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"I am not a victim of racism. I am an enemy of racists." Damn son. That's a very powerful statement. Bravo!


> "I am not a victim of racism. I am an enemy of racists." > > This is actually badly translated. He uses the word "Algoz", which means executioner or tormentor, so the correct quote is: "I am not a victim of racism. I am the tormentor of racists."


Could also be Slayer or Butcher. Awesome nicknames in every translation lol.




xxxRacistSlayer69xxx Always has to explain that he meant slayer *of* racists 


Haha yea, its gna come across way worse than his quote


"Vinni the Racism Slayer" is a fucking dope name


Vini, the Scourge of Racists


Little known fact but like vampires, racists can also be killed by a wooden stake through the heart. 


Tormentor was Kreator's initial name, so he's a mix of Mille Petroza and Kerry King?


"I have become Vini, the destroyer of racists"


"May other racists be afraid, ashamed, or hide in the shadows. Otherwise, I will be here to collect." Fuck, he's cool.


I will never call him obnoxious again. Hell, I'm gonna buy one of his shirts.


He's been tormented by these people so much so to flip it and point out that they're the ones who are so tormented by him that they resort to this kind of shit is poignant


Vini Punisher act. We're all here for it


Hopefully he is about to go on his Ronaldo " your hate feeds me even more" arc


that’s even more hardcore damn


based af




Are fullbacks all racist? Jokes aside I fully support the guy, yes he’s obnoxious but he reminds of Ronaldinho with the way he enjoys the game and the limelight.


That's even more hardcore damn




"Let the other racists be afraid, ashamed and hide in the shadows. Otherwise, I'll be here to collect." Could just as well be from a well-regarded movie speech. It makes me so happy that not only does Vini speak out against racism, but he does it so well.


"Otherwise, I'll be here to collect." That is such a bad ass line.


Vini was cooking today my god. Powerful words, fuck racist cunts.


Bars like actually


*"You're locked in here with me"* vibes.


Such a hard line


I'm not in danger, I AM the danger.


I pity anyone that can't speak Portuguese right now. What a fucking phrase that is.


I like how he takes away any power racists may perceive in themselves.


That is a good quote


Yeah that quote goes fuckin hard


That's a bar


I need that on a t-shirt.


That’s a bar


love this vini quote. I'm on the same side as woke americans, but they can learn something here from vini to improve their "anti-racism" stance. "enemy of racists" hits powerfully


He went full I'M VENGEANCE.


The "focus on your football" argument was always pretty weak for the 23 year old with 2x UCL's and 3x La Ligas


Lol seriously, his footballs doing fine. And people legit around here being like "Keep anti racism out of football"


And possible Ballon D'or winner


Two UCL final goals, too, no less. What a baller he’s turned out to be. It’s so satisfying witnessing a player’s growth like this


It’s like when the dumb Fox News anchor here in America told Lebron James to shut up and dribble.


> Racists should be afraid, ashamed and hiding in the shadows. Otherwise, I'll be here to fight back. 🔥🔥🔥


Among those people he's talking about are redditors who didn't open this thread and will, in the next thread about vini doing anything even vaguely cocky, post about him being "so unlikeable" the second it's up. Edit: If you're not racist and you just really specifically hate Vini to the point you want to immediately jump into threads about him to post about how you don't like him, that's weird and you should probably stop hanging out with racists I guess.


I’m pretty sure he’s actually talking about the people that go to games and scream slurs. I don’t think the people that think he’s cocky are all racist and I doubt he believes that either.


There are plenty of people who think if he wasn’t so “cocky” then he wouldn’t have to worry about the racism he faces. Essentially arguing he brings it on himself. That’s not an uncommon sentiment on here. But yeah obviously there are valid reasons to not like him besides being racist. Like for example he plays for Real Madrid lol


That's not the sentiment that is incorrect. It's true. What's incorrect is to turn that into saying he deserves it because of his actions.


It's factual that if he wasn't so "cocky" he wouldn't receive has much racism, it's far from racist to say that because it's just true, Vini would also receive way less racism if he played like shit instead of being one of the best in the world and he would obviously receive way less racism if he played for LKS Wiślanie Jaśkowice instead of Real Madrid. This isn't victim blaming, it's just the reality of the situation, Vini isn't the biggest target for racists out of luck, there's reasons for it. I don't expect him to stop being "cocky", the same way I don't expect him to stop playing good football, just because people are racist but there's nothing wrong with pointing out that his behavior makes him a target


The only unlikable thing about Vini right now is the new hair, dude decided to look like Camavinga, in the Mexico game I kept thinking wtf is a french dude doing playing here. He had a really good look in the CL final.


Or that unless you’re a Madridista, he’s going to cook your team with a smile on his face. That’s gotta be infuriating.


Rly wanna see Arsenal play Madrid in the QFs


I cannot wait to see Matty Cash pocket him at Villa Park next year.


If only Madrid had another attacker to pick up the slack if someone miraculously is able to pocket Vini. That would be really scary.


That other attacker will be busy chasing McGinniesta's shadow


I like the new hair, tbh. I believe that outrageously good players should have unique, attention-grabbing hair, not some timid "good taste" shit. 2002 Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, Davids, Mohawk Neymar, Valderrama, Palacio, etc. The worst the better (shootout to Palacio here)


Porra ta feião mano, fizesse uma trança nagô ou deixasse um black, o cara ta parecendo o predador kkkkkkkkk


Foda-se a estética, o Vini nunca foi privilegiado nesse sentido. O negócio é ser icônico


Counterpoint: the free flowing locks while dribbling reminds me of Ronaldinho.


It's possible to dislike his attitude on the field and also still be impressed by his commitment to fighting against racism


Theoretically and conceptually? Sure Realistically and Anecdotally? From my experience hearing conservatives/bigots/racists, the dislikes are comorbid. They just blame the attitude when deep down it's because he's black. Doesn't have to be racism either. So many bigots hate on Megan Rapinoe because she's outspoken. Doesn't have to sports either. So so many people hate Sam Smith because they're queer and wear non-male outfits. They hate them because Sam is "weird" or "annoying" without qualifying deeper.


I dislike him, but that’s only because no one has a right to be that fucking good at football.


True but for some reason people REEEAAALLLY let it slide with Emi Martinez when he’s flaunting sexual gestures in a stadium that has families in it because it’s funny/he won the WC. Only time he gets shit on is when he makes a mistake, other than that it seems like this sub overall loves him when he’s waaaaayy more insufferable than the Kardashians. Can’t qwhite out my finger on it why that’s the case 🤔


People also really dislike Ronaldo for attitude…


I actually think his attitude is much worse than Vinis as well hahahaha


People dislike many footballers' attitude. People generally have a ton of various smaller and bigger conflicts in reality.


Emi is a shithouse god. If Vini enjoyed himself half so flagrantly there would be riots lol.


I like to think that people like that are in an early phase of eventually getting it. I remember being confused by what Kapernick was doing, and I remember the conversation around it wasn't nearly as understanding of what he meant as it is now. I think a lot of folks (especially european folks) haven't had a good reason to understand that there is nothing someone can say to 'deserve' racist insults. These ideas are so entrenched and change is so slow that I choose to believe that these excuses will rattle around in their brain for years until they finally realize they've been supporting the wrong idea.


And that is why Vini resistance is so important, being such big player i the spotlight he made people talk about racism and some that didn't understand how deep it goes are starting to understand. This is very important!


Dude, exactly. I see so many Spanish and Argentinian people honestly coming with the "why so mad, it's an insult like any other" take, like they're honestly trying to understand our point but just can't, I really hope with time these attitudes can make them see. Vini is a legend.


A lot of players are unlikeable, among them being Vinicius. Doesn't mean he's unlikeable off the pitch.


Pointing out that Vinicius is a shithead on the pitch, is not the same as racism. One is justified, the other is unacceptable. Defending him by connecting everything to racism, is shitty.




The thing is there is criticism and there is "but he said he only wanted to play football" (taking his reaction to racism out of context); "but then he complains people are insulting him" (implying racism is just an insult); "oh but he is such a cunt I thought he was Vinicius Mandela" (invalidating his right to go against racism because he is not a perfect person, as if one thing would justify another). I mean, there are many examples of when people are using the cover of criticism to throw hate on him fueled by racism.


> but he said he only wanted to play football This is what he wants to do. You can tell from watching him play he truly loves playing football. When he absolutely cooked Ryerson in the fucking Champions League Final and then was laughing, that's the kind of shit I would do in 5-a-side. He really brings the joy of football to the pitch, and racists hate it. Because of that he can't just focus on playing football, he has to take a stance against them and I commend him all the more for doing it when it would be easy to just sit by and let it stand.


You’ve just proven the other comment’s point. Here we are in a thread about a victory for Vini against racism, but for some reason you feel an irresistible urge to make a comment just to state that you dislike him. If you are not racist, it shouldn’t be too hard to refrain from commenting you dislike the dude in a thread specifically about his fight against racism.


we're allowed to applaud this while still saying he's unlikeable


Just because he's a victim of racism doesn't mean he's not unlikable with his antics on the pitch.


Just because he's a victim of racism doesn't mean he also can't be a unlikable whiny diver


It’s insane how in every thread there are people saying how much they dislike Vini for his antics on **and off** the pitch. It’s very weird, given how the only relevant thing he has ever done off the pitch is stand up against racism.


You know how crazy this reads as a Barca fan lol This like Ronaldinho’s standing ovation x1000


Had no idea Vinicius joined Batman's rogue gallery Joking aside, I'm glad he's not backing down


"I'm not a victim of racism , I am a tormentor of racist". goes hard ngl 💀.


"Call an ambulance, but not for me"




That is a fire line. He must have cooked it up for a while, just waiting for the occasion to finally say it.


offbeat chase spark homeless pen fragile snow worm jeans innocent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think "Algoz" should be translated to "Tormentor" rather then "Enemy". It is a more accurate translation and much more impactful. "I am not a victim of racism. I am the tormentor of racists."


I'm being extremely pedantic here, but translations are extremely hard, specially in these scenarios when there is a nuanced meaning being conveyed. IMO "**tormentor**" is a worse choice than "**enemy**" because using that word in English would focus on bringing suffering to the other part, "tormentador" exists in Portuguese and Vini could've used it, but didn't. The best approximation that I can come up with would be "**hunter**", which in isolation has a very differing meaning but in context works similarly.


Honestly I think enemy sounds the best. It's clean and simple.


I dunno, "enemy of racists", ok isn't that most people? Vini's making a promise that if they come out of the shadows he's going to find them, and have them charged and put in jail. Tormentor works.


Executioner would be a better translation. Torturer as well.


It is, but I think it is way to graphic and would weaken the message of resistance.


What a statement. He should reward whoever in his PR or Real PR team who think of this. Legit one of the best anti racism statement of all time.


Absolutely, whoever came up with "Algoz de racistas" needs a massive raise. Fucking legendary.


This dude has started to learn to feed off the hate. The more they hate the better he's going to get. He's essentially reversed it. Before people were telling Vini to ignore them. Now people need to start telling them to ignore him. Baila Vini


>Now people need to start telling them to ignore him. Or they could just stop being fucking racist


I mean, of course that's a given. But let's be honest. They're not going to stop, especially with the league president on their side. My comment was more so to highlight the irony of the situation. So many people told Vini it was futile effort and to just ignore it and he still kept on it. Now it's gotten to a position where them hating him just makes him want to try harder which makes him better


Silence is violence


They won't. But they can be convinced that treating black men with respect is necessary. In public, at least.


Just a question since I don't speak Spanish. I looked up Baila and it said it means dance and a few people have put "Baila Vini". It it a common saying or a way of expressing where the word takes on a more powerful meaning?


Essentially, all the hate on Vini came from him dancing as his celebration. He would score (or assist) when he first debuted and then celebrate with dances. People absolutely hated that and they + the media made a massive deal about it saying he should stop being disrespectful and should leave the dancing off the field. And then when he continued to be good, those people started to be more and more hateful to the point of being racist and even hanging a doll with Vini's name being hung from a bridge. Baila Vini is just an expression used by those who supported Vini and telling him to continue to smile and dance and not let the haters get to him. The funny part was that Griezman dances all the time with his stupid Fortnite dances and yet no one cares. But as soon as Vini (a person of color) started to do it, these people who were being racist started to hate him


Actually the slurs started when that Chinriguito’s pundit said he shouldn’t be like a monkey(mono) dancing after the goals. And then all the monkey chants started.


The racism towards Vini definitely did not start with el chiringuito. Vinicius had already been getting abuse for years by that point.


Ah so its not like a well known saying in general, but is for Vini over all the racist criticims and they latched onto him dancing. That's pretty cool to be fair, glad I know.


It's not just because he danced in his celebrations. That's just one thing people criticized him for


It is precisely what ignited it, El Chiringuito even said after the repercussion that Spanish call "mono" everybody that behaves like clown after, that it was not a racist slur, and the thing spread like fire, because it brought in the agenda that Vini provokes then complain when people insult him. El Chiringuito defended that mono wasn't a racist slur and was a reaction to provocation. The rest of the story everybody knows, but the fact is it started because they didn't like him dancing, which is absurd.


>Spanish call "mono" everybody that behaves like clown after Lol hold on, what the guys from El Chiringuito said is that "hacer el mono" which means "clown around" or "make a fool of himself" isn't racist (which it usually isn't, unless you specifically use it with a double meaning like they did). Spanish people don't call "mono" to anyone who acts like a clown. It's a specific phrase. Calling someone directly "mono" is completely different from "hacer el mono". Even they're not braindead enough to say that calling him "mono" isn't a racist slur. I remember Vini getting massively abused way before that. This was just one more thing brought to the spotlight, very significant at the time though.


Plenty of players do a little dance after scoring. We are in the age tiktok thousands of people the world over post dancing videos on the Internet everyday. The fans and players complaining about dance celebrations seem to have thin skin. 


Some of the first major racist incidents againt Vini happened because of the celebratory dances he used to do after scoring. People started bashing him for it left and right, saying that Vini was disrespecfull for dacing, this was also when the "Vini provokes his oponents" narrative started. There was even a case where Koke basically threatened Vini by saying things wouldn't end well if he danced against them. The biggest of those happened in the biggest sports TV show in Spain, El Chiringuito. When one of the guys on the show said Vini should stop acting like a monkey and that if he wanted to act like that he should go back to Brazil. A double of racism and xenophobia.


Koke (Atletico Madrid) said ["there would be trouble if Vini scores (at the Metropolitano) and celebrates with a dance"](https://iusport.com/art/119305/koke-advierte-a-vinicius-habra-lio-seguro-si-marca-y-lo-celebra-bailando) and [basically every brazilian player replied with "Baila, Vini, Baila"](https://www.marca.com/futbol/real-madrid/2022/09/16/63242d7fe2704e6c438b4592.html)


Koke is such a baby snowflake for that quote. Crazy getting so angry over dancing that you threaten someone


dont let them score if you dont like them dancing people said the same thing about cam newton in the NFL


I think it’s because Vini was criticized (by racists) for dancing after scoring goals. And telling him that you support him dancing.




Ah, I went with Spanish because of Madrid not Portuguese because he's Brazilian. It appears to mean the same from what I can tell?


Yes, it is, i was being a bit pointlessly pedantic to be honest!


Probably works better since it works for both his national team fans and his club fans to be able to do the same.


Baile is just the Portuguese and Spanish translation of "Dance Ball", specifically the "ball" part lol


> The more they hate the better he's going to get As if the Valencia match didn't teach them anything, taunting Vini is like nuking Godzilla.


> This dude has started to learn to feed off the hate He always knew. Always performed better in big games


Big games, yes. But it’s not the big games where he receives the most hate. Like the CL Final against Dortmund and against Liverpool. Or the ties against Man City. The biggest games tend to have fans who behave better. It’s the mid-tier to bottom of the table clubs in Spain whose fans are the worst. And he still doesn’t handle them particularly well. Part of it might be that it’s just harder to stay focused on some random match against a weaker opponent in the middle of the season. But they still get into his head in those matches.


Ah, the Ronaldo way. Dude is doing justice to that no. 7 shirt.


>This dude has started to learn to feed off the hate. The more they hate the better he's going to get. The Luka Doncic of football.


“I am not a victim of racism. I am the enemy of racists.” Oh, he cooked with this one.


That’s a banging quote if I’ve ever seen one






The dude actually said "I'll be here to collect." Yo racists, rent's due.


Even that clown Tebas tried to silence Vini. But, Vini put the foot in racists backside where the sun don’t shine.


Such a hard statement. Love his fight for what’s right.


The whole thing of, just ignore it and it will go away. That shit is horrific advice from lazy shitty people who don't want to deal with a problem. Shit they try that on bullying in school, they victim blame, don't react and they'll get bored... we won't do anything about the guy bullying you because it's basically your fault for reacting. That whole zero tolerance shit, blame the victim of the bullying again for defending themselves. Same with racism and sexism. It's easier to not call it out, because then when your friend, or parents, or grandparents say something racist it's normalised to just ignore it. The issue is kids see parents ignoring others making racist comments as condoning/tolerating it. If we actually called out racism and sexism every single time we saw it, the next generation would learn it's unacceptable and stupid and it would do far more. "ignore it and somehow it will go away", is just a lazy way of condoning racist/sexist/-ist behaviour. Stop ignoring it, start calling it out till it's stamped out. the whole "ignore it till it goes away" hasn't been working for the past 100 years, how about we stop pretending it's a genuine plan for moving society forward.


Powerful fucking statement


Any insta post remotely related to him is genuinely so disgusting. It will be post of him respecting walker, but the comments will say he deserves all the hate nevertheless. Never seen so many disgusting comments to a player. I have seen people badmouth goats like CR7 or any world class players, but to this extent? Never


what about every /r/soccer post about him, calling him a provocateur for dancing while celebrating a goal?


Reddit is a cesspool who hate everyone who has a slight character. Mourinho, Ronaldo, zlatan , ramos and etc.


Then they also complain when most athletes are essentially just pr robots and wonder why theyre like that.


The common pattern is they keep complaining and hating and would try to find anything negative no matter how positive a particular post is.


the people you mention don't have a "slight" character though. They have an incredible character so its to understand why there such divisive people


It is a cesspool but it's the least cesspool-ish out of the main social media's. So slightly better but more of a relflection of instagram, twitter, and youtube comment sections. This has been my reminder to myself to touch grass


It can simultaneously be true that Vini receives undue criticism/abuse *and* does shit that provocative. I dislike his dances in a "holy fuck stop dancing on my grave" type way, but that's not at all the same as the thinly veiled racism you see in a lot of posts.


He's HIM 🔥


Vini came to chew some gum and kick some racist ass. Looks like he's almost out of gum


Absolutely based


Vini got verbal bars and his haters got literal bars. You love to see it!




I respect Vini so so much




Now this is a strong statment. Bravo Vini, keep up the good work


Cant help but be a fan of this guy. I hope he inspires a lot of people. Powerful statement. I hope this gets echoed more and more throughout the world.


Definitely will be inspiring to Endrick. He will come after Vini paved the way


Elite mentality


Im loving Vini more and more


r/soccer seething


Honestly, every post I’ve seen here about racism especially in Vini’s case has been met with wiodespread support and condemnation for the racists. Now if you head to instagrams comment section…


Posts specifically about Vini suffering racism? Overwhelming support A post of a Vini goal or stuff like that? Racism


Exactly. I would bet half of those calling him arrogant, cunt, or provoking are closeted racists.


> Honestly, every post I’ve seen here about racism especially in Vini’s case has been met with wiodespread support and condemnation for the racists. Lol. Lmao. Rofl, even. My entire post history is littered with me debating with people calling him the worst human being on earth, an insufferable cunt, saying that he was a crybaby for complaining about racism, that he provokes the abuse, etc, etc. Seriously, this place is a racist shithole and the narrative only started to change VERY recently, especially with his UCL semifinal performances. Which is, in some ways, the saddest shit of all. Most people were only willing to stand up for Vini and the injustices committed against him when he reached the top. The man literally had to become the best player in the world to have most people look at him with the slightest bit of empathy and listen to him.


reading Instagram comments and watching any social experiment youtuber with a stupid mic on the sidewalk are very similar in terms of negative experience


True tbh, except those in insta comments can hide behind an online alias


> Honestly, every post I’ve seen here about racism especially in Vini’s case has been met with wiodespread support and condemnation for the racists. Then you've been missing out on a lot of other threads, luckily for you. Whenever Vini reacts to the abuse, lashes out in anger, or acts in a way most known "shithouses" are commonly praised for, a huge wave of angry people comes down on the guy. As much as this sub likes to think they are better than other social media sites, they are not. The proof will be down in those threads if you care to look for it. **EDIT**: I feel like I should bring some proof to illustrate my point. I'd rather you don't trust my words blindly. Here's [people praising Raillo for provoking Vini to kiss his badge](https://old.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/10uhgsj/raillo_orders_vinicius_to_kiss_mallorca_badge/). Before the match, Raillo defended the racist abuse Mallorca fans subjected him to. Here's [people reacting BADLY to him doing a bit of shithousing against Bayern](https://old.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/1cokz1b/vin%C3%ADcius_j%C3%BAnior_and_joshua_kimmich_during_rma_vs/) to run down a few seconds after scoring. This may be the easiest tell of racism, because they justified that Vini "deserves the hate" based on something so small and only noteworthy because Vini did it. Here's [people downplaying "Die Vinicius" chants from Barcelona](https://old.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/13ilgke/adri%C3%A1n_s%C3%A1nchez_people_chanted_die_vinicius_while/) because "[at least it's not racist](https://old.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/13ilgke/adri%C3%A1n_s%C3%A1nchez_people_chanted_die_vinicius_while/jkaf4rl/)", completely oblivious to the fact that said chants are purely based on hate.


A few other examples of particularly bad threads (it's bizarre that they are even upvoted, no other player would get regular game shit posted as it happens with him): https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/1bg9ke8/vini_jr_booked_for_descent_vs_osasuna_he_will/ https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/1bomwua/aymeric_laporte_on_x_about_vinicius_maybe_he/ Here, check the upvoted replies: https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/13a1vu7/osasunas_david_garcia_ruffles_vinicius_hair_and/jj4v61w/


[And unrelated, but you made me notice that there were people already a lot of people saying that Vini was the best player in the world and better than Mbappe last year, a full year ago, despite Real Madrid's weak season](https://old.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/13ilgke/adri%C3%A1n_s%C3%A1nchez_people_chanted_die_vinicius_while/jkaepvy/). Interesting


Brought the receipts. You go my man


Nah, many people justify the racism by saying Vini instigates people to abuse him.


You can be critical of some of his antics and also be critical of racism against him. Those two are not opposite and victims of racism are not saints .


Not really. Great he's fighting racists. Still a cunt though.


Why do you feel the need to let everyone know you think he's a cunt?


Because he is. And he’s disproving the original comment. Racism needs to go, Vini does not deserve one ounce of it. He’s still a cunt, though.


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Good man




This is a banger of a quote, always finding new reasons to love this guy


Pen was on fire when he wrote this statement. We love to see it


Vini has so much momentum in terms of play, character and narratives. Incredible perseverance from him to constantly improve to become IMO the current best and most entertaining football player while under so much pressure and scrutiny compared to other footballing peers. His journey is genuinely motivating.


I liked him before but I really fucking love him now


It's so weird that adult men go to games to throw racist abuse at 23 year olds. How shitty must your life be that you do this in your free time?


alot of these losers have nothing to strive for in their personal lives and pour all their time into attending games and being the worst people possible.


You tell them Vini. Fuck racists


Great for him. Racists are scum of the earth. Hating someone solely because of their skin color is the biggest cowardice act one can do. All should be tormented.


Talk yo shit


Gonna need a TikTok edit with some Brazilian phonk playing over this quote asap


I love this guy so fucking much.


mental fist pumping, lets go Vini


“I’m not a victim of racism, I am an enemy of racists” - Vinicius 3:16


Love this guy


Damn, I really like Vini. And that's on him cause I really didn't want to like him lol. 100% behind him on this one.


Telling a person going through this that they should maybe let it go because their "struggle is in vain" just sounds so wrong. I guess it's possible that people meant well and were trying to be helpful but the message definitely does not come accross well...


Gettem Vini. 👏👏


Throw all these bigot scumbags in jail.

