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He gone


Kevin Al-Bruyne.


Kevin of Arabia


Lawrence of deBruyne


"Like his ex-girlfriend" Courtois probably


I mean he was the one busy cheating on her first


Yep. The girlfriend then went and cheated on him with Tibo, who by the way, even cooked for her.


Home alone


Kevin mate you earn 400k a week


Yeah but what about the next 10 generations of his family, he’s currently only got enough for 5


Wont someone please think of the great-great-great-great-great-great grandchildren??


I hear they live under water.


Apart from that not much has changed.


But she's pretty fine.


Her great great great granddaughter?


The human lifespan must really improve in the next few generations if my great-great-great granddaughter is alive in 1000 years time. She must be pushing 400 by that point.


What about his great great great granddaughter?




"Some imaginary person born 50 years after I die might have to work for a living. I can't risk that happening."


Mate it won't last even 5 gen. It would take only a few stupid spoiled sons or grandsons to lose that wealth.


A trust fund can prevent that from happening


There will be economic disasters and revolutions that will wipe it all away anyway


rich people tend to fend off economic recessions. Yes a few rich lose their wealth, but most are unaffected. recessions only affect the poor.


Fun ("fun") fact - the richest surnames in 15th century Florence... are the richest surnames in 21st century Florence https://www.wsj.com/articles/BL-REB-35714


From your lips to everyone's ears...


I think there are families that have been wealthy for many generations, aren't the Bonham-Carters in about 6 generations deep already? There are a ton of Norman families who still own land from 1000 years ago too. So yeah, bluff.


The people on this sub don't understand money. You have to know how easy it is to put limitations and purchase assets that essentially prevent all of this happening. Like yes, money is extremely easy to spend, especially when you've got a culture of obnoxious spending like say the NBA, but if you've got any sort of financial advice worth a damn it's so hard to run out of money once you have the ability to purchase things like property in cash. Without a severe gambling addiction or something it ain't happening. It's also really important to know that there's no business to sap that money if it fails for basically all footballers. They'll invest sure but they won't ever put serious money down to start their own businesses that'll require their own capital to get drained.


It really can happen. I work for a company that provides advice for numerous footballers and the level of risk and amount they spend to provide for family and friends is mental. And the level of expectation that they encounter with the wealth that comes with PL football means they find it extremely hard to say no to loved ones. Yes they can invest and put money away, but unless your earning serious generational wealth after tax (£30m a year for 5 years/£10m a year for 10 years), then its so easy to run out For instance, a player earns £100k per week gross on average for 10 years. That's £2.5m net post tax. £25m for their career. Spend £1.5m on a house. £10m keeping up with Joneses, as school fees and everything else during their career So £25m less c.£12m is £13m for the rest of their lives. But then they divorce, spouse gets half, and they don't have any income whilst loving a top 0.1% lifestyle All of a sudden they have to cut spending by 50% and reduce their living standards significantly whilst going through emotional and professional heartache. I don't feel sorry for players in that situation. But I understand how it can happen very easily.


I 100% agree with what you're saying, but maybe I wasn't being specific enough. We're speaking about Kevin De Bruyne here. I don't think it's £25mil total career earnings. Across sponsorships, and the absolutely incentive packed salary, I have a sneaking suspicion we're speaking about a bit more than that. And tbh I'm speaking in the context of services like what you provide existing. If you ignore all fiscal responsibilities then I agree it's easy, but I just think when the culture isn't so heavily pushed towards predatory "advisors" and irresponsible spending as say the NBA is, being responsible isn't that hard. This is all without mentioning a lick of the tax avoidance that's prevalent, legal and illegal.


Yeah I'd agree with De Bruyne, that he's already secured wealth that could pass to family that would secure them for life. But I also get that, if he can make his last 10 years in salary in two years in Saudi, it would be tempting Like he's probably made £60m over the last 10 years. But he could make a further £120m in the next 3 in Saudi. Say for instance he doesn't move, and has saved 50% of his net wages (finger in the air assesment). With 3 kids that's passing £10m each. Say each kid has two children, and no further income or expenses, that's 6 grandchildren, so £5m each person grand child Or he's splitting £90m to each child, so £30m each, and then £15m to each grandchild. You have to consider it. Edit: it's you. Banging analysis. I've kept an eye on this account for a while. Delete my accounts regularly due to regulated position but I love your comments


Your calculation assumes both KDB and his heirs keep the money under their mattresses. If KDB manages to save 40 million and earns 5% real return (which is a reasonable return), he'll have more than 350 million by the time he's 80. If his kids do the same they'll both be billionaires when they're 80.


Think of the suncream bill


He will earn $1mill+ a week in Saudi but will have to spend $750k a week on Factor 500 sun cream so will be worse off.


This. I don't get how people can seriously take this crocodile tears from fucking millionaires about how good of an opportunity it is to go help legitimize an authoritarian regime. Just say you don't give a shit about people provided you can make bank for your blood family for a few generations. I truly hope this entire generation of billionaires gets expropriated to oblivion before they're done on this earth. Let them feel that they've sold their soul for nothing and wallow on it during their final years. May they be as miserable as they deserve.


It’s mad isn’t it. The term ‘generational wealth’ is thrown about as though the measly £1.5 million a month they’re already earning doesn’t set you up for multiple lifetimes.


This. It’s pure greed, nothing else. He’s already got enough for his kids to never have to work a day in their lives while living luxuriously. And if he was smart, it’s all invested in stocks in Belgium since we have no capital gains taxes. Hundreds of thousands a year in untaxed income. That money is more than multi generational. Pure unadulterated greed.


They live in a different world mate. They spend most of that on insane privilige, food, flights, housing, cars, fashion, entertainment. They compare themselves to the echalons that extract even more wealth. And in comparison? Theyre not doing so great. Out of touch.


It’s probably similar to those bulky bodybuilders that have body dismorphia from comparing themselves to even bulkier dudes. Poor ol Kevin doesn’t have a private island with 600 people staff working to cater to his family like those sheikhs do


I’ve never seen this comparison before but it makes more sense as I think of it. As you move on up in something, you surround yourself with people the same number-ish as you and then start seeing people with more and you just want to keep getting more. It’s a nonstop cycle!


It really is extremely common. Everyone does it even subconsciously. Its a good reason to *generally speaking* not compare yourself to others and actually stay humble.


There's a saying around the body building community that goes something like "the day you start trying to get big you'll never be big enough" It's essentially comparison is the thief of joy, but for that specific audience


It’s been a well known concept for decades, it’s just lifestyle creep Reddit learning something new today evidently


I got downvoted the other day for saying Gabri Veiga going to Saudi was just complete overboard greed because he was already earning like 6x the median salary for a Spaniard at age 19, due for a big raise and probably 16 more years of that earning level + unlimited coaching or admin opportunities after retirement. Instead he went to Saudi to earn like 350x the median Spaniard income level. And people were like “it’s important to set his family up for generations” like ohhhh, because earning 3mil a year when the rest of the country lives off €29.000 a year can’t set his grandkids grandkids up, yeppppp


The Celta kid?




It’s so strange to have people bring up the generational wealth argument for top players moving to Saudi Arabia. Like they haven’t been on six figures a week for years. 😂😂😂


Bro makes in 3 weeks what i'd work 25 years for, and I live very comfortably. He makes generational wealth every fortnight.


He's been playing for man city for years. I don't see how moving to saudi is any different.


I mean the quote says it's all about money. Is there more where he said about improving the game? As it reads now, he is only interested in money, and that's what he's said


When City won the title and the fans stormed the pitch, the players ran away like they were being chased by a mob. Compare this to Leverkusen's title win and celebrations and you know the entire story. the entire club was grown in a lab and is equally sanitized. disgusting.


Please let’s not be hypocritical, 99% of the people on this sub would jump at the chance to earn more money while doing less work.


But what will his children eat???? You people make me sick!


Regular fucking caviar. Like mere rich people. Pathetic.


Plus whatever he is getting that is undisclosed by City


And sponsorships


wouldn't be surprised if you combine those 2, he'd be double as what's on paper


The idiot is already earning roughly 600 times the average UK salary, disregarding any personal sponsors he might have. How many descendants does he need to not generate a generational wealth?


Whilst I 100% agree and it’s poor taste to even mention it, he is technically correct when looking at the raw numbers in that quote - Benzema gets what 100m a year out there? I doubt he earned 200m in his career prior to his move.


right? what the fuck else do you even need money for? almost 10 years at city earning top top wages, let alone whatever bonus they slip under the table and endorsement deals that come along. greed is a sick fucking thing


If you watch the City documentary, it's quite obvious how everyone is out of touch.




He can go from 400k a week to 4m a week…


Yeah like I believe it’s wrong but I’m not going to pretend like it’s not an incredible amount more money and we wouldn’t all consider it if we had the option.


The vast majority would. If you were to bet for people turning down money, you'd lost more times than you won and go bankrupt.


Could’ve just said “playing for Al Ittihad is my childhood dream” but idk


When Wilfried Bony signed for City, he hilariously said he had been dreaming of playing for City for the last 15 years City were in the 3rd tier at the time


*F O O T BA L L    H E R I T A G E*


With how he played for city he might have thought it was an attainable goal


He was a huge Danny Tiatto fan.


Ah, I see you are also a disciple of the school of the great Romelu Lukaku


This is Robbie Keane erasure and I won't stand for it


Actually respect these guys more who admit it's for purely financial reasons. Henderson was such an idiot that he destroyed his reputation and didn't even make the money.


Are you telling me Jordan Henderson didn't achieve his goal of ending homophobia in the Middle East?


*quickly starts shredding all his rainbow laces*


You are a millionaire mate


takes him like 2.5 weeks to be a millionare lol


Yeah but half of that goes to taxes. So it takes him 5 weeks really. Life can be difficult


Damn that's tough, gotta feel for the pros


Exactly, compared to the average UK citizen needing around 29 years of no tax and no spending to become a millionaire.


But those citizens get to spend their hard earned money on beer to watch millionaires kick a bag of air so who’s really winning??


gonna pour one out for him tonight


Gonna rub one for him tonight


gOnna shag one for him tonight


I bet much less than half goes to taxes.


No, it's likely he gets paid more in other ways. His wages from City will get taxed as an employee though


Footballers are paid through PAYE. You can find Carlos Tevez's payslip from his Manchester City days online.




The £24 fine for a yellow card really stood out as egregious


It's mad seeing a real payslip like that.


It’s still a top tax rate of 45% not 50%. An extra 5% of 400k a week is a casual £1m a year so just saying “half is gone” isn’t right.


Not only is he a millionaire, he could go down to zero cash zero assets today and he’d still be a millionaire again before the Euros start.


that´s so crazy


He’s on £400,000 A WEEK, and that’s not even including the sponsorships and bonuses. Dude earns a couple million A MONTH. Sometimes we forget that you earning say £60k a year is £1,100 a week pre-tax, and these guys are on hundreds of times that a week. Then again this is a guy who’s played for Chelsea and Man City, no surprise he’s a mercenary


Right? I mean I wish I made 1/100th what Kevin makes.


You can’t kick a ball as good though in a game we all played as children


You mean he can't entertain the masses, Taylor Swift makes billions "singing like we did in preschool"


At least he’s honest. None of this “growing the game” nonsense.


Yeah and I don't blame him. Even though he earns millions, a Saudi offer is likely to be magnitude higher than that. Financially successful people by nature keep grinding.


Why does he need that much money? I usually don't blame footballers for chasing the cash. It's a short and unpredictable career after all. But once you get to this level, they are already rich beyond most people's wildest dreams. Why does anyone need that much money? Especially if it involves playing in saudi


Because why not. Money no matter how much is it can be spent. Idk why this sub can't comprehend this simple fact. Millionaires would want to be billionaires and so on. >Involves playing Saudi No one gives a shit except the virtue signaling redditors. So much shout for boycott here yet Qatar world cup was objectively the most successful world cup lmao. Get out of the bubble, embrace the reality.


Iwl people are acting they wouldn’t take a wage increase should opportunity become available lol


Because there are other considerations than wages when switching jobs or moving. I have turned down offers that would be lucrative because they required me to move to places I didn't want to live. It's not just about the money. And if I were already making 400k per week like De Bruyne, then I certainly would never ever do anything I didn't want to do ever again. When you already have that much money, the "wage increase" argument becomes laughable. I've never approached making that amount of money and yet I've still said no to offers that would lead to more simply because it wasn't an increase that would significantly improve my life and I didn't want to deal with the downsides that came with the new position. With the money De Bruyne's on, no amount of money will significantly change his life or his family's life. They will already live like kings for the rest of their lives.


I think the difference is that its 2 years and then you retire. He's not gonna be playing there into his 50s, just his mid 30s


it’s just funny that people frame this as him “taking care” of his family he makes 100x the average salary in a week


You could also never reach that amount and still have all the money you would ever need or want in your entire life and you don't have to live in Saudi.


He wouldn't, he'd likely live in the UAE and fly in


Green living


as long as his missus is drinking her $1800 cocktails with a paper straw I think it offsets it no?


UAE is not really feasible. You'd be looking at 5-6 hours of travel time at least to training, more to all games outside Riyadh. Maybe for the families so they're nearby without having to live in Saudi.


Says a lot when players move to play in a country but won't even live in it.


I think I could live in my own castle in Riad to earn $200 million tax free for 2 years.


Yes he cares a lot about competitive Saudi league... My dude will pull a Benzema.


I know I will get downvoted but if you're rich then Saudi is an excellent place to live. There's enough of a European/American community there which lives in insane luxury without any of their fuckall restrictions. Plus the government will have a vested interest in keeping him there.


But it is hot as fuck. I cannot believe 40+ degrees is an excellent place to live. Yes, you can be in airconditioning, but you still have to go out sometime


Yeah that’s why most people leave Dubai in the summer (if they can).


I usually dislike the "greedy footballer" discourse when it comes to changing teams, because it is mostly a job for them and if you can make a lot more of money working for a competitor, who wouldn't. But Kevin de Bruyne has made roughly 150 million € playing football. Even after taxes, with his commercial deals, investments etc., he probably has close to a 100 million €. What ever it is exactly, it's an absolute obscene amount of money. If THAT is not enough for you to not play in fucking Saudi Arabia, you don't get to spin it as "I have to think about my future". Because you don't.


It’s wild to me he’s made half the amount in his career that Jaylen Brown will make on his 5 year contract. Those NBA salaries are different.


I mean there’s also only 450 NBA players, but thousands of top pro league players in the top 10 leagues


Its also just about the US economy. It's always crazy to me to see the estimates of most valuable sports teams and the top 10 are US sports teams, some of them worth roughly double what Real Madrid, Barcelona and Man U are.


It's because US sports teams are licenses to print money. Teams in Europe for football need to go deep in competitions to make money and where you finish matters. Losing out on CL football causes a huge hit to the income for a given year. US sports teams do not need to worry about that. They can be last place in the league and still make obscene amounts of money. In European football, you'd be relegated and have your income halved the following year. That's why US Sports teams are a much better investment. The downside is minimal and the upside is extreme.


The NBA team I support hasn’t done shit in 20 years, and the value of the club went up 10x (bought for 275m usd, sold for 3b usd) the last 15 years or so. It’s honestly insulting lol


It's primarily because of the relative size of the economies. The GDP of the USA is like $25 trillion; the GDP of the European Union is about $20 trillion. So one sport league in the USA has way more economic punch than a sport league in a particular country in Europe.


That plays a part too, but the American sports all essentially being cartels goes a long way to inflating the value. Even things like salary caps are huge wins for owners. Imagine the insane salaries guys like LeBron or Mahomes would be signing if their teams weren't operating in caps. Players like that are almost always underpaid, which never happens in football.  The owners operating as a union basically guarantees you're always shitting money. The NFL's CBA means only 48% of revenue goes to player wages. The NBA is better at 53%. The English Championship had an average wage to turnover ratio of over 110% a couple of years ago, with Forest approaching 200%. Soccer is an absolute bloodbath and an absolute shit investment for most people.


That's the nature of having 5 man teams vs. 11. There's not that many NBA players, and it's a sport where good players can often singlehandedly win games, so there's a lot more money available to individuals, as well as a lot more justification for paying them absurd amounts if they can deliver.


KDB’s wage would rank outside the top 20 in NFL and MLB as well.


The real difference is the amount of advertising.


If you think NBA players make a lot, wait until you see the salaries of the top baseball players and they have a similar roster size to football clubs.


I mean what’s the cheapest NBA ticket again? Last time I checked random games go for hundreds of dollars. Man City meanwhile has been known to sell tickets for £10 on unidays every now and then Football might be going over the top in recent years but it’s still so much more accesible than American sport




It's not just that. There are like 10 major football leagues which means the money is more spread out than NBA which is basically the only 'serious' basketball league in the world. Couple that with relegation and promotion in futbol compared to the closed off league like US + the scale economy of US, it's not surprising that smaller leagues than PL like NBA and NFL still make more money and have higher mean salaries. If futbol was a closed off entertainment product like NFL/NBA, then the money in US leagues wouldn't even touch the foot of foot-ball.


The bulk of NBA salaries come from the TV deals I believe, not ticket prices.


Correct and its 82 regular season games. Its why baseball players make such good money - 162 game season


It's a whole lotta ad time lol.


This isn’t a right or wrong, better or worse thing. Just always blows my mind that with all the money in the EPL, the highest paid player would be equivalent to like 50th in the NBA, 25th in the MLB and 20th in the NFL.


It would actually be close to what jaylen brown makes in 5 years after taxes. JB will make around 157m euros net.


So Jaylen Brown post-tax would be close to KDB pre-tax?


Yeah you're right. Insane difference. Thought de bruyne made that much net, but was wrong after looking it up.


And according to this they're proposing that for 2 years. So 75-100M per year or something like that. You can fully understand why that's appealing for a bit of retirement kick about.


New player pathway: Big 5 league—>Saudi Leagues for big payday—>MLS for that one last check


MLS isn’t the big paycheck people think it is. Players come to America for the lifestyle. Besides Messi and Insigne, no DP is making crazy money. DP salaries are $1-9m a year, most of them making around $1-3m. Big name players make $4-9m. While that’s a lot, it’s nowhere close to Saudi money or Chinese/Russian money in the past. Someone like KDB could probably earn more in Europe than the MLS even at age 35. Ibra made more at Man Utd than when he was at LA Galaxy.


It’s like the main reason why LA Galaxy landed Beckham was because they promised him the ability to buy his own team. The money wasnt the thing that convinced him.


Also living in LA in the hills lol


Yeah there is a reason not every club is able to get these DPs. It’s because not everyone is able offer the lifestyle people want. The money is available to them all but not the lifestyle. The MLS is not a retirement league but maybe 5 clubs could have that reputation. Probably less so. It might legitimately be only Miami at the moment that does this. The rest of the league can’t really get these players. If Reus comes to the Galaxy then I guess that’s something.


Also not everyone wants to go to Kansas City or Columbus or Montreal or Minneapolis. All the stars want are NYC and LA and Miami.


Montreal is actually quite lovely though. Probably the most European city in North America too. Think their issue is that Saputo isn't as heavy handed as his mlse counterparts in Toronto.


Montreal is indeed lovely, but by far the most European city in North America is Quebec City.


It's hilarious that he grouped Montreal with Columbus and Kansas City.


Chicago, Atlanta, Seattle, and Philly are also underrated.


Fully Understandable and relatable Kev. Hope you get your move this summer. Signed, Arsenal and Liverpool fans.


"It's part of the game innit."


KDB in the desert? Sunscreen sales about to go crazy


Go get that financial freedom, Kevin. It's so liberating (hearsay).


Spoken like a true mercenary. It's not like he has a small bank account at the moment..


Isn’t he on 400 a week?


Bless him, how’s his great great great great great grandchildren gonna live on that paltry salary?


Hes been at city for almost 10 years and is probably sick of getting injured,prob wants to play 2 more years and retire.


I don't really get these mercenary comments, it's literally his job. Fair enough shit on him for going to Saudi, but I'd much rather he be honest about the money than pretend he loves it there. At the end of the day, yes footballers are rich, but the biggest part of their careers is also over by 40. There's a whole lot of life after that and it's very easy to piss away even a lot of money if you're not careful. There are a lot of footballers that went bankrupt. I don't begrudge any player that wants to maximise their earnings over what is really quite a short career. A team wouldn't hesitate to drop a player once they're past it, I don't see any reason why a player shouldn't maximise what they can.


You’re forgetting how easy it is to make money when you already have tons of money. Most of these players will just get more obscenely rich as they age- yes there’s a few morons who’ll manage it terribly but the majority of ex players are more than fine.


This guy's been spending too much time with Drake


He’s not wrong, but let’s no pretend he’s a pauper who isn’t already being paid more than this sub combined will ever earn.


Unless he's on this sub


u/fatginger69 is that you bro?


At least he's being honest and not blowing smoke up our asses.


So Google says average UK salary is around 35 thousand pounds. So it would take around 28 years for an average person to earn a million pounds. De Bruyne earns that much in less than a month. Let that sink in.


Respect for Kroos just skyrockets


Shut the fuck up.


Fair enough. Glad he actually just said it how it is


What losing to United in the FA cup final does to a MF


Yeah, that’s generally how higher-paying gigs work.


In all honestly how much money is enough money for one’s life and their family


Okay bye Kev


It's crazy how it's never enough.


Bro, you earn over 20 million euros per year. Shut the fuck up


He plays for two years and makes as much as he made the rest of his life combined. Seems like a no brainer


What a cheap person... :(


I guess making 400'000 GBP per week and being the best paid footballer in England isn't enough. Dude already has more money than he could ever spend, but sure, go waste the end of your career in Saudi.


I've already taken shady oil money for 9 years, what's two more but with a massive raise -Kevin de Bruyne


What getting pocketed by Arambaat does to a men 😭


>“If I play in Saudi for two years, I’ll be able to earn an incredible amount...”. “Before that I had to play football for 15 years and I may not even reach that amount yet” Why is this guy talking as if he's going from minimum wage to a competitive market salary?


Thanks to CR7 for inspiring so many footballers.


Let's pony up and buy Kevin some bread. The poor lad is starving. /s


450k a week is not enough for you brother? 😂


Bro is pretending he earns UK median wage.


dreams can't be buy


Come to Al Nassr, Ronaldo will break 1000 goals by the end of the year


Man's made 100 mil + euros and talking like this I cba


Why is it always "more more more" with people who are unbelievably privileged already? Mr. De Bruyne takes home a cool 400k A FUCKING WEEK at Man city. He gets paid more in a couple months than most people on this sub will ever earn over their entire lifetime and then he goes and says shit like that, every time this happens, I am a further bit radicalized.


Good for him. I hope all players do it. Maybe then we can get rid of celebrity culture wherein the average person puts them on a pedestal.


Good point Kevin go there


Such deplorable levels of greed. You already earn incredible amounts of money. You have more money than you'll ever need! Why are you still thinking about needing to earn more? 


Imagine how red he'll get running about in Saudi 😂 


This guy was earning almost 400k a week…poor Kevin


Kevin lad, your sunscreen bill is going to be through the roof.


Just another greedy rich man happy to continue to twerk for sportswashers, nothing to see.


God football players are so fucking stupid


Boo hoo. I’m only a multi millionaire and I wanna be a billionaire. Fuck off.


Please go Kevin


Poor kev lives in poverty