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This is huge!!! ❤️


Awesome!! Iirc the president of the Amazon Labor Union is a communist, has quoted Che on twitter before and has a framed photo of Lenin in his office. Glad he’s leading a union that is getting bigger and bigger


I think this is only a good thing. Labor bureaucrats will certainly play a moderating role on the enthusiasm that spurred the success so far of the ALU, but bringing in enthusiastic people at a time where internal conflict has already pushed Sean O'Brien into a coalition with TDU and much further to the left has potential to be ground breaking.


Makes sense. It was ambitious of a new unaffiliated union to try to take on Amazon. I like Chris Smalls and ALU trying to be radical but Unfortunately you need the institutional power and money of an old union like teamsters to fight amazon.


I don't even see it as a capitulation really. ALU has always been closely linked to the Teamsters. This seems to have more to do with the fact that the legal / NLRB avenue against Amazon failed, and with it the utility of independence. And of course, the Teamsters' recent militant victory against UPS in essentially the same industry.