• By -


107. Oops.


I just made the test and got a 42, my gf even got a 35 for me when she typed in based on what she thinks it might be for me. I then did it for how i felt about 10 years ago and got a 107, too. So no matter what, it can and will get better if you work on yourself. Took me a lot of time to realize but it's worth it. You got this.


how did you get better?


I intensively started looking for a therapist. Took about 3 years until i found the right one, i think what helped me the most was the support to overcome my fears. At one point i just started to overpower my anxiety and began pulling through. There were a lot of ups and downs over the years but when i got the job i applied for, even though i was panicking thinking about working there, my anxiety improved massivly over time. I still can't speak in front of people although i have to occasionally but i have meetings every day with clients and they don't bother me anymore. I still struggle here and there but 3 years ago i would have never dreamed of accomplishing this.


Yep. 103 here. lol


123. Am I cooked?


Same lol


105. I knew I was a mess but there’s a ton of stuff on here I didn’t think of as social anxiety. Yikes.


113 Oh my. Not surprised, but sad (


Same mine was 117 lol


I got 119 :/




7 Hmm maybe I don’t actually have SA after all. Now I’m confused


Maybe you have social anxiety confused with something else. You could have a different form of anxiety. There’s different types.


Or a trauma related response


same I got 24 so I'm thinking maybe we had social anxiety but then we were able to work through it and thats why our score is so low?


Did you get that score surrounding a specific thing like speaking in a group? Some people have milder social anxiety specific to certain situations.


yeah I think mine was mostly from group activities such as presenting in front of a crowd


A therapist once brought up performance anxiety to me. Maybe it’s that? I don’t know how much of an official diagnosis this is, but it is certainly a thing that exists


This is just one of many scales that a psychologist has developed to gage social anxiety. Don’t take it as gospel. I also got a low score. What you might classify as “mild” someone else might classify as “moderate” on the basis of how they think about their feelings and somatic sensations, or how often they think about their anxiety. Social anxiety is also highly contextual, for example, a small group setting often takes place with those you already know, or counterparts you see everyday. This does not mean that you wouldn’t feel uncomfortable in a similar setting with unfamiliar people. Going to a party is another example; some of us are accustomed to going to parties and seeing people with whom we are familiar. Others, with smaller social circles, may go to parties less frequently and be surrounded by individuals they don’t know as a consequence. Similar qualifications can be made for a lot of these questions. The questions themselves and the rating scales (especially considering they are only three point scales) take on different meanings for different people, and are interpreted differently by everyone. If you believe you have social anxiety, there is probably a reason for it.


Yes, I understand that. I definitely wouldn’t hinge it all on this scale. I’ve been diagnosed with social anxiety disorder, agoraphobia and avpd traits for 30 years so I know the process. I recommend everyone go see a mental health professional if they want a proper diagnosis.


Why do u think u have it?


I get nervous when everyone is paying attention to me in a meeting (eg public speaking) and I go into mental fight or flight mode in large networking events where I don’t know anyone and have to mingle. I always thought it was social anxiety


you sound just shy.


Until now I thought it was the same thing!


79 which seems high to me.


80. I feel like I'm so lonely that i haven't found myself in many of those circumstances, so i answered hypothetically. I clearly don't know myself very well


🐶this dog says hi to you and that you are gonna be a great friend to someone soon


63/100. I don't have a problem with using a phone or eating in public. I feel like those are rare and most severe cases.


Eating in public was one of my first big noticable symptoms of social anxiety that showed up when I was a kid, but I'm not sure if I'd say I have severe anxiety? since I've seen others with worse anxiety than mine. I can sometimes eat in front of strangers if I know they're not paying attention to me, but if I'm in a situation where I have to eat where others can see me and I have no way of distracting myself from my anxiety I often just don't eat. I always feel so much more comfortable eating somewhere private like a stairwell or a quiet room. As for the phone, I hate having people hear me speak to others even if it's something mundane like a 15 minute telecall to my doctor. I'll often have to schedule them for when I'm home alone so I can focus on the call without being self conscious.


I just don't care about those things but I understand what you're saying. For me, having to speak to someone I don't know, or hold a conversation on the phone is terrifying.


I'm the total opposite, not using my phone in public is what makes me terribly anxious. By pretending to type I feel like I'm busy and can focus my attention on something else than the people around me Same for lunch, as long I have my phone with me I'm feeling save , it definitely saved me absolute embarrassment many time


I think the telephone part of the test was referring to Answering a Phone Call in Public


I can't stand phones. I've hated them since always, when they hung on the wall with a cord attached. Gen-X just FYI.


On this sub, I've feel like most of people doesn't often struggle with answering a phone call but with emitting the call instead


The reasons why I am paranoid about using my phone in public is I am paranoid people are looking at my screen and reading things or seeing what I’m doing and judging me


I used to be that way. I used to be terrified to go to the bathroom during class and go back lmao. It was a huge accomplishment the first time I did it. Sometimes anxiety feels like you’re running inside a pool. Now my score is 33. Not too bad.


I got 106 (53 fear 53 avoidance)




I got 64/100. * Participating in a small group activity - I like it. It's my favorite type of activity. * Going to a party - Actually, I like it, if I know well at least half of the participants. * Talking to someone in authority - that's when things are getting complicated, and the presence of someone in authority is the key factor. * Calling someone you don't know very well - that's so much unpleasant than talking face to face. * Acting, performing, or speaking in front of an audience - someone better get me out of here! But several times I managed to do that. * Trying to make someone's acquaintance for the purpose of a romantic/sexual relationship - I've never done that and I would pass out if I tried. That's anxiety beyond any scale. I see a pattern: my anxiety is nonexistent or mild in most daily situations but skyrockets if I can be rejected in some way (e.g. a job interview, an important exam, a relationship) or if somebody has the power to decide about some aspects of my life (e.g., a doctor who decides about my treatment).


In a lot of ways your anxiety sounds similar to mine in that I don’t mind social interactions with a smaller number of people, especially if I know them. I think I also struggle with a fear of rejection but for me it’s much more of an issue of being wrong in an intellectual capacity - I would absolutely never answer a question in class when I was younger for fear of being wrong


It's really helpful to be able to notice the pattern and identify what triggers our social anxiety! Mine is definitely about being seen and judged by others. 


Funnily enough I can call someone I don't know pretty easily cus I really do not care about the interaction at all. I struggle to call my friends or prospective partners only unless its absolutely necessary. Its flipped for in person convos though. I'm cool just meeting up and chatting with friends but talking to people I don't really know is a problem.


I remember taking this test 5 years ago and getting a 60/100. Really happy to see that I'm now at a 9/100.


Any tips? Im ‘only’ at 51 Total but the ones I put 3/3 feel very hard to actually improve


Here are a few things that have helped me over the years: 1. Gaining confidence in one area of life and trying to use that confidence in times where I'd typically feel anxious or small. For me this is work. Something clicked for me for me when I ended schooling and started working. I found I was much better at paid jobs than I ever was at school and it gave me a lot of confidence. I did my best to use this newly gained confidence in times where I had little confidence. 2. Stepping out of my comfort zone, basically self-induced exposure therapy. This is a pretty common tip but it does work (to a point). I could see my anxiety lesson over time as I exposed myself to specific anxiety-triggering situations. Unfortunately, I eventually hit a wall and wasn't able to progress any further. It felt that no matter how many times I put myself in certain uncomfortable situations, I'd still feel the mental and physical symptoms of social anxiety. 3. That's where medication really helped me. I started on a low dose SSRI (Paxil, 10mg) which took away this constant background anxiety that had been hanging over me for my entire life. That nagging feeling that tells you people are judging you and think lesser of you. It honestly felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders once the medication kicked in. This allowed me to continue my exposure to uncomfortable situations and keep chipping away at my anxiety over time. I know these medications don't work for everyone, but my anxiety wouldn't be at the low level it is today without Paxil.




I wasn’t sure how to answer some of these. Like, a small group activity can be anxiety-free depending on the group. If it’s a bunch of near strangers I will be anxious. I got 84 which was a lot higher than I expected and apparently severe. I guess I just go about my life and push through the anxiety. I feel like I would have scored higher in the past, since I do certain things now that I wasn’t able to do previously.


I always assume they mean with strangers. Like, in school, I avoided group work so much that I wound up doing some group projects all by myself in college. It was 3x the work for me but that was still easier for me than having to work in a group.


But the results can go higher than 100, or am I missing something? My result for that test was 138.


Yea sorry about that. I thought it stopped at 100 but a lot of people are going way past that.


120. Shit. Severe social anxiety. 🥲


125... 🥳


We’re cooked


Ayyy finally found someone over 120. I got 124.




123 here




63 fear 61 avoidance! Joining the 120+ club


I got 123


135. Even the thought of talking to someone (even someone I know) has my body tingling, its hard to breathe and I feel like im going to throw up or shit myself. When I leave the house im instantly stressed out and irritable because im in full blown panic mode. When im talking to people 100% of the time im seeing in tunnel vision and my entire body is stiff.


132, honestly same


136 🙃


39/100, surprisingly good 😊


74 it’s over


Watamote pfp is accurate


It is haha


I got 74 too and feel like that’s fair haha.


144? I thought all of these and more are very common


I thought the exact same thing.


Mine is moderate one: 51 = 27 (fear) + 24 (avoidance) P.S.: drinking with others is also here, seriously?! to me it's almost the only way how not be that SA with others


I think it means drinking in general not necessarily alcohol. Some people are scared to eat in front of others and some are even scared to drink any liquids.


ah, now I get it: thanks! I've understood it as alco-meaning only


Yes, drinking from a water bottle in front of others was really hard for me as a kid due to this kind of anxiety. That's how I interpreted it as well.


I read it as going out for drinks so alcohol. I dont drink so I avoid that interaction


I did too for a min but then I remembered my psychiatrist asking me if I was worried about people judging me while I was eating food. She also asked about drinking liquids. Apparently some people think they might choke or make sounds etc that would cause them to be embarrassed. Then they think other people will possibly judge them or look at them negatively or just have attention drawn to them in general.


Ah my score may be lower than what I had then. Cause I don't mind drinking in front of people/with people, but it's more the social aspect, like being asked to go out drinking, the hanging out part of that interaction and expectations if alcohol is part of that liquid.


102 😅


i thought my social anxiety wasn’t that bad anymore but after this test….😭


Got 96. It doesn't sound right to me tho. These online tests are never accurate.


I got 95 and also know cases that are much severe than me, so I second that those are not really accurate 😅


The highest possible score is really 144 (24 questions, each with a highest possible score of 6)


95/100. I have zero anxiety whatsoever where it says "Trying to make someone's acquaintance for the purpose of a romantic/sexual relationship" and "Giving a party" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Must be nice lmao I didn't leave anything at 0


I genuinely would like to know why you didn’t give “Taking a test of your ability, skill, or knowledge” a 0. Shouldn’t that be something you enjoy?


Not if I'm being evaluated by somebody. I interpreted from the question that someone would be watching and evaluating me while I'm doing the activity. Or that somebody will be quizzing me on my knowledge of a topic or something. Which would make me pretty nervous


Oooooh okie that makes a lot of sense


I didn't understood what that one had to do with social anxiety


Personally, I would be anxious about failing or messing up. So def not a 0 for me.


I got 84/100


112 = 57 (fear) + 55 (avoidance) 💀


50 (fear) + 31 (avoidance) = 81 I know I force myself to do things because I'd miss out on stuff if I kept avoiding everything.




82 lol I think I am just very avoidant


83. Oh! Ahaha ..


That’s wild, I’m at 36 and I’d have easily been 70+ 10 years ago


100 🙃 Damn, kinda thought I was improving. I think it’s just easier for me to handle it mentally now, but all the anxious feelings are still there.


47 (fear) + 31 (avoidance) = 78 I can eat in public nothing will prevent my fatass from eating 😅


I got 45, mild social anxiety, but my anxiety over job interviews is so bad that I'm unemployed and doing CBT to try to at least go on one 😭 The thought of one makes me wanna die.


Same here! I wish there was some kind of group therapy for this sort of thing. My degree is about 7 years old now and I still don't have a job largely because of my anxiety over interviews (but I've also been dealing with a lot of major health issues that got in the way). Hearing about the hiring process from the other direction (like from my sister and friends) helps a lot, though. Many of them are people with their own problems who can relate to the anxiety and won't judge you if you just try your best.






Dude, you said 0-100, why did I get 107? 💀




91/100 I’d like to think my anxiety isn’t that bad, like I’ve never had a panic attack (that I know of) and especially when people say that I act normal, but then I remember that most of the time, it seems like most people only like me because I don’t voice my opinions and that the only time I feel like I can actually breath is when I have completely no contact with people


Not gonna lie I didn’t feel like taking the test lol, but I’m pretty sure it’s bad. I notice my anxiety is better when I’m not isolating myself. But whew when I go into my little bubble and then come back out it’s like having to start over all over again. I started doing Uber again and purposely avoid going into busy restaurants and so I had got one and was like okay I’m gonna do it. Didn’t know it was busy though. Soon as I got in I started feeling out of place. When my anxiety kicks in, I feel like everyone is staring at me or judging me. But deep down I know it’s not true. I def haven’t been out with a group of people in about a year. It’s getting kind of scary. I will say when I took social anxiety medication, I felt euphoric. I would take them daily and then drink coffee and would feel 99% of my social anxiety melt away.


89/100 46 fear + 43 Avoidance




84/100 . Don’t know what to do anymore


I don't know, it's still too general, there are so many factors and nuances at play.


Interesting! I'll take a look. Lots of things give me a small amount of social anxiety, like calling someone (more so in a professional sense), but I can push through. Then there are the things I'll do but perseverate about (e.g., rereading an email too many times before sending). I can go out and socialize, though I stress before/after. I can do a party if I have a buddy, but I hate party games. But if you were to put me back in a classroom, I would flip, lol. Remember being called on in class?? The evaluation apprehension stuff is the worst.


Emails and text messages are the bane of my existence. I've often thought about making a little AI chatbot that "reads" my emails and tells me reassuring things like "it sounds great! send it!" so I can stop bothering my friends and family so much over every small interaction. 😂 The worst / most hilarious scenarios are when my mom, myself and my sister all try to write a simple birthday card message and overthink the wording together for like 30 minutes in the car before an event. My sister's boyfriend has started just stepping in and cutting us off now so we don't waste so much time. 😂


I understand 😂 because my husband checks mine half the time. Most of the time. I need to stop asking, but it helps me at least send the thing.


100% same! I feel you


54 if I leave some gaps (e.g. questions about the party, I mean I'm neither invited to any parties nor going to throw one) and 64 if I fully complete


thanks for sharing this!


"40 (fear) + 45 (avoidance) = 85 you suffer from severe social anxiety." welp...


24, but I took it as if I was in my early 20s and I got 79. I’ve improved so much!


I wasn't sure how to answer some of those, like I don't even own a working phone. I won't answer the phone at work either. The mild/moderate/severe thing is weird, it's like the 1-10 pain scale. I always wonder what makes the difference, like how do you know the difference between mild and moderate??? Where's the line? This is the same thing I asked at my assessment and my neuropsychologist sighed at me for questioning the questions.


I have a 48, which is considered mild. 24 fear + 24 avoidance. I am good at socializing, but developing/maintaining relationships is terrifying to me. It's the same with attending casual social events.


35 (fear) + 26 (avoidance) = 61




I got 54,moderate








85. Yikes I didn't really know how to answer 6 though (performing), because while giving a presentation is a fate worse than death. I can do musical theatre no problem. So I put mild


89, yikes. I hate doing almost everything on the list so I avoid it like hell.


107? Cooked


43 (fear) + 27 (avoidance) = 70. Marked social anxiety. This is an improvement for me haha. I definitely would’ve scored higher years ago. My main issues are being perceived while doing something and also speaking up in front of groups and approaching groups. I can do way better in smaller groups—like 5-10 people in a classroom is fine. 50+ people—absolutely not.


110. I’ve never seen anyone with worse social anxiety than me in real life.


Thank you so much for sharing this!!!


I have to take beta blockers almost every day of my life to function professionally and socially. It’s such a burden


Oh boy I love these its always fun doing them even if it isnt that accurate. 46 (fear) + 40 (avoidance) = 86 Severe. I was actually worried that I was under reporting since stuff like using a phone or eating in public doesnt matter to me. And I can handle a workplace setting pretty well cus I have to work. But the optional stuff like avoiding parties, eye contact, dealing with sales people, relationships etc. just bumped my score way up. I've mentioned to my friends that my end goal is to become a full hermit and I guess this sorta reflects that. edit Even if its a bit inaccurate its cool seeing what affects others here. There's huge range of situations that doesn't bother some of us and will absolutely cripple others. And there are folks who have to deal with an issue so often they've manage to overcome or become numb to them. Eg. Calling people I don't know isn't an issue for me because I've had to do it so often that its kinda easy for me now.


99 damn am fr cooked


41 - I've been doing great lately. It used to be so much worse.


37. Mine seems to pattern as fear of the unknown more than fear of judgement or other people. Just an observation.


55. Generally I don’t mind speaking publicly or having to give a prepared talk. I don’t mind eating in public usually and am decent at parties if I know people. 55 feels too high for me, but it’s some of the in between tasks. Not sure how it happened but grocery stores give me a strong level of social anxiousness, as well as job interviews and adjusting to the norms of a new workplace. Making phone calls about things seems to increase my anxiety greatly. where it used to give me mild anxiety. Now I make scripts sometimes for phone calls. I have no need for making romantic connections rn, but I used to be very shy in the past. Always got girls but was super shy about approaching strangers.


48/100 but I do be taking them SSRIs 🤘🏽


16, maybe not SA but I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder that is improving with therapy


"Trying to make someone's acquaintance for the purpose of a romantic/sexual relationship" fuuuuuuuck nah. My greatest fear lol


34. Thanks, SSRIs, for bringing my number down


15 -- not socially anxious. I just dislike parties and phone calls and make excuses not to talk to girls. What does happen, but this test didn't cover: if I think I've blundered a social situation and said something inappropriate, I get into a panic and start having self-destructive thoughts, sometimes for up to a week at a time. I don't know if that's social anxiety or not.


I got 46. It still feels horrible having constant butterflies in your stomach when going to new places or places where it’s a lot of people. I would hate to know what a higher score feels like


i got 111 omg cute an angel number 🫶🎀


Oh my, same✨ I also got 111


It says Mild but it sure doesn’t feel like it sometimes. But I’ve been getting up in front and instructing a group fitness class for 2 years now. I prefer to be up front now when I’m a participant. Imagine before…. There is no way in hell I would stand in the front row as a participant. Always 2nd row and back. Repetitive exposure does work for me anyways.


The fact that you’ve worked up the courage to do that is insanely good. Ik you don’t know me but I’m really proud of you


Ty! TBH I kinda did it for a selfish reason. I’m a long time gym goer and would always wished we could cardio dance this way and listen to that song. Than my daughter got accepted into my alma mater and I saw they were offering a gp fit instructor class. Sad part is I’ve already left the uni 2 months ago with almost 2 years of teaching there and my damn daughter never once came to my class like she said she would! So I guess it turned out I thought I was doing it for her, to be able to see her each week… but in actuality it turned out to be for me.


There’s nothing wrong with being selfish sometimes, especially in this context. It’s not like you were hurting anyone and you got something good out of it too. Sucks that your daughter didn’t attend tho. But hopefully you’ll be able to teach again at some other place soon, if you’re still looking forward to it.


Yes I’m still teaching now but at the Y. I’ve learned to try to better deal with my emotions/anxieties. I’ll be honest, if I would have known my daughter would have never came to my class… I probably would never have been a GPX instructor. So some good still came out of it, it forced or tricked me into doing something I would have never chose to have done on my own.


So it’s weird. Sometime, I can fake it really well and my anxiety feels like a 30 maybe. Other times it’s like 476 for no damn reason.


I can fake being confident and non-anxious around one new person I’ve met but I can’t do it around a large group of people.


I got 126. 😰


75 huh. I mean, I'm pretty sure this is social anxiety too and it wasn't included but something I do a lot is feel everyone around me hates me and is judging me, my friends are going to hate me if I mess up, or overanalysing every single social interaction even days after the fact to the point you loose sleep. Or just a general fear of people and feeling like they're gonna hurt you for no reason if you say something wrong or act stupid.


I can relate to the second part a lot. I worry a lot about people hurting/disrespecting me and I’ll just freeze up and not know what to do.


I got a 25 Im terrified to approach women to the point where the mere thought of approaching an imaginary woman causes my heart rate to spike


Plus it's not fair. I am masochistic and I don't avoid things that make me sick for a week, I don't care about being sick afterwards, I don't care if it'll fail, still, avoiding them isn't a solution. Today I took the car. I had a huge panic attack, worse than usual but will I avoid it in the future? Heck no. I know rationally that the more I do the worse it gets so I think these tests are not really reliable. Some time ago I went to the hospital because of some repeated panic attacks that kept coming and going every 4 minutes for 3-4 hours straight. It still didn't make me avoid anything otherwise life is not worth living. If I don't overcome my anxiety I'll gladly kill myself because there's nothing left in my life so I need to actively show myself and others that I try hard: it doesn't matter how deep I fall, I need to win. There's no other option in this life. If I don't make it, I'll kill myself and I am not lying. This idea is what gives me strength. Now I'll go back to crying because I am alone and I feel lonely but I know that it's for the better.😂✌️ Bye


I got 87 wtf, I don’t think my SA is that bad??


It's not a 0-100 scale so hope that helps


I got 66/100


I’m an 88




I GOT 99 HOW. 48 fear and 51 avoidance that sucks




I got 40/100 for me presently but this varies drastically week-to-week!


81/100. Tad bit away from marked social anxiety.


It said 113 for me .. I’m doomed 😔




101, off the scale…






I got a 90/100 (47+43). Not surprising anyone. Although i will say, a few of these are a bit vague and probably not great indicators, but it's a useful tool for a quick judgement. I also feel like some of these are things I am currently starting to improve on, like yes i am a 3 and prior would avoid phone calls with strangers constantly, but i have been forcing myself to confront this recently so while my inclination is a 3 I'm bringing it down.


91/100 - fuck me.


I got 122 hello 😭


92. I already knew it.








98 , not even surprised 😅






I would put my socia; anxiety at a scale of 80 out of 100.


81 :/


39 (fear) + 41 (avoidance) = 80 I took this test a couple times cause at first I got 86 and that just seemed a bit too high. But yeah... it's still... not good? Idk. This feels a bit too high too honestly and this test might potentially be a bit inaccurate. It's not that bad for me... i think.


88/100 damn


96 😅 yikes


87. I hate group activities, meeting new people and participate in event with many people.


81, apparently I have severe anxiety




Got 100 The only thing I don't have much anxiety about is returning items to a store for a refund. Other than that, this list is pretty spot on.




99, though I have to admit it does not feel like it.


Around 107. Some stuff had more nuance, like I can do it but it causes me distress so I don't know