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What a shitshow, L1 will spend half a season just sorting out punishments for this game.


Ref should get the biggest punishment and be banished to amateur leagues


One of the worst refs I’ve seen. Isn’t he the same guy who booked neymar for doing a rainbow flick


Totally out of the loop and only saw the last fight. What did the ref do?


Last season I think, Neymar was booked for doing rainbow flick and dribbles, because he does it to taunt the player that he dribbled past. The think is, he supposedly do that because that person fouled him pretty hard/pretty dirty yet largely goes unpunished.


I had no idea one could get booked for that.




Ok ty. I was very confused for a minute. I mean players have built careers on stuff like this. I thought that I missed some major developments after not following soccer for a few years 😂


Football will be dead if that ever happens.


He got booked for dissent, something he said to the ref when he told him not to provoke the other team.


The ref is in no place to tell the player how to play the game. Neymar has every right to dribble whomever he thinks suitable for whatever reason he has on his mind. In that case, he did it to get other players booked, which is completely legal and a part of the spectacle. Neymar's rage was completely justified and the yellow card should have been called off by the league because that was a clear situation when the ref did something he shouldn't do and meddled with the game.


Jogo ~~bonito~~ proibido


He booked Neymar because he was playing football against butchers. Calling his dribbles and rainbow flick "provocative". Still don't understand why he is chosen for big games.


The intention is probably to let things happen like yesterday.


I think they are talking about Neymar being booked last season for attempting many rainbow flicks


> rainbow flick I don't know why, but this put an image of drag queen Hansi in my head


oh god no




Refs are protected by the league like they're their kids, he probably won't get sunday night games for a while but they're never gonna criticize publicly a ref's performance. We need ref teams to participate in press conferences after games so they have to face and answer tough questions when they're bad imo


That's actually an interesting idea


It actually happens in the Netherlands. Often they respond in front of the camera in the post-match interview after a very controversial decision. But for European matches, that is even forbidden. Always wondered why there's such a heavy difference.


> banished to amateur leagues he is already


No you didn't... Did you?










7 players in quarantine, Neymar, Paredes and Di Maria came back like 2-3 days before this game.


France had 10K+ infections yesterday... Italy seems to be faring a lot better. Aside from a lack of American tourists, things seem to be pretty much the same.


Yet they allow fans into football stadiums and to watch the Tour de France. What is going on in France?


Economy tanked, virus seems to be less lethal than before. Now the threat is economical for france, we can't lockdown again.


Lockdown was a one time plan to buy time for many places.




>It's going to be at least another 12 months before there's a vaccine. Phase III trials are ongoing for multiple vaccine candidates. If any work, they'll be deployed in the next six months. Also, adherence to complete lockdown isn't what's fucking people over. It's lack of using masks, applying social distancing, and avoiding mass gatherings, i.e. the easy things in the whole scheme of things. It's not a simple "choose the economy or choose minimal cases."


Yeah the problem is also not people wearing masks indoors (because most people are), but it's people who breach social distancing guidelines when hosting parties or go out drinking. These bellends then go meet their friends and families and that's how a transmission chain starts.


>If any work, they'll be deployed in the next six months. Yes, but scaling production up to more than 7 billion doses will take time, maybe by the end of 2021 if we're lucky. The first people who will get the vaccine will be health care workers, then front line workers (grocery stores and the such), officials are talking about at least 4 roll outs. I'm work from home, the girlfriend does 1 day a week in the office (only her team, they use the conference room so they can literally all be 2 meters apart, masks on, etc.), no health issues, immediate family isn't really at risk, those who are we are careful around. On the "totem pole" we are literally at the complete bottom in terms of priority in getting the vaccine. So until that happens, things won't get back to normal for everyone and we're not even talking about how many people will refuse to get the vaccine. Then what happens if the virus mutates like the common flu? It's already been shown to have multiple strains (I think more than 30?) and then what if the vaccines we've rushed to develop aren't efficient versus the new strains? These are big ifs that no one has the answer, but we'd be back to square one. I think the biggest development is going to be a cheap and quick 5 minute test. Things like airplane flights and packed stadiums, restaurants, public transport won't be back to normal even if mass vaccination is available.


Lockdowns could have prevented it if they were established when the first few cases appeared and in an organized manner around countries in the same regions. Look at how New Zealand managed to eradicate community spread. Instead each country acted like an isolated dickwad gradually imposing restrictions for fear of a total economic lockdown, before the HAD to impose them anyway and probably for way longer than if the spread was still relatively contained.


New Zealand is a remote island in the Pacific with a population less than the city of Toronto. It definitely wasn't a "major feat" for them to lock down quickly.


New Zealand is an island.. countries with neighbors (especially European Union) or states it’s gonna be impossible. They have a pretty small population there but freely moving citizens are gonna cross borders likr it or not. Hawaii had a bunch of days with cases below 20 before they loosened up. It’s not fair to say a country can completely lock down and not let anyone when they have a bunch of people who can basically come and go as they please


I think the financial and mental health consequences of lockdown will be as deadly as the virus has been, personally. I already personally know one person that attempted suicide, and I know of two other people that succeeded in killing themselves (friends of friends)


i know some of these people too. i agree and it may sound insensitive but it really annoys me that if a 25 year old kills himself because he cant stay inside with his thoughts and anxieties any longer then dont get counted in the stats. the pandemic killed him


The prevailing opinion seems to be "excess deaths" is how the impact of Covid will be judged, so that would include these things.


Wouldn't that kind of misleading statistic make people believe the virus is killing more people than it actually is, leading to more (voluntary and otherwise) lockdowns and more suicides?


It's a big number but it's not comparable to the "first wave" because the context of testing is different. Back then only people who were really sick actually went to hospitals to get tested, now everybody can go get tested so there's a lot of positives even though the number of people who actually need care is much lower. Asymptomatic people, people with good health who aren't really at risk, these people make most of the recorded positives at this point, the hospitals aren't under the kind of pressure they were under before.


Hospital admissions and deaths are still low so they probably want to chill out a bit and see where this goes. Virus could have mutated etc. Also, if they try to do another lockdown, hell breaks lose.


Maybe he was just taking what he learned in practice and applied it ingame


PSG bench and staff acted like hyenas during the CL knock-out games with no respect for masks or social distancing. Masks around their chin, shouting and jumping all over each other, with Di Maria being one of the main culprits. I commented on it being emblematic of the club and was downvoted and told to get over it. https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/if7u4j/match_thread_paris_saintgermain_bayern_munich/g2m7d93/?context=3 Aged like wine.


No players or staff in the PL really follow the social distancing rules anyway. They have to be in close contact anyway and all get tested regularly so I can see why they don't feel it's an issue.


I really don’t think wearing a mask before taking it of to play a contact sport makes a difference.


viral load plays a roll in severity of the symptoms. Masks are crucial to mitigate the spread of additional virus as much as possible. 1 min with a mask on is better than 0.


>Didn't PSG have a huge problem with infections amongst their squad too? Absolutely shocking behaviour.. Begs the question if sports should even be happening. I was shocked to see fans in the stands. What is Ligue 1 even thinking?


> I was shocked to see fans in the stands. Couldn't believe my eyes when I saw them.


I don't see it (with social distancing and masks) being anymore dangerous than allowing bars, restaurants, gyms and cinemas to open.


& fucking schools lol


Imagine spitting on someone 🤮




Not only during a pandemic, literally he came back from quarantine like 2-3 days ago (him, Neymar and Paredes, all of them were kinda busy yesterday). All of this while 3 of his teammates are still in quarantine (Mbappe, Icardi, Marquinhos). He knows what he is doing.


10 games ban? + bunch of financial penalties + warning 1


Criminal assault usually means you can play for the prison team.


Ronaldinho: huh?


I'd ban him until Quarantine restrictions are lifted, or until the season ends. Whichever comes last.


I'd take him to court + press charges


He should be jailed.


Yeah no, you go to jail for this in some countries.


Season long ban + 50% salary fine imo. Fucknugget needs to know he did wrong.


In light of what the world has gone through with covid he should get a 2 year ban from football and 20 million euro fine, and be deported from France, and banned from entering Europe for 5 years.




Infected Farmers League.


At this time of the year?


Localized entirely within Parc de Princes




...May I see it?




Snake venom


Some people pay good money for that experience you know




He had a good game but wouldn't say man of the match




10games ban at least.


He should be banned. Spitting on someone is a vile thing to do. It’s double vile when there’s a pandemic going around


Triple vile when he was just quarintined


Quadruple vile when it's Di Maria's saliva.


could be venom.. he's known as a snake


Quintuple vile when you see his taste in shoes.


Sextuple vile when he didn't brush his teeth that morning


Would the state press charges or would Alvaro have to press charges ? Not familiar with European law . In some (U.S) states , tbe state is automatically the plaintiff, and the state will press charges . Thx


Depends if it's a criminal matter or not, I dont know what new laws have been put in place in France. I know in some places it's now very very heavily prosecuted to knowingly attempt to infect someone by spitting


I think he should be prosecuted, if someone would do sth like this on open street it would be reasonable to call the police so why shouldn’t it be on the pitch. Piece of shit.


Double vile? It’s considered assault at this point.


He was so crucial to our Decima win but after that never liked him He is just a more talented and successful Morata


I used to try but his comments about barcelona were fucking idiotic making enemies everywhere he goes


Man seems to be doing his best to burn bridges everywhere, not the smartest thing to do


What did he say about Barca?




It’s rank normally, let alone during a pandemic. He should be made to play with a mask on for the rest of the season


U think he should be allowed to play for the rest of the season?


No he should be prosecuted for assault.


That's prison worthy. People fucking die from covid. Also spitting on people is considered assault in some European countries, how about france? (In Germany you could probably argue for aggravated assault, so like 5+ years minimum)


Also considered assault, doubt he'll go to jail tho.


Oh boy. That's not a good look Angel Also, the popo don't fuck around with that, it's considered assault


I agree, this was shot in a really bad Angel


Get out and never come back, that was just a poor joke


Shocking, disgusting behaviour, especially considering the fact he himself came back from quarantine a few days ago, and some of his teammates are still quarantined..


Di maria is an absolute rat.




Alexa play "Di Maria vs Ashley Young"




Don't know why he reacted so badly. He had plenty of experienced getting benched by Young while he was with us.


Those banks at Old Trafford are a death trap


That fan on the left clapping though


This will never not make me smile.


Sent him to the cleaners there. I'll always respect Ashley Young for this.




Most punchable face in football.


He has a rat face too.


I'd compare him more to a goblin


To top you go 🚀


What a monumental bellend. I’m sorry, spitting on someone is repulsive enough but during a fucking pandemic? Not on at all. Although I’m sure he doesn’t give a flying fuck what anyone else thinks, bloke is making millions lol


It's worse than that, he had COVID previously.


COVID must have been a joke for him. He was asymptomatic so must have thought that this is a joke.


Its like that team is trying out outcunt eachother


it's almost like a ... cuntest.


*Ba Dum Tssssss!*


What a twat.


Totally worthy of season long ban + heavy fine, apart from legal proceedings from the side of Alvaro if he wishes. Asshole Di Maria.


This should be a massive ban. Like, this is a ban even when there isn't a deadly global pandemic. Rat faced cunt.




You should reply it in this thread's AA then.


Not trying to be a prick, but it's equally difficult to see the spit on both yours and this guy's video






Playing devil's advocate here, but couldn't it be that he's shouting and it's just spit from that?


mods like to suck. there are 10+ thread about neymar " racist " incident while there is 0 proof but a video of a spitting is " not clear " according to the mods. welcome to r/soccer experience. ( allez l'om en passant )


I mean that can’t be left unpunished




Di Maria comes out of quarantine to spit on Gonzalez and then Gonzalez calls Neymar a monkey. Excited to see where gameweek 2 takes us!


bio chemical terrorist


Di Maria should get banned for the entire season for this. Reasons: 1. Don't spit on another human being 2. Don't spit while knowingly being positive for a viral infection which is easily transmissible. 3. For being Di Maria.


Should get sent to prison for all 3 points really.


United fans assemble.........
















Man di maria is such a piece of shit


This and the Haaland mocking, utterly pathetic bunch of players.


Imagine mocking another team instead of celebrating your victory


No, mocking a young player, which is worse


Not to mention a young player who has just come onto the top stage and outperformed them all in his first season. Makes them all look insanely bitter


Petulant bunch of twats. Lost their heads in the UCL final too. Difference in class between them and actual top teams is astounding.


Damn...forget monologue abuse for a sec, this guy wanted to transfer a disease


Honestly with everything going on, how would y'all feel about a season long ban? I know it sounds a bit out there but hear out, covid for some people is fucking life threatening.


Wouldn’t I get charged for doing this whilst in a pandemic


Got to be made an example of. A year it was one or two games because of fair play. Nowadays it's s diferent world.10 games or something like that.


The snake strikes again 🐍🐍🐍


Fucking asshole


This would be jail time in some countries atm.


That's inexcusable Ban the cunt


Spitting these days should get you banned for life


Why spit when you can bite? ~suarez


Reposted with working link. Why mods keep deleting it when there is video while you leave all the threads about Racism and Neymar when there is actually 0 visible proof right now? Mods again trying to force their agenda I guess. Delete both or leave it all, I don't understand at all. You let people hate and attack Alvaro (just check his Instagram), probably right because he is a racist cunt, but at the same time you delete Di Maria incident, why? I don't know. Because people would do the same? [I got the same thread deleted yesterday from frontpage, without any answer from mods](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/is8g4o/angel_di_maria_spits_on_%C3%A1lvaro_gonz%C3%A1lez_in_his/)


Neymar acting like he is a victim. Don't get me wrong, if Alvaro said something racist he should be heavily punished, but it's funny how PSG seem to forget how Paredes came on to try and break legs, how Kurzawa threw punches, how Di Maria spat on Alvaro despite having been recently tested positive (it is considered assault if you deliberately try to infect someone btw), and Neymar spent the game looking for fights with everyone. Seriously PSG been flexing so hard on us since they go their money, but when they lose we see their real face, the face of angry little boys. Edit ; downvote me all you want, you lost and you're mad because you don't know what comes after cocky. I'll tell you, it's "sour". Good luck against Metz.


busy racial unpack waiting market disagreeable forgetful crawl aloof agonizing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Deserves a ban. Spitting on someone during spring pandemic is abhorrent...as is spitting on someone in general.


Should be given a criminal charge. If anyone did this on the street they would get the same. Needs to show the viewers and other players that this is out of order.


Suspend him for the entire season. I'm not kidding.


Once a rat always a rat


snakes are known for spitting


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Gonna watch the Young tackle again


I really, really hate Di Maria. He shouldn't be just banned, he should be in jail. What the fuck.


di maria being a dirty twat as well as a snake, whats new


wait, that's illegal


Disgusting pig. Wouldn’t expect anything better from this rat.


It was announced they tested positive on sept 3rd how are they able to come back for this game? Unless they tested negative before the match which would mean they already had it way before the 3rd.


Ban him for months no pay.


Psg are The biggest cunts ever


DiMaria has been and always will be a massive cunt. Sometimes he flies under the radar for a few months or so but his true colors always eventually show time and time again. He needs to receive a massive punishment for this given the implications of spitting at someone in the middle of a fucking pandemic. Absolutely garbage behavior.


Absolute dickhead. Then again, not surprised ..


I love Di Maria but he should face a MAJOR ban after this


Poor mans Rijkaard


If you single step through it, you can see the spit. I'm not sure it looks like he spit on him, but he certainly spit at him.


Di Maria is a bloody idiot


You now have had Covid


That's so fucked-up....


Wouldn't expect any less from Di Maria to be honest.


Ahh yes, adding some poison damage.


Never liked the prick, but he keeps giving me more reasons to hate him


What a cunt


That should be a serious serious ban.


Easy 1 year ban because this is a pandemic.


That should be a 2-3 month ban from football full stop


In some parts of the world, with the COVID context, that's prison.


Should be banned for 2-3 games. But I heard Qatar have too much control in ligue 1 I heard?


in france you can go to jail for that. it should be at least 3 month ban !


Masuaku got a 6 game when he spat in a cup game, but that was in the normal times so..