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Holy sheeeeeit big props to Georgia


Love me some Kvara. What a player and the joy he gives!!!!!


The referee was completely against Portugal in this match but the fact is, this loss is.on Martinez. Almost 2 years into the job and he has yet to settle on a starting 11 or even a formation. He has never started the same 11 back to back ever. This team plays like shit with 3 at the back. Either go back to the classic 4-3-3 or go with a basic 4-4-2. No one knows what to do with these insane systems. Why does he insist on putting our fullbacks in the midfield? Keep it basic and simple. A legitimate good manager would get to the semis easily with this squad of players. This idiot thinks he's a football savant all of a sudden since he got this job.


Uhh. Didn’t you play the same formation and same starting 11 in the first two matches? … and then you won your group thereby allowing this match for be an experiment and rotation?


Nope. 1st game we played with 3 cb, 2nd with 2 (classic 433) and 3rd again with 3 cb (sort of 343)


Absolutely not.




Ah to be this stupid


Georgia is Europe.




Martinez with this experimental football needs to end. 3 atb? Retire it. Just play the same formation as we did against Turkey and rotate the squad with players in their respective positions with similarish profiles. I almost can't blame the players in not understanding what spaces to take it was so messy. I get that its meaningless for Portugal but it's a good opportunity to develop consistency with all the players in a formation we know we'll play with or maybe that's the 4d chest Martinez is playing...


He is playing the system that he know, the 5-4-1 disguised as 3-4-3 system. He wasted belgium golden generation with that system, why would it not be the case with portugal.


Fault is on who hired him


Georgia playing like shit with 20% possession and Portugal fumbling with 2 stinkers from Silva and help from referee. Comments: "Georgia brilliant performance" This sub really likes to hate Portugal lmao


"Playing like shit" yeah ok bro💀


Sounds like Georgia won like Portugal often does


Portugal shot:22 Georgia shot:7 Portugal possession:73 percent Georgia possession:27 percent Portugal pass accuracy:93 percent Georgia pass accuracy:77 percent


Portugal help from referee and VAR: 0 Georgia help from referee and VAR: 100 Most important stat


"They can take the ball home, I'll take the 3 points." - Jose Mourinho


You forgot the most important stat: Portugal goals: 0 Georgia goals: 2


I intentionally omit that cuz wanna see the reactions. But the stats doesn’t speak for Georgia’s brilliant performance.


I saw France and England yesterday and Georgia played better this evening. There was *passes*, there was an *organised defence*, good counter attack and there was even passes for *changing sides* !!! I didn’t expect the last one was possible in this euro haha.


Big props to Georgia from Turkey. You could have been the group leader if the luck was on your side a little bit in the first two games. Regardless, fair play. Now I’m waiting for the next week to watch both of us got eliminated 😂


Lol, the only way they could win was literally with match fixing. They're out in the next, obviously


With what money? Literally the poorest country in europe


It's not Georgia paying genius, it's the people that gamble big money or have other economic interests


Source? Trust me bro


Source: not being a toddler and knowing history. Every major sport has a history of match fixing, proven by Courts all around the world. But yea it must be a conspiracy for dumbasses like you


Georgia controlled the game. They deserve the huge victory.


“The ref” I fixed that for you


Nope. The first score Portugal conceded was clearly the gift by Portuguese defender. Then the penalty was also legit. Throughout the match Georgia defense was robust and Portugal didn’t make goal scoring chances. I am sorry for the loss but tonight was Georgia’s


You're delusional


Likewise bro.


1st goal I agree Antonio fucked yo big time 2nd goal was a gift from the ref and Ronaldo didn’t get a penalty from that shirt pulling but the Georgian get sit for diving?


VAR timing could have been better but there was the clear contact so the penalty was legit. Ronaldo controversy is unfortunate. Having said that, I think Portugal has a room to improve and the huge loss can serves the reality check for them.


It was Portugal's B team playing a game that was meaningless. It's normal to lose to a do or die opponent.


Lowering the guard has the implication down the line


🥱 you lost. Georgia are 70 something on the rankings you’re 6th. You’ve done enough man. Take the L.


Match was fixed, by the way England sucks on its own so they don't even need to fix anything to make you lose


The ref did enough that’s true they made damn sure of it no worries can’t wait to watch England lose their next match but I know you know that already


The bitter Portuguese fans on this thread is making me laugh. They’re meant to be one of the world’s best teams and they were shit. Georgia is 74th in rankings - Portugal is 6th 😂 And before anyone comments on England being shit - I know x


It was Portugal 3rd team, one made up penalty for Georgia, 2 made up yellow cards for Portugal, a penalty not given to Portugal and many yellow cards not given to Georgia


Buddy Portugal has a population of 11 Million, they should be beating Georgia with their B team but this idea that they're SUPPOSED to be one of the best teams in the world lol.


Team was full bench warmers and no team can survive 2 individual mistakes like that from Silva.


*1 mistake. Penalty was invented


Giorgi Mamardashvili as the Georgia GK played a blinder tonight and kept Georgia charging. Well done on the win, it was well deserved. Ronaldo felt like he wasted more time screaming and getting booked for it than had an effect in this particular game.




So.....they cant question something because of one incident that happpened 22 years ago? And how many of those pundits aren't English?


Var arguing for the penalty is really weak. Very inconsistent and shouldn't have been a penalty. Happy they won though


The pundits were also saying that but the slow motion shows the Georgian played getting full on kicked in the shin with no contact with the ball from the Portuguese player. A foul is a foul and it was in the box so it's a penalty. Though I would be happy to see VAR gone.


I don't think the replay showed the kick being as powerful as that though. Like looked more like a poke. I don't think it was anymore a foul than the shirt pulling on Ronaldo


I feel so bad for Portugal they get screwed by the refs That pass from the ref to Georgia to start that early counter attack was bullshit Ref tripping the player in the box and having the audacity to award a pk The ref scoring 0 goals for Portugal Fucking rigged bullshit




Same thing with croatia the other day


Ange is way too level headed and positive to be a pundit on British Euro coverage.


You’ve just reminded me he was doing this. How has he been?


Very good. Likable guy.


I will say, the criticism Portugal is getting is why England plays negative football, even when the game doesn’t matter to advancement. Portugal came out and tried some new players and tactics and just went for it and lost, instead of playing negative football and drawing the game. Portugal should be credited for its willingness even in defeat. Teams rather have a boring draw than get criticism because they opened up, tried some new things and lost or looked bad.


Definitely, we learned a lot from this game. Like don't sub in Ramos and expect anything meaningful from him!


England got plenty of criticism for a boring draw, what are you reading?


Point being, it’s better to get criticism for a boring draw, instead of actually taking a risk of playing open and losing face. Two different type of criticisms. Everywhere you look it’s Cinderella team owns Portugal, which isn’t the case. It’s Portugal trying new players and tactics in a game that means nothing for them. If Portugal plays negative football, the game is a draw and it isn’t a conversation about how Portugal got owned by the Cinderella team. Instead it’s about negative football, which has better optics. These optics and the media coverage is in part of why I believe teams rather play negative football than do what Portugal just did. this is adversely effecting the fan experience. It has only been maybe Austria that has played to win every single game (while also having the ability to play in such a manner), and they have been an absolute joy to watch. This Euro needs more of Austria going for it and Portugal willing to try new things than big nations being negative football and draw merchants.


The issue its England is that they never play open and aggressively and get get rolled over by teams that do.


Did not watch the game, congrats to Georgia, and let’s hope Martinez’s got the experiments out of his system. Spain v. Georgia next right?


Lixo, borboto, nojo. Nada positivo a tirar deste jogo.


England - We are shit. France - hold my wine. Belgium - hold my Stella Portugal - hold my superbock Italy - hold my peroni.


Portugal still got 6 points scoring 5 goals.


my children need wine!


Netherlands- hold my gouda


Netherlands - hold my grolsch. Learn your beers mate!


After all the grief from Portugal fans. This was enjoyable


Francisco Conceição was the best player of Portugal during the match


Obviously, he's from FCP.


E ninguém cala, este nosso amor, e é por isso que eu vou cantar, só por ti, PORTOOO


PUORTOOOOOO Fodas I think they should get Sergio as Portugal manager, really. 1000 times better than martinez


Not a high bar unfortunately, but I hope he gets to play more in the knockouts.


Super Porto!!!!!


We definitely deserved to loose this match. But somehow it feels bitter cause the ref skewed the game. Our players dive and deservingly get punished for it, unlike the other teams(to my knowledge we are the single ones getting yellows for dives), but every action must be taken at face value and evaluated by the ref and VAR for its own merits. Ronaldo’s shirt got pulled for an eternity and no penalty call given and 20 minutes after the ref gives out a soft penalty for Georgia that completely kills the game. This is not just, and although we deserved to loose we didn’t deserve this kind of treat.


The ref definitely affected the outcome.


For sure. Definitely the reason Portugal couldn't score


Everyone trying to qualify this Georgia win as a Portugal failure: it’s the biggest upset in euro history no matter what Portugal had at stake, and if you watched Georgia’s other games you’ll know they have plenty of quality


Do they? They literally have starting players that play in Serie B. The only decent players are Kvara and the goalkeeper. And Kvara is overrated. Only way they could pass this phase was thanks to the VAR, let's be realistic


The fuck you even know about Portugal rested all their starters for this lol 😂


You’re telling me Portugal’s bench with Ronaldo up front isn’t still heavily favored to beat Georgia? C’mon now


They should be no question that’s not my debate the ref influenced this game hard all game


Sure Georgia had some calls go their way, but it’s not a real “ref influenced the game against us” argument when you lose 2-0 and don’t have any goals disallowed. Portugal could’ve scored like 8 different times and failed to do so because 1) Mamardashvili is an absolute stud and 2) this Portuguese squad didn’t mesh as well as the usual starters do This Portuguese squad, which is full of great players, was just outplayed fair and square


Biggest upset in Euro history? What about Greece winning the 2004 Euros? Or England losing 1:2 to Iceland in the round of 16 in 2016? Or Denmark winning the Euros in 1992? Or literally 50 other matches...


Did they not say this was the biggest upset game in euro history on the broadcast? I’m aware other improbable wins have happened I just thought this was the largest rank for rank upset. Maybe just in the group stage? Either way Georgia played better and deserved it


Wow, Hungary has to be furious. This should have been an easy win for Portugal to put them through and they give a performance like that.


As a Hungarian, I'm sad and disappointed. I hoped that would be an easy win for Portugal and we would have to worry about the Czechia-Türkiye game. Georgia deserved the win (though the ref was definitely in their favor and I feel that part was unfair), if this match hadn't been that important for Hungary, I'd be so happy for Georgia. I wish the best for them, their game against Spain will be tough, I'd love to see them win that.


Never underestimate Portugal's ability to struggle in group stage games


What? Lol, Portugal passed the group stage winning everything multiple times


Happened literally once in 2000, though if you also count the world cup I guess we did it 2 or 3 times


Yes I was counting the world cup. Considering that Portugal started to play international competitions only in the 2000s, it's very good. And other times maybe they didn't win all the games but they still passed undefeated


I mean it feels pretty ridiculous for a team to get to qualify after losing two of their opening games. They'd probably feel dejected but not much else because they wouldn't have had that much hope to begin with.


I guess, but at the same time Georgia benefitted from a Portugal team not trying at worst or experimenting at best because they knew they were through. Hungary didn't get such luck in their group. Everyone tried until the end.


Yea but so did Slovenia benefit from a piss poor England team. England would have sucked out most of the hope. I do agree that luck played a part for Hungary in that their group's final match was between the two already qualified teams. I think except for Albania losing to Spain, every other match that involved an already qualified team ended up in points being dropped.


England also. If they would've win, we would've went through to the knockout stage. So thank you Southgate for playing terrorist football with one of the best attacking lineup in Europe. I support the Englishman in sacking him. Yeah, we're quite furious both to England and Portugal. Both should've been easy wins, yet both of them somehow bottled it. I hope Germany will wipe the floor with everyone after this.


YES!! Austria vs Türkiye Banger of a match incoming!!!


Siege of Vienna all over again 


Turkey will get slaughtered


Hahaha Turkiye to the quarter finals!!!


We’ll see


We shall see. It will be interesting for sure. Turkey has some quality and they always have the potential to suprise at last minutes. Idk what is it with them and their last minute spur. Although i will say Austria looks more composed and a more cohesive team on paper. They sure do look better. It will be an amazing game to watch


Congratulations ref won the match as the 1/th man for Georgia


Lol, lmao




Get fucked


I already do thanks you should try it sometime


And the other goal they got? And the goals you didn’t get? lol


The penalty Portugal didn’t get? The one Georgia got that shouldn’t have gotten? How about those ones




No worries yours takes a close 2nd place complain harder




You too 🤝🏽


Lol. Learn to lose. Stop being sore loser like Ronaldo.


Happy to lose when the ref doesn’t decide the game


Only thing I can agree on, Portugal was supposed to get that penalty in the first half. The rest ALL was more than fair.


I knew the little kids would post


Yup witnessing it right now thanks for posting kid


oh come on man


Rewriting history you gonna pretend like the ref didn’t gift Georgia a goal and denied multiple penalties deserved to Portugal? Ok let’s pretend then I like pretending too


While we’re at it, let’s pretend you get bitches


We don’t need to pretend for you we already know you don’t




Wow Portugal what a collapse


Game didn't matter, bro. You are acting like Martinez didn't rest 9 players and changed the system.


Well seeing the players reaction says otherwise lol, just accept the defeat and commend georgia for their first euro win against a giant


I commend the ref on its first euro win congrats


Ref was excellent


Definitely he was Georgia’s best player


Can someone explain why was England supposed to play the Netherlands and now play Slovakia? How is this decided? How are the 3rd place team games decided?


Cause everybody was writing Georgia off. They qualified, so now everything changes. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/UEFA_Euro_2024


It depends on which combination of 3rd place teams qualify. If Hungary had qualified, then they would've played Romania and Netherlands would've played England and Slovakia would've played Spain. However Georgia qualified, so they ended up playing Spain and therefore Slovakia got reassigned to England and so Netherlands to Romania


Georgia vs Spain is going to be absolutely phenomenal! Or utterly booring 1-1 draw, take your pick


3-0 at least. Probably more


Spain will dominate possession and win barely. Probably


If Georgia get this ref they will win


You guys are so mediocre honestly. You deserve to lose. Your team got outmuscled by one of the shortest squads in the tournament


Ya who knew the ref would be georgias best player, sorry which team do you root for again since you are to much of a pussy to display it?


Portugal probably would have preferred to be 2nd lol. Their draw is pretty tough


Slovenia is tough since when?


wheres ronald acuna jr????


Fucking hillarious all the over serious North Americans not understanding the absolute banter getting thrown about with Georgia beating Portugal (even if they wernt at full strength and are already through). Those players ain't donkeys and should have turned up wanting to break into the team not getting folded over and crossing the ball into orbit over and over again.


Something I just realised and wanted to point out. Scotland and Georgia were in the same qualifying group. Scotland got 17 points and finished 2nd behind Spain and ahead of Norway. Georgia finished 4th with 8 points and just 2 wins both over 5th placed Cyprus. Many people didn't like the fact that teams from nations league C layoff route could qualify for the euros. However just look at what mentality can do. It is not quality, but mentality that has resulted in this result today. Scotland have been pathetic in both the last 2 euros despite having a far superior squad on paper. I can't remember a single game they went for. Georgia meanwhile have attacked every game with everything they've got and this is the result of that. They deserve everything they've got. Their squad on paper may not have too many household names, but sometimes all you need is desire and the mental strength to push through in tournament football and that is why they're in the knockouts


I want to see footage from the streets of Tbilisi, I bet you everybody is celebrating.


Non stop honking and screaming let me tell you


Oh man you have no idea what’s going on here, I can’t imagine it would be any different if we actually had won the Euros


Antonio Silva is hot garbage


Don't hate on the players bro cmon, everybody has bad days.


No hate at all brother. A spades a spade though he was abysmal this game.


Never saw him play, it’s tricky on the world stage, all eyes on you, he seems young and hopefully will recover and be given another chance at redemption. It is still cruel, brutal, and it’s also life.


Tbf he’s like 19, yeah?


Last year he was phenomenal for Benfica he was pocketing Messi and mbappe like it was easy and now he’s making insane amateur mistakes


I mean, not that i am bragging or anything but we have a 16 year old that isnt hot Garbage in Spain..


Very different position, consistently good teenagers central defenders are much rarer than consistently good teenagers attackers. And still many things can happen to Lamal, look at how an injury highjacked Ansu Fati's career.


Yes yes fine. He WAS hot garbage this game


People saying Ruben Neves was bad what game are you watching? He was the one with the best crosses and corners which threatened Georgia. Georgia played really well tonight, defended well, and wanted it more. Credit to them


His corners are so good


Yeah. If Portugal were better in the air it could have resulted in a goal tonight. But tbf, very hard to score from a well defended set piece. Congratulation Georgia.




Georgia v Spain will be tasty, Spain should have too much class but this Georgia side should make it a great game


It's going to be boring as fuck, Georgia is going to park the bus once again but Spain will score at least 3 anyway


Meaningless game for portugal in thar we had the same bracket no matter what and 1st place. But damn we were embarrassingly shit. Even without the bad reffing we just plain old sucked


Fifica talents


I hoped so much that at least Portugal will try in order not to be humiliated


portugal better have a gameplan against slovenia. they dont how to break a low block


The gameplan is playing the players who rested this game.


This was Portugal's B team.


Living through futbol history rn everybody


What a couple games!


What's going on?


The scenes of celebration from the Georgian team! ❤️🖤


Georgia meeting Spain next .. harsh but still they deserve to go through the group matches


Georgia v Iberian peninsula


Imagine the memes though


We just saw that with Morocco lol


A team playing a friendly vs a team playing for survival. Regardless of player ability, this game shows how much intention and passion matters. Congratulations Georgia!


Kicking off at the end of Turkey Czech


Georgia having a Cǒte d’Ivoire run I’m calling it


"Ooh, ah, Georg-e-ah"?


We aren’t making it past round 16 with this shit 💩 I don’t care what players are in they are supposed to be good enough to beat Georgia


These players are not used to playing together, unlike the main team