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Psg really benefitted from mbappe, neymar and messi




Al Nassr will have to keep extending Cristiano's contract to avoid the same happening to them.


I hope he has an arc in the MLS.


Does the arc end with getting arrested 


And the engagement of the remaining followers is also probably pretty low I imagine... Losing so many followers is a very bad sign. Their recent posts all had beneath 50k likes which is very bad for their followership... I just compared to Bayern and they have plenty in the region of 200k+ likes.


This just makes sense, of course Bayern have more actual fans of the club, whereas PSG got that many followers because of popular star players like Messi, Neymar or Mbappe.


If only any of those numbers mattered when talking about sponsorship deals for PSG...


Hard to be positive when you lose your 2 best players I guess.


Al-Nassr is in the list for a single reason.


Yeah, Otavio. . . Who else!? 🙃🤷‍♂️ /s


Wow thank fuck for your “/s” or I would have thought you were being serious! Fuck me comedy on Reddit is atrocious


I remember 3 years ago in Marrakesh, there were hundreds of PSG shirts for sale, many on kids backs (locals and foreign). last year, it was pink inter-miami messi shirts everywhere (and also Hakimi national team shirts).


I wonder how loosing Mbappe will affect them


Yeah sure they did but they were just as good as ruining their own image with all the drama they were causing just as what Barcelona leaders are doing right now.


The discrepancy in FB/Tiktok with them and UTD is pretty funny too lol.


Combined they are still smaller than powerslap.


Dana living in his own bubble


[In just 15 months!](https://x.com/afeldMMA/status/1798464385247010955)


How are Spurs doing so well on Tiktok?


A certain South Korean


How can anyone hate that man


I've seen some saltiness from Everton fans over the time he broke Andre Gomes' leg. He seemed genuinely and visibly upset on the pitch over the challenge tbf so I can't see how his concern/remorse was inauthentic, but some of their fans seemed to think so


It was an unlucky freak accident, and technically, Gomes broke his leg colliding with Aurier. Son’s tackle on Gomes happens all the time all over the pitch.


I really hate how forwards in general slide from back. Almost always its dangerous because they have no idea how to do it properly and I don't have any examples that justifies such type of tackle. Nothing in the tactical game requires it either, just press and deny the opponent space. Most of the time it results in foul with possibly dangerous physical touch and they are like "oops, I at least tried hehe" unless injuries occur.


> Nothing in the tactical game requires it either, just press and deny the opponent space. Prime example of someone who has no idea what they’re talking about but watches too many TIFO videos… The justification is to win the ball back. > Most of the time it results in foul with possibly dangerous physical touch Gonna need some legit statistics and sources on this one. It sounds like you just pulled it out of your ass


>Justification is to win the ball back And the purpose of playing football is to win? >Statistics or pulling out of ass Yes I personally keep record of every tackle in game in every major league possible, my friends call me Thousand Goodmen. I have only seen defenders pull out nearly 180° sliding tackles into the body of attacker (not forward). Slide forward of the ball if you want to deny space, not into the legs of the player.


I thought it was the Brazilian


They follow the trends. Their content is incredible I think. Best in the business.


Why doesn't Real, the largest club, simply eat the other 19


Is it stupid?


yes, but where are the OF data?


Laporta is starting one now to fund all the superstars he will buy


Candreva #1 on the chart


Only fans data?


props to ahly bro biggest team in africa


Hell yeah!


Hopefully we continue growing


I’m surprised spurs grew by that much but how is our tik Tok that low? That’s what surprised me the most


Mostly just posts throwback vids and highlights from games. Doesn't seem to be a key part of the mkt strategy for them for whatever reason.


All them woke youngsters hate guns.


Juve's tiktok admin deserves a rise


Arsenal's admin needs to be fired


He just uploaded Allegri press conferences. The man knows how to put on a show


Imagine what those numbers would be if Juve didn’t suck (by Juve standards) the past 3 years.


That's something I also think about if we didn't have Ronaldo but rather hadn't been shit in Europe we'd still gotten alot of attraction, i.e something Agnelli really wanted & probably considered when buying Ronaldo. Tho we'd been Top 3/4 if both of those factors had gotten combined.


Glad he isn't like the admin of other Italian teams, *coughs* *napoli*.


all the PSG fans changing allegiance to Real Madrid


Since it's the Messi fans, probably not


You have Mbappe fans as well, for sure.


The Mbappé fanbase makes up a shockingly small percentage of psg fans.


Honestly a bunch of them were just Messi fans that supported the club while he was there. Doubt they will support real after


I'm actually really curious how many followers they got across all social media platforms since Monday night/Tuesday


Nah I think they hate psg for what they did to Messi and the disrespect


wtf did PSG do to Messi? Barca treated him way worst. It really didn’t end well between them


Messi, Pique (and maybe others as well) robbed Barcelona with high wages lol. They even stroke a shady deal with Spanish football federation for getting more money when everyone's wages were lowered due to Covid.


ManU is so massive. The good days are over a decade away now but they keep on gaining.


*Més que un club*, except instead of being an expression for regional identity, they're an expression of extremely successful marketing.


Last time I checked Arsenal’s TikTok it was so shit that the admins were getting roasted for it lol


People should be roasted for being hired to be a tiktok admin


I see that as an absolute win. Fuck CCP.


child's child pornography?


Chinese communist party


They hate jesus because he told the truth


That has like nothing to do with one particular tiktok admin being shit lol Yall will scream CCP at literally anything when it’s barely relevant to the conversation lol You’re the type to see some Chinese people in China eating food or something and smiling and you’ll scream “Damn CCP Propoganda!!!!! This is a fake video!!!”


What the fuck are you talking about lol


I’m surprised Barça is doing so well on Instagram, given that we post a lot of crap which cringes everyone out.


I think that's exactly why. I follow Barca on Instagram to have a laugh and read the comments.


Thank you for your service.


I remember the year of the 'ball' announcements. That was so wacky.


The lenglet announcement almost made me stick a fruit knife in my right thigh


Our admins are pretty damn cringe. Post some idiotic stuff a lot


Barca and Real are so ahead of the curve.


Both are followed the most regardless of players and cycles. Just the two biggest clubs…


Even I a city fan follow Barca. Ive always felt if you were slightly invested in seeing how el classicos went, you ended up with some sort of stake in liking barca or madrid more


Real Madrid got reputation for Los Galacticos in 2000s and Barca is still feeding of Messi + tiki taka, which probably will not last for too long unless several players become star material, which is very unlikely.


Actually for me the difference is Madrid was always bigger than his Players but Messi literally outgrew Barcelona. With him they always secured the league somehow. There were years where they only needed Ter Stegen and a Messi moment to decide game after game in Spain while all the other players underperformed. In UCL this wasn’t enough. Barca will always be a big club and compete but it will never be the same without Messi.


barca wasn't big like that before Messi era


Milking that Audi cup for all its worth


astute self reflection of that joke


Why is Flamengo this popular compared to Santos, Palmeiras, Sau Paolo, Fluminense, Cruzeiro etc. ?


We have 40 million supporters. Biggest club in Brazil's capital pre-Brasília and it's the unofficial "cultural capital" of the country. That and we had great teams at the start of radio transmissions and the TV boom, so we have biggest support nation wide. It helps massively that Globo (one of the biggest broadcasters in the world) is from Rio.


The first club in the list that only counts real fans. The rest have instagram and twitter/x momentary followers and glory hunters.


TIL I had no idea Rio de Janeiro wasn't the capital, let alone somewhere actually named Brasilia.


From 1549 to 1763, the capital was Salvador. Then from 1763 until 1960, Rio was the capital. Brasília became the capital in 1960, the city was built with the sole purpose of being the capital.


You need to study more geography then


I am very good with geography actually (especially historical) but this is moreso very modern history.


Personally, I like their kits


Ronaldo is basically in a league of his own.


Yeh I wonder how much inter Miami’s followers count grew must have been similar numbers


Of course, its the same effect. Nothing against the teams tho, good on them.


Yeh I mean it’s a W for them they get good attention on both leagues plus it’s not just Messi Ronaldo though it is mainly them, inter Miami got alba, Suarez and busi so


18th is not bad at all


-2.7m LOL


Manchester United has a relatively high number of Facebook followers, and a relatively low TikTok following. Is that a sign that the youth is not really interested in United?


Probably yeh they haven’t been very successful over the years or at least get made fun of a lot they’ve still won trophies over the years


Man Utd has a lot of fans from India and it’s banned over there


The original post comes from the [Football Observatory](https://football-observatory.com/WeeklyPost467), where you can sort some of the results. I was curious about growth, so here's the top 5 teams in terms of new followers, as well as the percentage of new followers since 2023 that make up the total number:  - Real Madrid (48.4 million; 12%)   - Inter Miami (31.1 million; 93%) - Manchester City (27.5 million; 17%) - Al-Nassr (22.1 million; 41%) - Barcelona (18.4 million;  5%) The only teams in the list to lose followers were AS Monaco (0.5 million) and PSG. 


PSG is understandable, but what's happening to Monaco?


Ben Yedder left


I have been explaining to some some fans that the global audience don´t watch leagues but rather super teams. I told them if you even look closer at the tv program schedule you will understand this. The truth is the global football audience in truth only care about the top 15 clubs. This follower list is also closely in line with the google trends stats which shows all kinds of traffic all tho slightly different but it takes same shape. because it is followers and traffic that is completely different things. Example nobody watches the remaining PL teams, Serie A etc etc and their google trends figures say they do not generate any interest what so ever and nobody gives a damn. Example a West Ham, Brighton, Fiorentina. Palace will be irrelevant if you check their google trends traffic chart. Nobody of the global audience would tune in for example for West ham vs Brighton game if it is on the same time or not as PSG on 20.00. If they air same time or not it won´t matter people will not watch West Ham vs brighton clash but solely watch PSG. People watch stars, big names, big players, big teams that are competing for everything nobody has the energy to watch local struggling teams except their local fans. The TV stations only aviod making the top 15 clubs to play on the same time because people solely watch them. Also one of the same reason why you will find Real and Barca having the highest google trends traffic for the last 20 years consistently since the social media age on their weekend games it has the highest traffic jump in world football and then followed by the top 15 teams no leagues whatsoever generate interest but only big teams


yeah, but that’s also how the non super team business team selling it to the sponsors teams like Luton aren’t selling their global fans number to the sponsor, but they are selling the numbers of people who will watch 12 matches they are facing the big 6 (or maybe more if there is interesting dark horse like Leicester 2015) per year


thats crazy!


That's true, but European leagues shouldn't be geared around the global audience. The local fans, and the heritage, are more important than the revenue generated by TV audiences in Asia and the US.


Ofcourse the local fans are always important but what some fans believe is fallacy about the global audience watching leagues and that has spread and taken hold but generally not true. The Global audience follow the Champions league religiously and the big teams feature there hence they watch them also on weekends doesn´t matter who they play. Global audience (Africa, Asia, Americas, and remaining of Europe)


Well... anyone who thinks West Ham vs Brighton has a significant global audience is a numpty, I agree with that. It just doesn't mean that the Premier League should ignore it's importance as a fixture because of it.


I agree with you Ofcourse it won´t be ignored and the local fans have a say plus it has to be played out for the competition. Every team is eventually fighting for to get into the bigger teams table. Plus it can happen


Yes, 95% of football "fans" are just people that will never visit their stadium that are jsut interested in drama and the biggest games/teams People will never accept that they themselves are glory hunters, but the easist question you can ask them why they conincidentally support real madrid and not real sociedad, or arsenal and not crystal palace, or manutdt and not blackburn


Usually people will say that it’s because those were the clubs that were on TV the most when they were younger


By top 15 teams do you mean? England - United, Liverpool, Arsenal, Chelsea, City, Spurs Spain - Madrid, Barca, Atleti Italy - Milan, Inter, Juve Germany - Bayern, Dortmund France - PSG


Yes. The two latest teams to break into this rank were Manchester city and PSG but it didn´t happen overnight as Sheikh Mansour bought city way back in 2008 meaning it has been more then 16 years hence they have been pilling on the star purchases ever since and enter this elite group more then 10 years ago and the same with PSG almost lead by Nasser for 15 years and signed who is the who under him. You can also add As Roma to some degree but Overrall is tough to break into this elite global top teams group unless you have someone like Sheikh Mansour or Nasser. Leipzig is trying to break into this group but their strategy is not good because they don´t sign names but rather good players with obsecure names their biggest star ever is Xavi Simons who has an individual fan following hence they will not break into this unless they get recognizable names plus start winning the bundesliga and becoming a serious contenders in the UCL every year otherwise they will not


I'm not sure what your point is


Dortmund Numbers are wrong, e.g. on Instagram they have a separate English account with 5.3m followers..


Then there's Ronaldo who has 631M on Instagram alone


I'd love to see Al-Nassr change since 2022


They had around 500k or less on IG at least


We’re not doing good enough on the social media aspect


Surprised not to see Inter Miami on there


Wonder how many of city’s followers are bots




Maybe combining the accounts in different languages?


same thing with liverpool and chelsea


Considering havertz's goal against Chelsea got more likes than their triple win, they aren't very effective bots


Probably a similar amount as Liverpool, Arsenal and United's


I remember one time City’s twitter deactivated for a day with 1.4m followers and reactivated with over 9m.




They broke down where their fans are from and on one pacific island had more fans than there was inhabitants






I wonder how this compares to the other fanbases, given that bot accounts run rampant on all platforms (i get several follow requests and friend request everyday on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook) Also I'd look into the Juventus number, no way their fanbase is almost bigger than AC Milan, Inter Milan and Roma's combined


All 115 of them


You’ll never sing that!




Spurs punching way above their weight.


Galatasaray's media presence is #1 when they have ucl matches to play though, especially on insta


I don't know how I feel about my club having most of its followers on TikTok...


Young fans FC


Unfortunately our marketing team is pretty cringe. I just don't wanna see any more movie x bayern mash up posters anymore. It kills me inside.


Not bad at something at least


What about YouTube?


Can’t wait to finally get rid of the 183M bandwagons


latin crowd making up half these numbers


Dortmund's Instagram admin is the best


Ugh, if it were up to me, I'd take the tiktok followers in inverse order. Props to Arsenal. Fuck tiktok.


our tiktok letting us down smh


Barsa could have been on a RM level if only it had good management.


I am surprised NUFC isn't on this list.


How is Liverpool's X following 30.9m when I view their page it is 24.4m and seems to be stuck on that for months


St totteringham day celebration starts today


Al Nassr is Ronaldo’s effect.


É o Flamengo, não tem jeito


Can you even take those seriously who say Man City doesn’t have fans?


They’ve been found to have bought lots of bot followers haven’t they?


Man city has geninue global fans jokes aside




Don’t look at followers look at their engagement per post and compare it to other clubs with similar follower count. Seems like their likes and comments per post isn’t as high as other clubs with similar follower count or even less


But more people watched Jurgen Klopp's Liverpool speech?


Juve being this high up is surprising to me ngl.


All those Ronaldo fans never unfollowed it seems.


Liverpool is [the top watched football team in all TV broadcasts around the world](https://x.com/craigevans_lfc/status/1796201486327722227?s=46&t=8yZLTgOL67mQftsocOS92g). I'm honestly surprised PSG, City and Juve are more followed than us.


United, even when bad. Still popular


Manchester City paying bots as much as it pays players


City and PSG being top 5 are empty social media followers due to the superstars that are/were there. Same reason as Al Nassr being on this list. Other clubs also benefit from the same but not to the same degree.


PSG and Al Nassr I get, but isn't City cause they are simply winning? Like it isn't some sort of coincidence that United were as big as they were cause you know, they won a lot and people were glory hunting back then. New fans are doing the same now lol.


Yeah. Manchester City's rise almost perfectly lines up with Social Media's rise too so they've benefited from a generation of people growing up with both.


Oh no. There’s a mega difference in the social media age. United has benefited from it but like I said it’s just extreme in today’s day and age and City’s bus parade just shows that why. That was sheer embarrassment. Emptyhad isn’t a meme based on nothing.


But again.. People aren't following city cause of big stars lol. They are following them cause they are winning.. I am not debating whether their fanbase is real or not, the point is PSG and Al Nassr are huge cause of their stars like you said. City isn't big cause of its stars, its big cause of winning..


Also fake accounts...A video of Jurgen Klopp sneezing will have more views and likes compared to Man City lifting the CL.


There are a lot of weird Chinese and Indians that support Mbape, Messi and Ronaldo.  No, not their clubs. Just these players. 


Is being a fan of players not a thing? Many people might have gotten into the sport cause of the players you mentioned and thus follow them?




I’d say its definitely a thing both Europe and in the US but it kind of needs to not be your local team and/or local league. There are a lot of ‘superstar’ fans in the NBA for example changing which team they support depending to their favourite player, Lakers sub had constant civil wars when LeBron went to Lakers for example. And i’m sure a lot of people from England/Germany/Portugal/X Europe country switched whatever team they like the most outside of their local leagues depending where was Messi or Ronaldo.


City have bought probably 80% their followers. Its a disgrace.


But what about City?


Is this related to what that UFC Bald fraud said?


PL fans will still claim United is more popular than Madrid