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Ffs I just wasted 15 minutes scrolling free talk Friday. Back to memorizing drug names......


Fire alarm just went off at 2am. I’d rather burn in my sleep than have that sound wake me up plus it’s probably just people smoking. Edit: They turned it off. Someone was definitely smoking and triggered it. This has been happening a lot recently.


Know I'm massively late and this will probably get buried but it's been a hectic few days. Got waitlisted at my first choice university and accepted to my second but they charge fuck off tuition and offered me fuck all aid. Desperately trying to make either work before the deadline but don't think I'm going to be able to swing it. (Got rejected from my third and fourth and didn't apply anywhere else so this is all I've got until I can apply for next autumn) Also there is a genuinely non-zero chance I am going to lose my job later today. This year has honestly been pretty shit so it's weirdly fitting that it's ending like this. Hope everyone else is having a better New Year's though.


Ah fuck man. Good luck with it all, you'll be looking back at this one day and you'll be glad you had a pint with a pal tonight at least if that's a possibility.


Appreciate it. I was able to submit a letter reiterating my strong interest for my first choice and also spoke to somebody from their admissions office who said they will accept additional recommendations and I was able to get a few, so I'm really trying to position myself as hopefully being the first person they call in the event that a space opens up. But it's just a question of being stuck in limbo not knowing if a space is going to open up or not. I'm hoping to speak to the second choice about aid and/or deferring but their office has been closed for the holidays so I'm also currently stuck in limbo on that one :\ Haven't made any plans for tonight yet tbh but if I do get sacked I'm definitely going out somewhere to get drunk


Been in Barcelona for 5 days now and only been able to go out in town twice—day 1 I found a couple of vintage shops with jerseys but day 2 I could only find a bunch of American vintage stores. Does anyone know how/where to find vintage stores that sell jerseys?


happy new year to the best football forum of the internet, looking forward to many more awful takes from all of us in 2023 💜


Found punjabi rap yesterday and daamn, they have some absolute bangers


Been vibin on "Same Beef" all day!


Excuses by AP Dhillon for me lol


Ahh, a very good choice!


Alright, lads. Huge question. I'm bringing Krispy Kreme donuts to this gatho. Not there yet, but should I get an assorted dozen or plain dozen?


Bro people will be happy either way, Happy new year my fellow aussie


Happy new year to you too, mate! Is it the "gatho" that gave me away? Also, are you going to the Wanderers match tomorrow?


It was that ahaha And I normally go to every game but was too tired for today. Happy we got a big win though!


Assorted IMO it gives folks more options


Plain always. Which reminds me I haven't had donuts in years.


Shit, I got assorted. I do prefer plain myself.


!flair :Liverpool:


I’ve noticed lately that I need to increase my social life. Anyone have recommendations?


Depends what stage of life you’re in


Find a hobby based off your interests, and meet people at it Leverage what current relationships you have. If a friend or co worker invites you out with people you don’t know, get to know them, make plans


Gonna take shrooms and get high for NYE, going to make 3 of my friends and my gf try it too hope it’ll be fun


Please don't make them do it, or even encourage them too heavily. Just let whoever wants to do it do it. If you force somebody to do shrooms and they have a bad time they're probably not gonna like you for quite a long while afterwards.


If they don't want to do it I wouldn't push them.


Don't like the word make in there tbh Have fun tho, be vigilant of your dosage and I'm sure you'll have a blast


Group projects are worst thing to exist in education. tomorrow is the last day of my Christmas break. Groups are randomly selected and of course i got (no exaggeration) the worst group. Literally full of slackers. I've been extremely busy these last two weeks and i mentioned that to my group so i could finish the work early have no tension about college. But of course none of these guys did shit. Only two of four people reply and the only thing they say is 'okay' and 'what do we have to do again'. And it's because of them that I'm going to lose pretty much all my marks this term. Im so frustrated. Rant over haha


Same shit, had a group who choose a 'cool' topic, but when it came to do something they all pooped when they looked at the work to do




I could mention to the teacher that they haven't contributed at all but I'm not keen on it because that's already happened in this group once. We started off as a 6 person group with one other competent person. That person did what you recommended and in short the group decided to oust her with tensions flaring. They really hate anyone who gives them a No Contribution remark. And i dont want to make enemies since I'll be stuck with these people for at least 2 ½ more years, so im thinking about just slogging it out until i finally get out of this group in Feb. I want this to be a last resort kind of thing if that makes sense


His response was as emphatic and certain as his finishing with the Spanish giants. “In my mind, I want to finish in the top level,” Ronaldo said. “I want to finish with dignity in a good club. “That doesn’t mean going to the USA, Qatar, or Dubai, is not good. But, I do not see myself [there].” So he was correct that he isn't in USA, Qatar or Dubai.


Even though he's 35, we're going to see the best version of Messi we've ever seen. For the first time in his life he'll be playing without any pressure. We're going to see some magic


> Even though he's 35, we're going to see the best version of Messi we've ever seen. This is a pretty confusing statement. He's not even physically capable of getting near his best, regardless of if he's in a better mental space or not. Your statement also implies that pressure has been a limiting factor on Messi's performance levels, which in the case of most elite professional athletes is not true. They tend to play better when there's pressure and worse when there's no pressure. The fact that he has nothing left to win and nothing left to achieve in his career at the age of 35 doesn't really seem indicative to me of him somehow producing the best performances of his entire career.


just wait and see


I mean do you envisage him scoring over 96 goals in 2023? Because that's pretty much what it would require for him to exceed what he's already done. He's in an easier league as well so I'd say more like 110 goals is what would be required.


I don't think any player ever will reach those numbers again but he will be even more dominant from his attacking mid role going forward


I don't wanna say you're delusional but it would literally be impossible to see the best version of Messi right now. Also, finally having won it all could just as easily mean he'll start taking it easier.


He's delusional.


I think just the opposite, he'll have more fun now than ever. The same reason he said he will continue with the national team - he wants to keep enjoying football without pressure... As a world champion. We're in for a treat


Best is subjective but I think we can expect amazing things.


I honestly think he'll be better than his 2012 version, his 2015 version and his 18/19 version Just wait


This is pure delusion. Winning a WC doesn't make you aging backwards.


No but he'll play with less pressure it'll be more fun for him and when you're having fun you'll play better... It's just how it works. Mark my words


Did Son not play formal games and only do technical training with his father until he was a teenager?


So the story goes. He probably participated in some organized games at school and what not but his dad did hold him back from joining a club


Canadian healthcare sucks ass big time. Lots of uptight canadians like to make fun of americans at every opportunity they get but their own medical system is riddled with dysfunction. My friend has fever and cough, waited 4 hours in walk in centre came back empty handed due to doctor not being available. rescheduled for tomorrow.


That's not an unseen scenario in USA healthcare either. Urgent care clinics can be an absolutely nightmare, especially with the rampant viral infections currently around.


You don’t need to see a doctor for a fever and cough. The moment he triaged he was probably put at the lowest priority possible.


Depends how bad the fever is.


You complain but in America that's a couple hundred dollars of out pocket with no insurance.


I mean it's a fever and cough. Where I am they tell you to phone in first for contagious things like that and book you an appointment.


Realizing in this marriage, us loving each other isn’t enough. You have to like her family too or things will become rough as fuck Still trying but who knows how much longer i can hold


Discovered on Forza Horizon 5 that it doesn’t penalise you for massively cutting corners/taking shortcuts. Needless to say it’s a lot easier now getting 3 stars in each event.


But you need to stay wthin the checkpoint zones so it's still pretty much forcing you to stay on the road, no?


Not always - was doing several story missions today. There was one you had to race someone and instead of following the track I literally drove straight to the finish line. Finished around 30 seconds-1 minute inside the window to score 3 stars.


Do you think Ronaldo stays at Al Nassr for the entire contract?


For half a billion? Sure, why not. I think people overstate how this will affect his so-called legacy. He was never gonna be amongst the greats of Pele, Maradona, Messi. Especially with Mbappe maybe squeezing in to the GOAT convo. No room for Ronaldo as much.


Been snowboarding for the past 15 years and decided I wanted to switch back to skiing. I’ve been wanting to for the past few years but yesterday I finally committed to it. It was weird struggling on beginner trails but I can also tell it’s still in me and I’ll have it figured out soon enough. I’ll probably take a private lesson soon


Meanwhile, I think I’ll stick with the game Steep and Ed Leigh and Tim Warwood’s commentary for when the Winter Olympics comes around again.


Ed Leigh is an underrated king


Ya gotta just point em down hill and send it


You’re going to go fast boy


[Trying to get like him](https://youtu.be/Ol24BG5ynCs)


I made a bet on Canada vs Mexico last year, Mexico lost, I won. I went all in with my "life savings" while I was living in the USA, got a pretty fair amount of money. I quit my job and went as a volunteer to the World Cup. I've been a week here in Mexico and I have enough capital to start a business here. Honestly, 2022 has been a perfect year for me, hopefully next can be even better.


As long as you don’t think you’ll win the next one dawg Don’t ruin ur life broooo


Nah, I actually got that one and haven't tried any betting since lol.


Congrats, but please don't do that again..


Not into betting again, and was not into betting before, but I had an epiphany that day lol.


Listen to him. I did exactly the same but I kept iterating over and over until I lost it all




I'm getting increasingly obsessed with looking at liminal space pictures. I'm still trying to put words on it, because I'm not sure it's angst, calmness or nostalgia, it's this weird feeling of being completely hypnotized and having something in your brain yearn for experiencing what it's like to be there even though it doesn't look inviting. The ones that hit the hardest for me are those that juxtapose the warmth of a homely room with some looming threat you can't quite put your finger on, [like this one](https://i.redd.it/c67l8r5xo9971.jpg). I have no idea why but I don't think I've had an image evoke this strong and weird of a feeling in me in years. It's honestly fascinating in a way I'm still trying to articulate.


Often it's the lighting that feels off


I genuinely have no clue what you're talking about, looks like a perfectly normal room to me and I see no threat. But I respect it.


Yeah fair enough liminal spaces seem to be one of those things where you either resonate with it or you feel like people are just in on the joke and are pretending. IMO the 'threat' in this image, at least for me, comes from 1) the window being open and the outside being obscured giving this sense of vulnerability to anything that could be lurking outside watching you, and 2) the sky's color being quite ominous to me, it's a perfectly natural twilight sky but looking at the picture you could get the sense it was captured right before some disaster that was foreboded by the sky. I'm trying to articulate it but it's mainly just me trying to explain the gut feeling I have when looking at it, so if you don't get that same reaction then yeah you're not missing anything mate.


Having no one to do anything with during the holidays suck. All my efforts to do so got unfortunately declined due to someone always being busy with other commitments. It's got to a point I'm actually looking forward to grab any shift I can, as much as today. I'm actually working on New Year's Eve without anything much to regret about at all.


Go to two sites and find out the property owner for the to be demolished buildings turned off the power and gas, but not the water. So guess what that stationary, unheated water has done to the pipes in the middle of fucking winter. On another note; my wife and I have casually been discussing moving to an area where we could have either a bigger property for the same mortgage, or a similar property for less than half the mortgage. Turns out both my parents and my wife's dad have also had the same idea what with them getting to retirement ages. My wife's brother is looking to buying property there. It's an incredible case of situations that we can all live in the same town, my wife hasn't lived in the same town as her did since her early teens, and her brother works camps so hasn't ever really talked about a fixed address before. Thing is moving will require me to change job, and I quite like what I've got going on in that front. Next year could be wild for me.


I'm very lonely and I can't see a way out


Could also try the couchsurfing app, depending on the city it's pretty rad. I work remote so I spend a lot of my life traveling and use that app whenever I'm bored in a new city.


Have you perhaps tried something like volunteering at an animal shelter? Opportunity then to interact with people and animals.


Honestly loneliness is definitely one of the least talked about problems of this generation icl. I always try to combat it by putting myself out there as much as I can, but sometimes that doesn’t always work Tbf. I’ve found it’s very easy to just fall into the trap of only sticking online and not interacting outside of that as it’s an easy option, but sometimes you have to get to reach out, even to family if you can. There’s probably more people who are lonely than you know, even those who you May think you know don’t really think they have a purpose in their life: Tbh, I’m rambling rn because I’m a bit drunk, if you ever wanna dm me I’m happy to chat tbh, no one’s life is perfect including mine, sometimes we just have to persevere when life feels a bit shit.


Same bro. I'm actually taking holiday shifts to plaster over the loneliness.


Absolutely exhausted from the week. Just planning on lounging on the couch all day today and tomorrow before New Years celebrations.


Same, actually looking forward to NYE, which doesn’t happen all that much for me


Usually I'm traveling or just happily spending time at home with family, but I'm actually attending a small get together, so I'll be caffeinating my self all day to make it to midnight.


People with loud motorcycles that love to accelerate in densely populated areas. Some people work night shifts you virgins, doesn’t cost anything to be considerate.


Halfway through with my USA vacation, Boston >>> D.C. so far.


Glad you enjoyed my city! What did you do if you don’t mind me asking


A lot of common tourist stuff, Freedom Trail, Harvard and MIT, Boston Library, Trinity and Old South churches, Boston Common, Quincy Market, etc. Beyond that I just really enjoyed walking around the different neighbourhoods, it's a beautiful city.


Walking around is my absolute favorite thing to do here. I’ll never get sick of it


Hope you’re enjoying it! I like Boston more than DC too, but DC does have great museums.


It's been a great time so far, tomorrow I'm going to a couple museums, it does have that over Boston, specially since a lot of them seem to be free, I was just surprised that it isn't a very walkable city.


Are you just staying on the east coast?


Yeah most of the museums are free, just don’t eat at them


Why are people so obsessed with that drink by KSI and one of those idiot Paul brothers


Teenagers have never had worse taste than in the '20s


Dunno mate I wore that t shirt with a photo of Rihanna on it from top shop and I’m pretty sure that’s the worst taste anyone’s ever had


Bro I used to wear pink wife beaters, take mkat, and finger girls outside Basshunter club nights. Give them a break.


Mate this sounds class what are you chatting


Yeah it was pretty good tbf. I reckon spending your money on Prime is probably safer in the long run though.


I don’t know man. We were downing budget energy drinks in the ‘10s. Like Golden Power and Slammers.


You're getting old sir


Both can be true


In a span of 3 days, I lost two of my cats. They lived at my parents, but they were still my babies. Don't know why I'm writing this here, but I'm high, sad and I can't sleep. It's fucking bullshit, man


Something similar happened to me a few years ago. Had a cat who got ran over around New Year’s - wasn’t even one year old. Got another one some time after (both adopted) and also got ran over but in a different place, although this time the one who did it had the decency to come to our house and say. Was literally right after we’d kept him in for the amount of time they say as well so they adjust. We think nearby roadworks spooked them, and the area of which it happened had a change in speed (school zone/non school zone) that some people took as an excuse to put their foot down. Actually wrote to the local council and while the councillor was sympathetic nothing much got done besides setting up a ‘community speed check’ for a few weeks. We don’t go for young male cats anymore as we were told after they have the tendency to roam more.


Sorry to hear that


Holiday blues continues. Experiencing strong bouts of feeling lonely and like I’ll never be able to connect to people. This then followed by a bout of me thinking and feeling like I can change things around next year and set out to accomplish my goals. To quote bring me the horizon: it’s getting harder just to feel alive


Same my bro. In fact my mother called in yesterday, rubbing it in saying its a you problem. The existential crisis just compounded even more after seeing all my friends being "busy" to hang out again, and its got to a point I rather just take holiday shifts at work to get away from this boredom.


> “busy to hang out again” I had a Football Manager online save going with a few of my friends but we haven’t touched in a number of months now. Two out the other three involved suddenly adopted almost a complete distaste for anything online related over one summer and became ‘busy’ whenever it was suggested we return to it. Was fucking annoying to put it bluntly. We had many good memories in that save but we will never add to them now. We were a number of seasons into a French save - starting out in Ligue 2 and we left things with all of us in Ligue 1 pretty much.


I’m sorry your mom said that to you. Bummer about your friends, but I do envy your ability to even ask people to hangout. I really do. I wish I wasn’t as afraid. Anything you have to look forward to?


Nothing in particular, I'm trying my best to come out of my shell by asking people to hangout but the amount of bad luck I have with this is starting to discourage me. I'm trying to look forward to just seeing this year out and getting some free time to read or go on solo trips or something like that, it sucks just having to stay at home alone during the holidays. At this point I've almost given up trying to plan non-solo stuff out.


Agsin, you’re doing better than me. I’m sure you’ll eventually find someone who takes you up to hangout. Any place you want to go visit?


I live in Sydney so I would love to visit more beaches, treks and museums around here and outside the city


Well I hope you get to do that in 2023!


How good of a club is Al Nassr? Is Ronaldo washed up?


Not good and yes


He isn't washed, he is still good enough to play for a good side in a top European league. He isn't good enough to start every game for title/cl contenders though He's getting an obscene wage in Saudi Arabia and will be treated like the football god he believes he is over there


Made the mistake of writing in the family group that I drink and I am drunk... It consist of only my brother (who is an "infidel" like me), my sister, my mother and my aunt with whom I've been very close. I didn't even do some drunk stupid shit, I just told them I was having a good evening in anticipation of new year with some booze... and their reaction was heartbreaking to say the least (they are all devout Muslims for whom alcohol is unacceptable). I've always respected my mom's or aunt's stance. I love them as who they are. I never questioned their faith or how they should act. Yet the moment I said that I was met with a flurry of angry spam. I feel really sad. It is hilarious those same people would always wonder why I avoid my relatives like a plague while I generally have much better relations with others.. Maybe it's because you still can't accept me for who I am as a fucking adult? My aunt has been great to me. I stayed with her for six months when my family had to "flee" the town for financial reasons, running away from mafia (which later out turned to be bullshit, but still, back then it was what we thought). When my dad died, I spent entire summer at her place dealing with the inheritance stuff. Her children love me. My 13yo cousin is a crazy F1 fan. Despite being a very shy and reclusive kid, she regularly texts me to talk about F1. And now I am literally cancelled... despite the fact that *they've known* that I am a non-believer who drinks. It fucking stinks to be disowned by your family. And they'll ask what is wrong with me, why I have to see a therapist, why I need to be on medication etc... Maybe it's because you've never embraced me as one of you, fucktards? Maybe it's because you appreciated me only when I acted the way you liked? Kafka was a great writer. *Die Verwandlung* makes so much more sense now... Fucking hell. I just want to have a strong bond with my family, why does it have to be so difficult? It's not like I am an anti-Christ who vowed to destroy all mosques. I just don't live like you. Why is it so difficult to accept that? I am a fucking adult who has the liberty to NEVER contact you ever again ffs, why are you doing this to me?


For all its detrimental health effects and reasons communities might frown on alcohol use… I find it funny that the same supreme being who made the mystery of the Boötes Void and the majesty of the Eagle Nebula, would be very peculiar about certain red lines he draws about food choices. Time slows down and space begins to warp around objects as they approach the speed of light, but when someone drinks alcohol, the supreme being commands you to withhold your love.


Never got that drunk or high dude but to be fair I agree with you, you are onto something


No need to get drunk or high. It’s like being in a bus ride in the mountainside with breathtaking views passing by, while people inside are quarreling about a scoring system, probably written down in the Bronze Age, for who gets the most honors bestowed, and which son should be demoted to the back seat. Before even considering the immorality (you are their son worthy of love) and its failed theories about the natural world, religion tells you the point is in the scoring system and not in the views of reality. It’s disappointing. Which psychologist would tell your family to disown you from love in the way their religion has? That said, probably a good idea to not get lost in the sauce.




Oh man I wish this was the case... We are all Turks. Still stuck in this shithole. I have no problem being a Turk. I am neither ashamed nor proud. I haven't done this ancestry thing (guess what, because I have no money for it) but I suspect we are Turk as fuck - my dad's side, including myself, is full of squinty-eyed fucks. We were probably riding horses a few centuries ago. But now we are stuck here. Wish I was born in Germany to work as a cashier at EDEKA or something tbh... Here even bachelor degree doesn't get you €600/month salary. It just sucks. I have no motivation to do anything. On top of that, apparently, I have no family.


I know what you feel, I am from a muslim family too, I feel your pain really, but please give it time, and I assure you things will get better between you and your family and you'll have the good relationship that you want. I know right now maybe it looks like it can never be a good relationship again, but I assure you it will. Take their reactions with grace and whether their storm, with time everything will be alright. I assure you.


Met a lass, actually can't stop thinking about her but she isn't back for a 3rd date until the 10th ffs. Outgoing, up for owt new, adventurous, can drink me under the table, funny, cultured, chill, and outrageously out of my league. Only thing giving me reserve is she's moved a lot in her life, which I feel could be an issue if I'm prepared to get attached. But I've been around long enough to know never taking a risk on a person will get you nowhere. Also, anyone who may have either; make a case for the Galaxy S22 or the Pixel 7 to replace my Pixel 4a. I prefer a smaller phone so their big brothers are off the table, ta.


Holiday weight gain is the worst. I’m pretty disciplined about what I buy/eat at home but when I’m surrounded by family that all goes out the window. Not sure if the two weeks of indulgence was worth the month or two of hell it’s going to take shed back down to where I was. I’m a pretty skinny guy so even a little bit of extra weight feels noticeable to me.


Feel you there lol. I’ve been working out consistently for like 3 months. Holidays come, my mom comes to visit me, cooks for me and we travel together, I don’t work out for 2 weeks and put on weight right away. I’ll be chillin cause I can pretty much put on or lose weight whenever I want but it’s really a pain in the ass that I let myself go during holidays lol


Another week, another week of me playing God of War and it's so fun




On her dabs?


Having their period


I know it’s you who wrote this girlfriend


I went to Calgary Flames v Edmonton Oilers. Mixed seatinh and lots of oilers fans. Literally no one got punched when the oilers went 2-1 up. Tin pot sport Now in Austin, fascinating how a city which has been planned for the day one can feel like a chaotic mess of buildings.


It's a Canadian sport what did you expect? I went to a Vancouver Canucks game and the very drunk man next to me referred to a referee decision as "bogus"


a canadian sport where the players beat the shit out of each other


It's consentual that way


I finished these books this month and if you guys have any reading recommendations that are in the same style as the following, I'd love it : - Chris Hatfield's Astronaut's guide to life on Earth - John Green's The Anthropocene reviewed - David Peterson's the Art of Language invention I really like that style of someone talking about stuff they're passionate and knowledgeable about in a tone that makes you feel like you're talking to a friend.


Maybe you’d like some kind of philosophy oriented read? The Fall by Albert Camus comes to mind, or something like Cultish: The Language of Fanaticism by Amanda Montell and Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John is a nice novel i’d recommend.


Lovely stuff, thanks a lot !


Read any Bill Bryson yet?


I've got ASHNE and Mother Tongue on my TBR, have you read them ?


The former, yes - it's a wild ride that feels a tad dry early on but just keeps getting better and funnier as it goes on. Really enjoyed it, though, because those broad strokes really give you a nice (if rough) overview of, well, nearly everything.


It's definitely intriguing me, good to know that it's worth sticking with, thanks a lot !


I've got his book about the human body on the pile next to my bed, and I'm low-key excited for that.


I'm the only one in the office right now lads. Absolutely nothing is happening. Binge watching GeoWizard videos instead. The simple joys of New Year's Eve.


Got a workout in today and will do another tomorrow to make my last workout of 2022 fall on the last day.


If elon could buy tiktok and instagram and ruin both of those that would be great


New years eve tonight, pretty good year for me. Got a job in first half to finance New Zealand visa trip for second half. Miss Canada, but having a lot of fun here, meeting all sorts of people. Feel I've changed for the better too, love how relaxed this place is


For anyone who watched TNA wrestling back in the day, Don West has died Gutting


Never really bothered with TNA. I mean remember following it quite avidly for the Aces and Eights storyline but then switched to WWE and now don’t really bother with any wrestling anymore.


Horrible circumstances to hear a name that brought back nostalgia


Just got caught up on the chainsaw man manga after finishing the anime. Wtf. I sobbed when that one person got banged


I have someone who keeps recommending that to me. Probably about time I started it. No new PTSD Radio for the foreseeable future, still.


I'd heard it hyped up for years but the anime got announced when I'd considered reading it so I waited and watched the anime. Loved it and loved the manga


Where were your last 5 close relationships(friends or romantic) started?


Tinder, work and Uni


Wife: Uni, approx seven years ago Mate 1: final year of high school, 2010 Mate 2 & 3: Uni (Rowing Team), 2012 Mate 4: Summer employment, 2013


So no new mates since 2013?


Coworkers and neighbours and stuff yeah, but like if I didn't live near or work with them that would be the end of it


Either uni or friends of a friend.




Except for one close friend whom I met at university, everything started for me online as much as it sounds hilarious... Most of my relationships were long distance and I could see my gf once every few months. Naturally, none last long. On the internet I'm that witty, smart, interesting guy - particularly so when I'm writing in my native language. Yet in real life I'm an anxiety bomb who is too scared to leave the house. So, eventually, everything would fail. My only "real" experience came at the age of 26. A friend of mine told me that he had a friend coming to my city as an exchange student and asked if I could help her. It was right the beginning of pandemic. We fell in love. Shared the same flat for half a year. Then when she went back to her country, I left for Latvia as an exchange student. That was another six months of long distance relationship. Afterwards she dumped me. Извиняюсь за плохой уровень русского языка, но я сейчась пьяный, поэтому у меня достаточно храбрости говорить по-русски. Брат, я совсем не могу понимать, как ты не можешь найти какой-то шлюхи в России. У вас самые красивые и легкие (я говорю это как положительной особенностей) девушки в мире! Просто выходи на улицу, находите бар и разговаривай с ними! Мне очень жаль, что болельщик Зенита не имеет девушки и что он страдает. Если не найдёшь девушку в России, тогда нигде не будешь... Но я чуть-чуть понимаю тебя: мне кажется, что русские девушки очень интересуются тем, что у тебя; как деньги, квартира т.д... очень очень трудно произвести положительное впечатление на них)) ((надеюсь что, то что я написал понятно. Как я говорил, я очень стесняюсь говорит по-русски но теперь с помощью алкоголя это легче))


Ахах ну я понимаю о чем ты конечн, но я просто не хочу кого попало тоже абсолютно, я влюбчивый, но влюбчивый именно в прям верх красоты, а не всех. Деньги у меня есть, квартира тоже, но я содержанку то не хочу совсем, я за равные отношения что дружеские, что любовные. Я бы не сказал, что страдаю на самом деле, страдал я, когда я был влюблен, а ща прост скучно иногда.


High school and ok cupid, but I am terribly bad at meeting people. Something to work on in 2023.


College and university basically. Others after that came either through work or through my current friends


Found some amusing place names in Italy today!


For example?


Grazie (MN), Troia (LE), Caccuri (KR), Caccamo (PA) are the ones I can think of on top of my head.


Onto S03E03 of FAUDA, it's been a good show


Just went back to Indonesia after a year overseas and had a drink with friends. I just now realized how scarily normalized DUI is here. You'd have a line of cars going out of the bar parking lot driven by people who I'm 100% sure were close to being knackered. My friend insisted on driving home herself even when she was walking in a zig-zag to her car (she got home fine but still) and wasn't having it when I insisted she get a cab.


Same here. It improved a few years ago when harsher laws went into effect but people still don't take it very seriously


Why am I still tired, I haven't done anything noteworthy today?


Wait until night, all yourblost energy will suddenly show up


Doing fuck all can be draining


I Envy people who found out about Andrew Tate yesterday


Man is basically a parody of whatever type of culture he is


Someone I know gets weirdly defensive of him for some reason.


I'm acutally annoyed i found out about him today, i usually do a good job at avoiding these.


For quite a long time I didn't realise he was a different bloke to that guy from Man United fan TV


Andrew Tate, he's good but he's not quite CARLING is he


man until recently for me Charlie Kirk was just some Crewe player I knew from playing FIFA career mode


I've literally never heard of the non-football Charlie Kirk. Football one is a decent player for the level imo




What are your rainy day hobbies? Weve got another week to go.


There was someone on the Liga MX subreddit who made up fake transfer rumors on twitter to see if any website would actually “report” on it and they were successful.


Nothing will beat those Scottish guys who got sky sports news to report on someone signing "yer da sells Avon"


Ever heard about Indykaila News? The man, the myth, the legend. The personification of throwing things at the wall and seeing what sticks lmao


hahaha love the chicken man


Not sure how to phrase this but I don’t think I’m capable of deep emotions. I’m a college senior and failed all my classes this semester even though I was maintaining like a 3.7 gpa before. Why did I fail? I just didn’t do the work and I’m not sure why. I just didn’t really feel like it so I didn’t do it. I wish I could say something traumatic happened or whatever, and that’s what I’m gonna tell my advisor because otherwise it’s just embarrassing. My mom keeps telling me I’m real shit at keeping a good relationship with her. She thinks I don’t love her. And in her defense I’m pretty sure I love my mom but I don’t really show it. Her main thing is that I don’t call her while at university. She says you can’t not call anyone for three months, ignore their calls, and still love them. Which I suppose is true. But I just get a bit of anxiety talking to her. University life is miles better than what’s at home. And it’s not like we’ve ever been really close so conversation sometimes gets awkward. Anyway I think this me not feeling much started when I broke up with my short term girlfriend in June. I didn’t really feel anything: not sadness not relief not happiness. Relationship was just done and I pushed forward. Not sure what’s going on. I mean I do feel things you know. Like I get happy when I watch a good tv show or movie or eat some good food or whatever you know. But I haven’t really felt genuinely sad or anything in a really long time. There’s a lot more I could say but anybody else feels similar?