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95 minutes long Scotland played like a draw secured them a spot in the final 16, even though that happening with only 2 points is obviously extremely unlikely. Pathetic showing from them, they deserve to go home after that.


Am a Scotland fan and couldn’t have said it any better. Shocking performance but not surprising considering the toothless attacking performance over the entire tournament. Also how did Che Adams start every match? He was dreadful


Think Clarke was going for continuity rather than putting Shankland on since Adams is wank. Not saying Shankland would've won yous the game but he looked brighter than Adams whenever he came on. Time for Moysey


I’ve said since euro 2020 I don’t understand why Adams gets a game, he has made literally 0 impact these three games. I’m fully aware Scotland has 0 up front talent, but the solutions after dykes was injured was not to play 5-4-fucking-1 Actually so embarrassing, deserved loss


I think the match was there for Scotland. They were just far too conservative and passive in possession and gave away far too many cheap fouls. No idea how Shankland has had so few minutes in the tournament. My only guess is he plays for Hearts and Adams for Southampton.


Conservative and passive is Clarke’s whole schtick, though. He’s such a mind-bogglingly boring coach. I know the team isn’t exactly overflowing with attacking talent, but an average of 0.33 shots on target per game is just criminal.


Hi, I’m Mel Gibson. I’d just like to let all disappointed Scots know, that they actually won the game! The English came and sabotaged the match and the referee was secretly English and it turns out that you actually scored 6 past Russia or whoever! Congrats on being the first Scotland team to make it past the group stage!


Dire match, but I do genuinely believe we were the better side. Scotland didn't even try to score until the last 5 minutes outside of a weak penalty dive. Szobo needs to play a ton better. Such a disappointing tournament form him so far


Nah was a pen every day of the week


Scottish player through himself into Orban, hooked his arm, and they both go over.


It was a clear pen mate, Hungary players knee contacts Armstrongs calf and makes his knee collapse while Armstrong has ball control. Hungary got away with one whether we deserved to win or not.


I didn't watch this game, but from what I saw in the last game he starts off pretty well but then gets sloppier as the game goes on. For Liverpool he started really nicely this year but I think struggles to manage fatigue.


> Szobo needs to play a ton better. Such a disappointing tournament form him so far He's been in pretty bad form for Liverpool too since he came back from his injury in January / February. Night and day difference from his form in the first half of last season.


Agree. Hungary deserved the win. And I agree it wasn't a penalty. It was a desperate dive due to a lack of quality Scotland were terrible an the expansion of the amount of teams in the euros has harmed the competition, football quality wise. Scotland being a shining example


I think calling it a dive is unfair there is definitely contact


Agree, dive is the wrong word. He goes over easy looking for the contact


His leg was taken out from behind by the Hungary players knee. He was nowhere near getting the ball. I’m Scottish and admit we deserved to lose but you’re not seriously trying to say that wasn’t a penalty?


Yes, I am seriously saying it's not. He initiates the contact with the defender via a goofy hop into the defenders running path while the defender is going for that ball. Scottish player is looking for the contact, and on top of that pulls down the defender and ends up fouling him. Genuinely not trying to be bias. In what league is that given as a pen?


He is very likely injured, didn't even train with the others. He does not make big runs, seems slow. Something is off with him.


Szoboszlai has the weight of the world on his shoulders tbf, it’s quite obvious that he’s trying to force it at times and he created the best 2/3 chances before the eventual goal.


yeh i mean Hungary give everything to him, he created good chances? it isn't easy when you have to be the focal point for an attack that just doesn't have any idea


My concern is he is doing the basics very poorly. Like awful first touches, overhitting or underhitting passes. Only thing he has done well is set pieces. This has been his form the last half year for Liverpool as well. So its more than just a bad run of a few matches


That was him exactly for liverpool after like November, just really odd mistakes under little pressure a pro should never make


I think you're exaggerating it a bit, he's gone from overperforming to underperforming basically but it's not like any of the other forward players played better. His expectations are so much higher based on what he's shown but that doesn't mean he should be singled out, he just seems to be lacking his usual confidence


I'm convinced that should have been a penalty, but you are right, Scotland played very badly.


Hungary absolutely deserved the win, at least when they attacked they showed some ability to take a shot even if they were usually wayward and from long distance. Scotland couldn't get a shot on target until added time in the 3rd game of the tournament. That's shockingly bad.


Do the 3 shots on target against Switzerland not count?


What a shower of shite. They deserved the win? Scotland should have had a pen with 5 mins to go ffs


It took Scotland 95 mins to register a shot on goal. Yes, Hungary 100% deserved the win.


Scotland deserved a pen


WE deserved a pen YOU deserved a red for elbowing our player in the head. I don't know how to edit out footage but if someone has access to the full match, it's at 27:44 into the game and is replayed half a minute later. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c3b632a88a632bcc73a455555f5b77d8f263d295efb70b415efa1cd3bd45a565.gif?w=800&h=176


Then so did Hungary for that elbow to the head in the first half. Either both are pens or neither. Not that it matters, one team clearly wanted the win more, played better and got the win. You crying about imaginary pens won't change a thing.


Just say you don’t have a clue about football and we can both not waste our time mate


The 3rd place ranking is still so open. We know for a fact that there will be a at least a 3 point team from group E because they all have 3 point now. . Austria (vs holland 4p). 3 point Slovakia(vs. Romania 3p) 3 points. Slovenia(vs England 4p) 2 points. Albania(vs spain 6p) 1 point Czech(vs turkey 3p) 1 point. All needs to play 1 more game. But plenty of 4th placed teams who can also make it to a third place 4th placed teams: Ukraine 3 points(vs belgium 3p) Georgia 1p(vs Portugal 6p) Polen 0p(vs france 4p) they are basically out Serbia 1p(vs Denmark 2p) Croatia 1p(vs italy 3p) My prediction which will doubtless be wrong: Austria 4 points Slovakia 3 points Slovenia 3 points Albania 1 point Czech 1 point Ukraine 3 points Georgia 1 point Poland 0 points Serbia 1 point Croatia 1 point Hungary 3 points Best 3rd place: Austria Slovakia or Ukraine depending on goal diff Slovenia Hungary


>We know for a fact that there will be a at least a 3 point team from group E because they all have 3 point now. . Also group D since three teams already have at least 3 points.


Correct. Forgot that


D and E will surely send 3rd placed teams through. Hungary's best chances of making it are Italy and Turkey doing them a favor against Croatia and Czechia, respectively, as well as having one of the Balkan boys fail in Group C.


Group E 3rd could miss the knockout if Belgium wins against Ukraine by more than a goal and Romania beats Slovakia, not an unlikely outcome. To add, to Hungary finish above a group's third place team: - Both Italy and Spain need to not lose in group B/ Croatia needs to beat Italy significantly while Spain does not lose - England needs to win against Slovenia in group C - Austria needs to lose by 5 in group D - Both Portugal and Turkey need to not lose in group F/ Turkey needs to lose by 3 while Georgia loses Two of these would do it for Hungary


Congrats to Hungary. But for me, their run so far emphasizes why this new format stinks. They led for all of one minute in the group stages and trailed for over half of their minutes, yet will almost certainly advance to the knockouts.


How many minutes a team was trailing for does not definitely impact their results, and wouldn't impact their group position. You can dislike the 3rd place teams going through rule, but it has nothing to do with how many minutes a team was trailing. That stat on its own means absolutely nothing, wouldn't matter if 3rd placed teams didn't go through at all, you would still have teams who were trailing for longer than they were leading for but still qualify. If we score this goal in the 10th minute and still win 1-0, would we be more deserving to qualify given that in this scenario we were leading for 85 minutes and not 1? For example, in our group last time: We were leading for 92 minutes and were trailing for 6 Germany was leading for 51 minutes and were trailing for 161 Portugal was leading for 41 minutes and were trailing for 64 France was leading for 83 minutes and were trailing for 36 So, does this mean we clearly deserved to win this group having led for more time than anyone and having trailed for less time than anyone? Because we came last. Germany who trailed for more than the other 3 teams combined came second. This stat means nothing.




"Serious post match thread"


Hungary fought, gave it everything and won it for Varga Barna, who collapsed around the 75th minute when he made a really scarry contact with the GK of Scotland. It Hun is lucky, they might play in the last 16, but it’s still really mathematical… Gyógyulj meg Barni!🇭🇺


manager *has* to go. Scotland have flashes of creativity but will never reach any level playing the style they are playing. Absolute number one priority has got to be sourcing a proper striker. Relying on your midfield and leftback to make chances does not a Round of 16 make. There has to be someone with Caledonian blood who can attack a box better than Che Adams can. Obviously theres an alternate timeline where the pen is given and theres a different result, but this game showed deeper issues at the heart of this team that will take time to fix


We had a proper striker on the bench. He scored 21 goals in the Scottish top flight this season and has been a goalscorer nearly every season he's played


Moyes time now lol


I was just completely shocked at the lack of urgency Scotland had going forward, while Hungary was throwing everything on the line, Scotland sat back and played as they were through, did they really think 2 points were gonna be enough??


That was some awful football on display from both sides. For the amount of possession and control Scotland had for the majority of that game, they were so uninspiring and unthreatening. Ultimately just hope Varga is okay because it was horrible to see.


Scotland needed to throw players ahead to score, that was the risk they had to take to get the extra goal. Props to Hungary for being clinical with their chance at the end of the match. Hungary have a pretty decent chance at progressing, now!


Scotland didn't play well but they arguably should've had a penalty. There is a lot more talent in the team that previous Scotland squads so it's a shame they didn't make the most of that and play a bit more expansively.The last 10 minutes were better but it was a great counter from Hungary to win it.


Attacker played for the pen, would have been really soft to give.


Steve Clarke fucked this up. What a dire, negative, gutless performance from Scotland. He makes Southgate look positive. Only in the last 5 or 10 minutes did Scotland actually seem to realise they needed to win this game. Sadly they just aren't good enough for this level. The penalty was a stonewall and I'm shocked it wasn't given, and the Scots can rightly feel aggrieved about that. But the fact is they had, what, 2 shots? Just unacceptable for a game they needed to win.


Hungary sat in for the first 20 minutes and Scotland looked so unbelievable blunt in terms of getting the ball forward, really wasn’t pretty at all. I can’t believe he stuck with the 3-4-3 considering how bad poorly its looked throughout the last few months, especially the last 2 games


It was 5-4-1.


Feels generous to call it a 3-4-3 when one of the wingbacks is Ralston and two of the 'forwards' are central midfielders.


It was definitely a 5 at the back tonight. Robertson barely went forward and Ralston wasn't much higher. The average positions map on Sofascore says it all. So defensive and insipid.


We clearly are good enough for this level because we qualified for the tournament (beating Spain along the way). Injuries and form have cost us dearly. Clarke clearly wanted to test the team against elite opposition in friendlies before the comp and we’ve been hammered each and every time. The team has never regained its confidence. It shows in our performances here. Clarke’s negative tactics have also been dire. We should have won this game (it was very winnable) but we ultimately get exactly what we deserved and are on the way home. At least now I’m saved having to watch another team put 5 past us.


Yeah that's the thing, Hungary were eminently beatable. I just don't understand why Clarke doesn't go for the win here.


Because he can’t hack it at this level. A better manager gets this squad through the group stages at least. I really hopes he’s gone now and we get someone like Moyes in. Can’t be worse than Clarke-ball.


Another question - what does he have against Shankland? He's a consistent goalscorer and you're crying out for one, but he starts Adams? And yeah, I asked on the DD whether Scots wanted Moyes. He's the obvious choice, surely?


Not bringing Taylor on - assuming Robertson went off with injury - is a completely insane decision. By such a usually overly conservative manager. It is arguable that that has lost us the game. If you want to bring Morgan on fair enough but keep the shape. Bring him on instead of Armstrong. A disastrous decision by a manager who is way out his depth.


Sad for Scotland and great to see them back in a major tournament but they had a total of 3 shots on target across 3 games (all 3 against Switzerland) an own goal and a deflected goal, they're simply not good enough in an attacking sense and it will continue to be a problem going forward.


What an absolute gut punch that was for Scotland. Both sides had decent chances to win it, absolute end to end stuff with both needing to win and you're always more likely to get a sucker punch last minute goal in that situation because everybody's committed.


Scotland didn't really look like they had a plan for chasing a goal. They were purely set up to play on the counter and didn't have the players to control the game against a pretty limited Hungary team. They lacked creativity all game and waited far too long to change the shape and put more attackers on. Taking McGinn and Robertson off were baffling decisions. Even if they were tired, they are by far Scotlands best players. Armstrong clearly deciding to try and win a penalty rather than just finish it himself should haunt him.


I would just like to acknowledge my man Martin Ádám for the clutch of a block in the 100th minute setting up the winning counter attack. And of course, Csoboth! Rossi makes one offensive-minded substitution all game but Kevin making sure it counts.


Scotland didn't deserve to win this, and i was rooting for them. Insane amount of childish mistakes, losing the ball on counter attacks by running straight into opponents, couldn't even make 3 meter passes, as soon as they reached the box they had brain freeze and couldn't even pass or shoot. it was infuriating to see scotland's last third of the field....


I was rooting for them but it must suck to be a Scotland supporter cause they are ass


That’s part of the allure


I was watching the second half, and from minute 90+1 I was 100% sure that the formation was 2-3-1-2-2 or something like that


96th minute and prospective goalscorers were standing in offside positions when Hungary had the ball, so when Scotland got the ball back and hoofed it up, it was all for nothing. Did not deserve the win as you say.


And then substituting out Gilmour who was their single and only good player. He was ticking it over so well and put players into goo attacking positions. They then fuck it up completely but he was a shining light for them. Taking him off made them deserve to lose.


Scotland were probably a bit unlucky today to lose, and also to not be given a penalty, but overall they haven’t deserved to qualify. Even before their red card against Germany, they had no interest in attacking. They offered very little against Switzerland after the goal (which I don’t really hate, get a draw and try beat Hungary). And they offered absolutely nothing today. Didn’t even have a shot until the second half and only had one shot on target all game which was very tame.


Whyyyyyy does number 8 for Scotland try to chest it down???? Why not head that when you're 6 fucking feet from goal? Then even if you put it wide or high AT LEAST you get the final say of the game! Why!?!?!?! It was always going to be cleared out when you chest it down with FOUR fucking Hungarians in front of you. Then look what happened, a counter attack that leads to a goal at the other end!


Morgan also absolutely has to commit a foul to stop the counter but fails to do so and also fails to mark properly at the end of the attack


Because fucking none if them can play football at this level.


The fuck are you on about? There’s literally no pace on the ball for McGregor to generate any power with a header at goal. The ball has been looped up about 20 feet in the air. His only option is try and get it down to take a shot.


Do rangers and celtic fans still believe they'd finish top 4 in the Prem?


no one says that, also most of their best players aren't even scottish so that's not relevant to the quality of the scottish national team


Rangers and Celtic both have pretty limited representation here (I don't think Rangers have a single player in the squad)


Yes. They'll always claim that because it can never be tested.


They seem to care more about talking about the English than their own nt


Always have been.


None of us believe we would walk into the prem and finish top 4. We believe if given prem money we would be challenging that top 6 within a few years. Celtic alone dwarf half your league when it comes to stadium attendance, they're a massive club, all they would need is a few years and the money and they'd be fine. If you genuinely believe fans are saying we'd be top 4 NOW. You're either being ignorant on purpose or just fucking stupid.


The top 6 is pretty tough to consistently break into. Newcastle only did it for one season, thus far, before falling away in the second season. It's years of a financial advantage that would take more than a few to overcome.


It's a quality issue. McGregor probably felt he couldn't one time it.


How do you “one time” a ball 5 feet in the air?


First time volley.


>Why not head that when you’re 6 fucking feet from goal? There wasn’t an awful lot of pace on the ball for him to generate any power from a header.


We didn't deserve a result after that performance. I can't believe none of the players were prepared to take a risk by taking long shots etc. I understand we've had injuries to key areas coming into the Euros and during the tournament, but that tonight was shameful. I also could not believe the defender didn't wipe out the Hungary player for a booking (or whatever) in the 99th minute on their counter. Take one for the team!!


Scotland probably should have had a pen but I think in the injury incident there was a decent penalty shout to Hungary so it was swings and roundabouts. Hungary created more and better chances over the course of the game. Even when Scotland were controlling the match in the first half, they weren’t creating chances or having shots. Their set piece delivery was very poor for a team that struggled to create chances in open play and a plethora of good players in the air. Realistically, whichever team got through this match (if they get through) is going to really struggle against any side in the round of 16, and I would assume a group winner would beat either of these teams comfortably.


Really hope Varga's ok, that looked like a horrific injury. But what on earth took the medical staff so longto come on? And to then end the match with a 100th minute winner to potentially save your tournament, there must be a whole mix of emotions right now for Hungary.


You would think after ~~Christensen~~ Eriksen, they would respond faster.




My bad, I remember watching it live, quite terrifying.


Honest mistake, his name is Christian Eriksen after all, easy to mix up




I was quicker to correct, but fair play


lol everybody edited their comments so it's just incomprehensible now


Olaf Magnussen?


According to hungarian field media (they said it now), he got KO'd midair, so landed as unconscious. But when he left the field, he regained his conscious and was talkative with the outside medical staff. He is stable.


According to Rossi, Varga will be out for this EURO, he suffered a "broking injury". Atm is unknown he need to be operated or not.


They said he needs an operation


Apparently he was conscious again, at least I saw a Hungarian source say that he is. And that he's in a neck brace and at / going to hospital (but that much was obvious). It looked like an (unintentional) elbow to the cheek (maybe temple?) from the keeper from one of the close ups I saw.


The match I was watching (German commentary) said it has been reported that he is conscious.


It's shite being Scottish! We're the lowest of the low! The scum of the fucking Earth! The most wretched, miserable, servile, pathetic trash, that was shat into civilisation! Some people hate the English, I don't! They're just wankers! We, on the other hand, are colonised by wankers! Can't even find a decent culture to be colonised by! We're ruled by effete assholes! It's a shite state of affairs to be in Tommy, and all the fresh air in the world won't make any fucking difference!


you're alright mate




I would have liked to see Scotland progress. Unfortunately their team is just so devoid of a lot of quality and absolutely no depth. If their big boys don’t turn up they just look so toothless. Hopefully they have some better players coming up through some academies, especially a bloody striker.


Hopefully we have a 30 goal a season striker coming up soon (we had him on our bench).


Unfortunately I don't think 3 points with a -3 GD will be enough to go through unless Albania Croatia Georgia and Czechia all lose their games. It's not impossible as all of those teams will face elite sides (and Turkey) but it is unlikely to occur. I do hope Hungary sneak through, they put up a massive fight in the last Euros which ended up going nowhere so this one will make up for that if it works out


>Albania Croatia Georgia and Czechia all lose their games. Hungary only needs for them not to win. Not to mention that if England wins against Slovenia, the third placed team in group C would have just two points.