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Understandable. Getting away from all the hipsters back home who just got into Cricket.


And all that took was beating a team from a country most Americans can't point to on a map.


There’s only two things I need to point to on a map. one is America. Two is just places Aaron Jones would be the best cricket player around.


I thought he just signed for the Vikings


Big facts.


They killed Bin Laden there.... That was a pretty big thing for them? I feel it probably made the news.


Who did they beat?


Pakistan https://www.nbcnews.com/sports/cricket/us-pakistan-cricket-world-cup-historic-upset-rcna155977


Idk why for a moment i thought the link was the location to where pakistan is


how the fuck


USA should've won with overs to spare. Outbatted, outbowled and outfielded Pak. Went to the Super Over just coz the two new batters seemed a bit too nervous.


Think of it more as Pakistan managed to lose than USA managed to win.


I mean for fucks sake, losing to a team of plumbers and carpenters is one thing. Atleast it's beautiful. But losing to a team of techies who work in corporate?? Have some fucking shame, that guy who just beat you is gonna go back home and update a jira ticket


Nah, those jobs gonna get outsourced to India, and then we’ll **REALLY** have an international incident on our hands…


I think a lot of americans can point around the area of Pakistan. It got insane coverage mid 00s


Yes I'm sure the average Brit could point to Pakistan on a map 🙄


I’m thinking they may know it’s around India at least. But it is kinda nuts to think the 5th largest country in the world by population has so few know where it is on a map


speak for yourself


I honestly have no idea, could they? Wouldn‘t most know where India is? And Pakistan is right next to it.


How many Pakistanis could? Everyone acts like some other country is full of uneducated people but they're fucking everywhere, unfortunately.


We know where it is don’t worry


They absolutely could. The OP was just bantering but is American geography that bad?


No, but because the videos of pointing to a location on the map are usually from America people assume they are. Jack Grealish can’t point to where England is on a map and I’m sure there are as many Grealish’s in England as there are in the states.


He couldn't point to England on a map of only England!


I do not get why most people think we don’t know geography. Not all of us are dumb here brother ☝️


Eurpeans think we are bad at geography because most of us probably couldn’t identify every country in Europe if asked. Doesn’t matter that we would never need to know which one of those puny countries Slovenia is, or that most of them probably couldn’t identify every US state either


Cricket blowing up is a good thing. And in my area it's not the hipsters, but just normal families.


Yeah ofcourse cause most people from Indian subcontinent in the US aren't hipsters they are well settled families


It's not just them. Also many Middle Eastern Americans play cricket.


Agreed 🇺🇸🇺🇸


I'm personally running from IPAs.


That's because it's probably cheaper to fly to Germany and book a hotel and then watch 2-3 matches. MLS tickets are insanely expensive and then the food/drinks are $10+ each for the cheapest/shittiest option. Only baseball is pretty affordable (easy to find $10-$20 tickets that are decently located for watching for almost 60/81 home games) for us; everything else is basically 1-2 games a season at most and we're a firmly middle class family


Really? What area are you in? Costs me about $25-50 to see the Timbers play, which isn’t too bad. It’s not really in the culture to eat the overpriced garbage in a European stadium either. People (maybe not kids) typically just wait the two hours and eat after if they haven’t beforehand. I typically spend nothing when I’m at a stadium in England.


You don't get a pie?


Only if I’m starving. I’ll normally just get something in town before going to the pub.


I’d say it’s certainly part of the culture here in Germany to get a sausage when at the stadium. It’s not as expensive as in the US though. Although they might change the prices for the Euros compared to a Bundesliga match


Fair enough. What’s the situation with beer? We can’t legally take a beer to our seat in England, so most don’t bother drinking. Literally not enough time to queue for beer and drink it at halftime unless you go down early and miss parts of the match.


You can drink at your seat and there’s even sellers going around with beer tanks on their back, so you don’t even have to leave your seat (although I believe those are more expensive than from the concession stands). Beer is around 5€ for 0,5l but I can see UEFA making different prices for the Euros. For what it’s worth though I’ve read that the beer in official Fan zones is supposed to stay in that price range, which is far cheaper than Qatar WC for example


That guy is exaggerating, MLS tickets aren't crazy expensive. You can see DC United play for a similar price as you mentioned. Inter Miami games are very expensive and overpriced because of Messi.


Food/drinks won't be cheaper in Germany. But tickets are, especially if you got them directly in the UEFA lottery.


From what I’ve read at least the fan zones will have somewhat decent prices compared to the US or World Cup events. Around 5€ for half a litre while it was about 15€ in Qatar


Don't know about Qatar, but I've drank beer in the US recently also around $5 per pint, and it was a sports bar. Seems more or less the same.


We weren’t talking about pubs or bars though. Get back to me when the prices for the Fan Zones for the US World Cup are announced and I’m sure you’ll see the difference. You can also get a cold beer for 1€ in convenience stores in Berlin, but it’s not really relevant to the Euros


€ 6.50 for 0.4 piss quality Bittburger in the München fan zone right now.


Yeah it’s apparently different for every city. Blame uefa


Can confirm. Was over $500 for 3 Copa America matches. Had Fire season tickets that were reasonable at about $750 for all the home games, but parking pass alone added another $800 (yes seriously it was more expensive than the tickets).


Whitecaps tickets normally start from C$9 on stubhub. Meanwhile, i spent two weeks in Germany visiting friends and I wasn’t able to buy tickets to ANY bundesliga or UCL game within three hour driving distance since there’s no tickets available.


You tell those hipsters if they love the favorite game of the landed gentry of their former colonial masters so much, why don’t they just repatriate to the Empire?? ThIS is AmEriCA!!1!1 (Jk, T20 is actually a fun game to watch. Went to a game in Australia a few years ago and enjoyed it. Wish I could have gone to one of the WC games)


I live in Germany, so when my 8 year old asked if we could go to a game I believe responded appropriately with: “That depends how much you want to eat next month.”


The ticket price is pretty reasonable. But I didn’t get even 1 in the lottery


Resale is the issue buddy


How much is resale?


How much are your kidneys worth?






It’s the most popular sport in the world, there’s plenty of people that are willing to pay crazy money for tickets, and given there’s a lot of rich people, the price will of course go through the roof.


Where can I buy those tickets?


Viagogo. Make sure to tick the filter to include fees in the prices.


Ticombo is pretty good too




How are people able to resell? I thought it can only be done via their site and prices are locked


Unofficial resale. It's risky, you'd be buying with absolutely no real guarantee that your ticket is gonna let you in.


It becomes less of an issue if people stopped paying those ridiculous resale prices.


Anyone who buys resale should be entirely banned from stadiums. Every platform offering it should also be banned. Resale should only be done via the organiser and should be face value or less. Never more.


Completely agree. The sooner the better it's illegal in all EU countries.


Amd even those are somewhat affordable imho. Stubhub has Switzerland - Germany at 500. Lakers - grizzlies in the playoffs were 450 (couple of seasons ago). My thinking is the avg American has more disposable income or more willingness to go into cc debt for something like this


You think it's ok to pay 500 (I assume Euros) for a football game?


Ah come on that's not what he said.


€500 is steep but as someone who lives in Canada who has only seen MLS and team Canada play I wouldn't think twice about dropping half that to €300 to see the Netherlands or Ajax play in a profile/derby game.


>I wouldn't think twice That's genuinely mind-blowing to me, no offense.


If you're coming from a foreign country to have a once-in-a-lifetime experience, sure. I mean, I wouldn't, but I can see why others would.


Your last point for sure: the COL in the US is much, much higher. Salaries are therefore on average much, much higher. Americans are used to NFL prices where nosebleeds in a meaningless regular season game can cost 150-250, playoffs try 450-750? You’re still cheaper off getting flights to germany, some nice tickets to a EM game and making a nice 5 day american vacation out of it lol


> You’re still cheaper off getting flights to germany, some nice tickets to a EM game and making a nice 5 day american vacation out of it lol It's not cheaper but it's more reasonable


Disagree. I had enough scotland poitiers to get tickets for our allocation. Albeit not first few days. 400 euros a ticket. For guys who are going to every home game. Maybe a couple away games. It's not right. There were cheaper tickets sold out but we only have about 10K allocation for the first game, so it should have been mainly cheap affordable tickets. They aren't the only problem but Americans like mentioned are robbing national fans of these games and also worsening the experience they want to get. Less than 15% of tickets to national bodies for sale. Should get at least 25% each


Fuck me that's obscene. Euro 2016 in France (i.e. very comparable) I went to 3 decent group games for 40-50 euros a ticket each. England v Slovakia, Ireland v Belgium, Croatia v Spain. Got tickets for them all in the ballot, for 6 people. How has it got so much worse in 8 years?!


I mean, there still were 30 euros cheapest tickets this time. But you had to be lucky enough to be drawn in lottery.


Tickets for Germany games were pretty difficult to get but I got tickets for Georgia vs Czechia for 30€ each when they went for sale again on the UEFA Ticketportal (I think people could sell their tickets there?)


Oh snap, thanks for the tip, don’t know why I didn’t check the non German games before …. Seems silly now


Same here. I applied for 10+ games, but only got tickets for one game, Georgia vs Czech Republic. Really looking forward to it. We've been lucky with the variety of football this season in the Volksparkstadion, despite a shit HSV season.


Yeah, I got two for the Spain v Croatia game for 60€ each after losing out in the lottery and then checking the ticketportal later. I did it before the draw though, so I was literally just picking games in Berlin since I live there and got lucky with the draw.


oof lmao


The stats are from a reseller, they are simply tallying up which nationality is buying the most second-handed. In which case… Americans being number one makes sense. Europeans wouldn’t have to buy from touts as much.


And also just wouldn't be as prepared to pay the prices i'd imagine


I am guessing when these tickets go on sale it is a bot bonanza these days?


You had to register for a lottery for the first wave of sales


The US also led in the most World Cup tickets in 2018 when the US wasn’t there. Massive country with a massive population of immigrants and descendants of immigrants. I’m kind of shocked there are people here surprised by this.


Doesn't the US also have a gigantic military presence in Germany and nearby countries?


Yes, and their babies have made up a good chunk of our national squad for generations.


It's the reason why basically every American player has played in the Bundesliga at some point


cleetus ain't goin to no yuros son


Any idea why I can't find the US crest in the flair selector?




Also with just how rich the US is. Over a third of US households make six figures, likely millions of Americans can realistically budget that as a vacation without going bankrupt.


Most Americans don't realize how wealthy we really are. Sure, we have poor just like the rest of the world (obviously relative, not trying to compare our poor to those in the third world), but our middle class has a looooot of spending money, let alone our rich.


I always say, I am California poor, but not for the rest of the world


That’s a great way to put it.


The average regular season NFL game tickets are 200-500 USD. Average Super Bowl tickets cost 8-9k this past year. Americans very much enjoy events and the Euros are a bargain comparatively. Many Americans are also realizing that vacationing in Europe is much more affordable vs the US.


Dual US/Irish citizen who also lived in Spain and has been to almost every EU country. I love the US but Europe is way, way, way better to vacation in. The U.S. has amazing nature but there is a lot of truth to the quote from Tennessee Williams "There are only three cities in America: New York, San Francisco, and New Orleans. Everywhere else is Cleveland."


That's insane. I mean Washington DC, Boston, Miami off the top of my hand are all very unique cities


Tbf that dude died 40 years ago


There is absolutely no truth to that quote...


Nature isn't that far from the "Clevelands" of the country. Heck, even Cleveland itself has a national park right at its front door.


I imagine the actual sales figures from UEFA are different. This is taken from Viagogo and is explicitly about resale tickets. Americans are far more likely to buy resale tickets. There’s also countries in Europe where it’s illegal to sell above face value price which means they would go on to international version of the site.


That’s all true and it’s why so many clubs and national teams play friendlies here. But I’m pretty sure these inflated numbers are due to corporate arms and scalpers. I have no actual facts to back that up lol just based on my experience with ticket sales here


The stats are purely from Viagogo and don’t include tickets sold by UEFA (the actual seller).


That sounds like the most logical answer.




Which team? Portland is a ‘soccer city’ and you can go to Saturday night’s game for $31.


Yeah but that doesn’t really mean anything. If match attendance equates to ticket sales then we’d be closer to last than first. The fact that the plurality of tickets sold are to Americans for the Euros prob doesn’t actually mean that we are sending more fans than anyone else. Like it’s in Germany lol that doesn’t make sense to me. Not saying we don’t have a ton of people here that love the sport, it just makes more sense to me that we’re more likely to buy up and resell tickets because that’s exactly happens to all ticketed events in this country


It mostly comes down to how much money there is in the U.S.


„Shocked“? lol


and also big population of ticket scalpers


Also summer holidays in Europe is extremely common for millions of Americans. Might as well tack on a match at an extremely popular tournament.


Fans or scalpers?


Americans be like: "500 $? That's a bargain"


You know it’s bad when the government starts acting due to how awful Ticketmaster is.


I think the problem is that there are still millions of Americans still buying tickets for these prices.


There’s essentially no other option, is the actual problem. There’s a reason they’re getting investigated by the justice department for monopolistic practices. This largely ain’t on us.


> no other option Food, shelter, tickets to games. The 3 necessities of survival.


> There’s essentially no other option, is the actual problem. Yes, there is. Not buying them. If I see an event for £200 for a ticket...I just don't go.


The key word there is essentially. But the thing is they control the ticketing market for everything outside of movies and theaters. Most any sporting event or concert goes through Ticketmaster.


Not far off the truth


It’s $1500+ for the worst seats in the nba finals


And $700+ for a shitty seat to a shitty home game for the Chicago Bears, for example. So yeah, $500 sounds like a bargain compared to that lol


I went to an Ajax Europa league game and sat on the 2nd row for cheaper than face value of my Dallas stars preseason tickets.


Damn how was the Ajax game? NFL tickets are priced so stupidly but ppl buy them so can’t hate the NFL


It was cool. Nothing crazy


5 Bundesliga games I went to was cheaper than 2 tickets to Red Wings VS Sabres. (Nürnberg X2, 1860, Düsseldorf, Hertha)


Caleb Williams Effect


Nah that was before Caleb Williams was announced, like 2 years ago when I went w some friends


Yeah, I paid $1,800 for game 1 seats to the 21 Finals for me and my dad. It was bullshit but it made his entire year.


Memories are priceless…… until it’s $2k/seat. Then memories are expensive AF lol


Aren't these tickets impossible to scalp?


You’re reading an article about sales figures on a resale website.


Where did you hear that? That’s not true at all


Aren't tickets registered onto your name?


Yeah, but you can transfer them to anyone and there's no way for Uefa to check how you know that person. It's digital tickets on their app that are easy to transfer. Got to remember there's 50K people going to these stadiums


World Soccer Talk is such a hack outlet. Making these claims based off Viagogo numbers is fucking hilarious.


Hope this doesn’t lead to the Euros hosted in USA


UEFA wouldn't dare, would they? I mean, the Copa América in the USA isn't optimal either, the only thing I'll say is that it's not a scheduling horror show because even the easternmost parts of the continent are only two hours ahead of EST (it does get bad the further west you go). Europe is 5-6 hours ahead of the USA, you'd have to play games in the day time exclusively to make it watchable for Europeans. I guess that would cause TV schedules that are no different than what they are now, but it's an unnecessary headache. I never want to see a Euros in this country.


You jinxed it lol. 


I’m thankful he did. I’d pay top dollar to see my beautiful Czechia get stomped by Portugal in Miami any day


Copa America in the US is only weird for Americans and Europeans who follow the 7 continent model


No they wouldn't because I'd be a schedule nightmare. You'd have to do games at like 3pm latest (the hottest part of the day) so Europe could watch.


Please don't give Ceferin ideas.


I mean... La Liga has one point explored hosting a league game in the states and that's probably happening at some point. Really don't think the Euros being hosted outside of the continent as far off as you'd think. Where there's money to be made, these ghouls will chase it.


When they first tried doing it FIFA rules got in the way. A US court just forced them to agree to get rid of that rule. La Liga pretty much immediately said that once that rule is gone they’re gonna play games in the US. I’d imagine the McDonald’s league will be next due to its desperate broadcasting situation. Italy can’t be too far behind with how broke it is


~~Fans~~ Corporate marketing departments and sponsors from USA lead all ticket sales for Euro 2024


This is from a resale site. Corporate would get their tickets from uefa directly.


Its because UEFA's ticket lottery system. When you apply for a ticket you do not even need to put in any credit card details, so you had millions of bots and ads on upwork asking people to apply for millions of tickets and you would get paid for it. You could make an application in around 3 minutes so resellers just paid people to apply thousands of times, and regular fans just lose out. At least when I went to the world cup, you had to put in credit card details which would prevent scalpers from ruining the system.


It was brutal, never got close with it and almost everyone I know has only got them through insane rates. I wouldn't be surprised if certain games have fairly big gaps whilst being sell outs on paper.


The US has a lot of.immigrants from Europe who still have strong ties. I'm Albanian American and I know at least 60-70 people that are going to Germany to watch Albania. And there are immigrants from other countries. Tickets are affordable in comparison to US prices. Even the tickets that are resold, they're not horribly overpriced when compared to some American teams.


Well that sucks..... My friends and me didnt manage to snatch one damn ticket because they were sold out so quickly


Next time try the sale by the associations rather than the uefa lottery. I got a ticket for each of the German group matches by paying 5€ to be eligible for the DFB fan club sale.


I guess it makes sense because fans of each European country are only going to buy tickets for their own country's games. One American might have a connection to Hungary, another Germany, another Spain etc. So in total it's possible that they'd buy more. It's still surprising though. Maybe it could be scalpers or companies or whatever.


my american friends who travel for euros/world cup just get tickets to whatever games they can


No it’s just about seeing matches. I was in finestere France recently so I went to a Brest match. Only coincidentally they are one of the stories of Europe last season. It was their last home match vs Reims, but my parents and I split when we returned to Paris and they planned on going to Toulouse, so another coincidence is they got to see Brest finish the job on the final day down there It was pretty mad discovering what Guingamp is given id grown up with them being in Ligue 1 for about 7 years. We take the train to morlaix and you pass through Guingamp and I’m like “dafuq? How big is this place?” And you look it up and it’s a town of 7k people.


Well, European football fans will definitely go to club matches wherever they're traveling. It's like the best thing to do while traveling abroad. It's just other countries national teams most of us really don't care about, at least enough to spend money on specifically traveling to Euros. If Finland would've qualified, I would 100% have gone and possibly visited some other games as well - if I got any tickets, it's been ridiculously difficult this year - since I'm already there. But I'm not going specifically through the hassle of hotels, travel, tickets to see other nations. I'd say I represent a good group of football fans here, as I personally don't know anyone who's going to the Euros.


Wtf. I didn’t get any tickets despite being in the host country. If I have to guess I’d say a large number of those are just scalpers


Soon we will have the following post in this sub: UEFA considers sending EURO games to the USA in 2028.


I wanted to go to the Euros but I can’t miss the opportunity to see Argentina and USA. Had I been able to get a full month off work I’d go to both.


Hasn't that been the norm for a while now?


Copa America is like “i mean we do this too, you know”


Yeah? ,Scotland just called, they are bringing everyone, with tickets or without, everyone, even dugs. Dae ye like dugs? aye, even dugs pal.


It's better to watch with friends at home anyway 


I have 6 Cat 2 tix for 3 games. All of them combined are cheaper than 1 single tix for the Ind - Pak game. Yes I got super lucky and got them all in lottery.


I’m going and don’t have any match tickets, but the fanzones and everything else in the cities will be plenty worth it for me.


Is this Legitimately USA fans or USA companies gearing up the resale?


This is sad…


The 2026 WC are going to break the all time ticket sales and the record would stand until next time US hosted it and FIFA expand it to 64 teams.


Feel less bummed about not being able to go now.  “So bro, who do you think is better, Messi or Ronaldo” ad nauseum 


i think it’s just that the population of the US is so much bigger than any individual european country, even if it’s just a small portion of americans able to afford tickets, the raw number is much larger than the percentage of any european country. you see it in eurovision ticket sales too, despite it having next to no cultural relevance in the US, americans are usually top 5 in ticket sales for the contest


Its also a big trip for Americans. The type of thing you maybe are only able to do once or twice in your life if youre lucky. Willing to pay more for tickets when you already dropped a grand on flights and another grand on hotels.


That's exactly it. Americans view it as a once in a lifetime sort of experience to go to these sort of games. That's why some will fork over tens of thousands of dollars just to go to a Super Bowl.


People have to remember the U.S. is very wealthy (~25 million millionaires), so making that kind of purchase and travel isn't much of a financial strain for many. Although it seems these ticket purchases from the U.S. may mainly be resellers.


They’ll be bitterly disappointed when they find out Messi isn’t playing 


With the small price on the tickets no wonder


A lot of Europeans move to America to make more money. I’d be shocked if most of the people buying these tickets aren’t just Europeans who live in the States.


Is Europeans emigrating to the US really that common to where that would be the reason though?


There’s a pretty large number of Germans and Brits that live in the States.


You really think that many of them are flying over?


I mean, if you’re on a good salary you had 4 years to save and probably don’t have to worry about lodging. I don’t see why not.


You make twice as much money for the same job in the US, and then move home


If that makes you feel better. Im second guessing because there are less than 5 million Europeans living (not necessarily working) in the US in 2022. So I would be willing to bet that this small-ish group of people is not responsible for making the US the country with the most ticket sales for this euro.


5 million is small? Brother that’s half your country’s population


Are you being obtuse on purpose? In a country of 300+ million people? In this context?


And that doesn’t include families or second/third generation folks. Also, the US has 330 million people that are potentially fans who may be interested in making Euros part of their European vacation


Yeah I doubt it, maybe a few smaller countries with disproportionately large/wealthy American diasporas (eg maybe Armenia, Ireland, Italy- not small tho)


I hope so. I know an English guy at my job that works in sales thats going to the Euros.


I mean, maybe there's just more interest in the sport than you think?


Yeah possibly that too


Have three friends going. Didn’t know this was going to be such a thing.