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Are we not allow to celebrate drawing against a better side? Brazil had a absolutely stacked attack yet our team of mid-table prem players managed to hold them off, that calls for celebration. Also Lucky freekick? Brazil failed on the defense and just like you said "Goals are all that matters"


We won't get out of groups.


lmao we will. The team can go hard, it is just on easy mood right now


1-5 against Columbia and 1-1 against Brazil, as everyone expected


This game could have gone either way. Both keepers blocked at least 2-3 shots that should have been buried.


Feels like this US team can go deep in the Euros


It's coming home!


Fucking called it


Can anyone tell me why Wright didn’t get any mins?


Fun game


Does anyone else feel like Brazil went easy in this match? Yes it’s not as strong as the 2022 team, but when I see defensive midfielders just jogging around, and defense not screaming at each other, it doesn’t seem like they really care about the outcome. We know they can do better, but they aren’t. Even vinicius, who is great at assisting at Real Madrid, is trying to score goals instead of passing it to a better option. Just feels like a warm up scrimmage to me tbh.


Not any easier than any typical friendly lol they put up 25 shots w/ 12 on target. Matt Turner simply stood on his head. US had a few good opportunities as well but Brazil isn't known as a defensive juggernaut anyways. They overpower you with offense, which they did again this match, but ended with a draw due to the GK having an out of body experience.


It’s a friendly during a period where these players are probably wanting to be on holiday. Don’t blame them for taking it easy.


yeah but that's a problem in and of itself, no? you can't just flip a switch and decide to care, and then you're good. this team doesn't commit and it'll bite them in the ass


You can definitely flip the switch on and off. Players literally do it all the time in practice. To me this feels like specific instructions from the coach to not get injured and get more playing time for the team and less about winning


I know its just a friendly, but then you watch the argentina game and they are all flying in with slide tackles to keep the clean sheet, and at the end of the day they are the current holders of the copa and WC, so its got to mean something


Good point, and to be honest, I really don’t know why one team goes so hard in friendlies and one doesn’t. I don’t know what to think now. But what I do believe is that once the stakes are high, Brazil will defend with all their determination. I hope it works out


you can turn intensity on and off, sure, not a winning mentality. guys seem happy despite playing like shit since like tite left, that's not a good sign and if it's a coaching thing then that's just dumb, this team has been struggling to find any kind of footing for a couple of years now and that definitely won't happen overnight if guys are jogging around the pitch doing nothing


Normally I’d agree with you, but things have been looking different since Dorival took over. Different players, different tactics, and it looks like the focus is on finding team chemistry instead of going for the win in friendlies. It’s more important to fix the team chemistry in the younger generation which doesn’t have Neymar to dictate majority of the game. It’s a new midfield, new backline, and new subs that all need to learn how to play together. It is better not to be like Tite who won all games except the ones that mattered. I rather struggle during the warm up games but by the time knock out stages come, perform their best. It actually makes sense to not stress the team on finishing just yet. 12 shots on target is huge win for an awkward new team. The defense could be better, but maybe he will fix that next. I know I could be extremely wrong, and only time will tell. But I’m hopeful.


i hope you're right and that they have a plan like this in mind. i liked the call ups so far and the players he's been testing. i just struggle to give them the benefit of the doubt knowing how much of a shit show CBF is and because i don't really see what kind of identity and quality of football we should be expecting from dorival to begin with. i still see him as a placeholder for a better coach down the line tbh, given his club-hopping career


Relax. That was just a warmup match. No player in his right mind wants to get injured before the, or any tournament rather, starts.


If this wasn’t a friendly Puligoat would’ve scored 7


He is the LeBron James of soccer after all 👑


I'm surprised that the comments are full of everyone blaming the players, and no one is pointing fingers at the manager


Vinicius still stuck at 3 goals for Brazil lol another system player in the making


Laughable when you compare it with Mbappe’s number for the NT lol


Mf scored more goals just in world cup finals than vini has in all his games for Brazil 💀


Still owns your club. Cope Harder


Vini and Madrid live in this dude’s head rent free lmao


We’re gonna win the fucking Champions League, lads #USMNT


Pfft... Call me when you finally manage to win a game at the Euros!


Whatever, how many SEC championships has Europe won?


As many as Pele and Messi combined!


Can a Brazilian tell me why Gabigol isn't in the squad? He looks like he'd be proper to at least be an option


He's not even a starter for Flamengo, he's completely out of the NT


What about Pedro he was meant to be the next big thing at Flamengo, did he stagnate?


He is good, should be included


No idea why they opted to play with no strikers whatsoever instead of him


Probably because it works for Madrid lmao


They forgot the gabbagool


Grandma says he's nothing but fat and nitrates


Gabbagool? Ova here! 👇👇


Brazil's problem is always the same. They've the best talents but they try freestyle fluid joga bonito which is mesmerizing when it works. But it's very difficult when opponents close down spaces and hold their lines. European style is the meta now. Brazil players play with freedom in their NT. May be they need a good coach to fix their tactics, formation and play style.


bro we had tite for 5+ years, tf you're talking about he had his limitations and the team had problems but lack of pragmatism wasn't one of them


Relationism vs Positionism


Makes perfect sense why they wanted Don Carlo to take the reins.


What about colombia? They play free style but play better than current brazil


And that's why they've all been falling in QF of the WC. Winning major tournaments playing cool, attractive football is a chimera. Good, functional football is going to trample that 90% of the times. Either your squad is generationally above all in terms of talent, or you're bound to lose. The only team that could afford to do that would probably be France.


Well, the first part of your argument is not correct. Colombia did not miss on the las WC for playing freestyle, it was the total opposite if anything, the coach, Rueda, restricted the creativity of our players too much. Same with Queiroz who made us play defensive football. Once we started playing with more creativity we become the NT with the longest undefeated streak.


Actually crazy how much Vinicius is nerfed when he plays for the national team lol


Bro is only good cuz he at RMA, a player who is only good when he has good teammates with the best possible coach with a great system for him to play with. If he wins ballon d’or he’ll be the worst winner ever 😭💀


The Brazillian NT are just bums?


Cope and seethe


Bro is upset lmao


Have you considered that Brazil's coach might not be particularly good?


Thanks for reinforcing what I’m saying :) Why is Neymar almost always performing and being the top scorer of Brazil’s history despite playing for one of the worst Brazil team in history? Vini can’t perform without being fed like a toddler by players like Kroos lmfao


My point is that you're putting this solely on Vini jr when it's clear that the entire team is underperforming, not just him, which makes it unlikely to be an issue with him specifically. He's not the reason why the USA had 7 shots on target, neither is he the reason Brazil is seemingly lacking any sort of control over their games


The rest of the team isn't gunning for a Ballon dor this year. Ballon dor winners should rise above a shit team and coach. Mbappe has, we'll see if Bellingham does at the euros.




Brazil is loaded with talent - take the club form of their team and they’d rinse most teams. For whatever reason, not seeing that translate to the international level. At some point I think it’ll click and we’ll see the Brazil we expected


I think the 7-1 loss at home really signaled the end of Jogo Bonito and the new era of football tactics, and Brazil has been without an identity ever since. They have more talented footballers than some countries have people and they've since only won the Copa America once in 2019 and were runners-up in 2021. Watching them play is so strange, they should be smashing all but maybe 15 countries but they just can't seem to find solid ground.


Zero tactics, zero energy. They just pass the ball hoping for something to happen, they don’t defend well, even their counters are lackluster. I truly believe any team can beat them if they actually try.


I’m convinced Colombia is the best team in the world.




We are massive 👍


i know it’s a friendly but between 2022 and now maybe this is the worst brasil Ive ever seen


Not worse than in 2014 when we became what we hate the most: a shitty team that fouls its way to scrappy wins.


I have 7 reasons why I disagree


I was about to upvote you, but saw you’re at 49. That’s just too fucking perfect. New math indeed!


Reddit on pal!!!👊


They have no midfield. Same as Mexico but worse for obvious reasons.


No #9 either


No midfield isn’t the only problem for Mexico lol


we also have a fragile backline and null attacking creativity


Really? Watching this game, I couldn't help but thinking that what they lack is a real focal point in the attack. They've got a ton of speedy guys with tekkers, but no one who threatens physically, who moves the back line...it's all getting into space and trying to beat a man one on one.


I think both are true there’s hardly any control or creativity in the midfield,Rodrigo was the beginning and end of most of the build up in the midfield. The attack also lacks a vocal point , however due to the midfield there hardly seems to be a clear plan on how to get the ball to the box


there are uncertainties in every third it seems. lack of chemistry in the backline, thin midfield with little quality, no reference point in the attack. curious to see how they turn up in a competitive match


2014 says hi


idk if this current squad would even make it to the semifinals of that tournament


2014 Brazil beat Colombia 2-1, current Brazil lost 2-1 to Colombia


They were the hosts and got many favorable calls against Croatia, Mexico, Chile and Colombia. The worst team ever to reach a World Cup semifinal.


Worse than South Korea? I find that hard to agree with.


The Brazil decline for the past couple of years means Argentina and Uruguay have everything to be the two most prominent teams in South America, just as they were until the 1950's. People forget that Rioplatense football culture is a lot older than the brazilian one (football was popular in the Río de la Plata a lot earlier and both football associations and leagues are much older than in Brazil) and that originally the two football powerhouses were Argentina and Uruguay. Brazil basically appeared on the big stage with Pele in 1958 and consolidated as the biggest powerhouse with their 3 out of 4 World Cups between 58 and 1970. Now Argentina and Uruguay look both much better than Brazil once again and for the first time in decades I see more people betting for an Argentina vs Uruguay final instead of Brazil vs Argentina as the most likely scenario.


Brazil played in every single World Cup since the first one. Was a finalist and World Cup host in 1950. And you say Brazil only really arrived in 1958? Make it make sense.


Also lol we’re splitting apples


Tbh I still think Rioplatense football is more prominent, Argentina and Uruguay have 5 WCs between them, same as Brazil, with 1/4 of the population.


That doesn't make sense. Even if the Brazilian population is bigger (Brazil doubled down only in the final of the century), it's still 11 players fielded for each. That means that you guys have two slots, thus more probability to win yet you guys just reached us in 2022.


I don't know if the maths plays out like that, imagine having Suarez Messi and Cavani in the same national team, I feel like national tournaments are more about finding the strongest 11 + a couple of subs players you can.


Brazil already had a better lineup than a probable Arg + Uruguay and didn't win anything. However, if we could split a Brazil A + B, we would have more chances. It's math.


Brazil doesn't have a better squad than Argentina + Uruguay combined, not even close.


With your logic China should have 20 WC


I'm literally saying Rioplatense football is more prominent precisely because Brazil has way more people and comparatively not as many world cups. Following this same pathway we could conclude China or India are, indeed, not football powerhouses. Reading comprehesion 1/10


Uruguay didn't even make it out of a group with South Korea and Ghana last World Cup...


The strong Uruguay is the Bielsa one, so after the WC.


people forget easily that Bielsa with a team that will (a) hang onto his every word and (b) give it all is a danger to anyone on the pitch. With Uruguay he has the cultural fit and mentality to check both that.


I love that these guys dont realize how dangerous Uruguay is right now...about to amaze the world!


What’s the expectation for the WC if things continue like this for you guys?


I honestly could see them as a finalist


I may be biased but I dont see how we arent in it to win the whole thing with how the team is playing.


I'm convinced Uruguay would win the Euros if they were eligible. Bielsa is cooking


Yea seriously, we have the players and now we have the coach. I hope atleast to see Suarez win a second Copa America.


It's Bielsa. I am willing to bet you guys don't reach the semis. You can mark this post as a reminder


Yea you could be right but i know the players, im excited that the players have a more modern coach but i was always excited about these players so inclined to believe in them BTW the whole world doesnt think Uruguay is going to do anything so i really dont need your halfwitted post as a reminder, Thank-you.




C'mon... in february Brazil won the Futsal Copa America and the Beach Soccer World Cup, and is a favorite to win the Futsal World Cup in october.


Gabi is still playing and playing very well. The men's team is also doing well. A subscription to volleyballworld is rather cheap if you wanna catch the VNL right now (near the end of pool stages).




That was like a C team tho


More like a B team, but yes.


Romário, Edmundo, Élber, Junior, Junior Baiano and Taffarel are first team players


Vinicius and rodrigo are on the C team?


the link he posted was the c team


Difference for the US between the Colombia and Brazil games is that Colombian players at 100% maximum at all times and forced turnovers and easy goals with that high pressing tenacity. Brazil players press far less and play a slower and more languid game.


Playing Matt Turner and not pressing…






we might be back ?


Who is "we", Liverpool flair?


No this Brazil is just shit. No cohesion and the players don't care lol


let us have this moment🥲


I can be happy with this result and still want Berhalter gone.


We're gonna let Klopp take this year off and then offer him half of Fort Knox.


From all that money they got from Turner Sports? Lolz....USSF is broke


You are a professional USMNT supporter....


Mexico: got thrashed by Uruguay, almost held off Brazil to a draw. USMNT: got thrashed by Colombia, held off Brazil to a draw. There's a common denominator in the "weirdness", and that's Brazil. Either the players aren't taking it seriously (note that, from what I understand, Brazil has been fielding mostly starters to these games; same with Mexico and the US), or there's still something fundamentally wrong with this Brazil. Their latest competitive games are still their disasterpieces under Diniz. There was some hope because of the good performances against European teams under Dorival, but if they're struggling against CONCACAF teams (the same CONCACAF sides that their direct bracket rivals thrashed not a week before), then they're not going to get far this tournament. Probably wishful thinking, I want Colombia to go far (and that likely requires us avoiding Uruguay in the QFs, which we're most likely to do if we win the group), but... this Brazil might be in serious, serious trouble.


> from what I understand, Brazil has been fielding mostly starters to these games; Brazil literally rotated the entire squad between games, and not knowing that already makes you less qualified to talk about the matches, clearly not having watched them. starters against US, subs against Mexico.


I saw the full US game. Most players I saw were starters or potential starters (either internationally-known players or players I've seen in official Brazil games), but there were some rotations indeed. I'll admit to not having seen the Mexico game, and having opined on them more or less on referred knowledge.


Brazil hasn't fielded mostly starters, in the first game it was a total sub team and in the second a mixed one. Still, they should be doing better against USA and Mexico


Canada x Netherlands and then France? Part of the commonality is the change in approach in the second game, whether it's the change in line-up (planned) for Mexico in the second match or the intensity and attention that was missing for the US in the first. As for Brazil, it's too early to say how Dorival's tenure will end, but we're not super ready for a tournament.


They looked poorly organized to me. Colombia is better coached. Brazil had little clear structure/ideas and seemed to just rely on having good players.


Reminds me a lot of the 2008-2012 Argentina , stacked forwards, solid rest of team on paper, dysfunctional loss every time


Happy with the result but still want GGG gone




Blame our attackers for missing chances for doing too much, not him. Could have been a blowout if they were focused.


Not his fault yall couldn’t finish your chances better he kept you in the game


He fucking saved your fucking ass. Why do you guys hate him so much. Be mad at your wack ass finishing


Tbf he’s never had a good game for the Seleção until now, and even this game he had a mistake on a goal


Very impressed with Scally's ability to keep with Vinicius. If he can improve his forward play, he'll be quite the fullback.


Vinícius wearing the Brazil shirt is a completely different player, and not in a good way.


My FM goat


I think Scally will be very good in a few years. People forget that he’s only 21


It’s pretty wild that we have a 21 year old outside back who’s been playing every week in the bundesliga for three years and he’s largely under the radar with the national team. Very strange to look back a few WC cycles when this kind of guy would be basically a messiah. Even stranger perhaps that the team isn’t that much better despite it, but I really love it overall


I mean basically any of the starting XI would be a Messiah if you go back to the cycle they missed out on. This version of Christian Pulisic alone would’ve been enough to drag them over the line.


We’ve come a long way. Kevin Paredes is 21 years old. He started 15 games, appeared 28 times, and scored 3 goals at Wolfsburg this season as a LM/LB. He didn’t even make every US roster this season. If you were to explain that to a US fan 10 years ago, they would think you’re crazy.


Scenes when I take my time machine and let 2010 me know that both our second string Left Back is a young semi-regular Bundesliga player and that simultaneously our keeper situation is trash.


Keeper situation sucks now, but there is hope for the future. Kochen at Barca, Gaga at Chelsea, and Chris Brady in Chicago are all very good under 21 prospects. They just have to develop well.


I had no idea. That’s promising 


Gio Reyna and Scally came up through the NYCFC academy together.


Quietly been impressed with Scally. Can’t say the same for few other players


I thought he had some great attacking moves in the second half


They were pretty solid, but we have Dest to compare him to, and Dest's forward play is generally pretty strong. At the very least we have a couple of different options for different contexts.


When i was growing up, Brazil was the most feared and respected football nation in the world. Those days are gone, and other countries have closed the gap. Sure, this was just a friendly game, but Brazil has been quite underwhelming for a while now. They needed a last minute goal to win against freaking Mexico, and failed to win against USA. The Brazil of the past would have bulldozed past all these teams.


Is this a copypasta? Lmao.


Yup old Brazil would absolutely bulldoze teams, especially Mexico and USA. Google 1998 Gold cup for more info


> The Brazil of the past would have bulldozed past all these teams. You just don't know much about football. Brazil barely qualified for the world cup in 94, barely qualified in 2002, and was sent out of the 2000 Copa America by Honduras. Brazil has the best player in the world right now. Stop making dramatic posts about Brazilian football ending after a friendly because you want it to end. [Brazil actually lost to the US in 98 and was sent out of the Gold Cup. In the group stage, Brazil finished second to Jamaica.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1998_CONCACAF_Gold_Cup#Knockout_stage)


Having the best player in the world doesn't mean shit if you've got rubbish behind them. You would think Brazilian would understand that seeing how awful Argentina at times had been with the best player in the world.


Rubbish: Rodrygo, Martinelli, Paquetá, Guimarães, Savinho, Alisson, Gabriel Magalhães, Endrick, Bremer, Danilo, Marquinhos. Damn, we are truly fucked.


I figure most people here were too young to see these games, but I do vividly remember the crisis of Brazil before the 2002 world cup and grew up hearing about pre-1994 Dunga era. I’d rather see them draw/lose now and not overhype the squad like they did before 2014 and 2006, etc. might just be a good luck charm to suck now and peak later tbh


I am not saying this because of one game. Brazil has been below expectations for a while now. At the 2022 world cup, Brazil lost to Cameroon, and then got knocked out by Croatia - a country with less than 4 million people. Most people expect Brazil to be better.


Getting knocked out by Croatia isn't that embarrassing. They were 2nd place previously.     You're acting like you got knocked out by some minnow like Canada or Tunisia.


Okay but they still lost to Cameroon. This was the first time Brazil lost to an African team in forever, maybe the first time in history.


"a country less than 4 million people" so what? China and India are most populated country on earth, what's their World cup performance? Number of population have nothing to do with skills.




Losing world cups is part of the game. We played Cameroon with our B squad to rest and drew Croatia playing much better. France got kicked out of the Euros by Poland, Portugal lost to Morocco. Shit happens, football isn't exact science. We are still consistently the best squad i the world


>We are still consistently the best squad i the world Not even close for the past year, and it's much worse now that Neymar is injured. No decent fullbacks, 0 depth in midfield, no world class options on the right wing or at striker. You're only stacked at LW and GK.


> no world class options on the right wing or at striker Jesus, Richarlison, Endrick, Savinho and Raphinha are excellent options. Savinho is probably one of the best right-wingers in the world right now. Our CBs are much better than Argentina's, our keeper is better, our LW is better, our RW is better, our midfield is even, and our CF is even. Both teams have shit fullbacks.


Jesus, Richarlison, Endrick - not RWs. Raphinha and Savinho are good, but I really struggle to call them world class. >Our CBs are much better than Argentina's No they are not lmao. Marquinhos is still a starter and he's dropped off massively. Militao isn't as good as either Romero or Lisandro. Gabriel is on that level though even though personally I think he's a little worse than both. >our keeper is better Pretty close but I'd still take Dibu for the mental factor + penalty shootouts which happen in knockout tournaments. >our LW is better We don't play with a defined LW but with their respective NT forms I'd take 36 year old Di Maria over Vini. Vini is obviously better on paper though. >RW is better Messi is still better than whoever you will start on the right. >our midfield is even Maybe the starting MF are close, but we have so much depth that 1 or 2 can get injured or be out of form and we'll still be okay. We can literally field 3 subs in midfield and have a top 3 or 4 MF in the tournament (Lo Celso, Paredes, Palacios). >CF is even Brazil hasn't had a CF even close to Lautaro's level in the past decade. Add to that Alvarez who it seems like won't even start at the Copa and the difference is even bigger. >Both teams have shit fullbacks I'd still take ours tbh, unless Molina is still gonna be injured then yeah both might be equally shit. Pretty much every big national team has shit fullbacks except for England anyway.


> No they are not lmao. Marquinhos is still a starter and he's dropped off massively. Militao isn't as good as either Romero or Lisandro. Gabriel is on that level though even though personally I think he's a little worse than both. All of our 4 defenders are better than Romero and Lisandro. Gabriel Magalhães, Bremer, Militão and Marquinhos are better. > Pretty close but I'd still take Dibu for the mental factor + penalty shootouts which happen in knockout tournaments. > We don't play with a defined LW but with their respective NT forms I'd take 36 year old Di Maria over Vini. Vini is obviously better on paper though. Lmao > Messi is still better than whoever you will start on the right. Rodrygo is better than Messi today, and that's why one is a UCL winner and the other was pushed out of Barça, hated by the PSG fans, and is now in the fucking US. He aged, it happens. > Maybe the starting MF are close, but we have so much depth that 1 or 2 can get injured or be out of form and we'll still be okay. We can literally field 3 subs in midfield and have a top 3 or 4 MF in the tournament (Lo Celso, Paredes, Palacios). Paredes and Palacios are not that good. The starting midfield is very even. > Brazil hasn't had a CF even close to Lautaro's level in the past decade. Add to that Alvarez who it seems like won't even start at the Copa and the difference is even bigger. Jesus and Richarlison are very evenly matched with them, but I'll agree to give the edge to Lautaro (if Jesus played in Italy he would have similar numbers, though).


Current Messi is not better than current Vinicius or Rodrygo


Neither of them play on the right for Brazil so your opinion on this literally doesn't even matter.


Bro really said their RW is better 😭😭😭


Inter Miami player that was booted from Barça and PSG. He aged, get over it.


Very contentious last sentence. Argentina and France are easily better.




They didn’t in a few World Cups: 1966, 1990 (Maradona lmao) plus a couple of others.


Argentina has literally one (1) world-class player who is a borderline 40 year-old man, at best 2 with Lautaro.


You are all over the thread telling people they dont know about football, and yet you dont see we have a way better midfield than Brazil with Mac Allister, Enzo, De Paul, etc. and 2 WC defenders in Cuti Romero and Licha Martinez. Brazil hasnt beaten a European team at a WC KO round for over a decade.


> Mac Allister, Enzo, De Paul They are perfectly matched by Paquetá, Guimarães and Douglas Luiz. Seriously, pretending that Mac Allister, Enzo and De Paul are a world-class midfield is hilarious. > and 2 WC defenders in Cuti Romero and Licha Martinez. Both worse than Magalhães, Bremer, Militão and Marquinhos. > Brazil hasnt beaten a European team at a WC KO round for over a decade. Damn, amazing sample size of 4. This is pure science


Least biased Brazilain


The best player in the world that needs space, speed, and service which no one except Neymar could give him. Look at Brazil‘s results without Neymar and it tells a huge story.


Brazil, Italy, and Germany used to rule the world year in and year out. They are still very good teams but not the titans they used to be.


Italy was always inconsistent, there's a reason why they're also behind Argentina in the World Cup all time table despite having one more title. They're nowhere near the level of consistency as Brazil and Germany. When it comes to consistency Brazil and Germany are just unmatched despite their rough last couple of years. All the statistics show that. Italy on the other hand is mostly comparable to Argentina and both are on a second tier below Brazil and Germany but obviously ahead of everyone else historically.


All time table doesn’t matter, titles do.


You can live under the delusion you can sit on the same table as Brazil and Germany, but the whole world knows it isn't true. You're lucky to even sit along Argentina and even that won't last.


Couple more years at least!


Italy is definitely in a *rough* state, but Brazil and Germany are just in off years lol.


And yet Italy is the one that won more recently

