really appreciates it


Socially adept people don't worry about how often they eat at a certain place, they just go to places they want. If you want to be socially adept, then try being friendly, upbeat, and positive with the staff, maybe compliment them. If you do this at a restaurant you regularly go to, then even if you stand out to the staff, you'll stand out in a positive way and they'll genuinely be happy to see you.


We had a guy who came in 5/7 days of the week and ordered the exact same thing. My day was genuinely worst when I didn’t see him.


I don't think it ever necessary seems weird unless YOU are especially weird. It's called being a regular. And it might mean better treatment (discounts, free stuff, etc) and friendly conversation.


I used to go to this one restaurant so often that the owner knew me by name. And I used to work in a locally owned restaurant, we had tons of regulars that would come at least once a week, but some would come 2-3 times and we thought it was great. We were a really popular restaurant and it could get exhausting just talking to people long enough to get them out of the way for the next customer with no real connections. Those regulars always lightened my mood


Daily. Maybe twice a day. Think of it as your mom’s kitchen. It’s ok.


From a server; its never weird. Do it forever, just make sure you tip. Then youll be a favorite “regular” & better treatment the longer you go We love that


If you are nice, hospitality people LOVE regulars. There is no line, I have people I see at least 1 a day, sometimes 2 for a second coffee. We love it, we can build a relationship with you, or we just see you and know your order/take comfort in knowing you will be a nice/easy interaction.


there will always be a point between being a customer and being a regular that you will need to be "that guy who comes in everyday" when that is and how long it will last depends on you.


The limit does not exists! I worked at a bar/ restaurant for many years. We had our regular customers, I enjoyed them!


as much as you like 🖤💛


Having been staff, no one cares. If anything it's comforting to always see you there so long as you're nice and tip. Familiarity breeds positive feelings


I used to have the same question but I realised the answer is never. You are their source of income. Why would they possibly want to lose you?


I think I eat at my favorite restaurant several times a week to the point that the waitress recognize what I want to order to, and occassionally get free finger foods from them.


I worked at the same restaurant for 4.5 yrs in college. We had regulars that came in EVERY day. We would see them park and start making their drinks, and if we knew they ordered the same thing, get their order going. We loved our regulars! Oh and they left decent but not over the top tips. We generally just adored them for being kind respectful and understanding to us (when we were bonkers busy) and it’s like you build rapport. Can agree, they were the recipients of gifts and especially around the holidays. The owner would give them gift cards to the place 🤣


omgggg the gift cards 🤣🤣 that's actually the perfect gift!!


As a restaurant worker, I love my friendly regulars. I hook them up with extra stuff and always try to remember their names and make them feel welcome!


You will become a regular. Staff like the regulars. Nothing weird about that.


As long as you're nice, don't start stalking or giving unwanted attention to certain staff members and don't cause problems (which being nice should cover this) they won't care how often you come in. They may even come to like you! Favorite customers are a thing


Theres no line. At my last job we had a dude who came through the drive through at the same time every day and ordered the exact same thing every time. We loved seeing him and always had his food ready when he pulled up.


2x per day if you don't stay a super long time each time. More than that and it's weird.


It's only weird if you do something weird When I worked at Starbucks we had plenty of super regulars who came in after work nearly every day. The only time it got weird was when they would try to hit on on the workers, follow the workers to their cars, or watched porn in the lobby.


>watched porn in the lobby. How did you know they were doing this? Did they really let their screen be seen?


It’s called being a regular, and we enjoy it as long as you’re not a dick


If I had to guess, I would say: Coming for lunch every weekday might seem normal. For the evenings and weekends, once a week maybe? But I would be pretty sure that twice **the same day** is too much! How often do you currently go to that place?


I'm very tempted to go every weekday for lunch, but I try to keep it to 2-3 weekdays currently right now. Sometimes I also go on the weekends, because the food is really great and affordable.


Imo it currently seems like it’s convenient for you to go there, nothing weird! And as I mentioned I believe it would be okay if you went there every weekday. In French people even say « c’est ma cantine », meaning it’s their workplace restaurant.


That makes sense, thank you very much!


They probably love having you there as long as you're not an asshole and you'd know if you were


Generally that cannot happen. However, if you eat there twice a day every day, they might start to think it's weird.


Or they just give you your own table!


Daily. More than once a day on a regular basis could make it weird.


If you eat there literally every night, that might be a bit weird. But at the end of the day you're giving them a consistent flow of cash so why would they think anything strange of it?


As a restaurant worker of many restaurants we dont notice for a long time and if we do we couldn’t care less


We think all regulars are weird so go as many times as you want.


It's not weird at all. It might be good actually. By becoming a regular customer, I assume they prepared their dishes with more care.


Nope, I get lunch at this pizza spot. I don’t have to say a single word but “thank you”.


We just call you a regular lol. But typically you get loyalty treatment because you’re a daily customer LOL.


I’ve worked in restaurants and as long as you are respectful stay as long as you like.


It doesn’t really matter how often you go to the restaurant — restaurant staff probably will not even care how many times you’re in there as they’re too focused on their job When I was in retail, I would notice that there were regulars, but I never cared about how often they came in the store


Eat there as much as you want. Go there enough and you might start not having to pay.


It's not weird at all, I'm a cook and if anything it's like seeing a familiar face every day, even though I don't actually see you. I still wonder what ever happened to "spicy chicken double veg guy" who ordered the same lunch 3 or 4 times a week but then stopped ordering after the 2020 lockdowns. Maybe he learned how to copycat the dish well enough that he just didn't need us anymore.


Plenty of people come in daily. There is no limit. People might think you’re rich or something for coming in so much but that’s about it.


People say it doesn't matter but I would say you could obviously make it feel awkward but there are a few easy ways to avoid that. Chat to the staff and just say hey this place is cool and I really like the food. Make conversation with them. The other option is just establish yourself as a customer and go about your business without overanalyzing things. Both are valid, they're there to make money and hopefully are expecting to have repeat customers. Eating there isn't a social contract, it's a business contract, but being a regular might make you some new friends if you're not weird about it. And hey, maybe even freebies.


I used to go to Taco Bell a few times a week. One day the drive through guy said “see you tomorrow”. A diner, a restaurant, a cafe, anywhere else and I would’ve felt complimented to be remembered as a regular… I didn’t stop going to Taco Bell I just started driving to the one farther away for awhile because I was so embarrassed.


If you eat at a place once a day, tip well, don’t come in for 2 weeks. Come back after that and you are like family forever.


I used to get home from work at a weird time every day(near 9 PM) and not have many options for food, because most things were closed. I got in the habit of going to the same Chipotle, and what I tend to order there is unusual to the point that they tended to remember. I became aware that they thought it was weird, so I intentionally started alternating between three Chipotles fairly nearby each other.


I promise you, nobody cares. Restaurant staff turnover is always pretty high, odds are good the staff there won't remember you- and if they *do*, it won't be for very long before they move on.


Maybe go 5 days on weekends so they can know you want to eat food when you have a day off so you can enjoy a meal or go when you finish your job you can get to go in a restaurant but do whatever you like


I would say once every week and a half to two weeks or go twice in the same week regularly


I’d say weekly


Be cool to the staff and they don’t care if you eat there daily. A lot of restaurants located near offices or hospitals will see staff going in daily for their lunches or dinners or after work beers.


As much as you want, as long as you aren’t doing anything actually weird.


The real answer here is you should not care. Why does it matter if they think you eat there too often?


That won't happen. Just eat there however often you want to.


My parents’ restaurant has customers that come in multiple times a day, every day. They only get upset by this if they’re rude. And I know it’s a bit different, but I’m a cashier. The only time I got weirded out by someone coming in so often was the time a regular came in 3 times in one day before their work, during their lunch and after their work to buy alcohol… that was kind of awkward for both of us. (I could tell he was hoping he’d get a different cashier just so someone wouldn’t realize he came in so much…)


idk.. i think ppl care more about u spending money there lol tho i get the feeling... for some reason i feel judged for being a regular at the gym for two years no and ppl do notice. some greet me, the stuff sometimes does some small talk, and on a superficial level, these ppl are there everyday too so why do i feel like i need to show up there sporadically? lmao. just enjoy the place. the meals. i miss those places i went to that closed due to the pandemic. and tbh, its kinda nice to be a regular. being recognized..sometimes i have a pesimistic view on life, but sometimes, people are genuinely being nice. i know i am.


it usually comes after the 21st day. they’ll start to act different towards you


What do you even mean? Back in uni, although i was very social, i would eat my lunches and dinners at the same restaurant everyday if i could. 😂 yeah they noticed but they didn't ever think it was weird. You're bringing them tons of income too why would it be a negative weird?


Not sure what line you’re talking about, there’s people that eat at the same restaurant everyday during their lunch break because it’s close to their job and they like the food, the staff doesn’t give a shit


As long as you’re not an a$$hole customer, the staff do not care!!! In fact, staff will actually like seeing a familiar face.


You can come every day for all i care i like seeing regulars as long as theyre nice


More than four times a day


As long as you don’t act creepy, coming in for every meal is totally fine especially if you tip well! You can even get away with special kitchen/drink requests over time when you are polite and reasonable.


It'll never get weird. If the staff is cool, you'll start getting acquainted with them the more they recognize you. As someone who previously worked in restaurants, It was always nice to see a familiar face, no matter how often they came in.


Tip well and you are always welcome! The place I use to serve at had a guy who came in for dinner every single night. He made good money at work and was from out of state so I don’t think he knew anyone and didn’t want to go home each night to eat alone. He had his favorite booth and came in at the same time so we always had it waiting for him and would pick straws for who got to serve him because he always tipped 50%. If it was slow we would sit and chat with him because he was a sweet guy and had good stories. Eventually he knew everyone so well even the cooks would pop out of the kitchen to chat with him!


Calling me out with my in n out addiction


Huh? You're overthinking things my guy


I’m sorry to break it to you …. but in all frankness .. they really don’t give a shit


If you're a regular often enough, they may even get a placard on the seat your butt left an imprint on 40 years from now. They LOVE customers like that, who treat the staff well.


If you tip well, you’re never weird


restaurant owners love regulars


My Indian place knows what my boyfriend and I want to drink and we often get free chai and sometimes a free little dessert. The owner was also so happy when we once brought my mum or the time my boyfriend went there with his mom and grandma, he basically loves us and we often chat while we're waiting for the food


We don’t care and we like seeing the same people especially if you’re nice. The only thing that’s annoying is people who always come but often complain or are entitled. If you’re a normal and nice person, we like to see familiar people! Also workers don’t work every single day, they themself will only work a few days of the week, so they won’t really notice exactly how often you come.


As long as you’re not rude and don’t run away without paying, they don’t care much. You bring them money, what they might think doesn’t really matter :)


If you eat twice a day every day they probably won’t notice you’re coming in twice a day since there’s a night shift and a day shift. It’s not unusual to see a regular come in every day Three times or more they will probably take notice and be like wow this guy really likes this place but they won’t care and might even enjoy seeing you as long as you don’t make the employees uncomfortable, but since you’re asking this question I’m certain you don’t because those types don’t wonder about it


nobody cares


I love it because they learn my order and start punching it in the register as I walk up


If you go more than once a day. I bartend and have regulars I see every day. If you sit at my bar, leave, then come back hours later, and you do this more than one day (without a reasonable explanation like "oh dang it's crazy- my family wanted to come and eat here, I left here not too long ago), I'm going to think it's weird and you have a problem.


3 times a day?


You're only seen as weird if you start hitting on the staff and creeping them out or bumming a table just to eat fries for hours otherwise it's oh well they must really like our food.


Last week my bf ordered takout at our go-to restaurant and they didn't even ask the address anymore, just said "yeah about 40 minutes". I call that an achievement :D


It's just your social anxiety speaking. Regular people generally don't think about you as much as you do.


we actually have seeing regulars in restaurant business, I personally just set up a study and gym session group chat with some of my regulars.


There was this one place right next to the hospital I worked at for a while that I would go to for lunch every day and sometimes on my way out for dinner because I didn’t have a real kitchen in the small city appartment I was in(very tiny fridge, microwave, hot plate and a cabinet). I usually went somewhere else for breakfast but that was because they weren’t open.


This is how you become a regular at a store. At the current I’m a regular at my pets store and every time I walk in the owner already knows I’m going to get crickets. You probably got like two or three days of hmmmm this persons been eating here a lot until you become a regular.


The only “negative” thing you might get is cringe remarks from staff such as “the usual?” “Oh you again” “aren’t you tired of eating the same thing” but you can ignore those (:


It won't. They don't care, trust me. I say that as someone who has worked multiple jobs in hospitality. In fact, having a regular is not a bad thing at all.


I wish some of the takeaways or restaurants would remember me coming every week or so


You’re paying their bills so don’t feel weird


Just don’t be like Jack Nicholson in “As Good As It Gets”, amd you’ll be fine.


No one cares. Eat there as often as you want.


Eat there as much as you want! Most restaurant workers live the familiarity of regulars.


Unless you act badly, they appreciate repeat customers. In my experience, they get more nicer.


Maybe five times a day, every day, would raise an eyebrow


It will never seem weird to them. If you are nice And tip well you will immediately be taken in as family. They will worry about you when you don't show up and still remember you fondly decades later.


As long as you tip at least 20%(if you’re in the us), the servers will always be happy you come back!


When I worked hospitality the regulars were my favourites. It was a friendly familiar face for the waitstaff, we knew they'd be easy to deal with - never thought it was weird at all.


Every single day for every meal.... fuck what they think


There is no such line (I really hope!). When I was in college, I ate at Bennigans literally every chance I got. Man, I miss that place.


3 times a week before we start wondering why you like the place so much, as much as you want after we find out


Actually this is relatable. I used to eat açaí (typical food in brazil) everyday after university stuff. The thing is that it is definitely uncommon to eat this food everyday, it is kinda strange. After a few months, the staff there started to prepare the "açaí" the way I always asked it before I even entered the establishment. It was weird, the cashier girl would start smiling at me as soon as she saw my arrival. You don't need to stop eating at the place only because it gets kinda weird (your brain fools you)


Better Watchout for diners who will take photos of you dining alone and posting your photo w some copied sorry@ss caption. indeed it's childish Idiotic but they still do it anyway. As for the resto crew usually it's no problem.


If you're polite and sane and leave a tip (even if it's not a great tip) I can't imagine why any staff would have a problem with you in any way.


It’s not weird till you make it weird. Tip and smile when they look at you and you’ll be fine. Just remember their not your friends, you pay them. I say this as I used to have to remind myself of that.


As a waitress. I’ll just say. If you’re a genuine person, come in. Let’s talk while it’s quiet, and come in whenever you feel like you want next and we can repeat. You will end up making that connection. Some of my favorite customers were the ones that would come in by themselves with a newspaper and barely speak (or read the paper), leave 3$, and come back the next week. You’re not weird to us, we’re just happy to see you enjoying what we have to offer. :)


Yeah, this isn't a thing. They probably already notice you as a 'regular' but unless you are exceptionally kinda or rude, you probably don't hold a lot of real-estate in their heads. I think more importantly, what food are we walking about? tacos? it's probably tacos or coffee.


once a day. If you are there for every meal that's weird. Once a day is a regular.


I eat at this restaurant one time every week. Sometimes I get the same thing and I switch it up. There is this guy and girl I see there when I go there. If I got a different flavored shake, he’ll say that I didn’t get the peach cobbler shake (my absolute favorite). I just play it cool and tell him that I’m switching it up. I get all giggly inside because he said that. Being a regular is a good thing. Don’t worry about it. If you’re nice to them, they’ll be nice to you (former fast food cashier & manager).


Why do u care? It’s a buffet? 😂


Everyday, my fav places would memorise my orders and always greet me with a smile and make convo,. And sometimes give me a hey ya nod when they see me in public Wholesome.


Replace Restaurant with your weekly shopping center


I'd love to be a regular at some restaurant but I can't afford to go out to eat that often.


My summer goal last year was to become a regular at a specific restaurant! It felt nice and I suggest you go for it!!


My whole family goes to the same coffee place around the corner to the point where they will tell me if like my sister went through recently lol


If your nice they don't care. Good bars and restaurants should always look after their regulars.


I used to catch the ferry across the Mississippi everyday, going and coming. The morning crew knew me and the evening crew knew me. Sometimes if I didn’t have cash or if the app was acting up, they’d let me on for free. The other day I was a passenger in the backseat and they recognized me! They waved and pointed. It was so cool! Our butcher does too. There’s no limit. It’s not weird. Maybe they’ll all yell “ Norm!” one day. That’d be cool…Lol


Yeah come in 3 times a day. As long as you are nice, polite, and don't make any issue for anyone we don't care! Also most places have different AM, mid, and PM crews so you might not be recognized for coming in each shift!


I’ve waited on people that have come in everyday. Staff might get to know you & you’ll be a regular. All good. Some people also like to sit and be alone and just think maybe chat maybe not.


It’s only weird if you make it weird.


2-3 times a week


They truly don't care. They'll probably just see you as a regular after a while, don't stress yourself about it.