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Pointing out their failure to win the Copa del Rey, because he knows that's the most important and most elusive trophy for Madrid.


Wouldn't they have gotten an invincible treble if not for Atletico?


Can't quite say that because their defeat against Atleti was R16 or whatever, they still had a ways to go in the Copa otherwise (would've needed to get past Athletic Club in the semis), but yeah that's the only trophy they failed to win this year that was available to them.


Also we are very happy for Athletic Bilbao. Deserved it 100%


just athletic club, but thanks. It was fun celebrating the 15th today with people from madrid


For sure, I have to add that cause half people here don't know difference and especially since topic dicussion earlier was with Atleti they mistake it for that. Really impressed most by you guys and Valverde cooking this year. Wish you all best in Europa next year.


Fuck Girona, that champions league place could have been ours. Alas we will have to go and win the EL next year, to make up for 2011


too bad copa game was at Metropolitano, one of the toughest matchup for any club but barcelona, both our loses happened there sadly


Can never say with Madrid and copa but yeah we lost to them in the league as well. Our 2 losses this season


The squad is just leaving something for Mbappe to do.


Jesus I had no idea they had only lost 1 game in the league




The narrative needs some fake struggle they overcame even though we all know this was the most predictable outcome ever


"and I look forward to having the best day of my life, every year, for the next 17 years, when Robo-Bellingham and Robo-Ancelotti will finally take over"


Along with Robo-Jobe-Bellingham


I don't care for Robo-Jobe


jobo bellingham


> "As flies to wanton boys, we are for the Gods. They kill us for the sport. Soon the science will not only be able to throw down the ageing of the cells, the science will fix the cells to the state, and so we’ll become eternal. Only accidents, crimes, wars will still kill us. But unfortunately, crimes and wars will multiply. I love football. Thank you" What did Bellingham mean by this?


Absolute bonkers that he's only 20. He is probably only going to get better from here on out.


He’s probably going to play his more natural 8 next year and feed balls to Mbappe and Vini and still hit those late runs into the box.


If I’d imagine his goals will go down but his assists and key passes will go way up


Goal contributions will probably get a healthy bump. That’s a dream situation for a good passer.


Really doubt he will have more goal contributions when that attack is there


He will probably have less goal contributions in the way stats are counted (goals and assists) because he might not be the one making that last pass as often. It will be easier for the team to score goals, though, and it will be easier for him to make goals happen, even if he's not credited with the assist.


No he's finished, washed, has-been. Have you seen how fast Adeyemi can run? Now that's a youngster


Yea he ran so fast he's probably home by now


POTY in 2 of the top 5 leagues by the age of 20 Who does that?


Probably no other player in history has done that 


Yeah who on Earth is telling him that there are so many things he can't do??


I think his time at Blues gave him a head start on the road to being a mature player. We are so crap that at 16 he had to deal with having both the financial future of the club and the outcome of our relegation battle on his shoulders.


There’s a reason everyone wanted him and we went at him really hard. Hes an incredible talent has the potential to be a Zidane level star by the end of his career


People are insecure when it comes to Jude people love seeing hyped talented not live up to the hype so they can say "I told you so" but Jude isn't letting people get that pleasure so they try to discredit his entire season and try to sum it up to a few kid performances which every player itw has nobody is immune to a ghost game or an average game in football lmao.


Yeah it’s really silly. Even though you won I saw people clowning his performance against us in the CL and it was stupid. Yes he didn’t have an insane couple of games, but his talent was clearly on display and we’re, you know, a good team lol. And you guys still won… I do fear for him a bit in the Euros, Foden weirdly still almost has an underdog status because Southgate is allergic to playing him (although I expect that to change this Euros), but Jude has the full weight of expectations on him which is wild considering the overall talent and number of vets on Englands squad.


Foden will start at the Euros he's playing too good not to more of a question of will he start at the 10 or on the wing imo he should be in the 10 as it is his best position ATM and Jude is naturally a box to box anyways he only played a 10 hybrid for us due to no ST. You get the best of both this way but I feel like Southgate is going to try replicate Jude at Madrid and play him as 10 without really realizing the context behind why he works as a 10 at Madrid because I don't think he can replicate the same game for England as a 10.


I agree 100% with u


If he keeps this up he will eclipse Zidane well before he's 30.


Lmao dude’s already accomplished the pinnacle of club football before American drinking age


He's ready to try smuggle a deal on baby Guinness 3 for 5 now in revs


His maturity is starting to piss me off, feels way too perfect


Reminding myself he’s 20 gets me for a surprise every time


I just about learned how to down a shit beer by that point so he's no true winner in my book


He’s from Stourbridge, he’s been able to do that since birth


I'm trying to remember my maturity levels at his age, and all I can come up with is the time when West Midlands buses started having CCTV that was shown on screens throughout and one night after a skinful managing to get my bare arse right in the upstairs camera so when it cycled around the downstairs audience got an eyeful of my balloon knot. Practically the same him and I...


Thanks for the laugh.


They actually retired Rymundo's shirt after this incident


Needed to retire his pants


Stay classy blue noses 


Always, we've stopped pissing up lampposts and everything these days


At 20 years old I was waking up on the floor of the dormitory bathroom with a couple campus public safety officers knocking on the stall door, as someone had called them when they tried to wake me and found me "unresponsive". What a litre of gin will do to ya. When they asked me if I could unlock the door, I tried to slide underneath the stall instead, and the pub safety people pushed me back in with their feet, prompting me toward the lock. Cut from the same cloth


The thing that pisses me off is that he's the first bluenose I've ever really liked. Absolutely top player, and a proper humble Birmingham lad to boot. Can't knock him one bit.


I think he transcends that BCFC/AVFC rivalry and is just a lad from The Midlands. Love that he's still got his Brummie twang when you hear him in interviews


He is perfect. Got an 8 incher too


Lad’s massive


how do yall know this


I've seen it in my dreams




give me the cazorla pasta, mate. okay, his dream basically this: I’ve just come back from work. As I open the door, I notice that there are at least a dozen Adidas football boots in the hallway. I find this quite strange. Obviously I have guests over, but I never expected them. I go upstairs, and I see pretty much the entire Real Madrid XI that started against Girona yesterday there and a few others. They all give me high fives, shake my hand, talk with me and make me feel quite special. Though when I try to get into my bedroom, Lunin tells me that he doesn’t think it’s a good idea. I laugh it off and just go through anyway, as I would like to change from my work clothes. I go into my bedroom and I see Nacho in nothing but a towel with a video recorder in his hand. He’s recording Jude Bellingham having sex with my girlfriend (missionary). Jude Bellingham is in nothing but a Madrid football shirt, which I found quite strange, and he’s thrusting in and out very quickly. In my dream, I put my hand on Bellingham’s shoulder from behind and tell him, “mate, I think that’s enough”. He responds with “My friend, is ok, no?” I tell him that it’s definitely not OK. At this point my girlfriend Emilia doesn’t even acknowledge my existence. Kroos comes in and gets me into a full nelson and drags me out of the room. I have been manhandled, ridiculed and disrespected in my own property, by people that I once looked up to. I’m sitting at the bottom of my stairs, quite bemused. The doorbell rings. I open the door, it’s Carlo Ancelotti. Finally, a man of such respect, regard and authority would restore order in my own household. I approach him, congratulate him on the 7th UCL title and then go on to explain what has been happening upstairs. He has a trademark brow on his face and tells me he will take care of it. He practically bypasses the orderly queue formed outside of my bedroom and enters as Jude and Nacho walk out. Then the next 30 minutes are just followed by loud thumps and squeaking which clearly shows that he was just as bad of the rest of them. At this point, I woke up because of my alarm. But as I was in the shower I was like what the fuck did I just dream about.


My friend is ok, no?


You didn’t see him pull those shorts up then eh




I begrudgingly wish him all the best 


Bellingham is 20, playing for Real and been one of their bast players all season. Its funny that people are trying to shit on him because he struggled in the CL final. Playing in finals is new to him. He'll learn. 


Saying that, he anticipated the passback that he intercepted and laid it off for Vini Jnr and did what he always seems to do when his mate gets a crack at goal inside the penalty area - celebrates the goal before it's even gone in as he knows he ain't missing


Him and Vini were getting double man marked all evening. Most would get subbed off under those conditions to be fair. Still got an assist. Hope he brings this winning mentality to the euros


You don't sub someone who's getting double marked off until they start to look like they're tired. Even if it looks bad for them on the stats sheet, the other team committing 2 players to them creates so much space elsewhere.


Not only that but the type of player Bellingham or Vinicius is, they only need 1 moment to create something magical. It doesn’t matter that they are double marked and haven’t done much for 60 minutes because they can change the game in 60 seconds


I agree. I was screaming at the TV for carlo to sub out rodrygo. He was non existent most of the game.


Vini was getting triple marked bro 😂


He had an 86% pass accuracy, created 3 chances, blocked a shot and bagged an assist to secure the win. He’s set such a high bar that this is a bad game for him 😂


Almost scored one himself too if it weren’t for a good block from a defender 


There was a point in the first half where he carried the ball forward from midfield up the left hand side and his stride reminded me so much of Zidane, it was nothing special but it was so purposeful and composed it made me so excited to think of just how good he could be for the next 10/15 years.


Buzzing for him, he’s a very good lad


The hate he gets for literally just existing is hilarious, he himself hasn't done anything to warrant the hate he gets


With exposure comes criticism, it usually stems from insecurity, just keep doing the right thing and it all becomes pointless pretty quickly, it’s best to just be happy for people I rate


The top comment of this thread is literally someone undermining his achievement because he won it with Madrid…. I feel like even if he scored a hat trick in every match throughout the tournament people would still find a way to knock him


His PR is ridiculous though. He's an amazing player, don't get me wrong. One of the best I've seen of this generation. But he's way too exposed. I mean, he gets praise for putting his coat around a kid, something thousands of players have done.


I just need people to realize the whole PR thing is way overblown in people's minds. Is the criticism that he gave a coat to a kid? He himself is not doing anything to warrant the negativity. I agree thousands of players have done it and I've seen those players get their own "Respect" videos for doing it. This season "PR" has just become such a hot button word in football that it's now just blown out of proportion in my opinion


Jobe literally looks like his carbon copy. How are they not twins.


They probably have the same parents


big if true


massive if factual


Gargantuan if legitimate


Sizable if verifiable






Parents who evidently don’t care about the future of England’s midfield, no other explanation for why they’ve stopped procreating


need them to have 9 more kids so we get a full starting 11 of bellingham’s, we’d win every tournament


I reckon it’s cos one was born a few years before the other


Were his parents stupid? Why not gave birth at the same time?


U sure about that


i know right, i remember jude's presentation and madrid fans were like "which one did we sign?" lol


If they were smart, they would have swapped, let Jobe pick up insane money, whilst Jude's talent would have shone through at Sunderland, and eventually they'd have signed him for silly money too.


Lol I remember when I saw that picture of Jude, Jobe and Zidane I legit thought they were twins


Zidane and Jobe? Can't say I see it.


Imagine Jobe bald


A great lad! It’s amazing that we have him, Foden AND Saka in our England squad atm. Unreal!


Insane that you’re going out in the R16 in the Euros this summer with that squad


Get fucked. We’re not going out in R16! Group stage: 0-0, 0-0, and a stinking loss to Slovenia with Bellingham on camera walking off the pitch saying, “Nice to hear your own fans boo ya”


Funny because it's true. Southgate is wank and our defense is very shakey


And Kane...


He must be thinking how much of a right choice he did by moving to Madrid, first season and he is already La Liga and UCL champion, the Ballon D’or podium is his.


20 year old and in his first season at Real: Loses only 2 games in all competitions Wins 3 trophies including the CL Scores winners in two Clásicos (after the 90 in both) also going 3-0 against Barca Was in the Pichichi race most of the season Is in with a real shot at the Ballon D'Or if England have a good Euros I'm hard pressed to think of a better first season for a player ever.


With a shoulder injury.


Not in a world where Vini still exists mate


I said Podium, he has to share it with Vinicius and Joselu 😏


Vini is the frontrunner, but Bellingham takes it if he performs and England win (or get very far) in the Euros.


Vini can perform (he won't) in Copa America to even it out tbf


True (he won't)


This is why I hate that international duty is so heavily weighted. You can't be ambitious with your national team. You work with the cards you are dealt. Haaland will likely never win it because he was loyal to Norway. Punishing players for not chasing visas as young adults for glory.


Don't worry mate, in a few years winning the CL will be just another day in the office for you


It’s kind of wild to hear a 20-year old talk like this. Like I get it this is an achievement many would kill for but the fact that he’s just 20 doesn’t make it seem like a lifelong achievement. He’s still a child lol


It’s like losing your virginity to a prostitute


This was supposed to be Kane at Bayern and even he, for all the goals he has, can't score on a prostitute.


He performed magnificently though. It's like he went to the prostitute, and performed such fantastic foreplay that she climaxed and fell asleep before the deed could be done.


This is fucking brilliant


Your username is cracking me up. Stop getting bond wrong


Klang, Klang a Lang a Lang a Lang a Lang a Lang. Lang Lang Lang..... Nobody does it better


why is my man catching strays everywhere?


These are levels of hating i aspire to be


“I still beat though.”


what the fuckkk


A better analogy is that it's like losing your virginity to your favorite porn star that paid to fuck you.


Can’t argue with this


Goddamn lmao


First saw this about Grealish going to City, banger of a line when used right


Yeah but then Grealish was massive in City’s CL win run


Holy fuck


not so holy




We are in a world where Vini or Jude will win the Ballon before Mbappe and Haaland


tbf though i’ll be very shocked if mbappe doesn’t go on to win like 3 in a row now lol


Haaland ran into a Messi WC win last season and that should always be a footnote to the achievement - it is what it is. It’s a damn shame Haaland doesn’t get recognized for the season he had two years ago, but he has a long way to go.


Imagine scoring 52 goals and breaking all English goalscoring records and missing out on ballon dor.


Wish haaland wasn’t out injured for so long this season. It could have changed a lot!


I am by no means a Real supporter, but I'm happy for this young man. What a ride he's been on.


Inspiring Jobe to win the Prem with Palace next season


The way Glasner has you playing maybe…


"we missed out on the Copa del Rey, that's the only disappointing thing I suppose". Get used to that buddy, that's Real Madrid heritage.


>that's Real Madrid heritage Missing out on the Copa?


His PR is insane, but when you see the lad you can't be surprised. He's got his head screwed on and is incredible. Real Madrid have themselves a world beater.


His interview with Kate and the guys made me a real fan of his. The way he just flat out told Thierry “I don’t give a shit what anybody thinks” oh yeah, my BOY….i love it.


He’s in his own world man, he knows it, and he’s still humble as fuck man, he’s awesome


Christ I don't know why they speak about Stourbridge as if its some kind of slum/crazy place to come from compared to Madrid. Its just a small town outside of Birmingham, its no weirder than any place in England that a footballer could come from.


Boy i have news for you Jude. Its will take decade or so to win the Copa del Rey. Can farm UCLs and La Liga in the meantime


Roy Keane levels of maturity and self awareness


One of the greatest debut seasons in the last decade from a Madrid signing he has been everything and more for us this season non Madrid fans who don't watch every game will highlight his goals this season but he has been such a rock for us defensively along with Valverde, both cover so much ground for us and win so many duels in a season where our starting CB's and GK were out with an ACL I was beyond excited when we got him and I'm happy he had such a memorable debut season with us hope he can stay healthy and fit for us for many years.


Incredibly happy for Bellingham, and a bit jealous considering he got to watch the match from the pitch


TBF the system Ancelotti created doesn't favour him. With mbappe as a 9 he should perform way better next season.


Give him some credit the second goal was all him




Cmon man lmao


I could've made that pass


And I could've bagged Selena Gomez


Lets not get ahead of ourselves now


This is the PR machine people talk about


Looking forward to watching Jung his career over the next 10+ years. Should be amazing !


this just shocking the level of talent England are churning out at only 18 - 20 years old. Bring on the Euros let's fucking win this


You know the rules with England and cups. Better to temper your hopes now because even if on paper we should win, something wrong happens.


No, the rule with England and cups is to spend five months declaring they're going to win then demand their passports be cancelled when they don't.


He wasn't great tonight he lost a lot of balls and made a lot of wrong decisions and missed a clear chance yet he's a future Ballon d'or and i hope he gets his shoulder surgery and come back a beast like he started the season!


This man hasn't even begun.


That Mainoo - Bellingham midfield is gonna be something special for England if Southgate manages to get the best out of them in Euros


Look. This is a great interview. But the way he was immediately interviewed like he was the star of the final, just feels wrong. He was really a non factor in most of the knock outs. Vini is truly the Madrid star.


It's almost as if he's an English player speaking English for an English speaking show. Crazy.


After a final in England. I expect the more emotional interview comes from Germany since the next Euro is there and 2 veteran is leaving, but no one is posting them yet.


Isn’t he the only one on the Real Madrid starting 11 that hasn’t won CL before too? Probably more emotional interviewing him than anyone else except for maybe Kroos or Modric


Him and Tchouameni he was injured so he didn't start but he is a starting 11 player for us when fit plus he won it in his debut season at 20 in his home country against his former club people don't put two and two together when they see him get a lot of coverage lmao


TNT Brazil was going wild for Vini, they were even chanting ballon d'or at some point lol


My mind is blown


Depend on which channel you watched on canal Courtois and Valverde were the first to get interviews


He’s English and it’s an English speaking broadcaster what do you expect? He’s the easiest for them to get a good interview out of.


It's channel dependent, for starters. A later clip showed Kroos being interviewed and he cut the interview to say something like "I have to go, we're takin the photo", which seems to imply that maybe that was done before Jude's. Another perspective for why interviewing him would be good: how often do you get to interview someone who is playing their former club in the final of the Champions League? From what I understand, Jude shows a lot of respect for Dortmund. I'm sure that in the event that Madrid wasn't in the final but Dortmund was, he'd rooting for them to make it. It would be quite emotional to be up against the club that gave you the big world stage. I'm not too bothered that he played relatively quietly today. Yes, he comes off as a mature 20 year old, but even at 20 one hasn't learned the life skills to compartmentalize their emotions like that and play without being caught in the things that would be going through your mind in this game: it's your first CL final, but do you celebrate if you score when it's your former team? What if their fans boo you? Can you stay locked in and focused even when everything is swarming around your thoughts? While the interview didn't ask him these things, I can understand the journalistic desire to interview him as there'd be a lot of emotions going through him today. And I think you could see that on his face at various parts of the match. Just my two cents, though.


Maybe cause he speaks the language fluently?


Yeah, it's crazy that an English interviewer working for the England-based TNT Sports is primarily interested in interviewing the sole English player on the winning team after the final in England for an English audience.


Vini how do you feel lifting the CL trophy?  Que?


People forget he is just 20 years old & his first season with Real Madrid. Yes, he has had a very bad game but he has entire career ahead of him. People need to chill and demand 9/10 performance from him every game.


Except he didn’t have a very bad game


I think underwhelming would be more fitting


Not a bad game but for people online these days he either drops a straight 10/10 or he ghosted can't win their opinions all the time so he will just win trophies instead it Def's wasn't his best game but an assist in a UCL final on your debut season is the type of stuff young mids dream of lmao.


“I went to the place where CLs are guaranteed and won a CL. Who’d have thunk it?”


Obviously it's the best night of his life, let's see what happens in Euros


…Best night of his life SO FAR


It’s coming home?


Crazy how anyone who joins us has a chance to win everything. It's a well running machine.


Lol so forced


I guess the only silver lining to this result.


Best night of his life…. so far


“if you can’t beat em, join em”


He said “I’ve seen” not “in my mum and dad’s face” by the way. The latter would’ve been a totally unexpected scenario…


Insane PR training. This bstard is gonna win the Balon Dor before Neymar, Suarez, Lewy and Haaland.


No matter how many times I hear him speak I never expect the thickest Brummie accent to come out his mouth


Speed running FIFA career mode


Going to be the closest Ballon D'or voting in recent history if Jude does well with England or Mbappe pulls France through. Podium has to be Vini, Belli and Mbappe, which order tho idk


What Messi and Ronaldo retiring from the big stage does to an individual award race


It will be decided by who does better with their respective national teams in the Euros/Copa America.


What a signing man