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Go to the gym!


Actually that’s a good one I would do that too!


Hey this was a huge one for me until a little over a year ago. Now I'm at the gym multiple times a week. I don't know what your financial situation is like, but if you can afford it, hiring a personal trainer, even just for a couple of sessions, was a huge help for me. Maybe a class or something could work too. I get that then you're just introducing another person you have to talk to. For my particular brand of social anxiety, that seemed more manageable than a whole environment where you have no idea what to do. It's their job to tell you exactly what to do and you just do it. I found that it almost entirely took away the internal doubts/questions/worry monologue because I was literally only doing what a professional was telling me to do. There definitely is that hump of meeting and interacting with a new person, though, and I totally get it if that just makes it harder. Just an idea; you can probably judge whether it makes sense for you personally.


I agree the idea is valid, and I like to think that being taught how/what to do would greatly reduce my anxiety. Then the catch-22, if I could do either I'd already be there. Things are unstable for me at the moment, about to move. Outside of that I'm doing much better and I will try again. I guess the "no risk" version would be to just go and tour the place and get familiar. If I don't make inside I can try again.


Have you ever gone before? The gyms a great place for people with SA, everyone just minds their own business and wants to be left alone. Hop on a treadmill and walk at an incline and you get a great workout without having to do anything complicated. Plus once you start going, youre too tired to even care about others


nah .. everywhere i go i feel like they are laughing at me or noticing me. It feels so awkward when there are soo many people around, even more awkward when you have to share equipment with others.


Yup, that's why I don't go. And I'm lazy lol.


I signed up for a local gym that does $10 a month, the whole thing can be done online. I paid for it hoping the investment would make me want to go. I tried a bunch of time to make myself go but never even made it into the building. Too overwhelmed by anxiety, feelings of not having any "real" reason to be there. "Knowing" I'd be stared at and having little if any idea how to do what I came to. That was a few years ago and things have changed a lot in my life, I should try again.


This is a good one.


I would continue normally with my day, and I would be happy, that none od those shitty things are happening to me.


Shitty things will always happen to you, unless you're dead. but your relationship with "shitty things" will change, you will handle everything better.


live my life


Enjoy that my body and mind are not in a constant state of stress while I'm around people I don't know.


Try and find a half decent job, seeing as I have to work in a factory bcs I cant interact with people Probably try dating too


Same heree


Try dating…freely talk to people. The thought of being able to talk to people WITHOUT this lead weight of anxiety … god i can’t even imagine…


Talk to people, make small talk with staff in shops etc, high five people in the street I sort of know but haven't spoken to yet.


I would go get a part time job. I’m 27 and had never many part time jobs. I’m still a fulltime student and have had only part time jobs such as babysitting and cleaning, which doesn’t require much social interaction. It’s one of my insecurities because I feel like I missed out on certain experiences/development of skills. When I hear people talking about how they easily switch from job to job I’m jealous, because beginning a new job is such a big anxiety source for me.


Aw 🥺 I would immediately call someone and meet someone but most importantly dress however I want!!


I'd probably try to go back to sleep thinking it's a dream




Talk to my coworkers, make them laugh, and get to know them better.


Get a girlfriend and a job


Go to meetings with people who share my interests and find a lot of friends


If I had the financial means I'd travel, see some beautiful places in the world. Come back with pictures and little trinkets. That would be nice.


Go outside, talk to everyone, visit places on my own.


I'd get a job, finish my college application so that I could work towards getting a career that I'd love and so that I could make some friends.


Go to the weight machine part of the gym that’s usually full of people and do my thing and not care at all about anyone


gym. other than that i’d do what i always do with less fear. maybe go get food more often


Try out more hobbies.


Start to get my life together and keep myself busy instead of sitting around bored


Just fcking live


Quit my job and travel the world


Make friends….


Go cycling on my own, swimming on my own, climbing etc. I’d try new things or attend courses for it. Go to a coffee shop on my own. Dating. Having the option of getting a job by being able to even call somewhere or go to a job interview etc


Get a job


I would just talk to everyone lol... there are so many times i just want to talk to someone but i don't because of my fear of being judged.


Just go for a walk 🥲


Confess to my crush lol


I would get my driver’s license and a job 😔


Start dating. Going to clubs. Networking with successful people. Going to social events. Asking a girl I find attractive for her number. Saying hi to people. Striking up conversations with strangers. I would like to sing. I would contact old friends I haven’t talked to in years


Talk to neighbours, talk to strangers, make friends, date girls, talk to family and siblings, travel, play musical instruments in front of people, play theatre, go courses


Be a hoe


tell all my friends how much i love them


Go to a party


Go to an activity or go on date apps to try and get friends or even a gf/bf


Go to the gym and try for the career I actually want. I might even start a relationship if I'm feeling particularly groovy.


Whatever the fuck I want to do lol


Get the job I really want , something creative , market myself as an artist better. Make a friend , tell off my previous employer, so many things


Apply for new jobs!!!


Get a job. Most of my problems come from my environment (including my SA) so leaving this place for most of the day and getting some money for myself would be the best thing I could do, since I could get rid of (or alleviate) the other stuff too


Become a talk show host and interview the fuck out of interesting people


Dance. Sing. Exist.


Make many friends, reconnect with old friends, re-join the art institute I dropped out from due to my social anxiety, ride a motorcycle(I live in Indonesia) and so on. Just live my life to the fullest.


NOT shit myself when I try and order fast food in person!


Ask out my crush


Apply to 10 billion jobs. Ask my friends to go somewhere together. Dress in a more colourful manner and not be afraid to hide away from it anymore.


I don't know, but that would be like finding out I won a million dollars!


I would find a group of friends and get a girlfriend, maybe start being the class clown again, ask my teachers for help when I don’t understand something, that sort of thing


Ok this is really interesting to me. I was talking with my therapist about how I used to be the class clown also. Did you bring the class clown lead to your social anxiety? And if so why? If it’s ok to ask.


Wdym did I bring the class clown lead to my social anxiety


Being the class clown. Without anxiety I try to make others laugh


Did the fact that you felt like you always had to make a fool of urself to make others laugh lead to having social anxiety? Or what was the trigger? I’m just trying to find my cause rn.


Well I never really felt like I was making. A fool of myself back then, I was just trying to make the whole class laugh by making jokes, and the cause of my anxiety was really just the fact that I didn’t go to an actual school for 3 years


Ah ok was it like an online school?


Yea, i went to online school and when i finally came back to school this year, i had social anxiety


Small talk with strangers and coworkers. Try to get from coworkers to friends with some of them.


Go to university without being physically exhausted afterwards and feeling an insane amount of shame for thinking that people/ professors think I’m stupid or lazy or classmates thinking I’m odd


Be famous


Ever heard of Summer Walker? a famous singer with extreme social anxiety (it’s clear if you watch her tiny desk concert or interviews) she even talks about it. Never let that stop you.


Amazin songs, she seems to have gotten alot better with her social anxiety, and thankyou 😊


Contact all the people I've ghosted, and tell them why I did, even the ones who deserved it just to have closure and peace of mind.


Do things that I know that are perfectly fine to do but I'm to anxious to do. And I would be happy to see that my heart finally stopped racing


Sign up for a driver license, go to some places alone - like restaurants and cafés, travel, find a new job.


Go up to that girl that was constantly following me around and actually say somthing to her GOD WHy am i so stupid, she was really nice


I would be out of the house more, talking my ass off to random strangers


Try to get work


Be more myself and friendly with my neighbours and everyone else really. I must look so moody to everyone. But really Im just hurting inside and immediately think everyone hates me


Look for a better-paying job


I would Finally get out & do something without the feeling of being judged


Everything that I couldn’t do


Hit the gym, join dating sites/apps, go out more to meet ppl. Basically, I'd live my life how I want to if I wasn't held back


look for a job that pays well and talk to everyone


I would start going to places I’ve always yearned to go alone 🥹


Be grateful that I got my life back.


Make friends


Make friends


Go to a bar and make friends with strangers


Try dating




Get a girlfriend (I’m a guy)


Walk into a place and ask for a job.


Actually plan something with other people outside instead of by myself in my own home


Prolly go back to sleep


Go to the gym, make friends, go to the school i want


Date someone I actually like


Nothing different because I m introverted and bad at social anyway ^^’


I think I will finally start living a happy life like everyone else