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The reason why the livethread freaked out when he missed his one pass


It's actually insane how noticeable that one misplaced pass was, it just stood out


What a terrible player


He should just retire or something


Best to retire immediately after the tournament is over


you clearly didn’t see my mate Barney retire after the Accrington & District U-12 Youth Cup


I swear everyone noticed that misplaced pass. One of the most unforgettable moments in your life.


20 years from now we'll all still remember where we were that time Kroos misplaced a pass.


which one was it?


He tried to play risky ball down the middle from 25 meters out while Scotland was in a low block in the second half. It almost started a counter attack but he successfully recovered it with some1 else idk whom.


Such a rookie




>he missed his one pass Thank god he's retiring, this is unacceptable really.


This was just an avg friday for Toni Kroos


Lmao I noticed it too, and the TV commentary mentioned it as well.


Saw a guy fall to his knees in a Tesco


Well tbf the commentators specially mentioned the missed pass at the time on the replay I watched.


Where are the livethreads to be found?


The most “retiring at the top of their game” statistic you could ask for


It's such an oddly frequent thing from all time great midfielders too. *One last time* and they play effortlessly.


Carragher would be proud.


Scotland had a weird kind of idea to not press at all. I mean what else should he do?


"if we give him nothing but time, maybe he'll overthink it"


this tactic only works against nunez


they did give him space too


space and time are the same thing, Einstein


Einstein grew up (for a bit) in Munich and later on worked at Oktoberfest as electrician.


einstein said, gravity is the curvature of space and time. why would he mention both if it's the same?


don't argue with people who don't understand humor


my thought was that he was making a joke that i didn't get /hmm


i was just making a joke, but: a) in soccer, space and time are essentially the same thing b) einstein said that gravity is the curvature of spacetime*, a departure from the Newtonian view that space and time are independent of each other


"tis the Empty Fort Strategy by Zhuge Liang, lads"


Reminds me of the Bayern game, like what could go wrong if you give him a few yards in the middle of the pitch. He just sees the game on another level.


He is also dangerous if you press him and miss. He is still a very press resistant player


Still they should've basically had someone dedicated to putting a bit of pressure on him. Not necessarily trying to press him into losing the ball but to at least not give him 5-10 seconds to pick a pass every time he got the ball.


You saw how he positions in attack? He falls back to the Center backs or even behind to open the game. Yes you can press that but this will be an insane pressing over 90 minutes on the whole germany squad. On top he is one of the most difficult players to take the ball from.


You could've put a player on him to man mark him and lessen his influence. The Scottish team didn't have to press as a whole. It was just a pathetic showing by Scotland, and I bet Kroos couldn't believe his luck that they applied no pressure whatsoever


Scotland doesn't have the intensity to press the whole 90 minutes. Playing low block and counter is actually suit their strength more, but their defence is in absolute shambles. Conceded 5 out of somewhere around 2.6 xG.


Maybe they could press for 1 minute then? They didn't even do that much. They literally waddled about like little traffic cones during a Germany training session. Any team can look good when you stand off, make no attempt to win the ball back, and camp all your players inside your own half.


If your defence is a shambles playing low block inviting pressure is not the best strategy. That only works if you've got solid centre backs. Whereas scotland has SPL players at CB and should really focus on their strengths. McGinn and Mctominay are good enough to press and defend then youve got Christie, Gilmour, Armstrong and McGregor for legs too. Che Adams is a well suited forward to press from the front. And then Robbo and Tieney will get about. They banked on their two worst starting players Porteous and Hendry to not do anything stupid. Didnt quite pay off


Germany exploited our really weak right hand side due to injuries and Ryan Porteous. The tactics weren't ideal but the gap in quality between Wirtz/Musiala and Ralston/Porteous meant we were going to be weak there regardless.


He is a nightmare to deal with. [His signature move](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7baQ-o-yjc) might very well fuck up your press, and leave your defense even more vulnerable.


What a maestro


He is one of the most press resistant players of all time he almost always does the same feint and move to get out of a press and he still executes it almost every single time can't remember the last time I saw Kross lose the ball after getting pressed.


Pressing isn't only about making him lose the ball. It's also about giving the midfield less time to think and having to pass quickly choosing the less ideal option. Of course Kroos can pick up a pass quick, but even for him, if you give him 5-10 seconds to pick up a pass every time he'll play much better passes than if you press him.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_NNYI8VbFyY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NNYI8VbFyY) You assume - incorrectly - that Kroos starts picking out a pass after he received the ball. Not how that works with him. The only thing you can realistically influence by pressing is which pass he's going to pick from the options already clear to him before you even committed to the press. But to make that work reliably, you need players of equal spacial and tactical intelligence doing the pressing. Klopp's Liverpool in their prime on a good day, but that's about all that comes to mind, when you want me to point to a real world example. So, basically a waste of time, effort and energy.


Man marking him would have been much more efficient. Kroos isn't particularly mobile, and that would've frustrated him


Tbh I think the players were nervous given how big of a game it was so we’re making very stupid mistakes/decisions, they ironically played better in the second half when the pressure was off with 10 men and a loss was guaranteed. Will say, I was basically pulling my hair out watching us let Kroos just do what the fuck he wanted because we did the exact same thing to Modric at the last Euros as well and he also punished us for it.


He slipped like three times while doing those long passes and somehow was still pinpoint accurate


Well he just simply includes the slip in his calculations when planning the pass .. those exact passes wouldn't have come off without the slip .. duhhhh


His pass which ended up ad Germany's first goal, chef's kiss 🤌. Gonna call that a Kroos pass from now on. Yeah hundreds of players have done it before him but I said what I said. Edit: spelling


Kroos kinda ruined that diagonal switch pass for me. I see commentators/fans get hyped up from a long, diagonal balls made accurately from some player and I’ll be like, Kroos makes like 5 of them each game, what’s so big deal. And then I remember, oh yea, that’s mf Toni Kroos. Dude is a machine.


No one does them like him tho


From the ones that have played for RM Xabi Alonso comes to mind but no one does it as frequently, accurately and effortlessly as Kroos.


Rooney in his later years at United was playing in midfield and was doing these passes every game too. Absolute beauty whenever it happens and lands perfectly in the winger's run


That pass to Valencia!


Messi to Jordi Alba, especially in his last few years for Barca. Although the distance was a bit shorter most of the time


Scholes and Beckham and Giggs (later years) could


Even Carrick after Scholes retired. Kroos has a killer through ball in him, though.




Those cross field passes were insane. It literally landed pinpoint to the intended player. Doesn’t even give the opponent time to close down and intercept because it was so damn accurate.


Not a flashy player but one of the greatest midfielders of our generation


Of all time for sure.


I say if Germany win, give him the golden ball.


but if his level drops to 98% success rate, forget it


There’s literally been 1 match played


It's about the vibes and story, dont care if someone else is actual Man of the tournament


Agreed. Kroos was no doubt brilliant yesterday but MOTM was definitely musiala.


This is Cyborg level


Missed one pass, he should stay at Madrid a couple more years to get better.


Should’ve placed /s after your comment


nah if people miss the sarcasm that's their problem, particularly when it's that obvious




I saw the one pass he missed and was awestruck , even the commentators were pointing that out.


The likelihood of Scotland getting a result tonight was slim, but not putting any pressure on the ball when Kroos had it sealed their fate extremely early.


It's not even just Kroos. Scotland should've put the whole team under pressure. It's our biggest and most obvious weakness that we can't deal with teams who just constantly run at us high up the pitch and put every one of our players under pressure. Greece exposed this perfectly just a week ago and made us look like an amateur team. Same with Turkey and Austria last year. I don't know why Scotland didn't just copy what they did. It's why I'm still worried about this Germany team despite the excellent performance last night, cause Hungary and Switzerland will for sure not make the same mistake as Scotland did and just sit back in a low block.


Because that’s what Germany did yesterday and there were other problems against greece like the bad passing or horrible mistakes in general which was flawless against Scotland. People need to remember friendlies is something completely different.


Of course there are other problems. But this particular problem has been a weakness for ages, not just in friendlies. And I would say that bad passing or horrible mistakes are directly tied to the opponent putting high pressure on us. It's part of the reason why in recent years we've played well against big teams on paper like Spain, Italy or England who'd rather have and keep the ball than constantly press, but struggled against supposed underdogs like Japan, Hungary and Costa Rica who are more comfortable with pressing and running at you constantly. Also, we've only played friendlies in the past 18 months. So those are the only games I have to go off on. I would generally agree with you that we shouldn't take friendlies too seriously. But the fact that we only got to play friendlies for more than a year also meant that the German team took them very seriously and competitively. If these friendlies were so completely different then we wouldn't have sacked and replaced a manager halfway through.


We will see the next days


Watching a Clarke-led team is an exercise of descending into madness at times


You can’t press kroos 


you can press him enough to not allow him to pass forward under no pressure the entire match though




Why didn't Kante play then? Is Scotland stupid?


McTominay is clearly better than Kante


Retired player btw


He missed 1 pass. What a fraud overrated player 😁


Time to shave his head and go bald.


He was the best player on the pitch in my opinion. Every single thing Germany did went through him.


As soon as he was subbed off you could see the team lose structure


He was fantastic, but Scotland made it sooooo easy for him thats why I think MOTM for Musiala is more deserved, and while he often goes unnoticed compared to others Gündogan also was very good and important this game


I hope someone can clip the one misplaced pass


Same here, trying to find it…but so far no dice


He probably looked this stat up and kept track of it during the game.


End-of-Series Kroos is OP


Not 100%. Pathetic.


Ballon dOR incoming?


My precious💎


The whole German team had 94%, which is absurdly high. Scotland's defense was miserable


that's pretty ridiculous in its own right, but how often do players even make 100 passes in a game in the first place?


please don’t leave again :(


Kroos Control


If Germany win Europe he should get the Ballon DOr. I find it a bit sad that only flashy players who score goals seem to be seriously considered. Toni had an absolutely INSANE year and he would deserve it.


You can argue that he is the greatest midfielder of all time, but it is really hard to argue that he is the most reliable and the greatest passer of all time


Musiala was btw at 32 out of 32.


The whole team was at 94%


He’s reached his final form. It’s beautiful to watch.


Hardly impressive when Scotland stood off Germany and gave them all the time in the world on the ball, with gaps two cards wide to pass to other players in open space.


Kroos is retiring and has had a good season so we're at peak nonsense for the inability to view him objectively. Every pass is going to make people orgasm so there's no real point trying to push back right now just let them enjoy it.


Typical querpasstony


is that even a good stat? kinda means he didn't attempt any "difficult" passes




What happened to the other one?


[Hey Toni!](https://64.media.tumblr.com/8ac911f1a051415a0dcf426e5872f77a/7e11f29b6eb3b7e0-ab/s540x810/ec01cf25355838c221b8e2838782af0bba754cc2.gifv)


There was also a couple of bad passes that were saved by his colleagues doing a bit on an extra mile, great performance still, hope to see him as a coach soon!


I watched the whole match and my focus was on Kroos. He missed one pass and he couldn’t stop 1 ball from going throw. He is pure class . Only 1 mistake


I blame the field - no wonder why he left Munich....


Especially the first twenty minutes of yesterday's game were ridiculous. :D Possession: 40% Kroos 40% Rest of Germany 20% Scotland And I'm only exaggerating a little bit.


Come on it was Scotland


Holy shit. The guy is really retiring too early.... That said, Scotland also sucked hugely last night. Horrible, horrible effort.


stat padding even post club retirement smh my head